Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

The Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a progressive trade agreement that upholds and promotes the values that Canada shares with the EU. This landmark agreement was signed on October 30, 2016 and entered into force on September 21, 2017.


Services and information

Agreement overview

Learn about what CETA covers and what it delivers.

Chapter summaries

A chapter-by-chapter guide to the key provisions of the Agreement.


Learn about the major events and key milestones of the Agreement so far.

Final text of the Agreement (2016)

Read the final text of CETA signed by Canada and the EU.

Joint Interpretative Instrument

Statement by Canada and the European Union and its member states interpreting a number of CETA provisions.

Myths and realities

Check the facts and learn about the misperceptions concerning free trade agreements and CETA.

Statement on implementation

Canada’s summary and interpretation of CETA text, and how we will implement it.

CETA Governance and Committees

Follow developments related to CETA governance, including meetings of the Joint Committee and the specialized committees.


Benefits for businesses

Learn about CETA’s benefits for Canadian businesses and how the Trade Commissioner Service can help you.

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