CanadianPMCompte certifié


Official Twitter account of Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada – Terms: – Français:

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Inscrit en mai 2008


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  1. il y a 7 heures

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on the anniversary of 9/11 and the National Day of Service:

  2. il y a 16 heures

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on the results of the provincial election in Manitoba:

  3. 9 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces a new member of the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency:

  4. 8 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on International :

  5. a retweeté
    6 sept.

    Atlantic Canada: make sure you know what to do if hits

  6. a retweeté
    6 sept.

    For these members of the , the is home. Last month in , , they shared their perspectives on living in the North and their aspirations for its future.

  7. 5 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces a new Lieutenant Governor for New Brunswick:

  8. 4 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discusses rural broadband high-speed internet access with small business owners today in Owen Sound, Ontario.

  9. 4 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces the appointment of Dominic Barton as Canada’s Ambassador to China:

  10. a retweeté
    3 sept.

    Canada is announcing up to $500,000 in emergency assistance to support experienced humanitarian organizations in the aftermath of in the Bahamas.

    Afficher cette discussion
  11. a retweeté
    2 sept.

    The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive has launched and you can now apply! For more info:

  12. 2 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, accompanied by Minister Filomena Tassi, participates in Labour Day activities in Hamilton, Ontario.

  13. 2 sept.

    “Canadians are thinking of all those in the Bahamas impacted by Hurricane Dorian’s destruction. We’re ready to provide support if needed. And I urge everyone still in the storm’s path to stay safe & follow instructions from local authorities.”—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

  14. 2 sept.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on Labour Day:

  15. 2 sept.

    Congratulations to the athletes who represented Canada at the !

  16. 31 août

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on the death of Dennis Fentie, former Premier of Yukon:

  17. 30 août

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with Mayor today in Vancouver.

  18. 29 août

    Working with BC to help power the natural gas sector with clean electricity will help: ✔️reduce greenhouse gas emissions ✔️create jobs ✔️make the province a supplier of the cleanest natural gas in the world

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  19. 29 août

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier John Horgan affirm their joint commitment to power British Columbia’s natural gas production and liquefied natural gas sectors with clean electricity:

    Afficher cette discussion
  20. 29 août

    Watch live: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes an announcement with Premier John Horgan in Surrey, BC.


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