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972 consultations found

Title Status Subject Date Range Start Date End Date Organization Description What We Heard Report
Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 26: Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulations Open - accepting input Health | Policy June 29, 2019 to Sept 12, 2019 2019-06-29 2019-09-12 Health Canada A notice has been printed in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on June 29, 2019, publishing the Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulations (the Regulations) proposed under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. This Notice initiates a 75-day comment period, ending on September 12, 2019, that provides interested stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the proposed Regulations and the proposed Directive Concerning Formaldehyde Emission Testing (the Directive). The proposed Regulations set out limits for the amount of formaldehyde that can be emitted from composite wood products used indoors. Manufacturers, importers, and retailers of composite wood products have regulatory requirements. The proposed Directive provides enforceable and technical guidance needed for meeting the formaldehyde emission testing requirements set out in the proposed Regulations. The purpose of these Regulations is to help reduce formaldehyde exposure in Canadian homes and the risk of the adverse health impacts.
Notice - Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: E19 Optimisation of Safety Data Collection Open - accepting input Health | Policy May 31, 2019 to Sept 13, 2019 2019-05-31 2019-09-13 Health Canada The above referenced draft guidance was released by the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Assembly for consultation and is being posted on the ICH website for information and comment in accordance with Step 2 of the ICH process.
Consultation on stock options Open - accepting input Taxes June 17, 2019 to Sept 16, 2019 2019-06-17 2019-09-16 Department of Finance Canada The Government is seeking stakeholder input on the characteristics of companies that should be considered start-up, emerging, and scale-up companies for purposes of the prescribed conditions. The Government would also be interested in stakeholder views on the administrative and compliance implications associated with putting such characteristics into legislation. In establishing the prescribed conditions, the Government will be guided by the two key objectives established in Budget 2019: - to make the employee stock option tax regime fairer and more equitable for Canadians, and - to ensure that start-ups and emerging Canadian businesses that are creating jobs can continue to grow and expand.
Consultation on Hop Beta Acids (Present as Potassium Salts), HopGuard Liquid, HopGuard II, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-08 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 2, 2019 to Sept 16, 2019 2019-08-02 2019-09-16 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for hop beta acids (present as potassium salts), HopGuard Liquid, HopGuard II. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-08 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for hop beta acids (present as potassium salts), HopGuard Liquid, HopGuard II and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on hop beta acids (present as potassium salts), HopGuard Liquid, HopGuard II.
Consultation on Mefentrifluconazole and related end-use products, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-09 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 2, 2019 to Sept 16, 2019 2019-08-02 2019-09-16 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for mefentrifluconazole and related end-use products. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-09 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for mefentrifluconazole and related end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on mefentrifluconazole and related end-use products.
Consultation on Chlorine Generating Devices, Chlorinsitu II 24, Chlorinsitu II 200 and Chlorinsitu II 400, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-06 Open - accepting input Health | Policy July 4, 2019 to Sept 18, 2019 2019-07-04 2019-09-18 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for chlorine generating devices, Chlorinsitu II 24, Chlorinsitu II 200 and Chlorinsitu II 400. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-06 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for chlorine generating devices, Chlorinsitu II 24, Chlorinsitu II 200 and Chlorinsitu II 400 and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on chlorine generating devices, Chlorinsitu II 24, Chlorinsitu II 200 and Chlorinsitu II 400.
Canada Gazette, Part I - Proposed Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Concentration Limits for Certain Products Regulations Open - accepting input Environment | Exporting/Importing | Industry | Regulations | Science and technology July 6, 2019 to Sept 19, 2019 2019-07-06 2019-09-19 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on March 4, 2017 for a 75-day comment period.
Canada’s National Strategy for the 2030 Agenda Open - accepting input Development June 28, 2019 to Sept 19, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-09-19 Employment and Social Development Canada The Government of Canada announced it is marking an important milestone in advancing progress on the 2030 Agenda by releasing Towards Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy, an interim document informed by a nationwide consultation. A first step toward developing a national strategy, this interim document proposes 30 concrete federal actions, including supporting a national SDG Forum to allow for greater stakeholder collaboration, establishing an external advisory committee to help advise on Canada’s implementation of the 2030 Agenda, a commitment to regular reporting, and a second Voluntary National Review to the United Nations. The call will be open from June 28 to September 19, 2019 and seeks projects that focus on research, foster innovation and investment for the SDGs, create resources to enhance knowledge sharing including the contribution of Indigenous knowledge, and help establish accountability frameworks to support impact measurement.
Bending Lake Iron Project — Public Comments Invited Open - accepting input Environment Aug 21, 2019 to Sept 20, 2019 2019-08-21 2019-09-20 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Bending Lake Iron Project, located southwest of Ignace, Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Consultation on a Policy and Licensing Framework for Spectrum in the 3500 MHz Band Open - accepting input Communication | Industry | Policy June 5, 2019 to Sept 20, 2019 2019-06-05 2019-09-20 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through the release of this paper, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), on behalf of the Minister, is hereby initiating a consultation on a policy and licensing framework for the auction of spectrum licences in the band 3450-3650 MHz (referred to as the 3500 MHz band) as announced in Canada Gazette notice SLPB-001-19.
Consultation on Mild Pepino mosaic virus strain LP, isolate VX1, mild Pepino mosaic virus strain CH2, isolate VC1, and V10, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-10 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 7, 2019 to Sept 21, 2019 2019-08-07 2019-09-21 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for mild Pepino mosaic virus strain LP, isolate VX1, mild Pepino mosaic virus strain CH2, isolate VC1, and V10. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-10 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for mild Pepino mosaic virus strain LP, isolate VX1, mild Pepino mosaic virus strain CH2, isolate VC1, and V10 and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on mild Pepino mosaic virus strain LP, isolate VX1, mild Pepino mosaic virus strain CH2, isolate VC1, and V10.
Small containers for the transport of dangerous goods (CAN/CGSB-43.150) Open - accepting input Transportation July 24, 2019 to Sept 23, 2019 2019-07-24 2019-09-23 Transport Canada Web-based consultations with the general public and stakeholders. The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has released the final draft of Safety Standard CAN/CGSB-43.150 for a 60-day consultation period. This standard will be in force once adopted within the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDG Regulations).
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Decisions, undertakings and orders on claims for exemption Open - accepting input Health | Natural Resources | Policy Aug 10, 2019 to Sept 24, 2019 2019-08-10 2019-09-24 Health Canada In accordance with section 20 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, a claimant or any affected party, as defined, may appeal a decision or order of a screening officer. An affected party may also appeal an undertaking in respect of which a notice has been published in the Canada Gazette. To initiate the appeal process, a Statement of Appeal (Form 1) as prescribed by the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Appeal Board Procedures Regulations must be completed and delivered, along with the fee prescribed by section 12 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations, within 45 days of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the Chief Appeals Officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor, 4908B, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultation on Thiophanate-Methyl and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2019-07 Open - accepting input Health | Policy June 28, 2019 to Sept 26, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-09-26 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 28 June 2019 to 26 September 2019 (90 calendar days). To comment on PRVD2019-07: Step 1: Request the full consultation document to read the Science Evaluation that is the basis of this proposed regulatory decision. Step 2: Submit comments to the PMRA Publications Section. All comments received will be considered. A final re-evaluation decision will consider additional scientific information provided during the public comment period. Please refer to the document title (for example: PRVD2019-07, Thiophanate-Methyl and Its Associated End-use Products) when providing comments.
Annex 4 to the Good manufacturing practices guide – Veterinary drugs Open - accepting input Food and drug | Health | Policy June 28, 2019 to Sept 27, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-09-27 Health Canada General The title was shortened from the original Guidance Document Annex 4 to the Current Edition of the Good Manufacturing Practices Guidelines - Veterinary Drugs to Annex 4 to the Good manufacturing practices guide – Veterinary drugs. This helps in alignment with other newly revised Annexes. In keeping with the current layout for Health Canada guides, the section titled “Introduction” was renamed “About this document.” In addition, the “Purpose” and “Scope” sections were moved to come before the material contained in the previous “Introduction” section. An information box was added to the scope to direct readers to the correct reference material for establishment licensing and active pharmaceutical ingredients. “Appendix B – References” was added to reflect the list of veterinary references not available in the main GUI-0001.
GUI-0027: Annex 2 to the Good manufacturing practices guide – Manufacture of biologics Open - accepting input Food and drug | Health | Policy June 28, 2019 to Sept 27, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-09-27 Health Canada In this document Health Canada is proposing to adapt the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme (PIC/S) Annexes 2 and 14 to the “Guide to Good Manufacturing Practices for Medicinal Products Annexes”: “Manufacture of biological medicinal substances and products for human use” and “Manufacture of products derived from human blood or plasma”. By adapting PIC/S Annexes 2 and 14, Health Canada seeks to achieve a greater international harmonisation of compliance standards and to address new emerging advanced therapies. This revised guidance document contains new information. It will continue to support compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) prescribed in Part C, Division 2 of the Food and Drug Regulations (FDRs). The requirements of Division 2 apply to biologics, both as bulk process intermediates and in dosage form. This consultation document is based on a current version of PIC/S Annexes 2 and 14. The adoption of these current PIC/S documents will prepare Health Canada for the adoption of new versions under development. Health Canada is an active participating member of the PIC/S and is contributing to the revision of a new version of PIC/S Annex 2 along with a new guidance for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP).
Engagement on Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s new Arctic Region Open - accepting input Environment | Fisheries | Indigenous People | Science and technology | Transportation June 13, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 2019-06-13 2019-09-30 Fisheries and Oceans Canada On October 24, 2018, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Canadian Coast Guard announced the creation of a stand-alone Arctic Region. The region is led by a new Regional Director General and Assistant Commissioner, based in Rankin Inlet and Yellowknife respectively. As part of the establishment of the new region, the department and Coast Guard have commenced face-to-face engagements with Northern Indigenous organizations, provincial and territorial governments, industry and others to identify the boundaries and priorities of the new region.
Proposed Modernization of the Wildlife Area Regulations Open - accepting input Animals | Environment | Plants | Regulations | Recreation June 1, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-09-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The main objectives of the revised regulations are to increase clarity of the prohibitions; improve the management of current and future National Wildlife Areas (NWAs) in Canada to protect Canada's wildlife and wildlife habitat through inclusion of authorized activities and permit issuance criteria in the regulations. As well, the amendment will update/correct the legal descriptions, names or boundaries of certain existing NWAs.
Modernization of the Migratory Birds Regulations Open - accepting input Animals | Environment | Regulations June 1, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-09-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The main objectives of the proposed revised regulations are to increase clarity and facilitate interpretation and compliance; recognize existing Aboriginal and treaty harvesting rights according to section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 with respect to harvesting migratory birds and their eggs; and, improve the management of migratory birds in Canada, in particular, for migratory game bird hunting, and protecting nests when they have a conservation value for migratory birds.
Agile regulations for advanced therapeutic products and clinical trials Open - accepting input Food and drug | Health | Policy July 18, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 2019-07-18 2019-09-30 Health Canada The goal of this consultation is to seek feedback on what Health Canada should consider in developing new clinical trials regulations as well as implementing the pathway for Advanced Therapeutic Products. The department aims to continue the conversation with stakeholders and gather other ideas to help ensure our approach supports innovation while protecting the health and safety of Canadians.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 31, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 2019-08-31 2019-09-30 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Draft tax legislative proposals Open - accepting input Taxes July 30, 2019 to Oct 7, 2019 2019-07-30 2019-10-07 Department of Finance Canada The Government published draft legislative proposals relating to income tax measures. Most of these measures were announced in Budget 2019.
Consultation on Streptomyces strain K61 and Its Associated End-use Product, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2019-08 Open - accepting input Health | Policy July 25, 2019 to Oct 23, 2019 2019-07-25 2019-10-23 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue all uses of Streptomyces strain K61. Streptomyces strain K61 is a biological fungicide used in the product Mycostop Biofungicide to suppress effects such as damping-off, root and crown rot, and wilt caused by pathogenic fungi on greenhouse plants. Following a re-evaluation by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency, no additional risk mitigation measures are proposed to product labels. To meet current labelling standards, Health Canada proposes labels clarify that the products are for greenhouse use only as well as update statements on personal protective equipment and the restricted-entry interval. For more information on the proposed decision open the "Proposed Re-evaluation Decision".
Consultation on Cypermethrin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-09 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 13, 2019 to Oct 27, 2019 2019-08-13 2019-10-27 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cypermethrin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cypermethrin.
National Road Network Open - accepting input Communication May 21, 2019 to Oct 31, 2019 2019-05-21 2019-10-31 Statistics Canada Having recently taken over responsibility for maintaining the National Road Network (NRN), Statistics Canada will be reviewing the NRN's data model. The NRN contains trusted geospatial data on Canadian road characteristics, and forms a foundational layer of the GeoBase initiative. GeoBase is a federal, provincial and territorial government initiative that is overseen by the Canadian Council on Geomatics. It ensures that access is provided to an up-to-date and maintained base of high-quality geospatial data for all of Canada. Through the GeoBase portal, users can access this information at no cost and with unrestricted use. In an ongoing effort to improve products and services, Statistics Canada is opening a dialogue with users and partners of this product. As part of this initiative, a consultation is being organized to seek input on the NRN's data model and to ensure that it meets users' needs.
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Côté Gold, Ontario) Open - accepting input Amendments | Environment | Fisheries Aug 9, 2019 to Nov 1, 2019 2019-08-09 2019-11-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultations is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, and the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) for Côté Gold Project.
Consultation on Fluroxypyr-meptyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-11 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 20, 2019 to Nov 3, 2019 2019-08-20 2019-11-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fluroxypyr-meptyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fluroxypyr-meptyl.
Consultation on Flumioxazin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-12 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 20, 2019 to Nov 3, 2019 2019-08-20 2019-11-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flumioxazin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flumioxazin.
Consultation on Flumioxazin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-13 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 20, 2019 to Nov 3, 2019 2019-08-20 2019-11-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flumioxazin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flumioxazin.
Consultation on Uniconazole-P and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2019-09 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 7, 2019 to Nov 5, 2019 2019-08-07 2019-11-05 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing that products containing uniconazole-P are acceptable for continued registration in Canada, provided that the additional proposed risk mitigation measures are in place. Uniconazole-P is used in the greenhouse ornamental industry and tomato transplant seedling production in greenhouses. For a list of products, consult Appendix I in the PRVD or visit the Pesticide Label Search database. With respect to human health, dietary risks and risks to workers from most uses are considered to be acceptable under the current conditions of use. However, risks are not considered to be acceptable for workers conducting postapplication activities for greenhouse ornamentals grown for cut flowers. Therefore, the use on greenhouse ornamentals grown for cut flowers is proposed for cancellation. In addition, label updates are proposed to meet the current labelling standard and to improve clarity.
Consultation on Fluxapyroxad, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-14 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 23, 2019 to Nov 6, 2019 2019-08-23 2019-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fuxapyroxad up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fluxapyroxad.
Consultation on Pyraclostrobin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-15 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 23, 2019 to Nov 6, 2019 2019-08-23 2019-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for pyraclostrobin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for pyraclostrobin.
Consultation on Triticonazole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-16 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 23, 2019 to Nov 6, 2019 2019-08-23 2019-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for triticonazole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for triticonazole.
Consultation on Metalaxyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-17 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 23, 2019 to Nov 6, 2019 2019-08-23 2019-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for metalaxyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for metalaxyl.
Consultation on Fluopicolide, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-18 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 27, 2019 to Nov 10, 2019 2019-08-27 2019-11-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fluopicolide up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fluopicolide.
Consultation on Pendimethalin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-19 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 27, 2019 to Nov 10, 2019 2019-08-27 2019-11-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for pendimethalin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for pendimethalin.
Consultation on Chloropicrin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-20 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 27, 2019 to Nov 10, 2019 2019-08-27 2019-11-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for chloropicrin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for chloropicrin.
Consultation on Flonicamid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-21 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 27, 2019 to Nov 10, 2019 2019-08-27 2019-11-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flonicamid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flonicamid.
Consultation on Fluazinam, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-22 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 27, 2019 to Nov 10, 2019 2019-08-27 2019-11-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fluazinam up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fluazinam.
Consultation on Cyclaniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-23 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 29, 2019 to Nov 12, 2019 2019-08-29 2019-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyclaniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyclaniliprole.
Consultation on Cyclaniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-24 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 29, 2019 to Nov 12, 2019 2019-08-29 2019-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyclaniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyclaniliprole.
Consultation on Halauxifen-methyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-25 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 29, 2019 to Nov 12, 2019 2019-08-29 2019-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for halauxifen-methyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for halauxifen-methyl.
Consultation on Ethiprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-26 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 29, 2019 to Nov 12, 2019 2019-08-29 2019-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for ethiprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for ethiprole.
Consultation on Benoxacor, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-28 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 29, 2019 to Nov 12, 2019 2019-08-29 2019-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for benoxacor up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for benoxacor.
Consultation on Spinetoram, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-27 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 29, 2019 to Nov 12, 2019 2019-08-29 2019-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for spinetoram up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for spinetoram.
Notice of Consultation on the Prescription Drug List (PDL): Epinephrine chloride (topical solution) Open - accepting input Food and drug | Health | Policy Aug 12, 2019 to Nov 26, 2019 2019-08-12 2019-11-26 Health Canada Opened on August 12, 2019 and will close to new input on October 26, 2019. This Consultation provides an opportunity to comment on the proposal to add epinephrine solution for hemostasis when applied to the mucosa at a concentration equal to or greater than 1 mg/ ml (1:1000) to the Prescription Drug List (PDL).
Consultation on Flutolanil, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-10 Open - accepting input Health | Policy Aug 15, 2019 to Nov 29, 2019 2019-08-15 2019-11-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flutolanil up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flutolanil.
Consultation for engagement on a potential Aquaculture Act Open - accepting input Fisheries | Regulations Mar 1, 2019 to Dec 21, 2019 2019-03-01 2019-12-21 Fisheries and Oceans Canada The purpose of these engagement activities is to gather further advice and direction from Canadians on provisions that we could address in a new Aquaculture Act.
Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF) Program Open - accepting input Food and drug June 17, 2019 to Dec 31, 2019 2019-06-17 2019-12-31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Seeking feedback from stakeholders about the parematers of the Local Food Infastructure Fund. The feedback is to be implemented in the future calls for applications.
Indian Oil and Gas Act, 2009 and associated regulations - regulations development Open - accepting input Economic development | Indigenous People Dec 1, 2008 to Jan 1, 2020 2008-12-01 2020-01-01 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Collaborate - Jointly develop regulations with oil and gas First Nations via Joint Technical Committee One Inform - provide policy intent, regulatory drafting instructions, and proposed regulatons to oil and gas First Nations, industry, and provinces Inform - letter to Chiefs and Councils; quarterly newsletters to First Nations and industry with active interests on reserve Consult - one-on-one with individual First Nations or collectively via symposiums This is an ongoing consultation; end date is to be determined. What We Heard Report available
Intercity Bus Services Task Force Open - accepting input Rural and remote services | Transportation Jan 1, 2019 to Jan 1, 2020 2019-01-01 2020-01-01 Transport Canada The FPT Working Group on Intercity Bus was launched in January 2019 by the Council of Deputy Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety to explore innovative and long-term solutions to address the surface mobility needs of Canadians. The FPT Working Group has so far developed a Terms of Reference, a 12 month workplan, and is currently in the research and engagement phase of work. Federal, provincial, and territorial working group members will engage some internal and external stakeholders to better understand the mobility needs and challenges in each jurisdiction, and will develop a national perspective that will help inform the development of innovative and long-term solutions. Some stakeholders may be invited to participate in group discussions from time to time.
Advisory Council on the Framework to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions Open - accepting input Society | Youth Jan 16, 2019 to Jan 16, 2020 2019-01-16 2020-01-16 Department for Women and Gender Equality The establishment of the Advisory Committee is part of the Government of Canada’s 2018 Budget commitment to work with stakeholders, including provincial and territorial governments, to develop a framework to prevent and address gender-based violence (GBV) at post-secondary institutions (PSIs). The Framework will contribute to consistent, comprehensive and sustainable approaches to preventing and addressing GBV at PSIs.
Indigenous Procurement Modernization (including Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business) Open - accepting input Economic development | Government procurement | Policy June 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2020 2017-06-01 2020-03-31 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada As part of the renewal of the Indigenous procurement modernization in the federal government, Indigenous Services Canada has undertaken extensive external engagement. The purpose of this engagement is to gather comments and suggestions on various practices that could potentially increase Indigenous participation in federal procurement.
Section 335 Cost Apportionment Regulatory Tool Open - accepting input Finance | Natural Resources | Regulations Feb 8, 2019 to Mar 31, 2020 2019-02-08 2020-03-31 Canada Energy Regulator This regulatory initiative is in the early stages of development. Early engagement with targeted stakeholders to scope the regulatory project will commence in winter-spring 2019. Following this scoping phase, the National Energy Board and Natural Resources Canada will release a Discussion Paper to obtain feedback on the proposed regulatory approach, anticipated in fall 2019. What We Heard Report available
2019-217 Co-development of a new Indigenous Broadcasting Policy Open - accepting input Communication June 20, 2019 to Mar 31, 2020 2019-06-20 2020-03-31 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission To gather different perspectives from Indigenous peoples towards the development of a new Indigenous Broadcasting Policy
Consultation on the modernization of the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations Open - accepting input Environment May 15, 2019 to Mar 31, 2020 2019-05-15 2020-03-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is proposing to modernize the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations to strengthen the environmental protection of the regulations, widen their scope to address the transformation of the pulp and paper industry and streamline the provisions to reduce burden and improve efficiency.
Publication of Draft Health Canada Implementation Guidance for the International Medical Device Regulators Forum Table of Contents Format Open - accepting input Health | Policy | Regulations Feb 28, 2019 to Mar 31, 2020 2019-02-28 2020-03-31 Health Canada The primary purpose of this notice is to announce the publication of this guidance. The notice also provides a brief outline of the content and layout of the guidance and provides details regarding the consultation approach and how feedback can be provided to Health Canada over the consultation period.
Youth Engagement in the review of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) Open - accepting input Justice and the Law | Youth May 31, 2017 to Mar 31, 2020 2017-05-31 2020-03-31 Department of Justice Canada Consultation format: The Research and Statistics Division will begin the third year of youth engagement with the Students Commission (youth engagement experts). The contractor will engage a diverse Youth Action Committee (e.g., Indigenous, rural, urban, new Canadians, with prior involvement in the CJS) to discuss specific aspects of the interest to the Department of Justice in order to incorporate youths' views into reforms. These youth will learn about and discuss the issue as a group and then go back to their communities to engage other youth on these issues. The committee will report back on youth' s views and ideas monthly. The culminating activity will be a discussion of issues at the conference in March 2019 with a workshop called " the Justice system we want" where youth will discuss these issues in detail. Key elements of the project include: wide youth-driven engagement on the CJS encompassing several methods, broadly focussed content, and lessons learned / promising practices. What We Heard Report available
GC Jobs Transformation - User Requirements Workshops Open - accepting input Development Sept 18, 2018 to Mar 31, 2020 2018-09-18 2020-03-31 Public Service Commission of Canada Various consultations with government employees and students to determine how the solution will meet and respect their needs to better serve them. This includes PSC employees, employees from other government departments, and students. Subjects include oversight and reporting, undertake selection, accessibility, and inclusiveness and diversity.
OPP - Proactive Vessel Management Open - accepting input Culture | Environment | Indigenous People | Transportation Apr 28, 2018 to Mar 31, 2020 2018-04-28 2020-03-31 Transport Canada Collecting ongoing feedback from Indigenous and coastal communities, and other marine stakeholders through a one-year pilot project in the Arctic (Cambirdge Bay and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region) and British Columbia.
OPP - Maritime Awareness Information System (EMSA) Open - accepting input Culture | Environment | Indigenous People | Transportation Apr 25, 2018 to Mar 31, 2020 2018-04-25 2020-03-31 Transport Canada Raise awareness on the EMSA initiative and collect partner/stakeholder feedback. Hold bilateral meetings with established EMSA partners to maintain relationships, collect feedback, and support involvement in the initiative; and ensure local community needs and priorities related to the pilot project are met.
Indigenous Gender-based Violence Research and Data Strategy Open - accepting input Society Apr 1, 2018 to Mar 31, 2020 2018-04-01 2020-03-31 Department for Women and Gender Equality Outreach activities will continue with First Nations, Inuit and Métis organisations and groups to identify research priorities and to inform future calls for proposals. Collaboration approach with Indigenous partners will continue to direct this work.
Indigenous Women's Circle Open - accepting input Indigenous People May 24, 2018 to Mar 31, 2020 2018-05-24 2020-03-31 Department for Women and Gender Equality Status of Women's Indigenous Women's Circle (the Circle) was established on May 24, 2018, to engage with Indigenous women leaders and experts in the public and private sector on the challenges they face and their priorities for the Government of Canada related to advancing gender equality.
Advisory Council on the Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence Open - accepting input Society June 27, 2016 to Mar 31, 2020 2016-06-27 2020-03-31 Department for Women and Gender Equality The Minister’s Advisory Council on the Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence was established on June 27, 2016. The Advisory Council is serving as a forum to exchange views, promising practices and research on issues related to gender-based violence.
Women Veterans Forum Open - accepting input | Policy May 23, 2019 to May 23, 2020 2019-05-23 2020-05-23 Veterans Affairs Canada In-person meeting with women Veterans and stakeholders to discuss issues facing Canadian Women Veterans and their families.
Revision to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada Open - accepting input Communication Mar 1, 2019 to June 1, 2020 2019-03-01 2020-06-01 Statistics Canada Statistics Canada invites data producers and data users, representatives of business associations, government bodies at the federal, provincial and local levels, academics and researchers and all other interested parties to submit proposals for the revision to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada. The revised version of NAICS will be called NAICS Canada 2022 Version 1.0. Statistics Canada is consulting on the revisions to NAICS Canada to ensure that the input of data users and stakeholders is taken into consideration in the revision process, and to continue to meet the needs of NAICS Canada users.
Consultations on potential accession of new members to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Open - accepting input Trade July 27, 2019 to June 30, 2020 2019-07-27 2020-06-30 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Prior to initiating negotiations, GoC will launch public consultations to seek the view of Canadians through: Canada Gazette Notice /Face to Face / FPT meetings/ C-Trade/ Value Chain Roundtables (VCRTs) Coordinated stakeholder consultations with other relevant government departments on requests for accession of a new member to the CPTPP To inform future engagement with candidates for accessions
Proposed regulatory amendments to the Presentation of Persons (2003) Regulations pertaining to the discontinuation of CANPASS Air and CANPASS Private Boats Open - accepting input Amendments | Regulations June 30, 2019 to June 30, 2020 2019-06-30 2020-06-30 Canada Border Services Agency Consultations with stakeholders on the discontinuation of CANPASS Air and CANPASS Private Boats
Revision of the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada Open - accepting input Communication June 7, 2019 to June 30, 2020 2019-06-07 2020-06-30 Statistics Canada Statistics Canada invites all interested parties to participate in the revision of the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada, by submitting proposals for the revision. The new revised NAPCS Canada Classification System will be called NAPCS Canada 2022 Version 1.0. Statistics Canada is consulting on the NAPCS revision to gather input from users, as an integral part of the NAPCS Canada revision process, and to ensure users' needs continue to be met.
Revision to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada Open - accepting input Communication Mar 1, 2019 to July 1, 2020 2019-03-01 2020-07-01 Statistics Canada Statistics Canada is consulting on the revisions to NAICS Canada to ensure that the input of data users and stakeholders is taken into consideration in the revision process, and to continue to meet the needs of NAICS Canada users. Here are key dates for the NAICS 2022 revision process: Pre-public consultation discussions between Statistics Canada and key stakeholders: March 2019 to October 2019; Official public consultation period will be opened: from November 2019 to the end of June 2020; Public notice containing proposals in consideration for changes in NAICS: September 2020; Public notice containing the final approved proposal for changes in NAICS: February 2021; and Public release of NAICS Canada 2022 Version 1.0: January 2022.
