Culture, history and sport

Learn about Canada's culture, identity, history and sports, as well as funding opportunities available to Canadian artists, athletes and organizations. Discover our national landmarks and attractions and show your pride for Canada by taking part in the many cultural events, celebrations and commemorations.

Services and information

Funding - Culture, history and sport

View a list of Government of Canada funding opportunities related to culture, history and sport.

Events, celebrations and commemorations

Participate in our national events and celebrations and join us in commemorating people and chapters from Canadian history.

Cultural landmarks and attractions

Experience nature in one of Canada's national parks, discover cultural traditions at a historic site, or visit national treasures in Canada's Capital region.

Canadian identity and society

Get a better understanding and appreciation of the events, experiences, people and emblems that reflect and have shaped Canada's history and identity.


Learn how our sport programs provide Canadians with access to sport as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, and help athletes participate and succeed in competitions.

History and heritage

Discover the institutions that help preserve Canada's history and heritage and make the collections and resources accessible to the Canadian public and professionals.

Arts and media

Explore funding opportunities, and information and services available in the arts and media industries, including festivals, music, book publishing, film and more.

Cultural youth programs

Enjoy learning and adventure, friendship and discovery as you take part in student or graduate jobs, internships and language immersion programs.

Cultural trade and investment

Discover the programs, policies and regulations in place to support the acquisition or preservation of cultural objects and media industries for the long-term benefit of Canadians.


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