Our Branches

Economic Development and Corporate Finance Branch

The Economic Development and Corporate Finance (EDCF) Branch is responsible for advising the Minister on microeconomic, regional and sectoral issues and policies that contribute to higher productivity and economic growth in Canada. The Branch provides advice to support the Minister’s participation in Cabinet, and the development of the government’s budget.

Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch

The Branch analyzes Canada's economic and fiscal situation and outlook. It also provides the Minister with analytical support on a wide range of economic and fiscal issues.

Federal-Provincial Relations and Social Policy Branch

The Branch provides policy advice to the Minister on federal-provincial financial relations and social policy issues and their economic and fiscal implications. It also administers the major federal-provincial transfer programs.

Financial Sector Policy Branch

The Branch is responsible for providing policy analysis on Canada's financial sector and on the regulation of federally chartered financial institutions (banks, trust companies, insurance companies, credit unions and other financial institutions). It also manages the federal government's borrowing program and provides support to the Minister regarding Crown corporation borrowings and financial market and exchange rate policy.

International Trade and Finance Branch

The International Trade and Finance Branch supports a strong and stable global economy through its work with international finance, trade and development institutions. It manages the Department’s input to G7/G20 economic issues for which the Minister of Finance holds responsibility and advises the Minister on a broad range of international issues respecting Canada’s foreign, development, trade and border policies.

Law Branch

The Law Branch manages and administers all legal services to the Department of Finance. It provides legal advice and legislative services with respect to a range of areas, including financial institutions, federal financial transfers to the provinces and territories, tax policy, trade issues, securities and capital markets regulation, financial administration and Crown corporations, as well as the development and implementation of the federal budget. It also instructs on and monitors major litigation of concern to the Department, including litigation with potential significant fiscal implications.

Tax Policy Branch

The Tax Policy Branch is responsible for the development and evaluation of federal taxation policies and legislation in the areas of personal income tax, business income tax, and sales and excise tax. The actual collection of taxes and interpretation of tax law are the responsibility of the Canada Revenue Agency.

Consultations and Communications Branch

The Consultations and Communications Branch provides communications advice to the Department, handles media relations and public consultations and assists in the development and announcement of policy initiatives, from the signing of tax treaties to the federal budget. The Branch is also responsible for the Department’s Parliamentary Relations Division and for Finance Canada’s web site and multimedia services.

Corporate Services Branch

The Corporate Services Branch provides service and support to the Department in the areas of administration, corporate planning, financial management, human resources, and information management and technology.

Internal Audit and Evaluation

This team supports the Deputy Minister and senior management in attaining the strategic objectives of the Department by providing them with objective, independent, and evidence-based information, assurance, and advice on the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of departmental activities. Internal Audit and Evaluation uses an open and risk-based planning process, following professional standards in all aspects of its work.