Eastern Shore Islands Area of Interest Consultations Open - accepting input Animals | Environment | Fisheries | Heritage | Plants | Policy | Regulations | Recreation | Transportation Apr 5, 2018 to Dec 31, 2020 2018-04-05 2020-12-31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO is using multiple approaches to fully involve First Nations, Indigenous Peoples, other governments, the community, and relevant industries in the design of the proposed Eastern Shore Islands MPA.
CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Design Consultations Open - accepting input Trade July 18, 2018 to Mar 31, 2021 2018-07-18 2021-03-31 Canada Border Services Agency Consultations with commercial stakeholders (Trade Chain Partners) on the design of the CBSA Assessment and Revenue (CARM) project
Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) Open - accepting input Transportation Apr 2, 2016 to Jan 1, 2022 2016-04-02 2022-01-01 Transport Canada Opportunity to attend meetings of the Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) and share views on marine safety and security.
OPP - Understanding the Cumulative Effects of Marine Vessel Activity on Coastal and Marine Environments Open - accepting input Transportation Sept 20, 2017 to Jan 10, 2022 2017-09-20 2022-01-10 Transport Canada The Government of Canada is working with Indigenous peoples, local stakeholders and coastal communities to better understand the cumulative effects of marine vessel activity on coastal and marine environments.
Oceans Protection Plan Open - accepting input Transportation Sept 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2022 2017-09-01 2022-03-31 Transport Canada In November 2016, the $1.5-billion Oceans Protection Plan (OPP) was launched, the largest investment ever made to protect Canada’s coasts and waterways, while also growing our economy. We invite all Canadians to consult the Let’s Talk – Oceans Protection Plan portal and get involved in the discussions on creating stronger Indigenous partnerships and engaging coastal communities, protecting the environment, modernizing our marine safety system and supporting science-based decisions. What We Heard Report available
Offshore Pacific Area of Interest advisory committee Open - accepting input Animals | Environment | Fisheries | Plants | Regulations | Recreation | Transportation Sept 20, 2017 to Dec 31, 2022 2017-09-20 2022-12-31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Some of the key tasks of the Offshore Pacific Area of Interest advisory committee are to: provide input and feedback on biophysical, socio-economic and resource assessments; provide advice on key issues, and risks; advise on the development of the regulatory intent; and inform engagement planning related to the proposed MPA designation.
Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (Proposed) - pursuant to the Territorial Lands Act Open - accepting input Regulations May 1, 2017 to Sept 6, 2019 2017-05-01 2019-09-06 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Discussions and drafts of the proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations will be shared with the with stakeholders.
Regulatory Modernization consultation Open - accepting input Regulations June 28, 2019 to Sept 5, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-09-05 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat This consultation is a request for submissions published in Canada Gazette, Part 1, on priority areas recommended by the External Advisory Committee on Regulatory Competitiveness for the Government’s next round of regulatory reviews, namely: clean technology, digitalization and technology-neutral regulations, and international standards. Consultation results will be reported on as part of the What We Heard Report published by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. What We Heard Report available
DRAFT Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Open - accepting input Environment July 5, 2019 to Sept 4, 2019 2019-07-05 2019-09-04 Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking input on the draft Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health. The draft Agreement will be posted via Canada Gazette for a 60-day public input period.
Practitioner’s Guide for Procurement Pricing Open - accepting input Government procurement Feb 8, 2019 to Aug 31, 2019 2019-02-08 2019-08-31 Public Services and Procurement Canada PSPC has developed a Practitioner’s Guide for Procurement Pricing to inform those involved in Government of Canada contracting of the required steps and factors to be considered in making procurement pricing decisions, including aligning the pricing with the overall procurement strategy, objectives and priorities. The Guide is an evergreen document and will be adapted to include emerging practices and PSPC’s experience. PSPC welcomes your suggestions and ideas.
Chemicals Management Post 2020 Open - accepting input Environment | Health | Science and technology Jan 15, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-01-15 2019-08-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada, is asking Canadians, industry, non-governmental organizations, and Indigenous Peoples to share their ideas and suggestions, through email, mail, workshops and online engagement. Feedback will help develop a renewed federal chemicals management program to protect human health and the environment.
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Back River, Nunvaut) Open - accepting input Amendments | Environment | Fisheries May 1, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-08-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultation activities is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER for Back River Project.
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Hardrock, Ontario) Open - accepting input Amendments | Environment | Fisheries May 1, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-08-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultations is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, and the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) for Hardrock Project.
Model Mergers Timing Agreement Open - accepting input Economy July 16, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-07-16 2019-08-30 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau is inviting feedback on a draft model timing agreement for merger reviews where merging parties raise efficiencies claims that they would like the Commissioner of Competition to consider before taking enforcement action.
St. Lawrence Fluorspar Marine Shipping Terminal Project — Public Comments Invited Open - accepting input Environment July 30, 2019 to Aug 29, 2019 2019-07-30 2019-08-29 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed St. Lawrence Fluorspar Marine Shipping Terminal Project, located in Mine Cove, Little Lawn Harbour, along the western border of the Town of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Marten Falls Community Access Road Project — Public Comments Invited Open - accepting input Environment Aug 9, 2019 to Aug 29, 2019 2019-08-09 2019-08-29 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Marten Falls Community Access Road Project, located in northern Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
DRAFT Canada-US Lake Erie Lakewide Action & Management Plan Open - accepting input Environment June 27, 2019 to Aug 26, 2019 2019-06-27 2019-08-26 Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking input on the draft 2019 Lake Erie Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LAMP), a binational ecosystem-based action plan to restore and protect the water quality of Lake Ontario and its connecting river systems, the Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers. The draft plan is posted via Placespeak and for public input.
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Magino Gold Project, Ontario) Open - accepting input Amendments | Environment | Fisheries Nov 1, 2018 to Aug 1, 2019 2018-11-01 2019-08-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultation activities is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) for the Magino Gold Project.
Variant of National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.2 – STEM Perspective Open - accepting input Communication May 23, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-05-23 2019-07-31 Statistics Canada Statistics Canada invites all interested parties to provide their feedback for the draft NOC 2016 - STEM Perspective variant. This invitation is aimed at occupational data users and data producers, including representatives of business associations, government bodies at the federal, provincial and local levels, academics and researchers, as well as any other interested parties. Statistics Canada wants to use these comments to enhance the proposed variant, while ensuring users' needs continue to be met.
Equivalency Agreement with Nova Scotia: Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Generation of Electricity Regulations Open - accepting input Environment | Policy | Regulations Mar 30, 2019 to May 29, 2019 2019-03-30 2019-05-29 Environment and Climate Change Canada Consultations with the province of Nova Scotia for equivalency under the existing regulations and for equivalency under the amended regulations are currently ongoing. A formal comment period is currently underway following publication of the proposed equivalency agreement (March 30, 2019 to May 29, 2019).
Consultation on Periodic Adjustments for Radio and Spectrum Licence Fees and Fees Related to Equipment Certification Services Open - accepting input Communication | Economy | Industry | Regulations Mar 14, 2019 to May 13, 2019 2019-03-14 2019-05-13 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through the release of this consultation, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) seeks comments on the application of the annual fee adjustment by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Canada required by the Service Fees Act (SFA), and invites proposals for an alternative periodic adjustment for the fees within the scope of this consultation, taking into account ISED’s policy objectives and the requirements of the SFA.
Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations Review Open - accepting input Regulations | Service June 1, 2017 to June 1, 2018 2017-06-01 2018-06-01 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultations are taking place in steps: - Direct engagement of of minority language communities and other key stakeholders across Canada to begin to develop policy options for consideration by ministers; -survey open to all Canadians on the website; - table a proposed draft of the Regulations in the House of Commons in the fall of 2018 for parliamentary review and for broad public consultation.
Ministerial Advisory Groups • Policy • Service Excellence • Families • Mental Health • Care & Support • Commemoration Open - accepting input Employment | Financial assistance and entitlements | Health | Policy | Service Feb 25, 2016 to Jan 1, 2222 2016-02-25 2222-01-01 Veterans Affairs Canada Meetings in-person or by teleconference. To broaden engagement with stakeholders, six ministerial advisory groups were created as part of VAC's commitment to improve transparency and seek consultations on issues of importance to Veterans and their families.
Centre of Excellence - Mental Health Open - accepting input Health May 1, 2016 to Jan 1, 2222 2016-05-01 2222-01-01 Veterans Affairs Canada In-person meetings of the Mental Health Advisory Group What We Heard Report available
Veterans Affairs Canada Stakeholder Summit Open - accepting input Employment | Financial assistance and entitlements | Health | Policy | Service Nov 19, 2014 to Jan 1, 2222 2014-11-19 2222-01-01 Veterans Affairs Canada In-person meetings with stakeholders. Through the Summits, the Department engages with Stakeholder organizations to discuss issues facing Canada's Veterans and their families. Topics of discussion included Transition, Communication and Engagement, Pension For Life and Veteran Homelessness.
Draft binational strategy for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) risk management public review Planned Environment Sept 1, 2019 to Sept 30, 2019 2019-09-01 2019-09-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is asking interested agencies, organizations and individuals to provide comments on the draft binational strategy for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) risk management. The strategy can be found under Annex 3 on The feedback will be used to finalize this strategy as per Annex 3 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Removal Orders and Immigration Document Invalidation Planned Immigration | Regulations Oct 1, 2019 to Oct 31, 2019 2019-10-01 2019-10-31 Canada Border Services Agency Public consultations on the proposed regulatory amendments will be undertaken in the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Blackwater, British Columbia) Planned Amendments | Environment | Fisheries Sept 15, 2019 to Dec 1, 2019 2019-09-15 2019-12-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultations is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, and the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER) for Blackwater Project.
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Goliath, Ontario) Planned Amendments | Environment | Fisheries Sept 1, 2019 to Dec 23, 2019 2019-09-01 2019-12-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultations is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, and the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) for Goliath Project.
Canadian Biopesticides and Minor Use Pesticides Priority Setting Workshop Planned Agriculture Mar 24, 2020 to Mar 26, 2020 2020-03-24 2020-03-26 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Annual workshop with stakeholders to select priority projects for AAFC's Pest Management Centre.
Consultation with the Veteran Community (exact title TBD) Planned Communication | Seniors | Service | Society | Training and careers Nov 1, 2019 to Mar 31, 2020 2019-11-01 2020-03-31 Veterans Affairs Canada Online and in-person consultation with Veterans on how they would like VAC to communicate with them
Consultations on the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations - Schedule 2 Amendments (Project: Caribou mine, New Brunswick) Planned Amendments | Environment | Fisheries Dec 1, 2019 to May 1, 2020 2019-12-01 2020-05-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultations is to provide an opportunity for participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste, and the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) for Caribou mine Project.
National Conversations on Gender Equality with Young Canadians Planned Youth May 1, 2019 to May 1, 2023 2019-05-01 2023-05-01 Department for Women and Gender Equality Department for Women and Gender Equality will lead a national conversation on gender equality with young Canadians by co-developing with a core group of youth an approach to engage diverse youth in dialogue and action on advancing gender equality and supporting an inclusive society.
Share your thoughts: Feedback on Federal Open Science Planned Science and technology June 25, 2019 to Aug 2, 2019 2019-06-25 2019-08-02 Environment and Climate Change Canada To engage with Canadian users of federal open science to gain insight on their needs, with respect to four themes: open access, open data, communicating federal science, and citizen science. The engagement will seek to also promote and raise awareness of federal open science initiatives and identify areas where open science can make the greatest impact to Canadian society.
Invitation to comment on draft REGDOC-2.7.2, Dosimetry, Volume I: Ascertaining Occupational Dose Planned Regulations Apr 24, 2019 to July 19, 2019 2019-04-24 2019-07-19 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission To obtain comments about REGDOC-2.7.2, Dosimetry, Volume I: Ascertaining Occupational Dose
Proposals to amend the Canadian Migratory Birds Regulations- December Report 2019 (ARAD) Planned Animals | Regulations Jan 29, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 2019-01-29 2019-02-28 Environment and Climate Change Canada There is a 30-day public comment period on the proposed changes to the migratory birds hunting regulations for the next two hunting season (2019-20/2020-21). A consultation document will be published on the Government of Canada's website and distributed to a list of more than 450 interested parties. The consultation period was held from January 29 to February 28, 2019.
Survey on inappropriate sexual behaviour at work Planned Employment | Human resources | Persons with disabilities | Private sector June 14, 2018 to Sept 28, 2018 2018-06-14 2018-09-28 Department for Women and Gender Equality Virtual and in-person outreach to experts, service providers, labour/workers groups, academics, Indigenous organizaitons, NGOs.
Public Hearings for the Inquiry into the merits of establishing a Canadian Barley Promotion and Research Agency Closed Agriculture Apr 1, 2019 to Dec 31, 2019 2019-04-01 2019-12-31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Under the Farm Products Agencies Act, the Farm Products Council of Canada accepted an application from the Barley Council of Canada and will hear arguments from Canadian commodity producers, importers, researchers, retailers and consumers on the merits of the proposal.
Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations Closed Environment | Transportation Jan 1, 2019 to Jan 1, 2020 2019-01-01 2020-01-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada A discussion paper was published in August 2018 seeking early views on factors to consider as part of the mid-term evaluation of Canada's GHG emission standards for light-duty vehicles of model years 2022-2025. A summary of the comments received was subsequently published in March 2019.
First Nation Drinking Water: Engaging and Exploring on a New Federal Legislation Closed Amendments | Environment | Indigenous People | Natural Resources | Policy | Regulations May 1, 2017 to Jan 1, 2020 2017-05-01 2020-01-01 Indigenous Services Canada Indigenous Service Canada (ISC) is supporting a First Nations-led engagement process facilitated nationally by the Assembly of First Nations to address challenges and concerns with the 2013 Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act. The Assembly of First Nations has held regional engagement sessions across the country over the spring and winter 2019. ISC is also involving Modern Treaty and Self-Governing First Nations on this initiative. The aim is to advance legislative options, including repealing and replacing the Act for Cabinet’s consideration. Starting in the fall 2019 a Joint Working Group on Safe Drinking Water for First Nations (the Joint Working Group) will examine all the conclusions and recommendations made during the engagement cycle, then work to co-develop a new federal water legislative framework. The Joint Working Group consists of First Nations and federal government representatives (Privy Council Office, Department of Justice, Department of Finance Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and ISC as the federal partners lead). What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Tebufenozide and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2019-06 Closed Health | Policy June 11, 2019 to Sept 9, 2019 2019-06-11 2019-09-09 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue all uses of tebufenozide, with label updates to further protect health and the environment, following the re-evaluation under the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (PMRA) Re-evaluation Program. Tebufenozide is a pesticide used by growers and commercial applicators to control moth larvae on certain crops, ornamentals, and trees. Products containing tebufenozide include Mimic, Limit and Confirm products. For a full list of products containing tebufenozide, please consult Appendix I in the PRVD or visit the Pesticide Label Search database. To meet current labelling standards, label updates related to personal protective equipment, spray drift, and restricted-entry intervals are proposed. Other proposed updates also include label statements to reduce runoff to adjacent aquatic habitats, an environmental hazard statement to indicate that tebufenozide is toxic to sediment-dwelling invertebrates, and spray buffer zones to protect aquatic habitats from drift. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Notice of Intent NOI2019-01, Proposed Amendments to the List of Pest Control Product Formulants and Contaminants of Health or Environmental Concern Closed Health | Policy July 9, 2019 to Sept 7, 2019 2019-07-09 2019-09-07 Health Canada The approach and criteria for maintaining the List is found in Regulatory Proposal PRO2019-01, Draft Science Policy Note: Policy on the List of Pest Control Product Formulants and Contaminants of Health or Environmental Concern under 43(5)(b) of the Pest Control Products Act, which is also published for a 60-day public comment period. The proposed policy has been updated from its 2005 version (which was entitled Notice of Intent NOI2005-01, List of Pest Control Product Formulants and Contaminants of Health or Environmental Concern under the New Pest Control Products Act).
Consultation on Draft Science Policy Note: Policy on the List of Pest Control Product Formulants and Contaminants of Health or Environmental Concern under paragraph 43(5)(b) of the Pest Control Products Act, Regulatory Proposal PRO2019-01 Closed Health | Policy July 9, 2019 to Sept 7, 2019 2019-07-09 2019-09-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on Regulatory Proposal PRO2019-01, Draft Science Policy Note: Policy on the List of Pest Control Product Formulants and Contaminants of Health or Environmental Concern under paragraph 43(5)(b) of the Pest Control Products Act. The PMRA will accept written comments from the public on this proposal for up to 60 days from the date of publication of this document.
Proposed Vaping Products Labelling and Packaging Regulations Closed Children | Health | Policy | Youth June 22, 2019 to Sept 5, 2019 2019-06-22 2019-09-05 Health Canada The proposed Vaping Products Labelling and Packaging Regulations would require that all vaping substances be labelled with a list of ingredients. In addition, vaping products containing nicotine would be required to display a standardized nicotine concentration statement and a health warning about the addictiveness of nicotine. The proposed regulations would also mandate child-resistant containers and a toxicity warning. The proposed regulations are expected to help protect the health and safety of Canadians by increasing awareness of the health hazards of nicotine, and creating consistency amongst vaping product labels and packages so that adults who choose to use them can more easily understand their contents. They would also aid with the safe storage of vaping products, help protect children from accidentally ingesting vaping liquid, and provide clear information on what to do in the event of a poisoning.
Proposed Food Labelling Modernization regulatory amendments Closed Advertising/Marketing | Agriculture | Amendments | Exporting/Importing | Food and drug | Industry | Regulations | Trade June 22, 2019 to Sept 4, 2019 2019-06-22 2019-09-04 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Government of Canada is seeking feedback on regulatory amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations as prepublished in Canada Gazette, part 1, for the Food Labelling Modernization project  
Consultation on Potential Market for Cannabis Health Products that would not Require Practitioner Oversight Closed Food and drug | Health | Policy June 19, 2019 to Sept 3, 2019 2019-06-19 2019-09-03 Health Canada Canadians and interested stakeholders are invited to take part in Health Canada’s consultation on the potential market for cannabis health products that would not require practitioner oversight.
Consultation on the draft guidance document: The Distinction Between Promotional and Non-promotional Messages and Activities for Health Products Closed Food and drug | Health | Policy July 5, 2019 to Sept 3, 2019 2019-07-05 2019-09-03 Health Canada Health Canada is announcing a 60-day consultation on the draft guidance: The Distinction Between Promotional and Non-promotional Messages and Activities for Health Products, formerly known as a policy entitled The Distinction Between Advertising and Other Activities. The purpose of this consultation is to obtain input on the revised guidance document from all relevant stakeholders (e.g., industry associations, health product manufacturers, advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, consumers, the advertising industry, provincial / territorial authorities, etc...).
Canada in a Changing Climate Closed Environment | Natural Resources Sept 1, 2017 to Sept 1, 2019 2017-09-01 2019-09-01 Natural Resources Canada The Adaptation to Climate Change program facilitates the development and exchange of information, knowledge, and tools needed to plan and implement practical adaptation measures that increase the climate resilience of Canadian communities and industry. The process to develop Canada in a Changing Climate is an ongoing collaboration among subject-matter experts from a range of backgrounds. Together, they will assess scientific and technical literature, Indigenous knowledge and practitioner experiences to build our understanding of the impacts of climate change and the ways Canada can adapt.
Allocation and administration of tariff rate quotas for dairy, poultry and egg products Closed Policy | Trade May 10, 2019 to Aug 31, 2019 2019-05-10 2019-08-31 Global Affairs Canada Diversifying trade and investment with key markets around the world is a priority for the Government of Canada. Over the past three years, Canada has implemented, or agreed to implement, various new tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for products under supply management as a result of the successful negotiations of new trade agreements. Canada’s dairy, poultry and egg TRQs are implemented and administered by Global Affairs Canada in accordance with the Export and Import Permits Act and its associated regulations, and ministerial policies set out in Notices to Importers. To ensure continued efficiency and effectiveness in administering Canada’s system of TRQs for supply managed products (dairy, poultry and eggs), the Government of Canada is seeking the views of stakeholders with an interest in the administration of these TRQs. We want to hear from you. We welcome your ideas, your experiences and your priorities.
Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan Closed Economic development | Natural Resources | Policy Mar 7, 2018 to Aug 31, 2019 2018-03-07 2019-08-31 Natural Resources Canada A joint effort with provinces and territories, the CMMP engagement includes outreach to stakeholders in the mining and metals industry, Indigenous peoples, NGOs, academics and the public to inform the development of the plan. What We Heard Report available
Developing a new Vessel Monitoring System standard Closed Fisheries | Regulations | Science and technology | Transportation July 15, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-07-15 2019-08-30 Fisheries and Oceans Canada This new standard will modernize and replace Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s 2005 VMS Hardware Type Approval Process document. It establishes clear and streamlined requirements that all new units will have to meet in order to be approved for use. We aim to create a new standard that reflects changing technology and allows for innovation, while at the same time ensuring that Canada’s needs are being met.
Consultation on aluminum in drinking water Closed Health June 28, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-08-30 Health Canada This guideline technical document outlines the evaluation of the available information on aluminum with the intent of updating the guideline value(s) for aluminum in drinking water. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline and operational guidance (OG) value, on the approach used for their development, and on the potential economic costs of implementing them.
St. Peters Canal National Historic Site Management Statement Consultation Closed Culture | Heritage Aug 5, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-08-05 2019-08-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is holding public consultation to review the draft management statement for St. Peters Canal National Historic Site by engaging community stakeholders, Canadians and visitors to help guide future activities at the site through email, online engagement and meetings.
Canso Islands National Historic Site Management Statement Consultation Closed Culture | Heritage Aug 5, 2019 to Aug 30, 2019 2019-08-05 2019-08-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is holding public consultation to review the draft management statement for Canso Islands National Historic Site by engaging community stakeholders, Canadians and visitors to help guide future activities at the site through email, online engagement and meetings.
Consultation on Chlorpyrifos and Its Associated End-use Products: Updated Environmental Risk Assessment, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2019-05 Closed Health | Policy May 31, 2019 to Aug 29, 2019 2019-05-31 2019-08-29 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing the cancellation of many uses of chlorpyrifos due to risks to the environment, with a small number of uses acceptable for continued registration in Canada. Chlorpyrifos is a broad spectrum insecticide that is widely used to manage insects in production of fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, legumes, tree nuts, oilseeds, greenhouse and outdoor ornamentals and turf. It is also applied in non-residential, outdoor areas to control mosquitos and destructive tree insects in and around non-residential buildings. To protect the environment, almost all agricultural uses are proposed for cancellation. Uses acceptable for continued registration with label changes are: •Standing water - temporary pools for larval mosquito control •Outdoor adult mosquito control •Structural indoor and outdoor (non-residential) •Outdoor ornamentals (container stock only) for control of Japanese beetle larvae •Greenhouse ornamentals Updates to the labels of the remaining registered products include standard environmental statements to prevent effects on non-target species or aquatic systems. For a full list of products containing chlorpyrifos, please consult Appendix I in the PRVD or visit the Pesticide Label Search database.
Notice of Health Canada’s Proposal to Add Maximum Levels for Inorganic Arsenic in Polished (White) and Husked (Brown) Rice to the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods – Reference Number: NOP/ADP C-2019-2 Closed Food and drug | Health June 14, 2019 to Aug 27, 2019 2019-06-14 2019-08-27 Health Canada Health Canada has conducted a scientific assessment which supports the establishment of maximum levels (MLs) for inorganic arsenic in polished (white) and husked (brown) rice. These MLs would also apply to these types of rice when used as ingredients in other foods. The Government is also collecting more data on rice-based foods, including products for infants and young children. This will inform the Department's future consideration of whether additional MLs for such foods are required. If it is determined that additional MLs for other rice-based foods are warranted, then Health Canada will announce its intention to establish these MLs via a separate Notice. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or feedback on the new maximum levels for inorganic arsenic in rice and the proposed next steps for other rice-based foods.
Draft guidance document: Canadian Module 1 Technical Implementation Guide for the Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) v4.0 Format Closed Health | Policy June 26, 2019 to Aug 26, 2019 2019-06-26 2019-08-26 Health Canada Opened on June 26, 2019 and will close to new input on August 26, 2019. This is a technical document that provides instruction on how to implement the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) v4.0 specifications for Health Canada Module 1 submission content. This document is being published along with an accompanying notice, to solicit consultation from external stakeholders, for implementation planning purposes.
Consultation on Proposed Regulations Amending the Medical Devices Regulations (Post-market Surveillance) Closed Food and drug | Health June 15, 2019 to Aug 26, 2019 2019-06-15 2019-08-26 Health Canada You are invited to provide your input on the proposed Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the Food and Drugs Act (Post-market Surveillance of Medical Devices), which have been pre-published in Canada Gazette, Part I. The feedback provided during this consultation will be taken into consideration prior to the regulations being finalized and published in Canada Gazette, Part II. For the purpose of the proposed new section 61.2 which requires the reporting of actions which occur in specified foreign jurisdictions, we have included a list of foreign regulatory agencies. This list is proposed to be incorporated by reference into the proposed regulations.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Health | Policy July 27, 2019 to Aug 26, 2019 2019-07-27 2019-08-26 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultation on the CTA Approach to Setting Regulated Interswitching Rates Closed Transportation June 19, 2019 to Aug 21, 2019 2019-06-19 2019-08-21 Canadian Transportation Agency The CTA will engage and obtain key industry stakeholders views on the approach to setting regulatory interswitching rates. The CTA will invite written submissions and will meet with key industry stakeholders.
Ministerial Order to Support New Impact Assessment System – Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 22, 2019 to Aug 21, 2019 2019-07-22 2019-08-21 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Government of Canada is implementing new rules through the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) that protect the environment, recognize and respect Indigenous rights, and strengthen our economy. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) invites the public and Indigenous peoples to comment on a consultation paper on a Ministerial Order that will set out classes of projects on federal lands and outside Canada that will cause only insignificant adverse environmental effects. The classes of projects being proposed to be included in the Ministerial Order are the most common, routine and straightforward projects that are likely to cause only insignificant adverse environmental effects. The Ministerial Order would mean that an authority seeking to carry out a project that is part of one of these classes of projects on federal lands and outside Canada would not be subject to the Act's provisions. This will help to ensure efficiency in the impact assessment process.
Consultation on Acephate and Its Associated End-use Products – Updated Environmental Risk Assessment, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2019-04 Closed Health | Policy May 21, 2019 to Aug 19, 2019 2019-05-21 2019-08-19 Health Canada Acephate is an insecticide used to control insect pests on a wide variety of sites, including forests and woodlots, terrestrial food and feed crops, and outdoor ornamentals, in Orthene and Acecap products. Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on proposed re-evaluation decision PRVD2019-04 on uses of acephate, which follows up a 2016 re-evaluation (PRVD2016-01) with updated environmental risk assessment information. PRVD2019-04 proposes cancelling certain uses of acephate and continuing registration for other uses with mitigation measures to protect the environment. The current consultation covers only revisions to the proposed re-evaluation decisions presented in PRVD2019-04, including: Cancellation of airblast and outdoor mistblower applications Cancellation of the highest foliar application rate currently used for airblast/mistblower applications only Uses in farm woodlots, shelter belts, rights of way and municipal parks are limited to spot treatments using hand-held equipment only Precautionary and hazard statements to inform users of the toxicity and potential risk of acephate to pollinators, beneficial arthropods, birds, mammals, and aquatic organisms Label statements directing users to avoid application during periods of bloom or during the 9-day period before crop bloom for crops that are attractive to pollinators Statements directing users that tree injection applications must be made after the blooming/pollen shedding period A label statement directing users not to discharge acephate-contaminated effluent from greenhouses into aquatic environments Precautionary label statements informing users of ways to reduce the potential for runoff Appendix II of the document gives more detail on the label amendments needed for these mitigation measures. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on deltamethrin and Annihilator PolyZone, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-07 Closed Health | Policy July 5, 2019 to Aug 19, 2019 2019-07-05 2019-08-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for deltamethrin and Annihilator PolyZone. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-07 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for deltamethrin and Annihilator PolyZone and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on deltamethrin and Annihilator PolyZone.
