Maximum Pensionable Earnings and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Amounts for 1997 to 2015 The Maximum Pensionable Earnings and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) rates and amounts for the tax years 1997 to 2015. 2014-11-05 2016-12-01 Canada Revenue Agency Economics and IndustryCanada Revenue AgencyCRACanada Pension PlanCPPMaximum Pensionable EarningsCPP rateCPP basic exemptionEmployee contribution rate Maximum Pensionable Earnings and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Amounts for 1997 to 2015 CSV

Maximum Pensionable Earnings and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Amounts for 1997 to 2015

The Maximum Pensionable Earnings and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) rates and amounts for the tax years 1997 to 2015.


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Maximum Pensionable Earnings and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Amounts for 1997 to 2015 Dataset CSV English

Comments (23)

Terrible! I'm attempting to find simple information on pensionable earnings and maximum CPP payments. Where is it??????

Hi Doug, Unfortunately this is the wrong comment section to find information about CPP. You can find information on CPP at the following website: Additionally, you may also contact the team responsible for CPP if you have specific questions: Regards, Momin Open Government

I was receiving a higher amount of CPP when I was disabled & under 65. I am now 65 and still disabled & my CPP is now $240. less per month. As I age I become more disabled. Not less! Before I turned 65 I also received a small disability pension, which has now ended, but I now get OAS, which covers that difference. But I am still short the $240. difference between the CPP Disability amount & the CPP for over 65. Disabled Canadians over 65 need more CPP, not less!

Hi Kathy, Unfortunately this is the wrong comment section to ask questions about your CPP and OAS. I would recommend you contact the team responsible for those services directly. You can find their contact information on this page: Best Regards, Momin Open Government

I understand that it takes up to nine months to get approval for GIS application. Bearing in mind that it's a vulnerable sector who's making this application. Why the long wait? What is the service standard for Service Canada?

Hi Raj, Thank you for your comment. It was forwarded to the data owner, I will post their response here once I receive it. Regards, Momin Open Government

I want to know MPE for 2017

Hi Mumtazali, Thank you for your comment. I have forwarded your inquiry to the data owner. Regards, Momin The Open Government team

The MPE for 2017 is $55,300.00. For more information, see our webpage CPP contribution rates, maximums and exemptions on the CRA website. The Open Government team on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency

WHEN is this O A Pension,going to be up dated to cost of living,as it sits we are all geting less than the homeless in edmonton,are CPP & OAP are not up to the cost of living,we are all below the poverty line? homeless get free health care at no cost ! wake up parlamemt!

I am getting $247 CPP monthly, and I am 67 years old. My OAS is only $199. I will soon begin to get some GIS that I am eligible for, after I applied in January 2017. I retired in September 2016. My question is: Will my CPP be affected if I find a part-time job? or the tax margin would be increased as being on low income resident? Could you please provide me with a link to find answers to my question? Thanks in advance.

Hi, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, including statistics on OAS and CPP but are not the correct contact for answers related to these services. I recommend you browse the OAS website: If you cannot find your answers there, I would then recommend you contact OAS. They will be able to address your inquiry more accurately: I hope this helps! Momin, the Open Government team.

I just started collecting CPP in Oct 2016. The amount is direct deposit into my bank account. I cannot find anywhere in the system what "my" benefit payment is. I have looked arouind the CPP website and my government account. I can find my tax slip which tells me what was paid for the year but not the check amount. Your website has a "range" table but that's it. I can see what is deposited in my bank but cannot recall what the tax withholding % is. There should be somewhere that this information can be seen. It's not like it has not yet already been calculated!

Hi Jacques, this comment system leads to the team responsible for transparency and accountability work in the public service. We host datasets and records about many things, but we do not deal with personal CPP accounts. I would recommend that you contact the Employment and Social Development Canada at the following contact: I hope this helps. Momin, the Open Government team.

Where is the MPE for 2016?????????

Hi, thank you for your question. This dataset is meant to show a historical account of MPE from 1997 to 2015. For the 2016 MPE please visit the following site: Momin, Open Government team.

You used to have a very nice payment CALENDAR for CPP and OAS (not a list an actual calendar) you also had a page showing beginning and maximum amounts payable for both, and income amount cut offs, can't seem to find any of those benefit info pages, so probably won't be using your site again.

Judy, Sorry you didn’t find what you were looking for on the Canada site. You have ended up in the open data portal - I suggest that you check here for the benefits calendar: and here for the amounts: In general, benefits information from the Government of Canada can be found here: Hope this is helpful Judy. Karin - open-ouvert team

I have been trying to find the historical increases in CPP for 1980 to 2016 and have been unable to locate that information. Can you direct me to that information. Thanks

The CRA’s role is limited to administering CPP contributions as part of payroll taxes. However, Service Canada, who, in conjunction with Economic and Social Development Canada has created a table of CPP maximum monthly rates of benefits from 1967 onwards. This can be found at: Hope this is helpful! Karin - the Open-ouvert Team

If I retire from work at age 57 and don't collect CPP till age 60 is it a benefit to me to contribute the maxium CPP contribution through to age 60? and How much would that be for 2017, 2018 2019 ?

I really appreciate the handy information from CRA's website! It's worthy the tax payment! :-) Thank you so much for those who work behind the screen.

We are happy you like these services. Thank you for these kind words, we’ll forward them to the team at Canada Revenue Agency. Thank you.