Government Moves to Next Phase of Engagement with Indigenous Groups on TMX Project, Names Chair of Advisory Committee

August 9, 2019 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance Canada

On June 18, 2019, the Government approved the Trans Mountain Expansion Project and made the commitment that every dollar it earns from the Project will be invested in Canada's clean energy transition.

At the same time, a number of Indigenous communities have expressed interest in participating economically in the Project—such as through equity and revenue sharing—which the Government has said can be an important step on the path toward reconciliation.

To that end, today Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced the launch of an engagement process with Indigenous communities aimed at determining what that potential economic participation could look like.

To ensure this process is successful, Minister Morneau also announced the appointment of Linda Coady to lead an Advisory Committee of experts. Other members will be announced shortly. The committee will provide guidance and support to the Government as it advances its engagement work and hears from interested Indigenous communities.

The Government intends for the engagement process to be open and fair. Discussions with Indigenous communities will be guided by the following principles:

  • That the potentially impacted Indigenous communities along the pipeline route have an opportunity for meaningful economic participation in the Project;
  • That participation of Indigenous communities could help the economic development of their communities in keeping with the spirit of reconciliation;
  • That the Government invested in Trans Mountain to benefit all Canadians; and,
  • That the TMX Project will be built and operated on a commercial basis.

Minister Morneau sent letters on July 9 to the 129 potentially impacted Indigenous communities, or their delegates, that might have an interest in securing economic partnership in the Project.

The letters outline that the Government will host discussions in Ottawa, Victoria, Vancouver, Kamloops, and Edmonton during August. Indigenous communities are invited to participate and provide additional information about how to pursue the engagement process. Indigenous communities that are unable to attend in-person may arrange to meet by teleconference or to submit views in writing. This step will also allow for input from other interested parties, including the general public.


"The Trans Mountain Expansion Project presents a real economic opportunity – for Canadians, and for Indigenous communities. With the approval of the Project, we can begin discussions with the many communities that may be interested in becoming partners in getting Canada's natural resources to market. Our Government looks forward to moving the Project forward in a way that reflects our commitment to reconciliation."

- Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance

Quick Facts

  • The Government of Canada is committed to explore, through an engagement process, additional Indigenous economic participation in the TMX Project.
  • Specifically, the Government is exploring possibilities separate from any commercial participation that Indigenous communities may have with Trans Mountain Corporation in the Project. Such commercial arrangements with Trans Mountain Corporation could include property taxes, mutual benefit payments, procurement, employment, as well as other possibilities.
  • The Advisory Committee will support the Government of Canada in its engagement with the Indigenous communities. The Committee will provide advice and recommendations on the Government's engagement process and, particularly, on the subsequent steps of that process.

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Office of the Minister of Finance

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Department of Finance Canada

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Biographical Note

Linda Coady

Linda Coady was Chief Sustainability Officer from 2013 to 2018 for Enbridge Inc., one of North America's largest energy infrastructure companies delivering oil and natural gas and operating and investing in utilities, power and renewable energy.

Prior to joining Enbridge, she was Vice-President of Sustainability for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games, Vice President of Pacific Region for World Wildlife Fund Canada, Vice President of Environmental Enterprise for the BC Coastal Group of forest companies Weyerhaeuser Canada and MacMillan Bloedel, and a Distinguished Fellow at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia.

She also served as a member of the 2015 Climate Advisory Panel to the Government of Alberta, and in 2018 as Co-Chair of the Government of Canada's Generation Energy Council on Canada's energy future a generation from now.

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