Let’s Talk Kejimkujik! Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation June 21, 2019 to Aug 19, 2019 2019-06-21 2019-08-19 Parks Canada Management plan public engagement is an opportunity for Canadians to shape the future of the Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, including Kejimkujik Seaside. Canadians are invited to participate in Phase I public engagement of the management plan review for Kejmkujik. Help Parks Canada shape the long-term vision for the sites and respond to key management priorities
Notice of Health Canada’s Proposal to Lower the Maximum Levels of Lead in Concentrated Infant Formula and Infant Formula When Ready-to-Serve in the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods – Reference Number: NOP/ADP C-2019-1 Closed Food and drug | Health June 5, 2019 to Aug 18, 2019 2019-06-05 2019-08-18 Health Canada Health Canada has conducted a scientific assessment which supports lowering the maximum level (ML) for lead in all types of infant formula that would apply to the food on an ‘as consumed’ basis. Health Canada is proposing to consolidate the two existing MLs for lead in concentrated infant formula and infant formula when ready‑to‑serve into a single, lower ML of 0.01 p.p.m. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to Health Canada’s scientific assessment.
Registration requirements for insect-derived livestock feed ingredients Closed Agriculture | Animals | Industry June 7, 2019 to Aug 17, 2019 2019-06-07 2019-08-17 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched a 30-day public consultation to seek comments on the proposed guidance document: Registration requirements for insect-derived livestock feed ingredients Feed ingredients derived from insects can be suitable sources of nutrients for feeding to various livestock species. In some cases, insects have the potential to be used for the production of feed ingredients from a biomass that contains 40% to 45% protein and up to 35% fat. However, these products can vary significantly depending on several factors including insect species, rearing method, growth substrate, the insect product isolated, etc. all of which can impact on the safety and efficacy for feeding to livestock. This guidance document is intended to provide further clarification on the registration requirements for Feed ingredients derived from insects.
Proposed changes to earthworm plant protection import requirements Closed Agriculture | Amendments | Economy | Environment | Exporting/Importing | Natural Resources | Plants | Policy | Trade June 24, 2019 to Aug 16, 2019 2019-06-24 2019-08-16 Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA is seeking comments on proposed changes to the plant protection requirements for importing earthworms into Canada for commercial purposes. Changes would include: • Allowing the import of a species of earthworm if that species is already present in Canada. • No longer regulating aquatic earthworms as a plant health risk. • Approving earthworm species without regard to the country of origin or production. • Requiring permits for all earthworm imports, whether or not they originate or have been produced in the continental United States.
Comment on the Pest Risk Management Document for the expansion of the regulated area of Lymantria dispar (European gypsy moth) in Eastern Canada. Closed Plants July 5, 2019 to Aug 16, 2019 2019-07-05 2019-08-16 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is seeking feedback for the expansion of the regulated area of Lymantria dispar (European gypsy moth) in Eastern Canada.
Consultation on – Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Drinking Water Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources June 14, 2019 to Aug 16, 2019 2019-06-14 2019-08-16 Health Canada Opened on June 14, 2019 and will close on August 16, 2019. Find out how to participate in the consultation for the drinking water guideline technical document on E. coli in drinking water
Comment on the proposal to deregulate the pine shoot beetle Closed Plants July 3, 2019 to Aug 15, 2019 2019-07-03 2019-08-15 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is seeking feedback on a proposal to deregulate Tomicus piniperda (pine shoot beetle) in Canada.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Egbert, Ontario Closed Environment | Public safety | Service June 20, 2019 to Aug 15, 2019 2019-06-20 2019-08-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Order Declaring that the Federal Oil and Gas Methane Regulations do Not Apply in British Columbia Closed Environment | Policy | Regulations June 15, 2019 to Aug 14, 2019 2019-06-15 2019-08-14 Environment and Climate Change Canada Following the end of the comment period for the proposed equivalency agreement  (BC Methane), a second comment period will be held upon publication of the Proposed Order-in-Council in the Canada Gazette, Part I.
Consultation on Inspecting Confidential Test Data for Post-market Reviews in the Reading Room, Discussion Document DIS2019-01 Closed Health | Policy June 14, 2019 to Aug 13, 2019 2019-06-14 2019-08-13 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites stakeholders and the public to submit written comments on Discussion Document DIS2019-01, Consultation on Inspecting Confidential Test Data for Post-market Reviews in the Reading Room. Before a pesticide can be registered for use in Canada, the PMRA reviews available scientific test data to determine whether there are concerns for human health or safety, or the environment, when the product is used according to the label. Some of the data reviewed by the PMRA scientists includes confidential test data. The PMRA scientists evaluate confidential test data when conducting risk and value assessments. These assessments are an important part of the decision on whether or not the pesticide can be used in Canada, and under what conditions. Confidential test data does not include scientific data that is publicly available (for example, has been published in a scientific journal).
Webequie Supply Road Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 23, 2019 to Aug 12, 2019 2019-07-23 2019-08-12 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Webequie Supply Road Project, located in northern Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Interim Filing Guidance Closed Natural Resources | Regulations July 9, 2019 to Aug 8, 2019 2019-07-09 2019-08-08 Canada Energy Regulator As a result of upcoming changes related to Bill C-69, the NEB will become the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER). The CER Act outlines new factors to be considered in pipeline and power line applications, and this interim guidance provides companies direction on what they should file when submitting an application to the CER. This draft Interim Filing Guidance is intended to address the changes in the CER Act and outline an enhanced approach to early engagement. What We Heard Report available
Public comment period on draft cooperation agreement with British Columbia under the new Impact Assessment Act Closed Environment July 8, 2019 to Aug 7, 2019 2019-07-08 2019-08-07 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada he Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) invites the public and Indigenous peoples to comment on a draft cooperation agreement with the Province of British Columbia under the new Impact Assessment Act. The Government of Canada is committed to a “one project, one review” approach to impact assessment that will increase efficiency and certainty by reducing duplication and respecting jurisdictions. The draft agreement sets out opportunities to align timelines, and increase clarity and consistency for proponents, Indigenous peoples and the public through the assessment process.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Decisions, undertakings and orders on claims for exemption Closed Health | Policy June 22, 2019 to Aug 6, 2019 2019-06-22 2019-08-06 Health Canada Pursuant to paragraph 18(1)(a) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, the Chief Screening Officer hereby gives notice of the decisions of the screening officer respecting each claim for exemption and the relevant safety data sheet (SDS) and (where applicable) the label listed below. In accordance with section 20 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, a claimant or any affected party, as defined, may appeal a decision or order of a screening officer. An affected party may also appeal an undertaking in respect of which a notice has been published in the Canada Gazette. To initiate the appeal process, a Statement of Appeal (Form 1) as prescribed by the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Appeal Board Procedures Regulations must be completed and delivered, along with the fee prescribed by section 12 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations, within 45 days of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the Chief Appeals Officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor, 4908B, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Proposed Amendments to Canada’s Trade Remedy Regulations (Special Import Measures Regulations) Closed Exporting/Importing | Trade July 20, 2019 to Aug 5, 2019 2019-07-20 2019-08-05 Department of Finance Canada The proposed regulatory amendments would provide the Canada Border Services Agency greater flexibilities to use alternative methodologies in anti-dumping investigations, if input costs are distorted due to a particular market situation or where inputs are sourced supplied an associated supplier (e.g. a subsidiary or affiliated company).
Bending Lake Iron Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 15, 2019 to Aug 4, 2019 2019-07-15 2019-08-04 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Bending Lake Iron Project, located southwest of Ignace, Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Comment on the revised directive D-99-03: Phytosanitary import requirements to prevent the entry of Oak Wilt Disease (Bretziella fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt) from the Continental United States. Closed Plants June 28, 2019 to Aug 2, 2019 2019-06-28 2019-08-02 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is seeking feedback on a directive that is being revised to define high and low risk periods, and to outline phytosanitary import requirements and related measures for oak articles.
Public consultation on the Framework for Aquaculture Risk Management Closed Environment | Fisheries | Indigenous People | Policy June 1, 2019 to Aug 2, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-08-02 Fisheries and Oceans Canada This engagement sought public comment on the proposed framework for aquaculture risk management through e-mail, in person and telephone submissions.
Public consultation on risk-based approach on the transfer of live fish Closed Environment | Fisheries | Indigenous People | Policy June 1, 2019 to Aug 2, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-08-02 Fisheries and Oceans Canada This engagement sought public comment on the proposed risk based approach to transfer live fish through e-mail, in person and telephone submissions.
Strategic Environmental Assessment in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait Closed Development | Environment | Indigenous People | Natural Resources | Science and technology Apr 1, 2016 to July 31, 2019 2016-04-01 2019-07-31 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada CIRNAC referred the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) pursuant to section 12.2.4 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. The NIRB is responsible for coordinating the SEA, including considering previously collected information and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (Inuit Knowledge), facilitating public engagement and submitting a final report and recommendations to the Minister of CIRNA.
2018 Serving You Better consultations with small and medium businesses Closed Taxes May 1, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-07-31 Canada Revenue Agency The CRA consults regularly with small and medium businesses, their service providers (accountants and bookkeepers), stakeholder associations and CRA employees to make CRA programs and services fairer, more helpful and easier to use. These consultations are conducted through a combination of in-person Serving You Better roundtable discussions, online consultations, various social media platforms and written submissions. What We Heard Report available
Comment on how to improve Rockfish Conservation Areas in the Northern Shelf Bioregion Closed Environment | Fisheries | Regulations June 3, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-06-03 2019-07-31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada We’re reviewing the effectiveness of Rockfish Conservation Areas in the Northern Shelf Bioregion (see Figure 1). We’d like to hear from you about how we can make improvements to protect rockfish and their habitat. This comment period is focusing on potential changes to boundaries and fisheries restrictions.
Consultation on Nunavut Fishery Regulations Closed Fisheries | Indigenous People | Regulations Feb 11, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-02-11 2019-07-31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Face-to-face engagement in communities across Nunavut and Nunavik to inform the co-development of new Nunavut fisheries regulations by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, the Government of Nunavut, and Makivik Corporation.
Canada Training Benefit Closed Employment | Education | Training and careers June 27, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-06-27 2019-07-31 Employment and Social Development Canada This online engagement process will help identify information gaps, challenges and ideas to better inform the design and delivery of the new EI Training Support Benefit and leave provisions under the Canada Labour Code.
Draft Legislative Proposals Supporting the Conversion of Health and Welfare Trusts Closed Taxes May 27, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-05-27 2019-07-31 Department of Finance Canada Budget 2018 proposed that legislative provisions be introduced to convert the Health and Welfare Trusts that allow Canadian employers to provide benefits to their employees into Employee Life and Health Trusts. This would mean only one set of tax rules would apply to these arrangements after 2020 — reducing redundancy and providing greater certainty and consistency to taxpayers. The Budget invited stakeholders to provide input on this transition. Consultations concluded on June 29, 2018. With the views of stakeholders carefully considered, the Department of Finance today released draft legislative proposals that would: - facilitate the conversion of existing Health and Welfare Trusts into Employee Life and Health Trusts; and - amend the existing Employee Life and Health Trust tax rules to allow what are currently Health and Welfare Trust arrangements to continue to operate in a manner similar to that in which they currently operate.
Kitimat LNG Expansion Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 11, 2019 to July 31, 2019 2019-07-11 2019-07-31 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Kitimat LNG Expansion Project, located in British Columbia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description. In addition, the Government of British Columbia has requested that the conduct of the federal environmental assessment process be substituted to the province. This means the provincial government would conduct the environmental assessment of the project on behalf of the Agency, and would gather the information needed for the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to make an environmental assessment decision under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. The Agency is also seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on this request.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Carvel, Alberta Closed Environment | Public safety | Service May 24, 2019 to July 30, 2019 2019-05-24 2019-07-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Forges du Saint-Maurice National Historic Site - Public Consultation 2019 Closed Culture | Heritage May 17, 2019 to July 30, 2019 2019-05-17 2019-07-30 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to give the partners, community stakeholders and general public an opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process related to managing the Forges du Saint-Maurice national historic site. The management plan is the official document that will guide management of the historic site for the next ten years (2019-2029). It provides orientation for protecting cultural and natural resources, visitor experiences and public education.
Minor Works Order (Navigation Protection Act) Closed Economy | Environment | Industry | Indigenous People | Regulations | Transportation May 1, 2019 to July 30, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-07-30 Transport Canada Web-based consultations on potential amendments to the Minor Works Order, which allows for works to be built if they meet the criteria for the applicable class of works, as well as specific terms and conditions for construction. Calls and meetings to provide technical briefings to Indigenous groups and stakeholders will be scheduled as requested.
Consultation on Dimethomorph and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2019-03 Closed Health | Policy Apr 29, 2019 to July 28, 2019 2019-04-29 2019-07-28 Health Canada Dimethomorph is a commercial fungicide used to manage disease in some vegetable and fruit crops, ginseng, and ornamentals grown in fields and greenhouses. It is important for the management of potato late blight tuber rot, and sudden oak death, on many high value plants in nurseries and landscape plantings. Health Canada is proposing that products containing dimethomorph are acceptable for continued registration in Canada, provided that required label updates are made to further protect human health and the environment. Those updates include: Updates to personal protective equipment statements, restricted-entry intervals, and a label restriction against mist or fog applications to protect workers Updates to best management practices to minimize bystander exposure Label statements to mitigate dimethomorph entering aquatic environments and groundwater Labels for dimethomorph products Forum, Zampro, and Acrobat can be found in the Pesticide Label Search database.
Notice of Health Canada’s proposal to enable the use of L-lysine monohydrochloride in certain processed snack foods Closed Food and drug | Health May 13, 2019 to July 26, 2019 2019-05-13 2019-07-26 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of L-lysine monohydrochloride in certain processed snack foods to inhibit acrylamide formation during their manufacture. The results of the Food Directorate's evaluation of available scientific data support the safety and efficacy of L-lysine monohydrochloride for its requested use. Therefore, Health Canada intends to modify the List of Permitted Additives with Other Accepted Uses accordingly. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce Health Canada's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for inquiries or for those wishing to submit new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Consultation on Draft Guidance Document: Safety of Sperm and Ova Regulations Closed Health | Policy June 26, 2019 to July 26, 2019 2019-06-26 2019-07-26 Health Canada The draft Guidance Document: Safety of Sperm and Ova Regulations provides information on the interpretation and application of the Safety of Sperm and Ova Regulations which are made under the Assisted Human Reproduction Act. The regulations were published in Canada Gazette, Part II on June 26, 2019. In addition to the regulations, the draft guidance document also provides an interpretation of the Health Canada Directive: Technical Requirements for Conducting the Suitability Assessment of Sperm and Ova Donors.
Consultation on reimbursement related to Assisted Human Reproduction Regulations Closed Health | Policy June 26, 2019 to July 26, 2019 2019-06-26 2019-07-26 Health Canada The draft Guidance Document: Reimbursement Related to Assisted Human Reproduction Regulations provides information on the interpretation and application of the Reimbursement Related to Assisted Human Reproduction Regulations, which are made under the Assisted Human Reproduction Act. The regulations were published in Canada Gazette, Part II on June 26, 2019.
Interactive Data Visualization Products: Phase 2 Closed Communication July 22, 2019 to July 26, 2019 2019-07-22 2019-07-26 Statistics Canada Every year, Statistics Canada collects data through hundreds of surveys and numerous administrative data sources. To complement the ongoing work of various Agency programs, interactive data visualization products are being created to help users obtain data in an easy, attractive and modern manner. These products include hubs, dashboards and interactive graphics. As the use of this model increases, it is important to ensure that it provides a positive user experience and allows users to obtain the desired data efficiently. This consultation will ensure that the interactive self-serve products are compliant with a set of usability principles and will identify any potential usability problems so that improvements can be made going forward. This is the second phase of a series of consultations on Statistics Canada's interactive data visualization products.
Widgeon Valley National Wildlife Area management plan Closed Environment May 24, 2019 to July 23, 2019 2019-05-24 2019-07-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada Share your ideas about our draft plan for managing the Widgeon Valley National Wildlife Area.
Let's Talk Electronic Shipping Documents Tranportation Closed Transportation June 21, 2019 to July 22, 2019 2019-06-21 2019-07-22 Transport Canada Web-based consultations with the general public and stakeholders. Transport Canada (TC) is conducting a regulatory sandbox to identify timely and flexible solutions to update the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (External link) with paperless alternatives.
Consultation on Draft Guidance: Accelerated Review of Human Drug Submissions Closed Food and drug | Health May 7, 2019 to July 21, 2019 2019-05-07 2019-07-21 Health Canada Health Canada is announcing a 75 day consultation on the draft Guidance: Accelerated Review of Human Drug Submissions. The consultation will be open for comment beginning May 7, 2019 and will close July 21, 2019. Health Canada is committed to working with health partners in order to improve access to those drugs that are needed most by Canadians. Under the Regulatory Review of Drugs and Devices initiative, Health Canada has consulted on priority review pathways and health care system needs in order to make determinations about which products could be reviewed under shortened timelines. Feedback from these consultations has resulted in proposed modifications to both the Priority Review of Drug Submissions policy and the Notice of Compliance with Conditions policy and these are reflected under a new title: Draft Guidance: Accelerated Review of Human Drug Submissions. The draft guidance applies to New Drug Submissions (NDS) or Supplement to New Drug Submissions (SNDS) in support of a prescription pharmaceutical, biologic or radiopharmaceutical drug product for human use for serious, life-threatening or severely debilitating diseases or conditions. Certain elements of the guidance are also applicable to generic pharmaceuticals where the innovator product has a conditional authorization. Health Canada is seeking your feedback on the overall clarity and content of the draft guidance. In addition, it is important we hear your views on the following proposed elements which are outlined in detail in the draft guidance: •the single pathway for accelerated review •two different options for screening processes •the eligibility criteria for drug product submissions seeking an accelerated review status
Notice of Consultation on the Prescription Drug List: Vitamin D Closed Food and drug | Health May 22, 2019 to July 21, 2019 2019-05-22 2019-07-21 Health Canada This Notice of Consultation provides an opportunity to comment on the proposal to amend the Prescription Drug List (PDL) qualifier for Vitamin D to allow non-prescription status to products containing up to 62.5 µg or 2,500 International Units (IU)/day for oral use. Only the Human part of the PDL is proposed to be revised.
Consultation - Draft Guidance Document for Industry and Practitioners on the Special Access Program (SAP) for Drugs Closed Food and drug | Health May 10, 2019 to July 19, 2019 2019-05-10 2019-07-19 Health Canada This draft guidance provides information on the interpretation of the proposed amendments to the medical emergency provisions of the Food and Drug Regulations. It also assists practitioners to comply with the proposed regulatory requirements by explaining the request and authorization process and reporting requirements when requesting a drug for use in a medical emergency, and foreign drug manufacturers requesting to store a drug in a Canadian facility.
Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 19: Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning the Sale of Drugs (Public or Canadian Armed Forces Health Emergencies) Closed Food and drug | Health May 11, 2019 to July 19, 2019 2019-05-11 2019-07-19 Health Canada Renewal of the Special Access Program for Drugs and the Emergency Drug Release Program for Veterinary Drugs The current provisions for the sale of drugs for a medical emergency would be amended to provide appropriate authorities for current program operations, such as authorizing requests for unknown patients in anticipation of a medical emergency. Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning the Sale of Drugs (Public or Canadian Armed Forces Health Emergencies) Current emergency provisions in the Food and Drug Regulations do not cover emergency preparedness and response activities undertaken by federal, provincial, territorial or municipal Public Health Officials responsible for public health or the Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces responsible for military health. A new regulatory framework is proposed that would provide appropriate authorities to reflect current operations, facilitating access to unauthorized drugs that could be used to treat mass populations during a Canadian public or military health emergency, e.g., pandemic influenza vaccine, antivirals, etc.
Proposed navigable waters to add to the Schedule of the new Canadian Navigable Waters Act (CNWA) Closed Transportation June 19, 2019 to July 19, 2019 2019-06-19 2019-07-19 Transport Canada The purpose of this web-based consultation is to seek comment on Transport Canada’s proposal to add 25 navigable waters to the Schedule of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act, including certain heritage and longest wild and free-flowing rivers.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP) enhancement Consultation for Self-Employed Closed Taxes May 22, 2019 to July 17, 2019 2019-05-22 2019-07-17 Canada Revenue Agency The CRA would like to know if stakeholders understand the implications of changes brought about by the ECPP and how it affects their tax obligations and what they are required to do. Consultations with stakeholders will help identify the information and resources that best serve them in meeting their tax obligations specific to ECPP. Further validation of “shell products” prior to final production will be employed to confirm the needs/wants previously shared by stakeholders has been adequately reflected to date.
Consultation on Ferbam, Thiram and Ziram, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-08 Closed Health | Policy May 3, 2019 to July 17, 2019 2019-05-03 2019-07-17 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for ferbam, thiram and ziram up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for ferbam, thiram and ziram.
Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (Radiation Protection) Closed Regulations June 15, 2019 to July 16, 2019 2019-06-15 2019-07-16 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is inviting comments from the public on proposed Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (Radiation Protection). The draft Regulations were recently approved by the Governor in Council for consultation. They have been published in the June 15th edition of the Canada Gazette, Part I. Consultation on the proposed regulations is open until July 16, 2019. The CNSC is updating these Regulations to align with the latest international standards for radiation protection and to provide additional regulatory clarity based on its regulatory operational experience. Key elements of the proposed Regulations include a new requirement for licensees to inform all nuclear energy workers of their duties and responsibilities during an emergency, as well as the risks associated with radiation during the control of an emergency. The proposed Regulations also include a revision of the equivalent dose limits for the lens of the eye. What We Heard Report available
Nahanni National Park Reserve Draft Management Plan Closed Animals | Environment | Indigenous People June 15, 2019 to July 15, 2019 2019-06-15 2019-07-15 Parks Canada A new park management plan for Nahanni National Park Reserve is currently in development. Working with our Indigenous partners in the Dehcho First Nations, Park staff developed a scoping report to determine some broad directions for the ongoing stewardship of Nahanni. This scoping report has now been developed into a draft management plan, which can be found at the link above. This draft is an invitation to all Canadians to offer their feedback and let us know what they think is important for the long term protection of Nahanni. We invite you to read the draft and provide us with your thoughts on how to shape the future of Nahanni National Park Reserve. Please submit your feedback to:
Consultation on 1-Octanol and 1,4Zap, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-05 Closed Health | Policy May 29, 2019 to July 13, 2019 2019-05-29 2019-07-13 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for 1-Octanol and 1,4Zap. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-05 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for 1-Octanol and 1,4Zap and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on 1-Octanol and 1,4Zap.
Goliath Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment June 12, 2019 to July 12, 2019 2019-06-12 2019-07-12 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Goliath Gold Project, located in Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites comments on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally-binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Let's Talk National Marine Conservation Areas Closed Environment | Policy | Regulations May 8, 2019 to July 10, 2019 2019-05-08 2019-07-10 Parks Canada Parks Canada is consulting with individuals and stakeholder groups with an interest in national marine conservation areas (NMCAs). The Agency is revising its policy for NMCAs and is in the early stages of developing regulations under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act. This revision will help ensure that representative examples of Canada’s marine heritage are protected and conserved today, and for future generations.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Woodlands, Manitoba Closed Environment | Public safety | Service May 23, 2019 to July 9, 2019 2019-05-23 2019-07-09 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on the new weather radar at King City, Ontario Closed Environment | Public safety | Service May 23, 2019 to July 8, 2019 2019-05-23 2019-07-08 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Locked Checked Baggage Closed Transportation June 14, 2019 to July 8, 2019 2019-06-14 2019-07-08 Transport Canada Online public consultation to obtain feedback on Transport Canada's proposed amendments to the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations of 2012 to give the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) the authority to cut certain locks and seals on checked bags that require additional screening.
Consultation on Bixafen and F9651-2 Fungicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-04 Closed Health | Policy May 21, 2019 to July 5, 2019 2019-05-21 2019-07-05 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for bixafen and F9651-2 Fungicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-04 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for bixafen and F9651-2 Fungicide the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Bixafen and F9651-2 Fungicide.
Let’s Talk Mountain Parks – Waterton Lakes National Park Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation Apr 10, 2019 to July 3, 2019 2019-04-10 2019-07-03 Parks Canada Parks Canada is consulting with Canadians on the management plans for the mountain national parks. The first stage of public engagement is now underway for Waterton Lakes National Park and will run to July 3, 2019. A management plan identifies the vision and long-term strategic direction for the park, and describes how that vision and direction will be achieved. It also describes how the park’s natural and cultural resources will be protected while promoting public understanding and appreciation, and facilitating exceptional visitor experiences. Share your feedback! Indigenous, stakeholder and public input at this stage is crucial in helping to shape what the next park management plans should focus on. This ensures that the next plan truly reflects the values and views of Canadians. What We Heard Report available
Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations Closed Amendments | Regulations | Taxes June 1, 2019 to July 1, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-07-01 Canada Revenue Agency Canada Revenue Agency having previously completed the Disability Tax Credit consultations with promoters and the Disability Tax Credit consultations with promoters and the Disability Advisory Committee with respect to the proposed maximum fee, the proposed Regulations,will be published in Part I of the Canada Gazette to provide stakeholders an opportunity to view and comment on the proposal.
Proposed Updates to the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist Closed Health | Policy May 3, 2019 to July 1, 2019 2019-05-03 2019-07-01 Health Canada You are invited to comment on a proposal to update the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist. The proposal includes: changes to the conditions for existing entries on the Hotlist changes to include new substance identifiers or to make minor corrections to the Hotlist
Charities Feedback on New Outreach Products Closed Taxes May 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-06-30 Canada Revenue Agency The audience will be comprised of registered charities and other stakeholders working in the charitable sector. Emails from the Charities Assessment and Registration (CARE) database provided by charities will be used to send the link to the CRA Engage tool for charities to participate. Using the CRA engage tool, we will interact and : (1) post links to our published outreach products grouped by topic and have a set of specific questions and an open comment box for each, (2) ask for suggestions of topics that they would like to be covered more or differently (3) ask questions about future outreach products that we want to develop to see if there is an interest (such as podcasts, Twitter live Q&A events, and videoconferences), (4) ask whether they have seen our posts on Social media and inquire about which social media platform they use and would like us to use to reach out, (5) ask for suggestions about other outreach channels and methods they would like us to use.
Draft binational screening criteria for nominated chemicals of mutual concern Closed Environment June 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-06-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is asking interested agencies, organizations and individuals to provide comments on the draft screening criteria for nominated chemicals of mutual concern. The draft screening criteria can be found under Annex 3 on The feedback will be used to finalize the screening criteria which will the basis for screening both internal and external nominations of chemicals of mutual concern under Annex 3 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Draft binational strategy for short-chain chlorinated paraffins risk management public review Closed Environment June 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-06-01 2019-06-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is asking interested agencies, organizations and individuals to provide comments on the draft binational strategy for short-chain chlorinated paraffins risk management. The strategy can be found under Annex 3 on The feedback will be used to finalize this strategy.
Canada's approach on non-tax inefficient fossil fuel subsidies Closed Financial assistance and entitlements | Natural Resources | Policy Mar 29, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-03-29 2019-06-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada There is a three-month long consultation to seek public feedback on Canada's approach to federal non-tax inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. The process will inform Canada's self-report as a part of its G20 peer review with Argentina.
Labour Exploitation in Global Supply Chains Closed Economic development | Employment | Foreign affairs | Industry | Labour May 17, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-17 2019-06-30 Employment and Social Development Canada The Government of Canada is seeking the views of stakeholders and partners, including unions, businesses, experts, investors, civil society organizations, and provinces and territories, on possible measures to address labour exploitation in global supply chains
Notice: For Consultation: Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: M10 Bioanalytical Validation Method Closed Food and drug | Health Apr 3, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-04-03 2019-06-30 Health Canada Comments provided to Health Canada should be submitted by June 30, 2019 in order to allow sufficient time for their assessment and subsequent transmission to the ICH.
