Memorandum of Cooperation between the CNSC and the U.S. NRC

The CNSC and U. S. NRC sign a Memorandum of Cooperation to enhance technical reviews of advanced and small modular reactor technologies

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Women in STEM

The CNSC recently launched a Women in STEM initiative.

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Notice of public hearing and participant funding offering

Participant funding is currently available for several opportunities. Please visit our Participant Funding Program Opportunities page to learn more about the projects and application deadlines, and to access the application form.

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Latest News

September 4, 2019
  • Results confirm the public and the environment around the site are protected.
September 3, 2019
  • The mission will run from September 3 to 13, 2019.
August 30, 2019
  • The changes do not result in new or increased obligations for licensees.
  • Results confirm the public and the environment around the site are protected.
August 22, 2019
  • REGDOC-1.1.5, Supplemental Information for Small Modular Reactor Proponents provides guidance on information to be provided in support of an application for a small modular reactor facility
August 15, 2019
  • The regulatory document does not contain new requirements. The revision reflects administrative changes, which were made to align existing content with the CNSC’s updated naming convention and format for regulatory documents
  • The memorandum will help both regulators to enhance technical reviews of advanced and small modular reactor technologies.



(The CNSC logo appears on the screen and rotates. After a moment, the logo becomes centered and the Canada 150 logo fades in below. The CNSC logo then rotates up and text appears in between the two logos).

Text on screen: Canada’s Nuclear Regulator.

A static image of seven staff members is presented with the caption “We are the CNSC – Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission".

A static image of a CNSC inspector using a monitoring tool is presented with the caption “We regulate all nuclear facilities and activities in Canada".

A static image of a CNSC staff member conducting research in a lab is presented with the caption “Our workforce and scientific technical experts".

A static image of seven diverse staff members is presented with the caption “is composed of students, visible minorities, and individuals from many ethnic groups. All play an important role in achieving our mandate".

A static image of an Indigenous community in Canada is presented with the caption “We reach out to the Indigenous Peoples and youth of Canada through our Outreach Program and Participant Funding Program".

A static image of two members from the public speaking at a Commission hearing is presented with the caption “To provide information and opportunities to participate in our regulatory proceedings".

A static image of a CNSC staff member conducting an environmental assessment in a swamp is presented with the caption “The CNSC".

A static image of a CNSC staff member conducting an environmental assessment in a river is presented with the caption “has the regulatory power to protect the environment".

A static image of a CNSC staff member conducting an environmental assessment in a river is presented with the caption “this crucial responsibility is reflected in all our licences".

A static image of two CNSC inspectors at a nuclear facility is presented with the caption “Environmental protection is rigorously enforced by our regulatory processes and actions".

A static image of nine CNSC staff members is presented with the caption “We are proud to be serving Canadians".

A static image of two CNSC staff members at a nuclear facility are presented with the caption “by ensuring nuclear safety in Canada".

A static image of a forest with a river running through it is presented with the caption “and contributing to Canada’s success story".

(The CNSC logo appears on the screen and rotates. After a moment, the logo becomes centered and the Canada 150 logo fades in below. The CNSC logo then rotates up and text appears in between the two logos).

Text on screen: We will never compromise safety.

YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook logos representing the CNSC’s social media accounts.

Upcoming Commission proceedings

Recent Decisions

  • July 25, 2019
    Decision on the request from Orano Canada to renew its uranium mine licence for its Cluff Lake Project
    News release
  • June 26, 2019
    Decision on the request from Best Theratronics Limited to renew its Class IB nuclear processing facility operating licence
    News release | Record of decision
  • April 5, 2019
    Decision on the application by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd. for the amendment of the Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project licence
    Record of Decision
  • April 5, 2019
    Decision on the request from Nordion to transfer their nuclear substance processing facility operating licence
    Record of decision
  • April 4, 2019
    Decision on the request from Canadian Nuclear Laboratories to separate their waste decommissioning licence for Douglas Point, Gentilly-1 and Nuclear Power Demonstration into three licences
    Record of decision
  • September 27, 2018
    Decision on the request to renew Bruce Power’s nuclear power reactor operating licence for the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station
    News release | Record of decision (PDF 768 kb) | Errata (PDF 91 kb)
  • August 8, 2018
    Decision on OPG’s application to renew the operating licence for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
    News release | Record of decision | Errata (PDF 89 kb)
  • August 1, 2018
    Decision on the request from Canadian Nuclear Laboratories to renew the nuclear research and test establishment decommissioning licence for the Whiteshell Laboratories
    Record of decision

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President and Chief Executive Officer

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