The Minister of National Defence Announces the Launch of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security

Ottawa, Ontario, October 1, 2018 –The Government of Canada is committed to protecting Canadians from cyber threats.

Today the Minister of National Defence, the Honorable Harjit S. Sajjan, announced the official launch of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (the Cyber Centre), Canada’s national authority on cyber security and cyber threat responses.

The Cyber Centre—part of the Communications Security Establishment—is a key initiative under Canada’s recently released National Cyber Security Strategy.  Cyber security experts from CSE, Public Safety and Shared Services will join together to form the foundation of the Cyber Centre. 

The Centre will be the central trusted government source of information, advice and guidance for Canadian enterprises, critical infrastructure owners and operators, and Canadians. The Centre’s experts will collaborate with industry and academic partners to tackle the toughest cyber security challenges Canada is facing.  The Centre will exist virtually until fully operational in a publicly accessible facility, located within the national capital region, in 2019.

The Government of Canada believes that the Cyber Centre’s role in bolstering Canada’s cyber defences will help promote a safe and secure cyber space and the security, stability and prosperity of our country.


“Our government is committed to protecting Canadians from cyber threats and safeguarding their digital privacy. The launch of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security is an important milestone for Canada that will build on our already world-class cyber security expertise. This new Centre will mean stronger cyber protection, defence, and security for our government, the private sector and all Canadians.”

Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan

“Information protection is not new to CSE as we have been in this business for over 70 years. We have been working hard to protect Canadians for decades longer than they have known we existed. In our line of business, priorities shift with changing technological advances. The government has entrusted CSE with the fundamentally important role of protecting Canada and Canadians in an increasingly digital world. The Cyber Centre is a key initiative of the government’s approach to defence and cyber security.”

Shelly Bruce, Chief, CSE

“The launch of the Cyber Centre is an important first step in the government’s readiness to respond to cyber threats in a more coordinated and effective manner. The Cyber Centre has brought together the government’s leading-edge cyber security operational talent from Public Safety, Shared Services Canada and CSE to be a unified and trusted source for cyber security information for the country.”

Scott Jones, Head of Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, CSE

Quick Facts

  • Together with Canada’s industry, academic, and government partners, the Cyber Centre will be best-placed to take on evolving, complex cyber security challenges. With the Cyber Centre, Canadians will have a clear and trusted place to turn to for cyber security issues.
  • The Cyber Centre will focus on:
    • Informing Canada and Canadians about cyber security matters, as a single, clear, trusted source of information on cyber security for Canadians and Canadian businesses;
    • Protecting Canadians’ cyber security interests through targeted advice, specific guidance, direct hands-on assistance, and strong collaborative partnerships;
    • Developing and sharing specialized cyber defence technologies and tools resulting in better cyber security for all Canadians;
    • Defending cyber systems, including government systems, by deploying sophisticated cyber defence solutions;
    • Acting as the operational leader and government spokesperson during cyber security events.
  • The Cyber Centre will ensure better-coordinated and coherent Government responses to cyber threats that will result in Canadians having quicker, more effective information flow between the Government and private sector partners, while serving as a clear national point of contact on authoritative cyber security advice and assistance.
  • The Cyber Centre will provide enhanced public awareness and education about cyber security, and more regular cyber threat assessments to better inform decision-making, and will also improve cyber security skills sharing and information.
  • From Public Safety Canada, all functions of the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre (CCIRC) and the Get Cyber Safe public awareness campaign have been transferred to the Cyber Centre.  From Shared Services Canada, many of the functions of the Security Operations Centre have been transferred to the Cyber Centre. Finally, from CSE, the entire IT Security branch has been transformed to become part of the Cyber Centre.
  • CSE officials have been busy planning and coordinating the launch the Cyber Centre. This includes:
    • Managing the technical, operational, and logistical challenges required to amalgamate employees from three separate government departments;
    • Aligning cyber security operations and resources to deliver on the Cyber Centre’s mandate;
    • Engagement between human resources and CSE senior executives to work with all employees, in order to ensure a smooth transition to their new roles and responsibilities;
    • Securing a new location within the National Capital Region for the Cyber Centre facility, which is expected to be operational in summer 2019;
    • Leading the Get Cyber Safe public awareness campaign; and
    • Launching an external website for the general public, industry, and stakeholders.

Associated Links

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security

National Cyber Security Strategy

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