Valentine Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 31, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-31 2019-06-30 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Valentine Gold Project, located southwest of Millertown in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
St. Lawrence Fluorspar Marine Shipping Terminal Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment June 10, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-06-10 2019-06-30 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed St. Lawrence Fluorspar Marine Shipping Terminal Project, located in Mine Cove, Little Lawn Harbour, along the western border of the Town of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland and Labrador. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Thousand Islands National Park Management Plan Consultation Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation May 15, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-15 2019-06-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is reviewing the management plan for Thousand Islands National Park and we would like to hear your views, opinions and suggestions on the future of this treasured place. After consultation sessions with our partners, stakeholders and the public, we will prepare an overview of what we heard and a management plan that reflects the extensive feedback that we receive. Participants can complete an online survey or attend a public open house.
Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site Management Plan Consultation Closed Culture | Heritage May 15, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-15 2019-06-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is reviewing the management plan for Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site and we would like to hear your views, opinions and suggestions on the future of this treasured place. After consultation sessions with our partners, stakeholders and the public, we will prepare an overview of what we heard and a management plan that reflects the extensive feedback that we receive. Participants can send feedback through email or attend a public open house.
Laurier House National Historic Site Management Plan Consultation Closed Culture | Heritage May 15, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-15 2019-06-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is reviewing the management plan for Laurier House National Historic Site and we would like to hear your views, opinions and suggestions on the future of this treasured place. After consultation sessions with our partners, stakeholders and the public, we will prepare an overview of what we heard and a management plan that reflects the extensive feedback that we receive. Participants can send feedback through email or attend a public open house.
Modernization of the Official Languages Act Closed Amendments | Culture | Justice and the Law | Policy | Society Mar 11, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-03-11 2019-06-30 Canadian Heritage On June 6, 2018, the Prime Minister stated the Government's intention to modernize the Official Languages Act. This intention was subsequently included in the 2018 mandate letter of the Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie, as a commitment to "begin an examination towards modernizing the Official Languages Act". In March 2019, the Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie announced the launch of this examination. In March and April 2019, five forums were held in Moncton, Ottawa, Sherbrooke, Edmonton, and Vancouver to discuss some of the major themes related to modernization. In addition, twelve round-table discussions were held across the country to hear from stakeholders between March and May 2019. These events culminated in a Symposium on Official Languages held at the end of May 2019, which brought together experts from various backgrounds to discuss the major issues identified at the forums and round-tables. Canadians were also invited to express their views to inform the examination of the Official Languages Act by submitting their suggestions through the modernization Website.
Drone Talks: Planning for Success Closed Transportation May 29, 2019 to June 30, 2019 2019-05-29 2019-06-30 Transport Canada On May 29-30th, 2019, Transport Canada will be holding a two-day workshop event with the RPAS industry in Ottawa. This event will bring together a broad spectrum of stakeholders, cross cutting different segments of the RPAS industry, in order to get their insights and to help shape the development of a collective way forward on various RPAS topics. The feedback received from stakeholders through this consultation will then be used to inform future regulatory development and program design work by Transport Canada.
Structured Format for Product Monographs Closed Food and drug | Health May 15, 2019 to June 29, 2019 2019-05-15 2019-06-29 Health Canada Health Canada is seeking feedback on a new structured format for product monographs. The new Structured Product Monograph is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), Health Level 7's (HL7) Structured Product Label (SPL) standard and controlled vocabularies. The goal is to improve access to drug labeling information in order to help Canadians make informed decisions about their medications; and encourage the adoption of digital health technology to increase efficiency. The draft guidance documents Preparation of Product Monographs in the Extensible Markup Language Format; and Validation Rules for Product Monographs in the Extensible Markup Language Format outline how to implement this new format.
Health research priorities Closed Health | Science and technology May 6, 2019 to June 28, 2019 2019-05-06 2019-06-28 Canadian Institutes of Health Research Connect with Canadians and learn about their health research priorities.
Proactive Pay Equity Regulatory Consultations Closed | Labour | Regulations May 29, 2019 to June 28, 2019 2019-05-29 2019-06-28 Employment and Social Development Canada On December 13, 2018, the Government of Canada adopted a new proactive pay equity regime for the federal public and private sectors with the passing of the federal Pay Equity Act. Once in force, the new legislation will require federal jurisdiction employers with 10 or more employees to develop a pay equity plan to ensure that they are providing equal pay for work of equal value. Over the next several weeks, we are seeking input from Canadians through two different consultation activities to develop the regulations needed for the new proactive pay equity regime to be operable.
Consultation on Wage Earner Protection Program Regulations Closed Amendments | Economy | Employment | Financial assistance and entitlements | Labour | Regulations May 21, 2019 to June 28, 2019 2019-05-21 2019-06-28 Employment and Social Development Canada Consultations will help identify how regulations can be developed to improve the operation of the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) and make the Program more equitable. Consultations can also help identify potential issues of concern that should be taken into consideration during the regulatory development process. Consultations will include face-to-face meetings, conference calls, and written submissions.
Port of Quebec Deep-Water Wharf Project — Beauport Sector — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 29, 2019 to June 28, 2019 2019-05-29 2019-06-28 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Port of Quebec Deep-Water Wharf Project – Beauport Sector, located in Quebec. Since the previous public consultation period on the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement held from January 4, 2017 to February 10, 2017, the Agency has received updates on the proposed project. Therefore, the Agency invites the public and Indigenous peoples to comment on the project's potential environmental effects and on the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects, as described in the proponent's summary of updates to the project and to the Environmental Impact Statement.
Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations Closed Transportation May 15, 2019 to June 28, 2019 2019-05-15 2019-06-28 Transport Canada The objective of the Regulatory Review: Modernization of the Canadian Aviation Regulations is to review and update the regulations by addressing unnecessary burden on industry and the department alike. The review will identify opportunities to support innovation and economic growth by providing a range of regulatory and non-regulatory tools that address the current needs and anticipate the future needs in the air transportation sector. The review will also seek ways to better align with international best practices.
Let's Talk Drones (2019) Closed Transportation June 4, 2019 to June 28, 2019 2019-06-04 2019-06-28 Transport Canada Transport Canada is seeking feedback on recently published Regulations amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).
Proposed changes to the National Pollutant Release Inventory for the 2020 reporting year Closed Environment | Science and technology Apr 16, 2018 to June 27, 2019 2018-04-16 2019-06-27 Environment and Climate Change Canada During the consultation period, the Government of Canada engaged with: • a multi-stakeholder work group (includes representatives from industry associations, environmental non-government organizations, and Indigenous organizations) • members of the public
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources May 27, 2019 to June 26, 2019 2019-05-27 2019-06-26 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Review of "Product of Canada" and "Made in Canada" Labelling Guidelines Closed Agriculture | Food and drug | Industry | Policy May 27, 2019 to June 23, 2019 2019-05-27 2019-06-23 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The CFIA is seeking feedback to inform decision-making as it considers potential changes to the voluntary "Product of Canada" and "Made in Canada" labelling guidelines.
Chief Service Officer service improvements Closed Service | Taxes Apr 23, 2019 to June 18, 2019 2019-04-23 2019-06-18 Canada Revenue Agency The Chief Service Officer will be consulting Canadians over tax filing season on CRA service improvements.
2019-102 Call for comments on market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve Vancouver, British Columbia Closed Communication Apr 4, 2019 to June 18, 2019 2019-04-04 2019-06-18 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Call for comments on market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve Vancouver.
Consultation on regulatory changes for tramadol Closed Health | Policy Apr 20, 2019 to June 18, 2019 2019-04-20 2019-06-18 Health Canada Tramadol is an opioid analgesic. It is available by prescription to provide pain relief. Like other prescription opioids, tramadol can produce euphoria and dependence. It can also cause effects such as seizures and respiratory failure, especially when it is used problematically. To help protect Canadians from the health and safety risks of improper opioid use, we are proposing to add tramadol to the CDSA and NCR. This will help to prevent it from being diverted for unauthorized use while keeping it available for valid medical and scientific purposes.
Consultation of Draft Guidance Documents: Identifying and Labelling Medicinal Ingredients, Generic Drug Equivalence: Medicinal Ingredients Closed Food and drug | Health Apr 8, 2019 to June 17, 2019 2019-04-08 2019-06-17 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations that would provide greater clarity to the pharmaceutical industry on criteria for which regulatory pathway to follow when filing generic drug submissions to Health Canada. The draft guidance documents Identifying and Labelling Medicinal Ingredients and Generic Drug Equivalence: Medicinal Ingredients outline the implementation of the regulatory proposal out for consultation in Canada Gazette I. We would like to inform you that we have recently launched a consultation on one of the topics of interest to you.
Énergie Saguenay Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 17, 2019 to June 17, 2019 2019-05-17 2019-06-17 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Énergie Saguenay Project, located in the District of La Baie, Saguenay City, Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Tilt Cove Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 27, 2019 to June 16, 2019 2019-05-27 2019-06-16 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Tilt Cove Exploration Drilling Project, located 300 kilometres southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in Suncor Energy’s summary of the project description.
DRAFT Canada-US Lake Ontario Lakewide Action & Management Plan Closed Environment Apr 15, 2019 to June 13, 2019 2019-04-15 2019-06-13 Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada is seeking input on the draft 2019 Lake Ontario Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LAMP), a binational ecosystem-based action plan to restore and protect the water quality of Lake Ontario and its connecting river systems, the Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers. The draft plan is posted via Placespeak and for public input.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Decisions, undertakings and orders on claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Apr 27, 2019 to June 11, 2019 2019-04-27 2019-06-11 Health Canada Pursuant to paragraph 18(1)(a) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, the Chief Screening Officer hereby gives notice of the decisions of the screening officer respecting each claim for exemption and the relevant safety data sheet (SDS) and (where applicable) the label listed below. In accordance with section 20 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, a claimant or any affected party, as defined, may appeal a decision or order of a screening officer. An affected party may also appeal an undertaking in respect of which a notice has been published in the Canada Gazette. To initiate the appeal process, a Statement of Appeal (Form 1) as prescribed by the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Appeal Board Procedures Regulations must be completed and delivered, along with the fee prescribed by section 12 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations, within 45 days of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the Chief Appeals Officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor, 4908B, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultation on the Proposed Amendments to Schedule 2 of the MMER Associated with the Sisson Mine in New Brunswick Closed Amendments | Environment | Fisheries | Natural Resources | Regulations Feb 16, 2019 to June 10, 2019 2019-02-16 2019-06-10 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultation activities is to provide an opportunity to participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste disposal report, the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER). The consultation process will include local consultation sessions and one national session to be held in Gatineau, Quebec, with an opportunity for Indigenous groups to provide verbal and written comments during and following these consultation sessions. Another consultation and comment period will be provided after any pre-publication of the proposed amendment to Schedule 2 of the MMER in the Canada Gazette, Part I.
Consultation on Triforine and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2019-02 Closed Health | Policy Mar 12, 2019 to June 10, 2019 2019-03-12 2019-06-10 Health Canada Triforine is a fungicide registered for use on apples, highbush and lowbush blueberries, cranberries (in British Columbia only), Saskatoon berries, some stone fruits (cherries, peaches, plums and prunes), outdoor ornamentals and roses. It is applied by field sprayers, airblast sprayers and chemigation (cranberries only). A full list of products containing triforine can be found in the Pesticide Label Search database or Appendix I of this PRVD. Following a re-evaluation of triforine, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue all uses of this active ingredient. Risks to human health and the environment were found to be acceptable when triforine is used according to the proposed revised label directions, with the addition of the following proposed risk mitigation measures: updated pre-harvest intervals, statements for personal protective equipment, and restricted-entry intervals to protect workers a statement to promote best practices to protect bystanders from spray drift spray buffer zones to protect non-target habitats an updated hazard statement on potential leaching into groundwater For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on Special Review of Tetrachlorvinphos and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Special Review Decision PSRD2019-04 Closed Health | Policy Apr 26, 2019 to June 10, 2019 2019-04-26 2019-06-10 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians over the next 45 days on its proposed special review decision for tetrachlorvinphos. Tetrachlorvinphos is a pesticide used by commercial applicators and the general public to control insects such as lice, mites and ticks, on animals for food production (beef cattle, dairy cattle and poultry), companion animals (cats and dogs) and their bedding and living quarters, and in structures (for example, dairy barns, poultry houses and swine barns). Product names include Vet-Kem, Zodiac, Ultraguard, Incontrol, Debantic and Ectogard. For a full list please see Appendix I in the consultation document or visit the Pesticide Label Search results for tetrachlorvinphos.
Central Ridge Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 21, 2019 to June 10, 2019 2019-05-21 2019-06-10 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Central Ridge Exploration Drilling Project, located east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Special Review of Naled and Its Associated End use Product under subsection 17(2) of Pest Control Products Act, Proposed Special Review Decision PSRD2019-03 Closed Health | Policy Apr 25, 2019 to June 9, 2019 2019-04-25 2019-06-09 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians over the next 45 days on its proposed special review decision for naled (end-use product name Dibrom Insecticide), a pesticide used by commercial applicators to control insects on crops, pastures and around structures. This is one of two special reviews for naled, and it is conducted in response to the European Union’s decision to prohibit all uses due to health and environmental concerns (the other special review of naled, PRSD2019-02, was conducted to assess new concerns around occupational risks). An evaluation of the scientific information related to the aspects of concern showed that the potential risks to human health among workers, and potential risks to aquatic organisms, are not considered to be acceptable. Health Canada is, therefore, proposing to cancel all uses of naled.
Consultation on Special Review of Naled and Its Associated End use Product under subsection 17(1) of Pest Control Products Act, Proposed Special Review Decision PSRD2019 02 Closed Health | Policy Apr 25, 2019 to June 9, 2019 2019-04-25 2019-06-09 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians over the next 45 days on its proposed special review decision for naled (end-use product name Dibrom Insecticide), a pesticide used by commercial applicators to control insects on crops, pastures and around structures. This is one of two special reviews for naled, conducted to assess new concerns around occupational risks (the other special review of naled, PSRD2019-03, was conducted in response to the European Union’s decision to prohibit all uses due to health and environmental concerns). New information indicated that that risks to workers associated with the use of naled are not considered to be acceptable. Health Canada is therefore proposing to cancel all uses of naled.
Let’s Talk Sable Island! Phase 2 Closed Animals | Environment | Indigenous People May 10, 2019 to June 9, 2019 2019-05-10 2019-06-09 Parks Canada Let’s Talk Sable Island provides an opportunity for all Canadians to have input on the first management plan for Sable Island National Park Reserve. After successful consultation sessions with our partners, stakeholders, the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia, and the public in Phase 1, we have prepared an overview of what we heard and a draft management plan that reflects the extensive feedback we received. Input gathered during the second phase of public consultations will be carefully considered as we work towards the final version of the management plan.
International and Interprovincial Power Line Damage Prevention Regulations Closed Natural Resources | Regulations May 8, 2019 to June 7, 2019 2019-05-08 2019-06-07 Canada Energy Regulator The proposed CER Act requires the updating of regulations that provide the framework for safely conducting activities near federally regulated power lines. The updated regulations would maintain current safety requirements and include damage prevention provisions, such as requiring individuals or companies to notify a call centre before the start of construction activities. The proposed regulation is being released now in order to inform the ongoing legislative review of Bill C-69 (which includes the proposed Canadian Energy Regulator Act) by Parliament. The proposed Canadian Energy Regulator Act will come into force on a date identified by order of the Governor in Council. In order to be ready for coming into force, the final regulations would be published in Canada Gazette, Part II, following Royal Assent. As such, these consultation papers seek stakeholders’ input on the proposed regulations. A summary of the comments received, as well as a detailed outline of any changes to the regulatory proposal, will be provided in the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statements that will accompany publication of the regulations, in order to provide industry and stakeholders with as much information as possible on the proposed regulatory requirements.
Management of Time Limit Excluded Periods Regulations Closed Natural Resources | Regulations May 8, 2019 to June 7, 2019 2019-05-08 2019-06-07 Canada Energy Regulator These regulations describe the circumstances where time periods may be excluded from the calculation of time limits for certain CER regulatory activities. These include project reviews, reporting, the issuance of orders, authorizations, or certificates for proposed projects. The proposed regulation is being released now in order to inform the ongoing legislative review of Bill C-69 (which includes the proposed Canadian Energy Regulator Act) by Parliament. The proposed Canadian Energy Regulator Act will come into force on a date identified by order of the Governor in Council. In order to be ready for coming into force, the final regulations would be published in Canada Gazette, Part II, following Royal Assent. As such, these consultation papers seek stakeholders’ input on the proposed regulations. A summary of the comments received, as well as a detailed outline of any changes to the regulatory proposal, will be provided in the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statements that will accompany publication of the regulations, in order to provide industry and stakeholders with as much information as possible on the proposed regulatory requirements.
BHP Canada Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 16, 2019 to June 5, 2019 2019-05-16 2019-06-05 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed BHP Canada Exploration Drilling Project, located 325 kilometres northeast of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Iron (Present as Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate and Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate) and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2019-01 Closed Health | Policy Mar 5, 2019 to June 3, 2019 2019-03-05 2019-06-03 Health Canada Iron (Present as Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate and Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate) is a registered pesticide used by licensed applicators to control moss on lawn and turf. A full list of registered products containing ferrous sulfate can be found in the Pesticide Label Search or in Appendix I of this PRVD. Following a re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue all uses of ferrous sulfate, with updates to label directions to meet current labelling standards.
Victoria Mine Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 13, 2019 to June 2, 2019 2019-05-13 2019-06-02 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Victoria Mine Project, located southwest of Sudbury, Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Moose Jaw Combined Cycle Power Station Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 13, 2019 to June 2, 2019 2019-05-13 2019-06-02 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Moose Jaw Combined Cycle Power Station Project, located in Saskatchewan. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Ammonium Salt of Fatty Acid, EMERION W 36 SL and AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-03 Closed Health | Policy Apr 17, 2019 to June 1, 2019 2019-04-17 2019-06-01 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for ammonium salt of fatty acid, EMERION W 36 SL and AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-03 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for ammonium salt of fatty acid, EMERION W 36 SL and AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on ammonium salt of fatty acid, EMERION W 36 SL and AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide.
Responsible Business Conduct at CCC Closed Policy May 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-05-31 Canadian Commercial Corporation CCC is seeking feedback on how we can incorporate human rights, transparency and responsible business conduct into our business practices.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Val d'Irene, Quebec Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Apr 24, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-04-24 2019-05-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03).
Developing a strategic assessment of climate change Closed Economy | Environment | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Regulations | Rural and remote services | Science and technology Apr 30, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-04-30 2019-05-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Government of Canada is committed to putting in place better rules for projects that protect the environment, respect Indigenous rights, and strengthen our economy. As part of this commitment, we are developing guidance to proponents, decision-makers and stakeholders on how climate change considerations can be best integrated in project impact assessment. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) published a discussion paper to help develop a draft strategic assessment of climate change. We are interested in your views on this discussion paper. Your input will help in the design of the strategic assessment of climate change report.
Social Innovation/Social Finance: Investment and Readiness Stream Closed Finance | Policy | Training and careers Mar 11, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-03-11 2019-05-31 Employment and Social Development Canada The Investment and Readiness Stream will provide $50 million in grants and contributions to social purpose organizations (SPOs) to improve their ability to participate in social finance. Engagement with SPOs is needed to inform ESDCs funding agreements with these organizations. More specifically, this engage will inform which activities these organizations need in order to get themselves ready to participate in the social finance market.
Discussion Paper on the Proposed Project List - public comments invited Closed Environment May 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-05-31 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is seeking public comments on the types of projects that may be subject to impact assessment (known as designated projects) under the Regulations Designating Physical Activities (also known as the Project List).
Discussion paper on Information Requirements and Time Management - public comments invited Closed Environment May 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-05-01 2019-05-31 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is seeking public comments on regulations that would set out key requirements related to information and time management in the new impact assessment system.
Listening Sessions on Victim/Survivor Involvement in Restorative Justice Programs Closed Justice and the Law Sept 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 2018-09-01 2019-05-31 Department of Justice Canada These 'Listenting Sessions' provided an opportunity for victim/survivors, victim advocates and victim serving organizations with experience in restorative justice to engage in a structured dialogue about their needs, experiences and impressions of restorative justice in Canada. What We Heard Report available
Let’s Talk Mountain Parks – Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation Jan 30, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-01-30 2019-05-31 Parks Canada Parks Canada is consulting with Canadians on the management plans for the mountain national parks. The first stage of public engagement has been extended for Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks and will run to May 31, 2019. A management plan identifies the vision and long-term strategic direction for the park, and describes how that vision and direction will be achieved. It also describes how the park’s natural and cultural resources will be protected while promoting public understanding and appreciation, and facilitating exceptional visitor experiences. Share your feedback! Indigenous, stakeholder and public input at this stage is crucial in helping to shape what the next park management plans should focus on. This ensures that the next plan truly reflects the values and views of Canadians. What We Heard Report available
Freight Rail Data Closed Transportation Mar 19, 2019 to May 31, 2019 2019-03-19 2019-05-31 Transport Canada The Transportation Modernization Act (TMA) introduced a new requirement for class 1 rail carriers to submit detailed waybill (rate) data, along with public service and performance information for their Canadian operations. Transport Canada (TC) is seeking feedback on options for amending the Transportation Information Regulations (TIR) to collect data currently collected under the TMA, and to refine and potentially expand the rail data that is collected.
Canada-British Columbia equivalency agreement consultation: release of methane from the oil and gas sector Closed Environment | Policy | Regulations Mar 30, 2019 to May 28, 2019 2019-03-30 2019-05-28 Environment and Climate Change Canada Consultations with the province of British Columbia for the Proposed Equivalency Agreement (BC Methane) under the existing regulations is currently ongoing (March 30 - May 29, 2019). Final publication in Canada Gazette, Part I, is targeted for Early 2019.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Apr 27, 2019 to May 27, 2019 2019-04-27 2019-05-27 Health Canada Pursuant to paragraph 12(1)(a) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, the Chief Screening Officer hereby gives notice of the filing of the claims for exemption listed below. In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Regulations Establishing Time Limits in Relation to Matters Before the Copyright Board Closed Copyright/Trademarks/Patents | Policy | Regulations Apr 27, 2019 to May 27, 2019 2019-04-27 2019-05-27 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The immediate objective of the proposed Regulations is to prescribe the amount of time the Board may take to render decisions, in accordance with the reasonable expectations of stakeholders and the public, while ensuring that the independence of the Board is preserved and that it has the necessary time to render decisions effectively and fairly. More broadly, the proposed Regulations are a central part of the overall suite of reforms that will make the Board’s decision-making processes more efficient and its decision-making timelines more predictable. Stakeholders may review the draft regulations and accompanying Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement published in the Canada Gazette, Part I and provide comments by e-mail, regular mail or telephone.
Consultation - Reducing Youth Access and Appeal of Vaping Products: Potential Regulatory Measures Closed Health | Youth Apr 11, 2019 to May 25, 2019 2019-04-11 2019-05-25 Health Canada This consultation will gather comments on additional regulatory measures that would aim to reduce youth use of vaping products, including: prohibiting the manufacture and sale of vaping products with certain flavours or flavour ingredients and/or prohibiting the promotion of certain flavours restricting the concentration and/or delivery of nicotine in vaping products regulating design features restricting online retail access restricting product packaging increasing regulatory transparency and openness Input gathered through this consultation will be used to inform the development of proposed regulations to further reduce youth access and appeal of vaping products.
Draft binational strategy for PBDE risk management public review Closed Environment Apr 22, 2019 to May 24, 2019 2019-04-22 2019-05-24 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is asking interested agencies, organizations and individuals to provide comments on the draft binational strategy for PBDE risk management. The strategy can be found under Annex 3 on The feedback will be used to finalize this strategy as per Annex 3 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Off-Road Compression-Ignition (Mobile and Stationary) and Large Spark-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations Closed Environment | Transportation Jan 1, 2014 to May 23, 2019 2014-01-01 2019-05-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada Targeted pre-consultations for Off-Road Mobile Compression-Ignition and Large Spark-Ignition Engines are being held from 2014 to 2018 to provide stakeholders with an early opportunity to provide input on the proposal. Pre-consultations for Stationary Compression-Ignition Engines began in April 2017 to provide stakeholders (importers, manufacturers, end users, NGO, Indigenous) with an opportunity to provide input on the proposal. The proposed regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on March 9, 2019, followed by a 75-day public comment period. Target date for final publication is 2020.
Consultation on Dithianon, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-07 Closed Health | Policy Mar 8, 2019 to May 22, 2019 2019-03-08 2019-05-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for dithianon up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for dithianon.
Consultation on Cyantraniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-06 Closed Health | Policy Mar 6, 2019 to May 20, 2019 2019-03-06 2019-05-20 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyantraniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyantraniliprole.
Notice of Modification to the Lists of Permitted Food Additives to Enable the Use of Potassium Pyrophosphate, tetrabasic in Unstandardized Foods - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0128 [2019-03-05] Closed Food and drug | Health Mar 5, 2019 to May 18, 2019 2019-03-05 2019-05-18 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of potassium pyrophosphate, tetrabasic in unstandardized foods. Potassium pyrophosphate, tetrabasic is already permitted for use as a food additive in various foods as specified in the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents, the List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses, and the List of Permitted Sequestering Agents. As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of this food additive as described in the information document below by modifying the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents, the List of Permitted pH Adjusting Agents, Acid-Reacting Materials and Water Correcting Agents, and the List of Permitted Sequestering Agents, effective March 05, 2019. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Pleasure Craft Safety Closed Transportation Mar 26, 2019 to May 17, 2019 2019-03-26 2019-05-17 Transport Canada New technology and improved standards offer additional options for safety equipment on pleasure craft. Transport Canada (TC) is reviewing the benefits and risks of accepting new options for Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) and Electronic Visual Distress Signals Devices (eVDSD).
Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2019-57 - Review of mobile wireless services Closed Communication Feb 28, 2019 to May 15, 2019 2019-02-28 2019-05-15 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consultationg among Canadians in reviewing competition in the retail market, the current wholesale mobile wireless service regulatory framework, and the future of mobile wireless services in Canada
Consultation - Guidance on Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Mar 15, 2019 to May 15, 2019 2019-03-15 2019-05-15 Health Canada Opened on March 15, 2019 and will close on May 15, 2019. Find out how to participate in the consultation for the drinking water guidance document on natural organic matter in drinking water
Consultation - Cadmium in Drinking Water Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Mar 16, 2019 to May 15, 2019 2019-03-16 2019-05-15 Health Canada The available information on cadmium has been assessed with the intent of updating the current drinking water guideline and guideline technical document. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed document. The document is being made available for a 60-day public consultation period.
Consultation on the review of guideline technical document – Total coliforms in drinking water Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Mar 15, 2019 to May 15, 2019 2019-03-15 2019-05-15 Health Canada Opened on March 15, 2019 and will close on May 15, 2019. Find out how to participate in the consultation for the review of the drinking water guideline technical document on total coliforms in drinking water.
Consultation on Cyazofamid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-05 Closed Health | Policy Feb 27, 2019 to May 13, 2019 2019-02-27 2019-05-13 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyazofamid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyazofamid.
Passenger Rail Transportation Security Regulations Closed Transportation Apr 13, 2019 to May 12, 2019 2019-04-13 2019-05-12 Transport Canada The Regulations would require passenger and host railway companies to implement security practices to effectively manage their identified security risks. The Regulations were published in Canada Gazette Part I on April 13, 2019 for a 30 day comment period ending May 12.
Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Maltogenic alpha-Amylase from Bacillus licheniformis MDT06-221 in Bread, Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Unstandardized Bakery Products, and Pasta - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0127 [2019-02-26] Closed Food and drug | Health Feb 26, 2019 to May 11, 2019 2019-02-26 2019-05-11 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of maltogenic alpha-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis MDT06-221 in the manufacture of bread, flour, whole wheat flour, unstandardized bakery products, and pasta. Amylase (maltogenic) from other source organisms is already permitted for use as a food enzyme in Canada in the manufacture of all the foods of interest to the petitioner with the exception of pasta. As no safety concerns were identified through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive maltogenic alpha-amylase from B. licheniformis MDT06-221 as described in the information document below, by modifying the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective February 26, 2019. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Canadian Grain Commission- Falling Number and DON as Potential Grading Factors Closed Agriculture Mar 11, 2019 to May 10, 2019 2019-03-11 2019-05-10 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Feedback will help shape the proposal and next steps.
Consultation on registration requirements for mycotoxin detoxification agents (MDAs) Closed Agriculture | Animals | Development | Environment | Food and drug | Fisheries | Health | Industry | Regulations | Science and technology Apr 10, 2019 to May 10, 2019 2019-04-10 2019-05-10 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched a 30-day public consultation to seek comments on the proposed guidance document: Registration Requirements for Mycotoxin Detoxification Agents (MDAs). Mycotoxin Detoxification Agents (MDAs) are substances or mixtures of substances incorporated into a feed matrix to mitigate the toxicity of known mycotoxins by reducing the animal's exposure to the mycotoxins. This guidance document is intended to provide further clarification on the registration requirements for MDAs.
Boat Harbour Remediation Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Apr 10, 2019 to May 10, 2019 2019-04-10 2019-05-10 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Boat Harbour Remediation Project, located next to Pictou Landing First Nation, Pictou, Nova Scotia. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Notice of Intent to Issue Food Marketing Authorization Closed Food and drug | Health Apr 8, 2019 to May 8, 2019 2019-04-08 2019-05-08 Health Canada The purpose of this notice is to inform Canadians and other interested stakeholders of the Minister of Health’s intent to amend three marketing authorizations for food additives in order to allow Health Canada to enable five new food additive uses that have been scientifically evaluated and found to be safe.
Notice to Interested Parties - Regulatory amendments regarding pharmacists Closed Food and drug | Health Mar 9, 2019 to May 7, 2019 2019-03-09 2019-05-07 Health Canada You are invited to provide comments on Health Canada's intent to amend the Narcotic Control Regulations (NCR), the Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations (BOTSR) and the Food and Drug Regulations - Part G (FDR - Part G). Proposed amendments would better support modern pharmacy practices and address regulatory gaps and inconsistencies.
Comment on modifying the Fisheries Act Applications for Authorization Regulations Closed Fisheries | Regulations Apr 8, 2019 to May 3, 2019 2019-04-08 2019-05-03 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Feedback is being sought on proposed modifications to theApplications for Authorization under Paragraph 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act Regulations(the Applications for Authorization Regulations).
Valentine Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Apr 16, 2019 to May 3, 2019 2019-04-16 2019-05-03 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Valentine Gold Project, located southwest of Millertown in Newfoundland and Labrador. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Self-coding Tool Closed Communication Apr 29, 2019 to May 3, 2019 2019-04-29 2019-05-03 Statistics Canada The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a system used by Canada, Mexico and the United States to organize economic data by industry. The NAICS and its codes are revised every five years to reflect the changing structure of the economy. To adapt to the constant evolution of the NAICS, Statistics Canada is developing a NAICS self-coding tool. This tool will use modern technology and approaches to allow Canadian businesses to self-code their business activities based on their knowledge of their business. The creation of a single, centralized tool will allow for a more rapid evolution and adaptation to NAICS classification changes, while reducing maintenance and associated costs of multiple decentralized tools. This consultation ensured that the interactive self-coding NAICS tool is compliant with a set of usability principles and identified any potential usability problems so that improvements can be made. What We Heard Report available
Consulting on Possible Future World Trade Organization (WTO) Negotiations on Electronic Commerce Closed International | Trade Apr 1, 2019 to Apr 30, 2019 2019-04-01 2019-04-30 Global Affairs Canada In advance of possible future negotiations relating to Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) at the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Government of Canada is seeking input from Canadians on the types of commitments they would like to see pursued to further facilitate trade in e-commerce, and to provide a more predictable, transparent and rules-based framework in this area. The Government of Canada invites any Canadian stakeholder with an interest in the trade-related aspects of e-commerce to provide input as part of this consultation. This includes, but is not limited to, Canadian businesses, civil society, academia, indigenous groups, industry associations, labour unions, and the general public. A summary of stakeholder input will be published following the consultation, at which point stakeholders will have a further opportunity to provide comments.
Canada's Administration of Tariff Preference Level commitments under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Closed Policy | Trade Apr 1, 2019 to Apr 30, 2019 2019-04-01 2019-04-30 Global Affairs Canada In advance of the upcoming ratification of the Canada- United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) the Government of Canada is seeking input from Canadians on the administration of the Tariff Preference Level (TPL) commitments in order to facilitate the implementation of the commitments under this agreement, and to provide a predictable, transparent and rules-based framework for exports. Global Affairs Canada wants to hear from you. It welcomes your ideas, your experiences and your comments through this consultation. The Government of Canada is committed to hearing from Canadians on this topic and will ensure that Canadians continue to have the opportunity to provide their views as we engage with our free trade partners, including through our ongoing consultation efforts. Canadians have until 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) on April 30, 2019, to submit their responses, comments and suggestions.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Mar 30, 2019 to Apr 30, 2019 2019-03-30 2019-04-30 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Let’s Talk Mountain Parks Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation Jan 30, 2019 to Apr 30, 2019 2019-01-30 2019-04-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is consulting with Canadians on the management plans for the mountain national parks. The first stage of public engagement is now underway for Banff, Jasper, Yoho, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks and will run to April 30, 2019. The public engagement for Waterton Lakes National Park will begin later this winter. A management plan identifies the vision and long-term strategic direction for the park, and describes how that vision and direction will be achieved. It also describes how the park’s natural and cultural resources will be protected while promoting public understanding and appreciation, and facilitating exceptional visitor experiences. Share your feedback! Indigenous, stakeholder and public input at this stage is crucial in helping to shape what the next park management plans should focus on. This ensures that the next plan truly reflects the values and views of Canadians. What We Heard Report available
Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks Fire Management Plans Closed Natural Resources | Public safety | Regulations Feb 8, 2019 to Apr 30, 2019 2019-02-08 2019-04-30 Parks Canada Parks Canada is developing a plan to guide fire management in Banff, Kootenay and Yoho national parks. The plan directs the prevention and control of wildfire to protect people, property and landscapes, and the use of fire for meeting ecosystem goals in these national parks, for the next 10 years. Building on thirty years of fire management experience, the new plan describes the strategic direction, and field-level actions to achieve positive outcomes for people and the environment.
Interim Order #2 Closed Amendments | Public safety | Regulations Apr 1, 2019 to Apr 30, 2019 2019-04-01 2019-04-30 Transport Canada Transport Canada has renewed the Interim Order (Interim Order # 2) for an additional year.  The Interim Order was signed by the Minister of Transport Canada on June 10, 2019 and remains in effect until June 10, 2020. The objective and conditions of the Interim Order # 2 remain the same – promoting aviation and public safety by restricting where individuals can be in possession of battery-powered hand-held lasers over 1 milliwatt (mW). Authorities can immediately issue a monetary fine to persons that contravene the Interim Order.
National Strategy for Safe and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Closed Economy | Environment | Health | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Rural and remote services | Science and technology | Transportation | Youth Nov 1, 2017 to Apr 29, 2019 2017-11-01 2019-04-29 Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada is developing a National Strategy in collaboration with provinces, territories, other interested governments and in consultation with industry, non-governmental organizations, and indigenous organizations. The goal of consultations is to gather information on the state of lamp management in Canada and seek perspectives on actions to include in the strategy. What We Heard Report available
Gros Morne National Park Draft Management Plan Consultations Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People Apr 1, 2019 to Apr 26, 2019 2019-04-01 2019-04-26 Parks Canada In Gros Morne National Park, we are currently preparing a new management plan that will guide our vision for the park into the future. We have prepared an overview of what we heard during phase 1 consultations and a draft of our new management plan that reflects the extensive feedback that we received. At this point in the planning process we would like to hear your views and opinions on the draft management plan for Gros Morne National Park. This is your opportunity to have your say before the management plan is finalized. What We Heard Report available
Share your thoughts: Potential amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations to support the proposed amendments in Bill C-83, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and another Act Closed Amendments | Justice and the Law | Policy | Public safety | Regulations | Society Apr 8, 2019 to Apr 26, 2019 2019-04-08 2019-04-26 Public Safety Canada The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) and Public Safety Canada (PS) are seeking feedback on potential amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations (CCRR). Regulatory amendments are required to support the legislative reforms being proposed under Bill C-83, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and another Act. The objective of this consultation paper is to provide stakeholders and the Canadian public with an opportunity to review the potential regulatory amendments and to share their comments with CSC and PS. Consultation is an important part of the regulatory development process and will help operationalize proposed federal correctional reforms that would affect many inmates in federal corrections, including: Indigenous offenders, women offenders, offenders from visible minorities, and those with mental health issues.
Consultation on release guidelines for azo disperse dyes in the textile sector Closed Environment | Health | Industry | Private sector | Regulations Feb 23, 2019 to Apr 24, 2019 2019-02-23 2019-04-24 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Government of Canada is soliciting feedback on the proposed release guidelines for Disperse Yellow 3 and 25 other azo disperse dyes in the textile sector.
Consultation on Public policy dialogue and development activities by charities Closed Regulations | Taxes Jan 21, 2019 to Apr 23, 2019 2019-01-21 2019-04-23 Canada Revenue Agency The Canada Revenue Agency is accepting feedback on the draft administrative guidance CG-027 - Public policy dialogue and development activities by charities
Consultation on the new weather radar at Dryden, Ontario Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Mar 13, 2019 to Apr 23, 2019 2019-03-13 2019-04-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on Penthiopyrad, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-04 Closed Health | Policy Feb 7, 2019 to Apr 23, 2019 2019-02-07 2019-04-23 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for penthiopyrad up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for penthiopyrad.
Consultation on Difenoconazole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-03 Closed Health | Policy Feb 7, 2019 to Apr 23, 2019 2019-02-07 2019-04-23 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for difenoconazole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for difenoconazole.
Consultation on Aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-02 Closed Health | Policy Feb 6, 2019 to Apr 22, 2019 2019-02-06 2019-04-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride.
Consultation on Penflufen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2019-01 Closed Health | Policy Feb 6, 2019 to Apr 22, 2019 2019-02-06 2019-04-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for penflufen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for penflufen.
Terra Nova National Park Draft Management Plan Consultations Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Recreation Mar 8, 2019 to Apr 22, 2019 2019-03-08 2019-04-22 Parks Canada In Terra Nova National Park, we are currently preparing a new management plan that will guide our vision for the park into the future. We have prepared an overview of what we heard during phase 1 consultations and a draft of our new management plan that reflects the extensive feedback that we received. At this point in the planning process we would like to hear your views and opinions on the draft management plan for Terra Nova National Park. This is your opportunity to have your say before the management plan is finalized.
Notice of Health Canada’s Proposal to Enable the Use of Glutaminase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GT2 as a Food Enzyme in Various Unstandardized Foods Closed Food and drug | Health Feb 4, 2019 to Apr 20, 2019 2019-02-04 2019-04-20 Health Canada The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Draft Regulations Amending the Fuel Charge Regulations Closed Environment Mar 19, 2019 to Apr 19, 2019 2019-03-19 2019-04-19 Department of Finance Canada On October 23, 2018, the Government announced certain details of Canada's pollution pricing system. At that time, the Government also released for public comment proposed targeted relief from the fuel charge for natural gas and propane delivered to greenhouse operators and for light fuel oil (e.g., diesel) delivered to power plant operators that generate electricity for remote communities. In response to feedback from Canadians, the Government released for consultation a set of draft regulations under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act that would provide these targeted reliefs. This consultation also seeks comments on additional regulatory proposals. These proposals include: expanded relief of the fuel charge for electricity generation for remote communities; a rebate for exports of fuel under certain conditions; integration of the Saskatchewan output-based performance standards system with the federal fuel charge; and expanded relief of the fuel charge for farmers to include delivery at a cardlock facility when certain conditions are met.
Consultation on the lowest return airfare requirement for the northern resident deductions Closed Regulations | Transportation | Taxes Mar 18, 2019 to Apr 17, 2019 2019-03-18 2019-04-17 Canada Revenue Agency The CRA is proposing to simplify the lowest return airfare requirement. Under the proposed simplified requirement, individuals would have to determine and document the cost of return economy airfare in relation to their trip. This documentation can be dated within a reasonable amount of time of when the trip is made, but has to be for the date travelled. Canadians are invited to provide comments on these proposed regulatory amendments by April 17, 2019.
Equivalency Agreement with Saskatchewan - Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Generation of Electricity Regulations Closed Environment | Policy | Regulations Dec 29, 2018 to Apr 17, 2019 2018-12-29 2019-04-17 Environment and Climate Change Canada Consultations with the province of Saskatchewan for equivalency under the existing regulations have concluded. A formal comment period was held upon publication of the proposed equivalency agreement (December 29, 2018 to February 17, 2019) and Order-in-Council (February 16, 2019 to April 17, 2019) in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Publication in Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2019.
Health Canada Request for Input and Scientific Data: Vibrio parahaemolyticus in oyster shellstock intended for raw consumption Closed Food and drug | Health Mar 6, 2019 to Apr 17, 2019 2019-03-06 2019-04-17 Health Canada Health Canada's Bureau of Microbial Hazards (BMH), Food Directorate, is in the process of reviewing its current Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) microbiological criteria pertaining to oysters intended for raw consumption in order to minimize the risk to Canadians. To facilitate this work, BMH is issuing a call for data to identify the risk factors that may have an impact on the increased risk of Vp presence and to identify potential mitigation options/strategies specific to the production, distribution and consumption of such products.
Public Consultation on the Framework for History and Commemoration: National Historic Sites System Plan 2019 Closed Culture | Heritage | Indigenous People Mar 14, 2019 to Apr 14, 2019 2019-03-14 2019-04-14 Parks Canada Parks Canada wants to hear from you. Parks Canada has drafted a new system plan for national historic sites, and is inviting the public to comment. This new system plan, titled Framework for History and Commemoration: National Historic Sites System Plan 2019, outlines the vision for the Agency. What We Heard Report available
Interactive Data Visualization Products Closed Communication Apr 8, 2019 to Apr 12, 2019 2019-04-08 2019-04-12 Statistics Canada Every year, Statistics Canada collects data through hundreds of surveys and numerous administrative data sources. To complement the ongoing work of various Agency programs, interactive data visualization products are being created to help users obtain data in an easy, attractive and modern manner. These products include hubs, dashboards and interactive graphics. As the use of this model increases, it is important to ensure that it provides a positive user experience and allows users to obtain the desired data efficiently. This consultation ensured that the interactive self-serve products are compliant with a set of usability principles and identified any potential usability problems so that improvements can be made going forward. This is the first of a series of consultations on Statistics Canada’s interactive data visualization products. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Fee Proposal for Marine Insurance Services Closed Transportation Feb 13, 2019 to Apr 12, 2019 2019-02-13 2019-04-12 Transport Canada Transport Canada is proposing a new fee for the marine insurance certification services provided to better reflect the benefits received by the transportation industry, and wants feedback from marine stakeholders. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Fee Proposal for Marine Cargo Inspection services Closed Transportation Feb 13, 2019 to Apr 12, 2019 2019-02-13 2019-04-12 Transport Canada Conducting web-based and face-to-face consultations with marine stakeholders to sollicit comments on Fee Proposal. What We Heard Report available
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Decisions, undertakings and orders on claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Feb 23, 2019 to Apr 9, 2019 2019-02-23 2019-04-09 Health Canada To initiate the appeal process, a Statement of Appeal (Form 1) as prescribed by the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Appeal Board Procedures Regulations must be completed and delivered, along with the fee prescribed by section 12 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations, within 45 days of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the Chief Appeals Officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor, 4908B, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Villeroy, Quebec Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Feb 13, 2019 to Apr 8, 2019 2019-02-13 2019-04-08 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Proposed Order Issuing a Direction to the CRTC on Implementing the Canadian Telecommunications Policy Objectives to Promote Competition, Affordability, Consumer Interests and Innovation Closed Policy | Regulations Mar 9, 2019 to Apr 8, 2019 2019-03-09 2019-04-08 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Governor in Council, pursuant to section 8 of the Telecommunications Act, proposes to make the annexed Order Issuing a Direction to the CRTC on Implementing the Canadian Telecommunications Policy Objectives to Promote Competition, Affordability, Consumer Interests and Innovation. Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Order within 30 days after the date of publication of the notice in the Canada Gazette.
Delta Grinding Facility Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Mar 18, 2019 to Apr 7, 2019 2019-03-18 2019-04-07 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Delta Grinding Facility Project, located in British Columbia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Cando Sturgeon Rail Terminal Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Mar 18, 2019 to Apr 7, 2019 2019-03-18 2019-04-07 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Cando Sturgeon Rail Terminal Project, located in Sturgeon County, Alberta. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on BLAD Polypeptide Problad Technical Fungicide and Problad Plus Fungicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-02 Closed Health | Policy Feb 20, 2019 to Apr 6, 2019 2019-02-20 2019-04-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for BLAD Polypeptide Problad Technical Fungicide and Problad Plus Fungicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-02 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for BLAD Polypeptide Problad Technical Fungicide and Problad Plus Fungicide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decisionon BLAD Polypeptide Problad Technical Fungicide and Problad Plus Fungicide.
James Bay Lithium Mine Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Mar 7, 2019 to Apr 6, 2019 2019-03-07 2019-04-06 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed James Bay Lithium Mine Project, located 100 kilometres east of James Bay and the Eastmain Cree Village in Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous peoples to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Rose Lithium - Tantalum Mining Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Mar 6, 2019 to Apr 5, 2019 2019-03-06 2019-04-05 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Rose Lithium - Tantalum Mining Project, located in Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous peoples to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Counter-Proliferation Dialogue (2018-2019) Closed Justice and the Law | Policy | Regulations | Science and technology Nov 29, 2018 to Apr 5, 2019 2018-11-29 2019-04-05 Public Safety Canada Seek the views of key stakeholders in academia, the scientific community, industry, and international partners to better understand the impacts of the current Canadian counter-proliferation framework and how possible changes might affect them.
Western and Eastern Standards Committee Meetings Closed Agriculture Apr 2, 2019 to Apr 4, 2019 2019-04-02 2019-04-04 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Face-to-face meetings twice a year. Committees provide CGC recommendations on: specifications and grain grades; standard samples; and beginning or continuing grading studies and projects.
Public consultations on the draft 2019 to 2022 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy Closed Environment | Government procurement | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy Dec 3, 2018 to Apr 2, 2019 2018-12-03 2019-04-02 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of the consultation was to obtain input on the draft FSDS, including views on what sustainable development means for Canadians, vision for a sustainable Canada, SD issues to be prioritized over three years, and how the FSDS can continue to address Canada's SD challenges What We Heard Report available
Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (Proposed) - pursuant to the Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act Closed Regulations May 1, 2017 to Apr 1, 2019 2017-05-01 2019-04-01 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Discussions and drafts of the proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations are being shared with the with stakeholders.
Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (Proposed) - pursuant to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act Closed Regulations May 1, 2017 to Apr 1, 2019 2017-05-01 2019-04-01 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Discussions and drafts of the proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations are being shared with the with stakeholders.
Canadian Grain Commission - Canadian grain grading system modernization Closed Agriculture Feb 1, 2019 to Mar 31, 2019 2019-02-01 2019-03-31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Feedback that will help develop proposals to amend and update the grading system and next steps.
Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nation Citizenship Closed Indigenous People June 12, 2018 to Mar 31, 2019 2018-06-12 2019-03-31 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada This Collaborative Process on Indian registration, band membership and First Nation citizenship involves comprehensive consultations on the broader and more complex issues related to registration, membership and citizenship. The Collaborative Process will involve consultations with First Nations, other Indigenous groups and impacted individuals with a view to future legislative reform within the context of reconciliation and a renewed relationship. What We Heard Report available
Establishing a New Fiscal Relationship with First Nations Closed Finance | Indigenous People May 1, 2018 to Mar 31, 2019 2018-05-01 2019-03-31 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Co-development with the Assembly of First Nations continues to be the primary engagement process for the implementation of December 2017 recommendations to the Minister and the National Chief, including establishing a Joint Advisory Committee; enhancing predictability and flexibility of funding by creating a 10-year grant; implementing a Mutual Accountability Framework and indicators based on United Nations SusatinableUNSDGs and the Departmental Results Framework (DRF); reforming the Default Prevention and Management Policy (DPMP) policy and processes.
Development of a Pan-territorial regional growth strategy Closed Economy | Economic development | Indigenous People | Natural Resources Jan 1, 2019 to Mar 31, 2019 2019-01-01 2019-03-31 Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency The Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) is working with territorial and Indigenous governments, industry, Indigenous communities and organizations, and academia to develop a Pan-Territorial Growth Strategy. The purpose of this Strategy is to help stimulate economic growth, which reflects the unique advantages of each territory. To inform the development of this strategy CanNor will be holding in-person roundtables and teleconferences in the 3 territories with a broad range of partners and stakeholders in early 2019. What We Heard Report available
Proposed Exit Information Regulations Closed Regulations Mar 1, 2019 to Mar 31, 2019 2019-03-01 2019-03-31 Canada Border Services Agency Following Royal Assent of Bill C-21, on December 13, 2018, all interested parties will be provided the opportunity to participate in the regulatory development process following the pre-publication of the regulations in Part I of the Canada Gazette and by announcement on the Consulting with Canadians website.
Moving Canada toward zero plastic waste Closed Economy | Environment | Industry Oct 15, 2018 to Mar 31, 2019 2018-10-15 2019-03-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada is working with the provinces and territories through the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment on a zero plastic waste strategy. ECCC may hold technical roundtables with industry and stakeholders to advance discussions on implementing the strategy.
Canada Service Corps Closed Economic development | Employment | Training and careers | Youth Jan 17, 2018 to Mar 31, 2019 2018-01-17 2019-03-31 Employment and Social Development Canada Canada Service Corps is designed to achieve the following core objectives: build a culture of service among young Canadians; concrete results for communities; personal growth through participation in a diverse team of peers; and lasting impacts on participants.
State of the Criminal Justice System Report Closed Justice and the Law Oct 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2019 2017-10-01 2019-03-31 Department of Justice Canada As part of the State of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) Report initiative, the Research and Statistics Division consulted key justice partners and stakeholders to obtain input into the development of a CJS performance measurement framework (i.e., list of key objectives and indicators to be measured). What We Heard Report available
State of the Criminal Justice System Report Closed Justice and the Law Oct 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2019 2017-10-01 2019-03-31 Department of Justice Canada As part of the State of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) Report initiative, the Research and Statistics Division will consult with key justice partners and stakeholders to obtain input into the development of a CJS performance measurement framework (i.e., list of key objectives and indicators to be measured). Consultation format: Consultations will be ongoing throughout the initiative via already existing collaboration structures.
Let’s Talk Parks Canada Halifax! Closed Culture | Heritage Feb 28, 2019 to Mar 31, 2019 2019-02-28 2019-03-31 Parks Canada The management plan public consultations are an opportunity for Canadians to shape the future of the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site and the four other national historic sites that, together, make up the Halifax Defence Complex (Georges Island, Prince of Wales Tower, York Redoubt and Fort McNab). Canadians are invited to participate in Phase I public engagement of the management plan review for the Halifax Defence Complex. Help Parks Canada shape the long-term vision for the sites and respond to key management priorities
National Anti-Racism Engagement Closed Employment | Financial assistance and entitlements | Immigration | Indigenous People | Justice and the Law | Persons with disabilities | Policy | Society | Youth Apr 1, 2018 to Mar 31, 2019 2018-04-01 2019-03-31 Canadian Heritage On February 1, 2018, the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage released a report entitled, Taking Action against Systemic Racism and Religious Discrimination including Islamophobia, which included a number of key recommendations that relate to the development of a federal anti-racism and discrimination approach. Budget 2018 announced $2 million in new funding over two years for a cross-country public engagement towards the development of a new federal antiracism and anti-discrimination approach. This work engaged experts (including those with lived experiences), community organizations, citizens and religious leaders to explore opportunities to collaborate and combat racism and discrimination. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Draft Guidance Document for Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) Closed Food and drug | Health Jan 29, 2019 to Mar 29, 2019 2019-01-29 2019-03-29 Health Canada Health Canada has developed a Draft Guidance Document for Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) to better define the regulatory compliance requirements for emerging technologies. We are seeking input from stakeholders regarding the criteria and interpretations put forth to regulate software products in Canada. Specifically, we would like to receive comments from stakeholders on the following aspects of the documents: Inclusion Criteria; Exclusion Criteria; Classification of SaMD; Examples of SaMD, Licensing a Medical Device in Canada - Overview of Submission and Regulatory Requirements
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Feb 23, 2019 to Mar 25, 2019 2019-02-23 2019-03-25 Health Canada Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Notice to interested parties – Proposal to amend the Tents Regulations, including consequential amendments to the Toys Regulations: Summary Closed Health Jan 22, 2019 to Mar 23, 2019 2019-01-22 2019-03-23 Health Canada You are invited to provide feedback on a proposal to amend the Tents Regulations, which also includes consequential amendments to the Toys Regulations. We will be engaging with Canadians and key stakeholders on the proposal to amend the Tents Regulations and the Toys Regulations between January 22, 2019 and March 23, 2019.
Consultation on Dinotefuran and Related End-Use Products, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-01 Closed Health | Policy Feb 5, 2019 to Mar 22, 2019 2019-02-05 2019-03-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for dinotefuran and Related End-Use Products. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2019-01 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for dinotefuran and Related End-Use Products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on dinotefuran and Related End-Use Products.
Consultation - Potential measures to reduce the impact of vaping products advertising on youth and non-users of tobacco products Closed Advertising/Marketing | Children | Health | Policy | Public safety Feb 5, 2019 to Mar 22, 2019 2019-02-05 2019-03-22 Health Canada Health Canada is very concerned that youth are experimenting with and using vaping products in bigger numbers. We are proposing new measures by which advertising of vaping products can be limited to protect youth and non-users from the inducements to use vaping products. What We Heard Report available
2019 Census Test Website Closed Communication Mar 18, 2019 to Mar 22, 2019 2019-03-18 2019-03-22 Statistics Canada In preparation for the 2021 Census of Population and Census of Agriculture, Statistics Canada conducts a Census test in 2019 to evaluate the new and modified questions of the questionnaire, as well as the collection procedures and tools. In March 2019, Statistics Canada conducted usability testing on the Census test website. The website has been enhanced to provide key information on: the Census; the Census test and jobs; frequently asked questions; and, contact information. Feedback, suggestions and ideas expressed during this consultation ensured that the 2019 Census Test website is as user-friendly as possible while meeting users' needs. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on a New Set of Service Areas for Spectrum Licensing Closed Communication | Industry | Policy | Regulations Nov 27, 2018 to Mar 21, 2019 2018-11-27 2019-03-21 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through the release of this document, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), on behalf of the Minister, is initiating a consultation on a new set of smaller service areas for spectrum licensing (Tier 5) to complement ISED’s existing suite of spectrum licensing mechanisms. These new service areas will help ensure that Canada is well prepared to meet current and future wireless needs, encourage additional access to spectrum within rural areas, and support new technologies and emerging use cases. What We Heard Report available
Notice to stakeholders - Release of draft guidance document for consultation: Guidelines for environmental control of drugs during storage and transportation (GUI-0069) Closed Health Dec 20, 2018 to Mar 20, 2019 2018-12-20 2019-03-20 Health Canada Health Canada is pleased to announce the release of this draft guidance document for a 90 day stakeholder consultation from December 20, 2018 to March 20, 2019
Notice to Stakeholders - Release of Good Manufacturing Practices for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (GUI-0104) for Consultation Closed Health Dec 18, 2018 to Mar 19, 2019 2018-12-18 2019-03-19 Health Canada Opened on December 31, 2018 and will close to new input on March 31, 2019. This revised guidance document contains new information. Plain language principles to make the document easier to read and understand have been considered in rewriting and formatting the document. It will continue to support compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Drug Establishment Licence requirements prescribed in Part C, Division 1A and Division 2 of the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR). The key changes to the document are listed below.
2019-45 - Call for comments – Application Guide for the Broadband Fund Closed Communication Feb 14, 2019 to Mar 18, 2019 2019-02-14 2019-03-18 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Proceeding for the public to comment on a Preliminary Application Guide for the Broadband Fund.
Consultation on Bromoxynil and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Special Review Decision PSRD2019-01 Closed Policy Jan 30, 2019 to Mar 16, 2019 2019-01-30 2019-03-16 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 30 January 2019 to 16 March 2019 (45 calendar days).
Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Feb 14, 2019 to Mar 16, 2019 2019-02-14 2019-03-16 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting federal environmental assessments for the proposed Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and the proposed Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project, located approximately 460 kilometres and 265 kilometres, respectively, east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. The projects are undergoing separate coordinated environmental assessments. As the projects significantly overlap in content, one joint draft Environmental Assessment Report and two sets of potential environmental assessment conditions have been drafted for the projects. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of both projects and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the proposed follow-up programs. The Agency also invites comments on the potential conditions for the Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and on the potential conditions for the Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponents if the projects are allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Opportunity for Feedback on Updates to the National Energy Board’s Remediation Process Guide Closed Environment | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy Feb 4, 2019 to Mar 15, 2019 2019-02-04 2019-03-15 Canada Energy Regulator The NEB acts at the lead regulator for all remediation related to NEB-regulated infrastructure. The NEB is updating the Remediation Process Guide to provide clarity on expectations for reporting contamination, risk management, criteria selection and engagement. The updated Guide also specifies that the Remediation Process applies to contamination identified during all phases of the pipeline lifecycle, from pre-construction through abandonment. The NEB is now inviting comments on the draft revisions. Comments must be submitted by 15 March 2019.
Notice of intent: Amendments to Canada's vodka standard Closed Amendments | Food and drug | Industry | Policy | Regulations Jan 14, 2019 to Mar 15, 2019 2019-01-14 2019-03-15 Canadian Food Inspection Agency This notice of intent is to inform stakeholders that the Government of Canada is proposing to modernize the standard of composition for vodka to: 1) reduce regulatory burden and enable product innovation 2) facilitate interprovincial and international trade by harmonizing more closely with trading partners 3) enable distilleries to be more competitive and grow
18th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Closed Animals | Environment | International | Natural Resources | Trade Dec 5, 2018 to Mar 15, 2019 2018-12-05 2019-03-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of this consultation is to allow Canadians to provide input for Canada for the upcoming Conference of Parties (CoP) 18th that will be held in Sri Lanka, from May 23 to June 3, 2019.
Consultation – Proposed new regulatory activity types for transactions filed to the Marketed Health Products Directorate (MHPD) Closed Health Jan 15, 2019 to Mar 15, 2019 2019-01-15 2019-03-15 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing a set of new regulatory activity types to be used in lieu of the Undefined Data Post-market Vigilance regulatory activity, filed to the Marketed Health Products Directorate. Currently, the Undefined activity is used by Industry to file multiple regulatory activities and transactions to Health Canada, such as the Risk communication document, and the Issue-related summary document. With the new set of regulatory activity types, Health Canada will be able to better classify and review these activity types.
Let's talk South Okanagan – Similkameen Closed Animals | Economic development | Environment | Indigenous People | Natural Resources | Regulations Dec 10, 2018 to Mar 15, 2019 2018-12-10 2019-03-15 Parks Canada This South Okanagan – Similkameen national park reserve public consultation process is Parks Canada’s opportunity to share the latest information on the proposed national park reserve boundaries, provide an overview on key aspects related to land management, consider the views shared by the public in past consultations and invite new questions. What We Heard Report available
OPP - Proposed Amendments to the Navigation Safety Regulations Closed Transportation Nov 14, 2018 to Mar 9, 2019 2018-11-14 2019-03-09 Transport Canada Conducting web-based consultations with marine stakeholders to sollicit comments on proposed amendments to the Navigation Safety Regulations.
Draft Pipeline Financial Requirements Guidelines Consultation Closed Finance | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Regulations Feb 14, 2019 to Mar 8, 2019 2019-02-14 2019-03-08 Canada Energy Regulator The Draft Pipeline Financial Requirements Guidelines (Guidelines) provide further details on how each pipeline company should demonstrate that it meets the financial resource requirements established in the NEB Act and the Pipeline Financial Requirements Regulations. The Board is seeking comments on the Guidelines, so that it can finalize the Guidelines prior to the Regulations and Legislation coming into force on 11 July 2019. What We Heard Report available
Notice of Health Canada's Proposal to Add Cyanide in Apricot Kernels to the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods – Reference Number: NOP/ADP C-2018-1 Closed Health Dec 19, 2018 to Mar 4, 2019 2018-12-19 2019-03-04 Health Canada The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or feedback on the options presented in this proposal. What We Heard Report available
Cascade Power Plant Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Feb 11, 2019 to Mar 3, 2019 2019-02-11 2019-03-03 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Cascade Power Plant Project, located in Yellowhead County, Alberta. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
City of Calgary Green Line Maintenance and Storage Facility Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Feb 11, 2019 to Mar 3, 2019 2019-02-11 2019-03-03 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed City of Calgary Green Line Maintenance and Storage Facility Project, located in Calgary, Alberta. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
2019-186 Call for comments on amendments to the Simultaneous Programming Service Deletion and Substitution Regulations Closed Communication May 30, 2019 to Mar 2, 2019 2019-05-30 2019-03-02 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consulting Canadians regarding the amentment of the the Simultaneous Programming Service Deletion and Substitution Regulations
Cave and Basin National Historic Site Management Plan Review Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People Nov 26, 2018 to Mar 1, 2019 2018-11-26 2019-03-01 Parks Canada Whether you regularly visit national historic sites or simply have an interest in history, we want to hear from you. Parks Canada is updating the management plan for the Cave and Basin and getting your input is vital to ensuring that the direction for the site reflects the perspectives and values of Canadians. The plan will provide the focus and framework for site management and program, outlining how we will care for the Cave and Basin National Historic Site over the next decade.
Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2018-422 - Appel aux observations – Instance dans le but d’établir un code obligatoire pour les services Internet Closed Communication Nov 9, 2018 to Feb 28, 2019 2018-11-09 2019-02-28 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consulting Canadians as part of the proceeding to establish a mandatory code for Internet services
Future Skills Council - Call for Applications Closed Employment | Education | Labour | Training and careers Feb 1, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 2019-02-01 2019-02-28 Employment and Social Development Canada The Government of Canada is launching a call for applications for membership of the Future Skills Council to provide advice to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour on skills development and training priorities for the future of work and areas for policy and program innovation.
Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Pest Control Products Regulations (Product Exemptions) - Pre-Consultation, PRO2018-03 Closed Health | Policy Nov 30, 2018 to Feb 28, 2019 2018-11-30 2019-02-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on Regulatory Proposal PRO2018-03, Pre-Consultation - Proposed amendments to the Pest Control Products Regulations (Product Exemptions). The PMRA will accept written comments from the public on this proposal for up to 90 days from the date of publication of this document.
Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Pest Control Products Regulations (Pest Control Devices) - Pre-Consultation, PRO2018-02 Closed Health | Policy Nov 30, 2018 to Feb 28, 2019 2018-11-30 2019-02-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on Regulatory Proposal PRO2018-02, Pre-Consultation - Proposed Regulatory Amendments to the Pest Control Products Regulations (Pest Control Devices). The PMRA will accept written comments from the public on this proposal for up to 90 days from the date of publication of this document.
Consultation on the new Canadian Research and Development Classification (CRDC) Closed Communication Feb 1, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 2019-02-01 2019-02-28 Statistics Canada The Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Statistics Canada are collaborating on the development of a new single Canadian Research and Development Classification (CRDC) 2019. This shared standard will be used by the federal granting agencies and will align Canada with international research and development classification standards. Canadians, in particular, members of the research community, were invited to provide feedback on the proposed CRDC to ensure it represents modern and Canadian research landscapes. Members of the research community will also have the opportunity to comment on whether their field of research is adequately classified or represented.
OPP - Canada's Preparedness and response for hazardous and noxious substances released from ships Closed Transportation May 3, 2018 to Feb 28, 2019 2018-05-03 2019-02-28 Transport Canada As part of the Oceans Protection Plan, the Government of Canada committed to develop a national HNS preparedness and response program to better manages potential impacts from ship-source HNS releases in Canadian waters. Transport Canada is soliciting feedback on the potential elements of this program.
Consultation on Draft Guidance Document: Regulatory Requirements for Drug Identification Numbers (DINS) Closed Food and drug | Health Jan 25, 2019 to Feb 25, 2019 2019-01-25 2019-02-25 Health Canada The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from stakeholders on the Draft Guidance Document: Regulatory Requirements for Drug Identification Numbers (DINs). This document is intended to consolidate currently published information to improve accessibility of information and understanding of regulatory requirements for industry.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Jan 26, 2019 to Feb 25, 2019 2019-01-26 2019-02-25 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Comment on the proposed amendments to the Fertilizers Regulations Closed Agriculture | Amendments | Industry | Regulations Dec 8, 2018 to Feb 21, 2019 2018-12-08 2019-02-21 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Government of Canada is committed to helping ensure the safety of fertilizers and supplements while reducing regulatory burden and maintaining market access. Proposed changes to the Fertilizers Regulations would provide flexibility to industry through a risk-based approach that focuses regulatory controls on product safety and environmental protection. Updating federal regulations is important to protect the safety of Canada's people, animals, plants and the environment and to encourage agricultural innovation. The CFIA has been actively engaging industry and other stakeholders in developing the regulatory proposal. What We Heard Report available
Notice to stakeholders - Release of draft guidance documents for consultation: Cleaning validation guide (GUI-0028) and Guide to validating drug dosage forms (GUI-0029) Closed Health Nov 20, 2018 to Feb 20, 2019 2018-11-20 2019-02-20 Health Canada Health Canada is pleased to announce the release of two draft guidance documents for a 90 day stakeholder consultation from November 20 to February 20, 2019: Cleaning validation guide (GUI-0028) Guide to validating drug dosage forms (GUI-0029) These revised guidance documents contain new information. Plain language principles to make the documents easier to read and understand have been considered in rewriting and formatting the documents. They will continue to support compliance with good manufacturing practice requirements prescribed in Part C, Division2 of the Food and Drug regulations (FDR).
Consultation: Strict regulation of edible cannabis, extracts and topicals Closed Health Dec 20, 2018 to Feb 20, 2019 2018-12-20 2019-02-20 Health Canada This consultation opened on December 20, 2018. It will close on February 20, 2019. We are seeking feedback on draft regulations to minimize the public health and public safety risks posed by: edible cannabis cannabis extracts cannabis topicals These cannabis products will be permitted for legal sale under the Cannabis Act no later than October 17, 2019.
Consultation on Humane Vertebrate Pest Control Closed Health Dec 20, 2018 to Feb 18, 2019 2018-12-20 2019-02-18 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 20 December 2018 to 18 February 2019 (60 calendar days).
Comment on a regulatory proposal regarding fish stocks and rebuilding plans Closed Amendments | Fisheries | Regulations Dec 6, 2018 to Feb 15, 2019 2018-12-06 2019-02-15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada We're seeking feedback on the proposed elements of a regulation, which has 2 parts: a list of major fish stocks that will be subject to the fish stocks provisions (Section 6.1 to 6.2) in Bill C-68 once the bill becomes law; and, the required contents of rebuilding plans and the timelines to complete them.
Proposed Changes to the Treatment of Amounts Withheld on Salary Overpayments to Employees Closed Taxes Jan 15, 2019 to Feb 15, 2019 2019-01-15 2019-02-15 Department of Finance Canada The Department of Finance Canada is releasing draft legislative proposals that would—under certain conditions—permit an affected employee to repay to their employer only the net amount of the overpayment received in a previous year, rather than the gross amount (including taxes, CPP, and EI). Following a public consultation period, the Government intends to introduce legislation in Parliament that would implement these proposed changes. In light of the joint federal and provincial management of the CPP, the Government of Canada will consult with provinces and territories on the proposed amendments to the CPP, and these changes would not be implemented until this consent has been achieved.
Consultation on Barium in drinking water Closed Health Nov 23, 2018 to Feb 15, 2019 2018-11-23 2019-02-15 Health Canada The available information on barium has been assessed with the intent of establishing a drinking water guideline and guideline technical document. This draft guideline technical document proposes a new maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) of 2.0 mg/L (2,000 µg/L) for barium in drinking water, based on kidney effects in male mice. The document is being made available for a 75-day public consultation period. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline, on the approach used for its development and on the potential economic costs of implementing it, as well as to determine the availability of additional exposure data.
Let’s Talk! – How fees are set at Parks Canada Closed Animals | Environment | Fisheries | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation | Service Jan 15, 2019 to Feb 15, 2019 2019-01-15 2019-02-15 Parks Canada Fair and transparent use of taxpayer dollars is a priority for Parks Canada. This why Canadians are invited to share their views with Let’s Talk Fees! This engagement will focus on price adjustments for optional, value-added facilities and services not typically included with admission, such as golf, hot pools, fishing permits and paid transit. Parks Canada is not considering changes to broadly used fees, such as admission, lockage, and accommodations following this engagement process. Public engagement plays an important role in the fee-setting process, and Parks Canada wants to ensure that Canadians, as well as partners and stakeholders, have an opportunity to contribute to these conversations.
Amendments to the Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations Closed Environment | Health Dec 15, 2018 to Feb 13, 2019 2018-12-15 2019-02-13 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed amendments to the Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations will be published in the Canada Gazette Part I in spring 2019, for a 60-day comment period. These amendments aim to: harmonize with key requirements for provincial permits; provide facilities with more flexibility in complying with the regulations; strengthen the operations and maintenance practices of facilities by mandating the use of good ventilation and air pollution control practices; ensure consistent emission calculations for stack release tests; and clarify regulatory requirements and strengthen reporting and record keeping practices to reduce the administrative burden for both regulatees and the Department.
Cross-border Movements of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Materials Closed Amendments | Environment | Regulations Dec 15, 2018 to Feb 13, 2019 2018-12-15 2019-02-13 Environment and Climate Change Canada The final amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part II on May 30, 2018.
Consultation on Spiromesifen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-58 Closed Health | Policy Nov 29, 2018 to Feb 12, 2019 2018-11-29 2019-02-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for Spiromesifen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for Spiromesifen.
Consultation on Fenamidone, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-56 Closed Health | Policy Nov 29, 2018 to Feb 12, 2019 2018-11-29 2019-02-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fenamidone up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fenamidone.
Consultation on Clomazone, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-57 Closed Health | Policy Nov 29, 2018 to Feb 12, 2019 2018-11-29 2019-02-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for clomazone up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for clomazone.
A Review into the Merits of Open Banking Closed Finance Jan 11, 2019 to Feb 11, 2019 2019-01-11 2019-02-11 Department of Finance Canada The approach will include: 1) means for online engagement to allow for broad-based views and input; 2)Focused and targeted sessions with key financial and non-financial groups; and, 3) an advisory committee consisting of reputable leaders in the field to oversee the review and raise awareness. Consultations will be supported by a consultation paper and accompanying communications documents, which will be shared with PCO C&C for review in advance of publication.
Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project Closed Natural Resources Jan 14, 2019 to Feb 11, 2019 2019-01-14 2019-02-11 Natural Resources Canada The Government of Canada is seeking feedback on this Project through a public participation process, in the form of a confidential survey. Participation in the survey is voluntary and all data will be aggregated and depersonalized before it is analyzed to ensure that no individual respondents can be identified.
Statistics Canada's Website Evaluation 2019 Closed Communication Jan 7, 2019 to Feb 11, 2019 2019-01-07 2019-02-11 Statistics Canada From January 7, 2019 to February 11, 2019 Statistics Canada will conduct an evaluation of its website to seek feedback from visitors on a number of topics, including: •task completion success rates •overall satisfaction with the website This evaluation is intended to allow users of the Statistics Canada website to provide feedback and to express their level of satisfaction. Feedback will be used to help Statistics Canada further improve its website. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Flumioxazin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-55 Closed Health | Policy Nov 27, 2018 to Feb 10, 2019 2018-11-27 2019-02-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flumioxazin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flumioxazin.
Consultation on Fluazifop-butyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-54 Closed Health | Policy Nov 27, 2018 to Feb 10, 2019 2018-11-27 2019-02-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fluazifop-butyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fluazifop-butyl.
Health Canada Requests Feedback on Potential Impacts and Uses if Company Names were added to the Generic Submissions Under Review List Closed Food and drug | Health Jan 17, 2019 to Feb 8, 2019 2019-01-17 2019-02-08 Health Canada As a regulator, Health Canada plays an important role in protecting the health and safety of Canadians. Health Canada is committed to being transparent and open about its activities and to making timely and useful information available about health product submissions. To support the Department's commitment, the Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) implements pre-market transparency initiatives related to prescription drugs (pharmaceuticals and biologics). This includes the Submissions Under Review (SUR) List. Phase I of the SUR List was launched in 2015 and Phase II in 2016. In August 2018, HPFB published a Notice announcing Phase III.
Consultation: Pre-market Requirements for Medical Device Cybersecurity Closed Health Dec 7, 2018 to Feb 5, 2019 2018-12-07 2019-02-05 Health Canada Opened on December 7, 2018 and will close to new input on February 5, 2019. The purpose of the consultation is to seek stakeholder feedback on the technical considerations related to cybersecurity of medical devices and the submission requirements for a medical device licence.
Consultation on proposed restrictions to flavoured purified alcohol Closed Health Dec 21, 2018 to Feb 5, 2019 2018-12-21 2019-02-05 Health Canada This consultation will open for comment on December 21, 2018 at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and will close to new input on February 5, 2019. The proposed amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) introduce a definition for a new class of alcoholic beverages, "flavoured purified alcohol", to which restrictions on alcohol content will apply. Health Canada is proposing regulations to place a limit on the amount of alcohol that can be in single-serve containers of flavoured purified alcohol. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Novaluron, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-52 Closed Health | Policy Nov 22, 2018 to Feb 5, 2019 2018-11-22 2019-02-05 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for novaluron up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for novaluron.
Consultation on Metaldehyde, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-53 Closed Health | Policy Nov 22, 2018 to Feb 5, 2019 2018-11-22 2019-02-05 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for metaldehyde up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for metaldehyde.
Consultation on Novaluron, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-52 Closed Health | Policy Nov 22, 2018 to Feb 5, 2019 2018-11-22 2019-02-05 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for novaluron up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for novaluron.
Consultation on Clethodim, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-50 Closed Health Nov 20, 2018 to Feb 3, 2019 2018-11-20 2019-02-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for clethodim up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for clethodim.
Consultation on Chlorothalonil, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-49 Closed Health | Policy Nov 20, 2018 to Feb 3, 2019 2018-11-20 2019-02-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for chlorothalonil up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for chlorothalonil.
Consultation on Acequinocyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-51 Closed Health | Policy Nov 20, 2018 to Feb 3, 2019 2018-11-20 2019-02-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for acequinocyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for acequinocyl.
Regulatory Proposal PRO2018-04, Structural Pest Control Products: Label Updates Closed Health Dec 18, 2018 to Feb 1, 2019 2018-12-18 2019-02-01 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on Regulatory Proposal PRO2018-04, Structural Pest Control Products: Label Updates. The PMRA will accept written comments from the public on this proposal for up to 45 days from the date of publication of this document.
Global Affairs Canada’s proposed strengthening of Canada’s export controls regime Closed Exporting/Importing | Foreign affairs | International | Policy Dec 1, 2018 to Jan 31, 2019 2018-12-01 2019-01-31 Global Affairs Canada As part of Canada's support for a stronger and more rigorous export control system, the Government has committed to joining the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Bill C-47, which was passed by the Senate on December 6, 2018, makes the legislative amendments required by the ATT to regulate brokering activities and creates a requirement to take into account criteria identified in the ATT before authorizing the export of arms, ammunition, or implements or munitions of war. In preparation for the entry into force of Bill C-47, Global Affairs Canada is launching a public consultation on proposed changes to Canada's export controls regime. Your feedback is very important as the outcome of this consultation will help shape Canada's export controls policies, procedures and regulations.
Public Hearings for the Inquiry into the merits of establishing a Canadian Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Agency Closed Agriculture Oct 13, 2018 to Jan 30, 2019 2018-10-13 2019-01-30 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Uner section 8 of the Farm Products Agencies Act, the Farm Products Council of Canada accepted an application from the Canadian Hemp Producers and will hear arguments from Canadian commodity producers, importers, researchers, retailers and consumers on the merits of the proposal in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Pre-budget Consultations 2019 Closed Economic development Nov 23, 2018 to Jan 29, 2019 2018-11-23 2019-01-29 Department of Finance Canada Canadians can submit their ideas as part of the pre-budget consultations by email or through an online survey.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Decisions, undertakings and orders on claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Dec 15, 2018 to Jan 29, 2019 2018-12-15 2019-01-29 Health Canada In accordance with section 20 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, a claimant or any affected party, as defined, may appeal a decision or order of a screening officer. An affected party may also appeal an undertaking in respect of which a notice has been published in the Canada Gazette. To initiate the appeal process, a Statement of Appeal (Form 1) as prescribed by the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Appeal Board Procedures Regulations must be completed and delivered, along with the fee prescribed by section 12 of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations, within 45 days of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the Chief Appeals Officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor, 4908B, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultation on Amisulbrom, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-46 Closed Health | Policy Nov 14, 2018 to Jan 29, 2019 2018-11-14 2019-01-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for amisulbrom up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for amisulbrom.
Consultation on Mandestrobin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-47 Closed Health | Policy Nov 14, 2018 to Jan 28, 2019 2018-11-14 2019-01-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for mandestrobin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for mandestrobin.
Consultation on Isopyrazam, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-48 Closed Health | Policy Nov 14, 2018 to Jan 28, 2019 2018-11-14 2019-01-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for isopyrazam up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for isopyrazam.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Dec 29, 2018 to Jan 28, 2019 2018-12-29 2019-01-28 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Boat Harbour Remediation Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 7, 2019 to Jan 27, 2019 2019-01-07 2019-01-27 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Boat Harbour Remediation Project, located near Pictou, Nova Scotia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Comment on a draft national fishery monitoring policy Closed Fisheries | Policy Oct 11, 2018 to Jan 25, 2019 2018-10-11 2019-01-25 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada is seeking feedback on drafts of a national fishery monitoring policy, and guidance on implementing the national fishery monitoring policy.
Consultation on Chloramines in drinking water Closed Health Nov 23, 2018 to Jan 25, 2019 2018-11-23 2019-01-25 Health Canada Opened on November 23, 2018 and will close on January 25, 2019. Find out how to participate in the consultation process for the drinking water guideline on chloramines.
Consultation on - Guidance on the use of Enterococci bacteria as indicators in Canadian drinking water supplies Closed Health Nov 23, 2018 to Jan 25, 2019 2018-11-23 2019-01-25 Health Canada This document has been developed with the intent to provide regulatory authorities and decision-makers with guidance on the use of enterococci as a bacteriological indicator in Canadian drinking water supplies. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guidance document.
Consultation on Licence Fees for Fixed Point-to-Point Radio Systems Closed Communication | Industry | Policy | Regulations Nov 15, 2018 to Jan 25, 2019 2018-11-15 2019-01-25 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through the release of this document, ISED is initiating a consultation on modernizing the radio licence fee model for fixed point-to-point systems and their associated fees. These systems support data traffic carried by current and future 5G networks which will demand even more capacity. What We Heard Report available
Canada Gazette, Part I - Proposed pollution prevention planning notice for Triclosan Closed Environment | Food and drug | Industry | Regulations | Science and technology Nov 24, 2018 to Jan 23, 2019 2018-11-24 2019-01-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada The main objective of this consultation is to invite stakeholders to provide their feedback on the design of the proposed Pollution Prevention (P2) Planning Notice for Triclosan.
North Thompson Rail Terminal Development Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 3, 2019 to Jan 23, 2019 2019-01-03 2019-01-23 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed North Thompson Rail Terminal Development Project, located in Kamloops, British Columbia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Holyrood, Newfoundland and Labrador Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Dec 12, 2018 to Jan 22, 2019 2018-12-12 2019-01-22 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03).
Consultation on the new weather radar at Schuler, Alberta Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Dec 11, 2018 to Jan 22, 2019 2018-12-11 2019-01-22 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on Kresoxim-methyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-45 Closed Health | Policy Nov 8, 2018 to Jan 22, 2019 2018-11-08 2019-01-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for kresoxim-methyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for kresoxim-methyl.
Consultation on Proposed Revision or Revocation of Maximum Residue Limits for Discontinued Agricultural Pest Control Products: Update 2, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-44 Closed Health Nov 8, 2018 to Jan 22, 2019 2018-11-08 2019-01-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for Proposed Revision or Revocation of Maximum Residue Limits for Discontinued Agricultural Pest Control Products: Update 2 up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for Proposed Revision or Revocation of Maximum Residue Limits for Discontinued Agricultural Pest Control Products: Update 2.
Defining vulnerable populations Closed Health | Policy Nov 22, 2018 to Jan 21, 2019 2018-11-22 2019-01-21 Health Canada We are seeking input on a proposed definition of vulnerable populations within the context of chemicals management. This is a first step towards the development of a policy framework focused on enhancing the protection of vulnerable populations through the assessment and management of risks associated with certain chemicals, in particular under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999).
Notice - Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: S11: Nonclinical Safety Testing in Support of Development of Paediatric Medicines Closed Health Oct 23, 2018 to Jan 21, 2019 2018-10-23 2019-01-21 Health Canada The above referenced draft guidance was released by the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Assembly for consultation and is being posted on the ICH website for information and comment in accordance with Step 2 of the ICH process.
Western Canadian Crude Oil Supply, Markets, and Pipeline Capacity Forum Closed Economy | Economic development | Environment | Exporting/Importing | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Regulations Dec 28, 2018 to Jan 18, 2019 2018-12-28 2019-01-18 Canada Energy Regulator The National Energy Board (NEB or Board) is preparing advice for the Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi. In his 30 November 2018 letter(External link), Minister Sohi sought the Board’s advice on how to further optimize oil transportation capacity on existing pipelines and rail. The Minister asked three key questions that focus on existing capacity only. Proposed pipelines and other alternatives are not part of the scope of this request. We are providing a forum to collect detailed information related to Minister Sohi’s request in addition to the information being prepared by NEB market analysts. If you have in-depth knowledge or expertise on the matters that are in scope, we welcome your input. NEB staff will review all submissions and determine how to use the information in the NEB’s advice to the Minister in February 2019. If clarification is needed on the data submitted, the NEB may follow up with forum participants. Prior to participating in this forum, please review the NEB backgrounder(External link) on the current state of crude oil supply, markets, and pipeline capacity. While the NEB is open to modifying the backgrounder based on alternative data sources or methodologies, please do not repeat the information provided in the backgrounder in your submission. Submissions will be accepted until January 18, 2019. Note: The Minister’s request under subsection 26(2) of the National Energy Board Act falls within the Board’s advisory duties. These duties are separate and distinct from the Board’s regulatory functions, including those in Part IV relating to Traffic, Tolls and Tariffs. The Board will not make any regulatory decisions as part of this advisory process. What We Heard Report available
Contraventions Regulations amendment – Schedule XI Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act Closed Animals | Environment | Justice and the Law Dec 3, 2018 to Jan 18, 2019 2018-12-03 2019-01-18 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to invite Canadians to provide comments on the amendments to the Contraventions Regulations, Schedule XI, in order to reflect the revisions to the Marine Activities in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations made in 2017. The Marine Activities in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations provide a framework for park management and activities carried out in the marine park. Enforcement of certain provisions of the Marine Activities in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations is already done through the ticketing scheme under the Contraventions Regulations, which provides a short-form description of the offences that are designated as contraventions and the amount of the fine for each contravention. Parks Canada Agency is seeking input and feedback on the fine amount for several new and existing offences that would be described as contraventions under Schedule XI of the Contraventions Regulations.
Consultation on Hydrogen peroxide; Peroxyacetic acid; AdvaCare D, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-21 Closed Health | Policy Dec 3, 2018 to Jan 17, 2019 2018-12-03 2019-01-17 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for hydrogen peroxide; peroxyacetic acid; AdvaCare D. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-21 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for hydrogen peroxide; peroxyacetic acid; AdvaCare D and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on hydrogen peroxide; peroxyacetic acid; AdvaCare D.
Improving Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Canada Closed Amendments | Economy | Finance | Foreign affairs | International | Justice and the Law | Policy | Private sector | Public safety | Regulations Apr 17, 2018 to Jan 17, 2019 2018-04-17 2019-01-17 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada A targeted consultation was held with business, civil society, regulatory authorities and professional stakeholders to assess options for the collection and maintenance of beneficial ownership information by private corporations under federal, provincial and territorial corporate laws. A discussion paper was circulated outlining options, and meetings were conducted in person and via teleconference.
Kwispaa LNG Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Dec 13, 2018 to Jan 16, 2019 2018-12-13 2019-01-16 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Kwispaa LNG Project, located at Sarita Bay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Consultation on Copper (present as cuprous thiocyanate) and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-18 Closed Health | Policy Oct 17, 2018 to Jan 15, 2019 2018-10-17 2019-01-15 Health Canada Copper (present as cuprous thiocyanate; also known as copper thiocyanate) is used in antifouling paint applied to boats. Health Canada is proposing products containing copper thiocyanate are acceptable for continued registration for both commercial and domestic uses in Canada, provided that required label updates are made to meet the current labelling standard to protect human health and the environment.
Implementation of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act (CNWA) (e.g. ministerial orders) Closed Economy | Environment | Industry | Indigenous People | Regulations | Transportation Nov 20, 2018 to Jan 15, 2019 2018-11-20 2019-01-15 Transport Canada Fall 2018 web-based consultations to inform policy development Ministerial Orders required for the implementation of the proposed CNWA. Calls and meetings to provide technical briefings to Indigenous groups and stakeholders will be scheduled as requested.
Drug and natural health products recall guide consultation Closed Health Nov 15, 2018 to Jan 14, 2019 2018-11-15 2019-01-14 Health Canada Health Canada is pleased to announce the release of the draft Drug and natural health products recall guide (GUI-0039) for a sixty day public consultation from November 15, 2018 to January 14, 2019.
Consultation on Scheduling Fentanyl and Amphetamine Precursors under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its Regulations Closed Health Dec 15, 2018 to Jan 14, 2019 2018-12-15 2019-01-14 Health Canada Opened on December 15, 2018 and will close to input on January 14, 2019. The purpose of this consultation is to inform and seek input from the public on a Notice regarding proposed legislative control of chemicals that can be used in the illegal production of fentanyls and amphetamines in order to protect the public health and safety.
Comment on proposed ticketing for minor fisheries violations Closed Fisheries | Regulations Nov 28, 2018 to Jan 11, 2019 2018-11-28 2019-01-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada We previously consulted on using the Contraventions Act ticketing regime for the enforcement of minor fishery offences. We're now focused on feedback for proposed fishing offences that would be considered minor and the associated ticket amounts for these offences.
Review of the Canadian Communications Legislative Framework Closed Arts | Communication | Economy | Industry | Justice and the Law | Policy | Private sector Sept 24, 2018 to Jan 11, 2019 2018-09-24 2019-01-11 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Given the linkages that exist in the suite of legislation governing telecommunications and broadcasting, the Panel has been charged with undertaking a joint review of the Telecommunications Act, the Radiocommunication Act, and the Broadcasting Act. It is expected to present recommendations on changes that may be needed to maximize the benefits that the digital age brings to citizens, artists and creators, the communications industry, and the economy as a whole. The Panel has released this document to call for comments from interested individuals and organizations on the issues related to its mandate and the questions set out in its Terms of Reference. This document discusses the broad themes of the Review as envisioned by the Panel, describes the Panel's process of consultation and engagement, and reproduces the questions from the Terms of Reference. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on proposed assisted human reproduction regulations Closed Health Oct 27, 2018 to Jan 10, 2019 2018-10-27 2019-01-10 Health Canada Opened on October 27, 2018 and will close to new input on January 10, 2019. You are invited to provide your input on the proposed Assisted Human Reproduction Act Regulations, which have been pre-published in Canada Gazette, Part I. The feedback provided during this consultation will be taken into consideration prior to the regulations being finalized and published in Canada Gazette, Part II. You are also invited to provide your input on the draft Health Canada Directive, a document that has been incorporated by reference into the proposed regulations. It contains the technical requirements for conducting the donor suitability assessment of sperm and ova donors. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Licensing Requirements for Implantable Medical Devices Manufactured by 3D Printing Closed Food and drug | Health Nov 8, 2018 to Jan 8, 2019 2018-11-08 2019-01-08 Health Canada Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Licensing Requirements for Implantable Medical Devices Manufactured by 3D Printing
Proposed Amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations Sections 45-49 (Deposits or Guarantees) Closed Immigration | Public safety | Regulations Dec 7, 2018 to Jan 7, 2019 2018-12-07 2019-01-07 Canada Border Services Agency Amendments are being contemplated to, among other things, address comments raised by the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations (REGS). The REGS is responsible for reviewing and scrutinizing regulations and other statutory instruments, and reviews only matters of legality and the procedural aspects of regulations. It does not evaluate the merits of regulations or the policies that they are intended to implement.
Consultation on 1R-trans Prallethrin, and Related End-use Products, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-20 Closed Health | Policy Nov 23, 2018 to Jan 7, 2019 2018-11-23 2019-01-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for 1R-trans prallethrin, and related end-use products. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-20 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for 1R-trans prallethrin, and related end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on 1R-trans prallethrin, and related end-use products.
Consultation on New Health Labelling for Tobacco Products Closed Health Oct 29, 2018 to Jan 4, 2019 2018-10-29 2019-01-04 Health Canada Opened on October 29, 2018 and will close to new input on January 04, 2019. Read the tobacco health labelling Consultation document Send us an email Share your comments and ideas by email to: Participate by mail Send a letter with your comments and ideas.
Modern Fair Wages Policy Closed Amendments | Communication | Employment | | Indigenous People | Labour | Policy | Private sector Nov 13, 2018 to Jan 3, 2019 2018-11-13 2019-01-03 Employment and Social Development Canada The Government of Canada’s Labour Program would like your opinion on what a modern fair wages policy should look like. A fair wages policy typically requires that firms with government contracts pay their employees at least the prevailing wage for their occupation in a given region. The goal of such a policy is to prevent suppliers from competing for government contracts on the basis of substandard wages. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Mancozeb and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-17 Closed Health | Policy Oct 5, 2018 to Jan 3, 2019 2018-10-05 2019-01-03 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing cancellation of all uses of mancozeb, except greenhouse tobacco, due to risks to human health and the environment that were not found to be acceptable. Mancozeb is a protectant contact fungicide currently registered for use in Canada to control a broad spectrum of plant diseases on a wide variety of food and feed crops, as well as uses in forests and woodlots, outdoor ornamentals and greenhouse food crops.
Consultation on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae Strain SDS-502, grubGONE! G, grubHALT!, beetleGONE!, beetleJUS!, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-19 Closed Health | Policy Nov 19, 2018 to Jan 3, 2019 2018-11-19 2019-01-03 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae Strain SDS-502, grubGONE! G, grubHALT!, beetleGONE!, beetleJUS!. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-19 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae Strain SDS-502, grubGONE! G, grubHALT!, beetleGONE!, beetleJUS! and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae Strain SDS-502, grubGONE! G, grubHALT!, beetleGONE!, beetleJUS!.
Clean Fuel Standard Closed Environment | Exporting/Importing | Housing | Industry | Natural Resources | Plants | Policy | Private sector | Regulations | Society | Science and technology | Trade | Transportation Jan 1, 2017 to Jan 1, 2019 2017-01-01 2019-01-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada Consultations commenced in January 2017. A discussion paper was published February 24, 2017. A summary of comments on the discussion paper was published in November 2017. The regulatory framework was published in December 2017. A Multi-Stakeholder consultative Committee and a Technical Working Group were established; inaugural meetings were held in January 2018. On July 19, 2018, the Government announced it is adjusting the approach for developing the Clean Fuel Standard. A phased approach will be followed, starting with liquid fuels. Gaseous and solid fuels regulations will subsequently be developed. The proposed regulations for the liquid fuel stream will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 75-day comment period in Spring 2019. A formal consultation period will be held following publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The publication of the final regulation in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2020. The proposed regulations for the solid and gaseous streams will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 75-day comment period in Fall 2020. A formal consultation period will be held following publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The publication of the final regulation in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2021. Consultations on the regulatory design will continue through 2021.
Consulting Canadians on a possible Canada-Pacific Alliance Free Trade Agreement Closed Trade Aug 12, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-08-12 2018-12-31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, along with Global Affairs Canada, and other relevant government departments and agencies, launched consultations with Canadians on August 12, 2017 regarding a potential Canada-Pacific Alliance Free Trade Agreement. Consultations include Face to Face meetings and Canada Gazette notice.
Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or NAFTA 2.0 Closed Trade June 3, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-06-03 2018-12-31 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, along with Global Affairs Canada, and other relevant government departments and agencies, launched consultations in early 2017 with Canadians regarding re-negotiation of NAFTA. Consultations include Face to Face meetings/ Canada Gazette notice/ Webinars/ and conference calls.
Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework Closed Arts | Children | Culture | Economy | Economic development | Environment | Finance | Fisheries | Housing | Heritage | Health | Indigenous People | Justice and the Law | Labour | Natural Resources | Policy | Public safety | Transportation | Taxes Feb 14, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018 2018-02-14 2018-12-31 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada The Government of Canada has committed to the review of its laws, policies and operational practices to ensure the constitutional commitments made to Indigenous peoples are respected. As part of this commitment, on February 14, 2018, the Prime Minister announced the launch of a national engagement with First Nation, Inuit and Métis people that will help develop a Recognition and Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework. Led by the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, Carolyn Bennett, the Government of Canada is engaging various groups on the legislative and policy changes necessary to reform government policies and practices to ensure that the starting premise for all federal government action is the recognition of Indigenous rights. The engagement is focusing on Accelerating progress towards self-determination, with a focus on nation and government rebuilding and rights recognition; legislation to anchor Canada's relationship with First Nations, Inuit and Métis in rights recognition and develop tools for the recognition of Indigenous government; elements of a new policy based on the distinct needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis to replace the current Comprehensive Land Claims and Inherent Right to Self-Government policies; and creating two new departments that can better serve the distinct needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. What We Heard Report available
Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds (Petroleum Sector) Closed Environment | Health | Industry May 27, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-05-27 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 60-day comment period on May 27, 2017. The final regulations will be published in late 2019.
Regulations Amending the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations Closed Amendments | Environment | Health | Industry | Natural Resources | Private sector | Regulations Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018 2018-01-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazet, Part I on February 17, 2018 for a 60-day comment period. Comments will be considered by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the final regulations will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part II in December 2018.
Proposed Amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations related to the proposed Rainy River Project Closed Amendments | Environment | Fisheries | Regulations Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018 2018-01-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada ECCC administers Sec. 36 of the Fisheries Act which prohibits the deposit of deleterious substances unless authorized by regulations. The Rainy River project would use a waterbody frequented by fish for the deposit of mine wastes. In order to authorize such a deposit, the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations must be amended to add the waterbody to Schedule 2 of the Regulations. Consultations have been completed and publication of the final regulatory amendment in Canada Gazette, Part II is expected to occur in October 2017.
Regulations amending the Contaminated Fuels Regulations Closed Environment Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018 2018-01-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada Proposed amendments were published in Canada Gazette, Part I, for a 75 day comment period on March 31, 2018. Consultations with stakeholders will take place during the public comment period. Target date for publication of final amendments is Spring 2019.
Further restrictions on certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances under the Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2012 Closed Environment Nov 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018 2018-11-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada To achieve the environmental objectives for PFOS, PFOA, LC-PFCAs, and the four fluorotelomer-based substances, ECCC is proposing to further restrict these substances under the Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2012 by removing on-going exemptions. Comments received on this consultation document will be considered in the development of regulatory amendments.
Regulations Amending the Regulations Prescribing Circumstances for Granting Waivers Pursuant to Section 147 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) Closed Environment Dec 8, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-12-08 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1 on December 9, 2017 for a 60 day comment period. An offer to consult with provinces, territories, and Indigenous Peoples through the CEPA National Advisory Council was sent out on December 8, 2017. The target date for final publication is late-2018.
Consultations linked to other high profile engagement with Western Chorus Frog (ARAD) Closed Animals Dec 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-12-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada ECCC is consulting on the proposed Ministerial Order to protect critical habitat of the Western Chorus frog on federal lands. Critical habitat occurs on federal lands including lands under the authority of PCA that also overlap with treaty lands. PCA regularly meets with signatories to these treaties and will meet to inform them of the planned Order on Jan 26, 2018 to provide an opportunity for the First Nations to give feedback on ECCC's intent to protect CH on federal lands in the area.
Consultations linked to other high profile engagement with Western Chorus Frog (ARAD) Closed Animals | Environment | Regulations Dec 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-12-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada Letter, Email, Telephone Calls, Face-to-face meetings. ECCC is consulting on the proposed Ministerial Order to protect critical habitat of the Western Chorus frog on federal lands. Critical habitat occurs on Alderville First Nation reserve, but the reserve lands will be excluded from the proposed order. ECCC contacted Alderville First Nation to inform them of the planned Order and to provide an opportunity for the First Nation to give feedback on ECCC's intent to exclude Alderville reserve lands. ECCC also contacted other FNs that have traditional territories overlapping with lands affected by the proposed Order. What We Heard Report available
Reconciliation Framework Agreement: North Shelf Bio Region Closed Environment Mar 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 2017-03-01 2018-12-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada Engaging with Coastal First Nations on a potential reconciliation framework agreement that would support collaborative work with government on a number of indigenous interests related to the north shelf bioregion - including Marine planning & protection, marine safety, climate change, environmental assessment
Competition Bureau invites feedback on its draft revised Intellectual Property (IP) Enforcement Guidelines Closed Copyright/Trademarks/Patents | Industry | Policy | Regulations Nov 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018 2018-11-01 2018-12-31 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau is inviting comments on a draft of its revised Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines. Interested parties are invited to provide their views on the proposed changes to the revised Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines by mail or email. Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website. What We Heard Report available
Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas -Fired Electricity Generation Closed Environment | Health | Industry | Natural Resources | Private sector | Regulations Feb 1, 2018 to Dec 30, 2018 2018-02-01 2018-12-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on February 17, 2018 for a 60-day comment period. Comments will be considered by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the final regulations will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part II in December 2018.
Notice to interested parties — Proposed regulations amending regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act with respect to the destruction of controlled substances and international travel with controlled substances prescribed for personal medical use Closed Health Oct 28, 2018 to Dec 27, 2018 2018-10-28 2018-12-27 Health Canada A 60-day comment period has been provided for stakeholders. The publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, initiates the 60-day comment period. If you are interested in this process or have comments on this notice, please contact the Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Controlled Substances Directorate, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada, by mail at Address Locator: 0302A, 150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9, or by email at
Madawaska-Edmundston International Bridge Replacement Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Dec 7, 2018 to Dec 27, 2018 2018-12-07 2018-12-27 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Madawaska-Edmundston International Bridge Replacement Project, located between New Brunswick and the state of Maine. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Clodinafop-propargyl and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-16 Closed Health Sept 26, 2018 to Dec 26, 2018 2018-09-26 2018-12-26 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 26 September 2018 to 26 December 2018 (90 calendar days). To comment on PRVD2018-16: Step 1 Request the full consultation document to read the Science Evaluation that is the basis of this proposed regulatory decision. Step 2 Submit comments to the PMRA Publications Section. All comments received will be considered. A final re-evaluation decision will consider additional scientific information provided during the public comment period. Please refer to the document title (for example: PRVD2018-16, Clodinafop-propargyl and Its Associated End-use Products) when providing comments.
Public consultation: Trade and Gender Closed Development | Economic development | Foreign affairs | International | Trade Nov 1, 2018 to Dec 25, 2018 2018-11-01 2018-12-25 Global Affairs Canada The Government of Canada is seeking feedback on how Canada's trade and investment agreements can better reflect the ambitions and interests of every Canadian, particularly women, through a multi-step consultation process. Global Affairs Canada invites all Canadians to share their views on Trade and Gender and how Canada's inclusive approach to trade can be better integrated into our free trade agreements to ensure that all Canadians' interests are addressed.
Cochrane Hill Gold Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Nov 23, 2018 to Dec 24, 2018 2018-11-23 2018-12-24 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Cochrane Hill Gold Project, located northeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Notice of Health Canada's Proposal to Enable the Use of Protein-glutaminase from Chryseobacterium proteolyticum AE-PG as a Food Enzyme in Various Standardized and Unstandardized Foods - Reference Number: NOP/ADP-0030 Closed Food and drug | Health Oct 10, 2018 to Dec 23, 2018 2018-10-10 2018-12-23 Health Canada Notice of Health Canada's Proposal to Enable the Use of Protein-glutaminase from Chryseobacterium proteolyticum AE-PG as a Food Enzyme in Various Standardized and Unstandardized Foods - Reference Number: NOP/ADP-0030 The Federal Government completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of the food enzyme protein-glutaminase from Chryseobacterium proteolyticum AE-PG in various standardized and unstandardized foods. The results of Health Canada's evaluation of available scientific data support the safety and efficacy of protein-glutaminase from C. proteolyticum AE-PG when used for these purposes. Therefore, Health Canada intends to modify the List of Permitted Food Enzymes as described in the information document referenced below. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit comments or any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Nov 24, 2018 to Dec 23, 2018 2018-11-24 2018-12-23 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultations on Official Development Assistance Contributions Closed International Nov 9, 2018 to Dec 21, 2018 2018-11-09 2018-12-21 Department of Finance Canada The Department of Finance launched its 2018 consultations, which seek Canadians' views on its contributions to the World Bank Group's International Development Association, the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The Department would also like to hear from Canadians about how it can contribute to enhanced reporting of international assistance, as the Government committed to do in Budget 2018.
Consultations on enhancing retirement security Closed Economy | Finance | Industry | Policy | Seniors Nov 22, 2018 to Dec 21, 2018 2018-11-22 2018-12-21 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Government of Canada would like to hear the views of Canadians on actions that could be taken to enhance retirement security for all Canadians. As such, the online consultation process is open to all Canadians who would like to share their views. Options and considerations for enhancing retirement security are multi-faceted, bringing together a number of policy areas, including the areas of pension, corporate governance and insolvency policy.
Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Lipase from Ogataea polymorpha B14-CBSsynt for specified uses in bakery products and pasta Closed Food and drug | Health Nov 19, 2018 to Dec 19, 2018 2018-11-19 2018-12-19 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of lipase from Ogataea polymorpha B14-CBSsynt in bread, flour, whole wheat flour, unstandardized bakery products, and pasta. Lipase from other source organisms is already permitted for use in Canada as a food enzyme in the same foods as those requested by the petitioner, other than pasta. As no safety concerns were identified through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive lipase from O. polymorpha B14-CBSsynt, as described in the information document below, by modifying the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective November 19, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce Health Canada's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for inquiries or for submitting new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Regulations Amending the Pest Control Products Regulations (Labelling) Closed Health Sept 29, 2018 to Dec 18, 2018 2018-09-29 2018-12-18 Health Canada Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to Jordan Hancey, Director, Policy and Regulatory Affairs Division, Policy, Communications and Regulatory Affairs Directorate, Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Department of Health, Postal Locator 6607, 2720 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9 (email: What We Heard Report available
Notice of Health Canada's Proposal to Enable the Use of Ground Limestone as a Colouring Agent in Understandardized Confectionery - Reference Number: NOP/ADP-0029 Closed Food and drug | Health Oct 4, 2018 to Dec 17, 2018 2018-10-04 2018-12-17 Health Canada Notice of Health Canada's Proposal to Enable the Use of Ground Limestone as a Colouring Agent in Understandardized Confectionery - Reference Number: NOP/ADP-0029 The Federal Government completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of ground limestone as a colouring agent in hard and soft candies and in edible inks for writing on certain confectionery. The results of Health Canada's evaluation of available scientific data support the safety of ground limestone for use as a colouring agent in such unstandardized confectionery. Therefore, Health Canada intends to modify the List of Permitted Colouring Agents as described in the information document referenced below. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Modernizing the Canadian Aviation Regulations Closed Transportation Sept 24, 2018 to Dec 17, 2018 2018-09-24 2018-12-17 Transport Canada The objective of the Regulatory Review: Modernization of the Canadian Aviation Regulations is to review and update the regulations by addressing unnecessary burden on industry and the department alike. The review will identify opportunities to support innovation and economic growth by providing a range of regulatory and non-regulatory tools that address the current needs and anticipate the future needs in the air transportation sector. The review will also seek ways to better align with international best practices. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Bacillus licheniformis strain FMCH001, Bacillus subtilis strain FMCH002 and F4018-4, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-18 Closed Health Nov 1, 2018 to Dec 16, 2018 2018-11-01 2018-12-16 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 1 November 2018 to 16 December 2018 (45 calendar days). Open the "Consultation Summary" to access the document. If you would like to comment, see the Pest Management Regulatory Agency Publications Section page for contact information. Please be sure to include the title of the consultation document on which you are commenting. Interested parties are encouraged to provide comments by 16 December 2018.
Consultation on the Revisions to the Agreement for Data Protection under Section 66 of the Pest Control Products Act: Updated Consultation Closed Health Nov 16, 2018 to Dec 16, 2018 2018-11-16 2018-12-16 Health Canada The following consultations are open for comment from 16 November 2018 to 16 December 2018 (30 calendar days).
Blackwater Gold Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Nov 14, 2018 to Dec 14, 2018 2018-11-14 2018-12-14 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Blackwater Gold Project, located southwest of Vanderhoof, British Columbia. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites comments on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Gros Morne National Park Management Plan consultations Closed Animals | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People Oct 15, 2018 to Dec 14, 2018 2018-10-15 2018-12-14 Parks Canada In Gros Morne National Park, we are currently preparing a new management plan that will guide our vision for the park into the future. At this point in the renewal process we are seeking your input to help us develop a strong and effective plan that provides direction for the management of Gros Morne National Park for the next ten years.
Consultation on Fomesafen and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-15 Closed Health | Policy Sept 12, 2018 to Dec 11, 2018 2018-09-12 2018-12-11 Health Canada Fomesafen is a registered pesticide used by growers in Eastern Canada, Manitoba and British Columbia to control broadleaf weeds on a range of crops. A full list of products containing fomesafen, such as Flexstar or Reflex, can be found the Pesticide Label Search or Appendix I of PRVD2018-15.
Consultation on Clodinafop-propargyl and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-16 Closed Health | Policy Sept 26, 2018 to Dec 10, 2018 2018-09-26 2018-12-10 Health Canada Clodinafop-propargyl is a registered herbicide used in western Canada on spring and durum wheat. It provides effective control of wild oats, a major weed problem for wheat growers in western Canada. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the current use of clodinafop-propargyl, with proposed label updates to further protect health and the environment. A full list of products containing clodinafop-propargyl can be found the Pesticide Label Search or Appendix I of PRVD2018-16. No risks of concern to human health or the environment were identified for all uses of clodinafop-propargyl when it is used according to the proposed revised label directions. Those label revisions include plantback, preharvest and restricted-entry intervals as well as protective equipment to protect workers. Hazard and precautionary statements warn users to reduce spray and drift because of potential toxic effects on non-target organisms.
Comment period on the draft Action Plan for the protection of world heritage values of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site Closed Animals | Development | Employment | Environment | Indigenous People | Natural Resources | Regulations Nov 19, 2018 to Dec 10, 2018 2018-11-19 2018-12-10 Parks Canada Wood Buffalo National Park (WBNP) is a World Heritage Site, recognized for its value to conservation on a global scale. Concerns have been raised that development outside the park, in addition to climate change, may be putting the park's world heritage values at risk. Those values include species-at-risk and unique landscapes, including the Peace-Athabasca Delta. In response to requests from the World Heritage Committee in 2015 and 2017, Parks Canada has been working with a Federal-Provincial-Territorial Coordinating Committee and with Indigenous partners to develop an Action Plan for Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site. The Action Plan provides concrete responses to the issues identified in earlier assessments and consultations. Development of the draft Action Plan has included on-going collaboration through multi-governmental working groups, engagement with Indigenous groups, and has been informed by existing provincial and territorial government processes where relevant. Parks Canada is now inviting the public to comment on the draft version of the Action Plan. The final Action Plan will be submitted to the World Heritage Committee on February 1, 2019.
Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Maltogenic alpha-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis RF12029 in Bread, Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, and Unstandardized Bakery Products - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0125 [2018-11-08] Closed Food and drug | Health Nov 8, 2018 to Dec 7, 2018 2018-11-08 2018-12-07 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of maltogenic alpha-amylase from Bacillus subtilis RF12029 in the manufacture of bread, flour, whole wheat flour, and unstandardized bakery products. Maltogenic alpha-amylase from other source organisms is already specifically permitted for use as a food enzyme in Canada in the manufacture of all the foods of interest to the petitioner. As no safety concerns were identified through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive maltogenic alpha-amylase from B. subtilis RF12029 as described in the information document below by modifying the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective November 8, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Publication after screening assessment of 39 base oils specified on the Domestic Substances List (paragraphs 68(b) and (c) or subsection 77(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999) Closed Health Oct 6, 2018 to Dec 5, 2018 2018-10-06 2018-12-05 Health Canada Any person may, within 60 days after publication of this notice, file with the Minister of the Environment written comments on the measure the ministers propose to take and on the scientific considerations on the basis of which the measure is proposed. More information regarding the scientific considerations may be obtained from the (Chemical Substances) website. All comments must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice and be sent to the Executive Director, Program Development and Engagement Division, Department of the Environment, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3, by fax to 819-938-5212, or by email to Comments can also be submitted to the Minister of the Environment, using the online reporting system available through Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Single Window.
Designing the Future Black Youth Initiative Closed Employment | Financial assistance and entitlements | Health | Immigration | Justice and the Law | Persons with disabilities | Policy | Society | Youth Oct 13, 2018 to Dec 5, 2018 2018-10-13 2018-12-05 Canadian Heritage Budget 2018 provided Canadian Heritage with $9 million over three years to enhance local community supports for Black Canadian youth as part of a concerted effort to recognize the significant and unique challenges they face. As part of this work, the Michaelle Jean Foundation (via a grant) organized Design Jams to engage Black Canadian youth and community organizations across the country to collaborate and explore innonvative ways to address the challenges faced by Black Canadian Youth. The Michaelle Jean Foundation has submitted a final report with recommendations on addressing barriers faced by Black Canadian youth.
Consultation on strengthening Canada's approach to substance use issues Closed Health | Policy Sept 5, 2018 to Dec 4, 2018 2018-09-05 2018-12-04 Health Canada The purpose of this consultation is to ask Canadians for new and innovative ideas on how to further strengthen the federal government's health-focussed approach to substance use issues through the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy (CDSS).
Consultation on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain F727 and MBI-110 EP Biofungicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-17 Closed Health Oct 19, 2018 to Dec 4, 2018 2018-10-19 2018-12-04 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 19 October 2018 to 3 December 2018 (45 calendar days). Open the “Consultation Summary” to access the document. If you would like to comment, see the Pest Management Regulatory Agency Publications Section page for contact information. Please be sure to include the title of the consultation document on which you are commenting. Interested parties are encouraged to provide comments by 3 December 2018.
Ports Modernization Review Closed Transportation Mar 5, 2018 to Dec 3, 2018 2018-03-05 2018-12-03 Transport Canada Transport Canada is initiating a national conversation to seek your views and ideas on how best to position Canada Port Authorities for the future. We want to hear from key partners and stakeholders, including Indigenous groups; provincial and municipal governments; industry; academia and thought leaders; as well as associations/groups that have a particular interest in port issues. To support this work, Transport Canada will work with external experts to conduct research and analysis on various topics.
Magino Gold Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Nov 1, 2018 to Dec 2, 2018 2018-11-01 2018-12-02 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Magino Gold Project, located in northern Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites comments on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally-binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Consultations on Priorities for the Settlement Program and Resettlement Assistance Program 2019 National Call for Proposals. Closed Immigration June 15, 2018 to Dec 1, 2018 2018-06-15 2018-12-01 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Consultations were held on the priorities for the Settlement Program and Resettlement Assistance Program 2019 National Call for Proposals. The objectives of these consultations were to: 1) Collect insight and obtain input from participants on recommended priorities for the National Call for Proposals for the Settlement and Resettlement Assistance Programs. 2) Build a shared vision for the settlement and integration of newcomers that could then be realized through the Settlement Program and its priorities. Approach included regional summits, meetings and an online consultation. What We Heard Report available
Web Presence in Support of the Criminal Justcie System Review Closed Justice and the Law July 1, 2017 to Dec 1, 2018 2017-07-01 2018-12-01 Department of Justice Canada The Government has undertaken a broad review of Canada’s Criminal Justice System. Consultation Format: A public website was launched in July, 2017 which informs the public of the directions and work to date on this initiative. The public is invited to have their say via the website portal. Comments are provided directly to the Criminal Justice System Review Secretariat.
Locomotive Voice and Video Recorders (LVVR) Closed Transportation Oct 30, 2017 to Dec 1, 2018 2017-10-30 2018-12-01 Transport Canada Following the Royal Assent of C49, policy and regulatory development work continues.Formal stakeholder consultations are planned for October 2018, including industry, unions and associations. Publication in the Canada Gazette, Part 1 is targetted for June 2019 as this initiative is a ministerial priority as outlined in the Minister's mandate letter to propose measures to reinforce railway safety, and as a Transportation 2030 initiative.
Consultation on the Pause-the-Clock Proposal for Drug and Medical Device Establishment Licence Applications Closed Health | Policy Oct 31, 2018 to Nov 30, 2018 2018-10-31 2018-11-30 Health Canada We want your feedback on the development and implementation of the Pause-the-Clock mechanism for Drug and Medical Device Establishment Licence applications. The purpose of the pause-the-clock is to allow applicants the opportunity to rectify application deficiencies during the review of the application, but that this time is not counted as Health Canada time.
Let's Talk Sable Island Closed Animals | Environment | Indigenous People Oct 26, 2018 to Nov 30, 2018 2018-10-26 2018-11-30 Parks Canada Consultation on key management issues and opportunities for development of Sable Island National Park Reserve's first management plan.
Digital Training Needs Analysis Closed Human resources | Training and careers Nov 19, 2018 to Nov 30, 2018 2018-11-19 2018-11-30 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Analysis of federal employees to better understand and assess the current training needs for digital capacity across the Government of Canada (GC) What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Dual-Use in Life Science Research Closed Health June 29, 2018 to Nov 29, 2018 2018-06-29 2018-11-29 Health Canada Open on June 29, 2018 and will close to new input on November 29, 2018. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have launched a public consultation on the new Canadian Biosafety Guideline: Dual-Use in Life Science Research.
Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Oct 29, 2018 to Nov 29, 2018 2018-10-29 2018-11-29 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project, located northeast of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Consultations on the Canadian Energy Regulator Closed Natural Resources Oct 15, 2018 to Nov 28, 2018 2018-10-15 2018-11-28 Natural Resources Canada Natural Resources Canada and the National Energy Board (NEB) are currently seeking public comments to help inform the approach to developing new regulations and amending existing regulation to support the government’s proposed Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CER Act), which was tabled in Parliament on February 8, 2018. When the proposed CER Act comes into force, the legislative changes will be implemented and the NEB will become the Canadian Energy Regulator.
West Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Nov 5, 2018 to Nov 26, 2018 2018-11-05 2018-11-26 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed West Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project, located 375 kilometres northeast of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description. As a next step, the Agency will post a decision on its website stating whether an environmental assessment is required. If one is required, the public will have additional opportunities to comment on the environmental assessment of the project.
Proposed Amendments to the Secure Air Travel Regulations : Closed consultation Closed Amendments | Policy | Public safety | Regulations | Transportation Sept 25, 2018 to Nov 25, 2018 2018-09-25 2018-11-25 Public Safety Canada Seek views from primary private sector and civil society stakeholders on proposed regulatory amendments to the Secure Air Travel Regulations.
Additional Relief from the Fuel Charge Closed Environment Oct 23, 2018 to Nov 23, 2018 2018-10-23 2018-11-23 Department of Finance Canada The federal carbon pricing backstop is expected to apply in 2019, which would implement the fuel charge and/or output-based pricing system in a backstop jurisdiction. The federal government plans to release regulatory amendments to provide partial relief of the fuel charge (i.e., 80 per cent) for marketable natural gas and propane used in certain greenhouse operations, as well as full relief of the fuel charge for light fuel oil used to generate electricity for remote communities.
Edmonton Consultation on Enabling the Responsible Adoptionof Artificial Intelligence Closed Economy | Science and technology Nov 23, 2018 to Nov 23, 2018 2018-11-23 2018-11-23 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Roundtable discussion with invited stakeholders to review potential topics of discussion for the December 2018 G7 Multistakeholder Conference on Artificial Intelligence What We Heard Report available
DMAF Webinars - Full Application Closed Environment | Public safety | Society Nov 1, 2018 to Nov 23, 2018 2018-11-01 2018-11-23 Infrastructure Canada Webinars to provide information on the full application form for DMAF
GBA+ National Forum Closed Society Nov 21, 2018 to Nov 22, 2018 2018-11-21 2018-11-22 Department for Women and Gender Equality This is a two-day national roundtable to discuss best practice, approaches, new developments and use of GBA+ in the public sector, in industry and in civil society and engage with key stakeholders.
Toronto Consultation on Enabling the Responsible Adoptionof Artificial Intelligence Closed Economy | Science and technology Nov 21, 2018 to Nov 21, 2018 2018-11-21 2018-11-21 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Roundtable discussion with invited stakeholders to review potential topics of discussion for the December 2018 G7 Multistakeholder Conference on Artificial Intelligence What We Heard Report available
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act -Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Oct 20, 2018 to Nov 19, 2018 2018-10-20 2018-11-19 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Colouring Agents to Enable the Use of Calcium Carbonate in Unstandardized Confectionery - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0124 [2018-09-06] Closed Food and drug | Health Sept 6, 2018 to Nov 19, 2018 2018-09-06 2018-11-19 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate received a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of calcium carbonate as a colouring agent in the manufacture of hard and soft candies and in inks for writing on various confections. Calcium carbonate is already permitted as food additive for use in Canada in various foods, including unstandardized confectionery, in the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents,theList of Permitted pH Adjusting Agents, Acid-Reacting Materials and Water Correcting Agents, and the List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses. As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive calcium carbonate, as described in the information document below, by updating the List of Permitted Colouring Agents, effective September 6, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.Health Canada's Food Directorate received a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of calcium carbonate as a colouring agent in the manufacture of hard and soft candies and in inks for writing on various confections. Calcium carbonate is already permitted as food additive for use in Canada in various foods, including unstandardized confectionery, in the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents,theList of Permitted pH Adjusting Agents, Acid-Reacting Materials and Water Correcting Agents, and the List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses. As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive calcium carbonate, as described in the information document below, by updating the List of Permitted Colouring Agents, effective September 6, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Kwispaa LNG Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Oct 29, 2018 to Nov 18, 2018 2018-10-29 2018-11-18 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Kwispaa LNG Project, located at Sarita Bay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Western Canada Growth Strategy: Working together for a better future Closed Economic development Sept 12, 2018 to Nov 16, 2018 2018-09-12 2018-11-16 Western Economic Diversification Canada The Western Canada Growth Strategy is a "made-in-western-Canada" plan that aims to position the West for success five years from now, 10 years from now, and beyond. This pan-western growth strategy will help set the foundation to ensure that the unique regional economies in western Canada continue to grow and flourish by: • identifying shared priorities to grow the economy • increasing collaboration with those who make a difference in our economy, such as business, industry, academia, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities and organizations, and different levels of government • engaging western Canadians to identify and drive economic growth opportunities The federal government is working with business, industry, academia, Indigenous communities and organizations, and different levels of government, to help develop a truly "Made-in-Western-Canada" growth strategy. This strategy not only reflects the unique regional advantages of each province, but also helps to stimulate economic growth. The proposed approach is to develop a strategy in three phases: • Phase One: public, Indigenous groups, and stakeholder engagement to shape and inform the development of the strategy; • Phase Two: strategy development to outline the economic pillars of the strategy; and, • Phase Three: implementation of collaborative initiatives within these economic growth pillars. The strategy will identify and connect shared priorities amongst multiple public and private organizations to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, drive innovation in the west, and serve as a framework for ongoing actions. Both the engagement and strategy development look at a whole–of-government (federal and provincial) approach to working with partners on economic growth opportunities in the west. The engagement process will explore topics such as: • Economic priorities in Western Canada, including challenges and opportunities • Increasing economic participation of Indigenous groups, women, and youth • Collaborative opportunities between all levels of government What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the new weather radar at Montreal River Harbour, Ontario Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Oct 11, 2018 to Nov 15, 2018 2018-10-11 2018-11-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on Picoxystrobin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-42 Closed Health | Policy Aug 31, 2018 to Nov 14, 2018 2018-08-31 2018-11-14 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for picoxystrobin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for picoxystrobin.
Consultation on Thiamethoxam, Actara 25WG Insecticide, Actara 240SC Insecticide, and other related end-use products, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-14 Closed Health Aug 15, 2018 to Nov 13, 2018 2018-08-15 2018-11-13 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 15 August 2018 to 13 November 2018 (90 calendar days). Open the "Consultation Summary" to access the document.
Consultation on the Special Review of Clothianidin Risk to Aquatic Invertebrates: Proposed Decision for Consultation, Proposed Special Review Decision PSRD2018-01 Closed Health Aug 15, 2018 to Nov 13, 2018 2018-08-15 2018-11-13 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians over the next 90 days on its proposed special review decision of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin following a risk assessment to aquatic invertebrates when clothianidin products are applied as seed, foliar or soil treatment.
Consultation on Thiamethoxam and Mainspring X Insecticide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-13 Closed Health Aug 15, 2018 to Nov 13, 2018 2018-08-15 2018-11-13 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 15 August 2018 to 13 November 2018 (90 calendar days). Open the “Consultation Summary” to access the document.
Consultation on the Special Review of Thiamethoxam Risk to Aquatic Invertebrates: Proposed Decision for Consultation, Proposed Special Review Decision PSRD2018-02 Closed Health Aug 15, 2018 to Nov 13, 2018 2018-08-15 2018-11-13 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians over the next 90 days on its proposed special review decision of the neonicotinoid pesticide thiamethoxam following a risk assessment to aquatic invertebrates when thiamethoxam products are applied as seed, foliar or soil treatment.
Consultation on Afidopyropen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-41 Closed Health | Policy Aug 30, 2018 to Nov 13, 2018 2018-08-30 2018-11-13 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for Afidopyropen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for Afidopyropen.
Consultation on Fenhexamid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-40 Closed Health | Policy Aug 29, 2018 to Nov 12, 2018 2018-08-29 2018-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fenhexamid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fenhexamid.
Consultation on Bifenthrin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-39 Closed Health | Policy Aug 29, 2018 to Nov 12, 2018 2018-08-29 2018-11-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for bifenthrin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for bifenthrin.
Consultation on Clomazone, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-38 Closed Health | Policy Aug 28, 2018 to Nov 11, 2018 2018-08-28 2018-11-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for clomazone up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for clomazone.
Consultation on Dodine, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-37 Closed Health | Policy Aug 28, 2018 to Nov 11, 2018 2018-08-28 2018-11-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for dodine up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for dodine.
Consultation on Flonicamid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-36 Closed Health | Policy Aug 28, 2018 to Nov 11, 2018 2018-08-28 2018-11-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flonicamid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flonicamid.
Husky Energy Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Oct 11, 2018 to Nov 10, 2018 2018-10-11 2018-11-10 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Husky Energy Exploration Drilling Project, located east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Reducing violent crime: A dialogue on handguns and assault weapons Closed Justice and the Law | Public safety | Regulations Oct 11, 2018 to Nov 10, 2018 2018-10-11 2018-11-10 Public Safety Canada Hear from partners, stakeholders, and the public to help identify opportunities to identify gaps, challenges, and ideas to help inform future measures aimed at reducing violent crimes in Canada.
Technical Consultation - 1,4-dioxane in Drinking Water Closed Health | Policy Sept 7, 2018 to Nov 9, 2018 2018-09-07 2018-11-09 Health Canada The available information on 1,4 dioxane has been assessed with the intent of establishing a drinking water guideline and guideline technical document. This draft guideline technical document proposes to establish a maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) of 0.050 mg/L (50 µg/L) for 1,4 dioxane in drinking water, based on liver effects in rats that occur before the development of cancer. The document is being made available for a 60-day public consultation period. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline, on the approach used for its development and on the potential economic costs of implementing it, as well as to determine the availability of additional exposure data.
Consultation on Benzovindiflupyr, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-34 Closed Health Aug 23, 2018 to Nov 6, 2018 2018-08-23 2018-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for benzovindiflupyr up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for benzovindiflupyr.
Consultation on Ethalfluralin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-35 Closed Health Aug 23, 2018 to Nov 6, 2018 2018-08-23 2018-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for ethalfluralin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for ethalfluralin.
Consultation on Indaziflam, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-33 Closed Health Aug 23, 2018 to Nov 6, 2018 2018-08-23 2018-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for indaziflam up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for indaziflam.
Consultation on Difenoconazole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-32 Closed Health Aug 23, 2018 to Nov 6, 2018 2018-08-23 2018-11-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for difenoconazole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for difenoconazole.
Conduct Assessment - Workshop with PSC SMEs Closed Development Nov 6, 2018 to Nov 6, 2018 2018-11-06 2018-11-06 Public Service Commission of Canada Consultation with PSC employees to validate requirements for conducting assessments, including how to manage applicant volumes.
Release of ICH M9 Draft Guidance: Biopharmaceutics Classification System-Based Biowaivers Closed Health Aug 8, 2018 to Nov 4, 2018 2018-08-08 2018-11-04 Health Canada The above referenced draft guidance was released by the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Steering Committee for consultation and is being posted on the ICH website for information and comment in accordance with Step 2 of the ICH process.
Consultation on Diethofencarb, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-28 Closed Health Aug 21, 2018 to Nov 4, 2018 2018-08-21 2018-11-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for diethofencarb up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for diethofencarb.
Consultation on 2,4-D, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-30 Closed Health Aug 21, 2018 to Nov 4, 2018 2018-08-21 2018-11-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for 2,4-D up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for 2,4-D.
Consultation on Diquat, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-31 Closed Health Aug 21, 2018 to Nov 4, 2018 2018-08-21 2018-11-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for diquat up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for diquat.
Consultation on Fludioxonil, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-29 Closed Health Aug 21, 2018 to Nov 4, 2018 2018-08-21 2018-11-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fludioxonil up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fludioxonil.
Legislative Review of EDC Closed Development | Economy | Economic development | Exporting/Importing | Human resources | International | Labour | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Trade Sept 21, 2018 to Nov 2, 2018 2018-09-21 2018-11-02 Global Affairs Canada Global Affairs Canada has contracted International Financial Consulting Ltd. (the “Review team”) to undertake the review on its behalf. Public engagement is central to the Review and the review process is designed to be transparent, relevant, inclusive, accountable and flexible. You can submit written comments and liaise with the Review team to discuss issues of interest. Material produced by the review team will be posted on this website in both official languages. Material provided by the public and stakeholders will be posted in the language in which it is submitted.
Century Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 27, 2018 to Nov 1, 2018 2018-09-27 2018-11-01 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Century Gold Project, located in Timmins, Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
National Planning Permit Process (Land Use Management Regulations) Closed Development | Regulations July 11, 2018 to Oct 31, 2018 2018-07-11 2018-10-31 Parks Canada Parks Canada is undertaking a review of its regulations and policies related to planning permits, some dating back to the 1960s. In Let's Talk Parks, Canada! Minister McKenna committed to undertake a review of development and land use management decision-making tools to ensure a consistent and transparent process for development decisions at Parks Canada places. The current construction and renovation permitting process is divided among several statutes, regulations, and field unit specific policies. Parks Canada processes for permitting for construction and renovation need to be modernized to reflect current national codes (e.g., National Building, Plumbing and Fire Codes) and to be consistent with municipal and provincial/territorial approaches. This process will result in new regulations, tentatively titled Land Use Management Regulations, as well as updated policies and operating procedures to assist with compliance. What We Heard Report available
Terra Nova National Park Management Plan Closed Animals | Environment | Indigenous People | Recreation Aug 17, 2018 to Oct 31, 2018 2018-08-17 2018-10-31 Parks Canada In Terra Nova National Park, we are currently preparing a new management plan that will guide our vision for the park into the future. At this point in the renewal process we are seeking your input to help us develop a strong and effective plan that provides direction for the management of Terra Nova National Park for the next ten years. What We Heard Report available
Building a Youth Policy for Canada Closed Policy | Youth Feb 13, 2018 to Oct 31, 2018 2018-02-13 2018-10-31 Privy Council Office In 2018, the Government of Canada launched a national conversation with youth. Young people discussed the issues that affect their lives, the types of supports they need to succeed, and the ways they wish to be engaged. Youth were encouraged to participate online, attend in-person roundtables, or host their own discussions and submit their ideas to the Government. More than 5,000 young Canadians took part in the national conversation, resulting in more than 10,000 individual responses and 68 submissions from youth-led discussions and youth-serving organizations. Partnerships with youth engagement experts and local youth-serving organizations ensured the Government adopted a youth-centered engagement approach that resulted in the participation of youth with diverse identities, abilities, backgrounds, cultures and economic and language profiles. Young Canadians then analyzed the responses from the national dialogue to shape key elements of the youth policy. What We Heard Report available
Hardrock Gold Mine Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Oct 1, 2018 to Oct 29, 2018 2018-10-01 2018-10-29 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Hardrock Gold Mine Project, located in northwestern Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites comments on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally-binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Cochrane Hill Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Oct 9, 2018 to Oct 29, 2018 2018-10-09 2018-10-29 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Cochrane Hill Gold Project, located northeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Canada's International Investment Agreements (FIPAs) Closed Agriculture | Economy | Exporting/Importing | Foreign affairs | Immigration | Industry | Indigenous People | Private sector | Trade Aug 14, 2018 to Oct 28, 2018 2018-08-14 2018-10-28 Global Affairs Canada Expanding and diversifying Canada’s trade and investment relations contributes directly to our economy and benefits hard-working Canadians. Canada is committed to advancing a progressive trade agenda that reflects and responds to the interests of Canadians, especially women, Indigenous peoples and owners of small and medium-sized enterprises. Today, the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification, announced the launch of a public consultation on Canada’s foreign investment promotion and protection agreements (FIPAs). This is the first in a series of consultations that will take place as part of Canada’s progressive trade agenda to help the Government of Canada better reflect the views and interests of Canadians, industry and civil society.
Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site Draft Management Plan Closed Culture | Heritage | Recreation Aug 20, 2018 to Oct 26, 2018 2018-08-20 2018-10-26 Parks Canada Whether you regularly visit national historic sites or simply have an interest in history , we want to hear from you. Parks Canada is updating the management plan for the Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site and your input is vital to ensuring that the direction for this site reflects the perspectives and values of Canadians. The plan will provide the focus and framework for site management and programs, outlining how we will care for the site over the next decade.
Banff Park Museum National Historic Site Management Plan Review Closed Culture | Heritage Aug 20, 2018 to Oct 26, 2018 2018-08-20 2018-10-26 Parks Canada Whether you regularly visit national historic sites or simply have an interest in history, we want to hear from you. Parks Canada is updating the management plan for the Banff Park Museum National Historic Site and getting your input is vital to ensuring that the direction for the site reflects the perspectives and values of Canadians. The plan will provide the focus and framework for site management and program, outlining how we will care for the Banff Park Museum National Historic Site over the next decade.
OPP - Potential Legislative Amendments to Strengthen Marine Environmental Protection and Response Closed Transportation Feb 1, 2017 to Oct 26, 2018 2017-02-01 2018-10-26 Transport Canada As part of the Oceans Protection Plan, Transport Canada engaged Canadians on potential legislative amendments to strengthen marine environmental protection and response during Fall 2018. On December 13, 2018, Parliament approved amendments to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and the Marine Liability Act, as part tof Bill C-86. These amendments will: enhance marine environmental protection, including at-risk whale populations, from the impacts of routine shipping and navigation; strengthen and clarify the Canadian Coast Guard's authorities for a more proactive, rapid, and effective response to spills from ships; and modernize the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund including enabling unlimited compensation for responders and victims in the event of an oil spill from a ship.
Workshop for Hiring Managers and HR Professionals Closed Development Oct 23, 2018 to Oct 23, 2018 2018-10-23 2018-10-23 Public Service Commission of Canada Consultations with government employees to validate and refine requirements on: • Developing job advertisements • Posting job advertisements to GC Jobs • Posting job advertisements to other job advertising sites • Attracting applicants beyond the use of job advertisements (e.g. recruitment fairs, engaging with relevant professional associations, etc.) • Screening Applicants • Assessing candidates for language skills and other competencies • Approving accommodation requests • Selecting a candidate for the final decision • Extending employment offers • Finalizing acceptance of offers
Consultation on Amending the List of Species under the Species at Risk Act Terrestrial Species January 2018 (ARAD) Closed Animals | Culture | Environment | Natural Resources | Plants Jan 22, 2018 to Oct 22, 2018 2018-01-22 2018-10-22 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Government of Canada is committed to preventing the disappearance of wildlife species at risk from our lands. As part of its strategy for realizing that commitment, on June 5, 2003, the Government of Canada proclaimed the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The best way to secure the survival of species at risk and their habitats is through the active participation of all those concerned. SARA recognizes this, and that all Indigenous peoples and Canadians have a role to play in preventing the disappearance of wildlife species from our lands. The Government of Canada invites and encourages Canadians to become involved. Comments are considered in relation to the potential consequences of whether or not a species is included on the Species at Risk List, and they are then used to inform the drafting of the Minister’s proposed listing recommendations for each of these species.
Consultation on Amending the List of Species under the Species at Risk Act Terrestrial Species January 2018 (ARAD) Closed Animals | Culture | Environment | Natural Resources | Plants Jan 22, 2018 to Oct 22, 2018 2018-01-22 2018-10-22 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Government of Canada is committed to preventing the disappearance of wildlife species at risk from our lands. As part of its strategy for realizing that commitment, on June 5, 2003, the Government of Canada proclaimed the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The best way to secure the survival of species at risk and their habitats is through the active participation of all those concerned. SARA recognizes this, and that all Indigenous peoples and Canadians have a role to play in preventing the disappearance of wildlife species from our lands. The Government of Canada invites and encourages Canadians to become involved. Comments are considered in relation to the potential consequences of whether or not a species is included on the Species at Risk List, and they are then used to inform the drafting of the Minister’s proposed listing recommendations for each of these species.
Moving Canada toward zero plastic waste Closed Government procurement Apr 22, 2018 to Oct 21, 2018 2018-04-22 2018-10-21 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is asking Canadians to share their ideas and suggestions on reducing plastic waste and marine litter through email, mail and PlaceSpeak, an online engagement platform. Their feedback will help develop a federal-provincial-territorial approach to manage plastic waste and reduce marine litter. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Bacillus subtilis strain BU1814 and Related End-Use Products, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-16 Closed Health | Policy Sept 5, 2018 to Oct 20, 2018 2018-09-05 2018-10-20 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Bacillus subtilis strain BU1814 and related end-use products. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-16 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Bacillus subtilis strain BU1814 and related end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Bacillus subtilis strain BU1814 and related end-use products.
Consultation on Fee Proposal for Aeronautical Product Approvals Closed Transportation Sept 5, 2018 to Oct 19, 2018 2018-09-05 2018-10-19 Transport Canada Transport Canada is consulting with Canadians and stakeholders on its Aeronautical Product Approvals Fee Proposal, which would amend Part 104 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR), Schedule V. Part 104 of the CAR gives Transport Canada the authority to charge service fees for aeronautical product design approvals. What We Heard Report available
Red Mountain Underground Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 17, 2018 to Oct 18, 2018 2018-09-17 2018-10-18 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Red Mountain Underground Gold Project, located in British Columbia. The project is also subject to requirements under the Nisga'a Final Agreement, a modern treaty signed by the governments of Canada, British Columbia, and the Nisga'a Nation. The Agency invites the Nisga'a Nation, Indigenous groups and the public to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites comments on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally-binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Workshop for Job Seekers Closed Development Oct 18, 2018 to Oct 18, 2018 2018-10-18 2018-10-18 Public Service Commission of Canada Consultations with government employees to gather information on problems and opportunities on matters pertaining to applying for a job, self-declaring to Employment Equity groups, undergoing assessments and being appointed to the position.
Draft Regulatory and Legislative Proposals Relating to the Taxation of Cannabis Closed Taxes Sept 17, 2018 to Oct 17, 2018 2018-09-17 2018-10-17 Department of Finance Canada Cannabis for non-medical purposes will become available for legal retail sale in Canada on October 17, 2018. In anticipation of this milestone, the Government of Canada is taking additional steps to implement the coordinated cannabis taxation framework that was agreed upon in principle by federal, provincial and territorial Finance Ministers in December 2017, and formalized through the signing of Coordinated Cannabis Taxation Agreements (CCTAs) with most provincial and territorial governments to date. The Government released for consultation a set of technical draft regulatory and legislative proposals under the Excise Act, 2001 that would provide for the additional excise duty rates for each province or territory that has signed a CCTA with the Government of Canada. These rates would come into effect when cannabis for non-medical purposes becomes available for legal retail sale.
Public consultations on a possible ASEAN-Canada FTA Closed Exporting/Importing | Foreign affairs | Policy | Trade Sept 1, 2018 to Oct 16, 2018 2018-09-01 2018-10-16 Global Affairs Canada To solicit the views of Canadians on a possible ASEAN-Canada FTA
Sturgeon Petrochemical Rail Yard Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 24, 2018 to Oct 15, 2018 2018-09-24 2018-10-15 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Sturgeon Petrochemical Rail Yard Project, located in Alberta. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Afidopyropen; Sefina Insecticide; Versys Insecticide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-15 Closed Health | Policy Aug 30, 2018 to Oct 14, 2018 2018-08-30 2018-10-14 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for afidopyropen; Sefina Insecticide; Versys Insecticide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-15 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for afidopyropen; Sefina Insecticide; Versys Insecticide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on afidopyropen; Sefina Insecticide; Versys Insecticide.
Survey: Profile of Organizations Advancing Gender Equality Closed Society Oct 9, 2018 to Oct 14, 2018 2018-10-09 2018-10-14 Department for Women and Gender Equality An invitation to complete an online survey was sent to organizations working to advance gender equality. The survey collects demographic information about the organization (e.g., where they provide programming/services and to whom), as well as information regarding their composition (e.g., number of employees, volunteers). Data on challenges frequently encountered by these organizations is also being collected.
Draft Legislative Proposals Regarding Political Activities of Charities Closed Amendments | Taxes Sept 14, 2018 to Oct 13, 2018 2018-09-14 2018-10-13 Department of Finance Canada The draft legislative proposals would, if adopted by Parliament, apply retroactively to related audits and objections that are currently suspended. The Government intends to introduce legislation following the consultation period at an early opportunity.
Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 13, 2018 to Oct 12, 2018 2018-09-13 2018-10-12 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency), along with the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB), Natural Resources Canada and the Department of Natural Resources for Newfoundland and Labrador, have developed a draft agreement for a Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling East of Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area. The Agency and the C-NLOPB invite the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Agreement to Conduct a Regional Assessment. The draft Agreement includes the procedures and timelines for the process, the factors to be considered in the assessment, as well as the Terms of Reference for the Committee.
National Digital and Data Consultations Closed Copyright/Trademarks/Patents | Economy | Economic development | Employment | Industry | Labour | Regulations | Science and technology June 19, 2018 to Oct 12, 2018 2018-06-19 2018-10-12 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Digital innovation is essential to growing our economy, attracting investment and creating middle-class jobs. At the same time, this digital transformation has also brought with it new challenges and uncharted territory involving how innovation impacts the future of work and Canadians' privacy when it comes to their data. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada will be undertaking consultations with industry stakeholders, indigenous peoples and especially women in cities across Canada.
Southeastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 21, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 2018-09-21 2018-10-11 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Southeastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project, located southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on VICH Guideline 58 Closed Health Aug 10, 2018 to Oct 9, 2018 2018-08-10 2018-10-09 Health Canada This 60-day consultation period will be open between August 10 and October 9, 2018.
Consultation on the Pause the Clock proposal for pre-market submissions and applications Closed Health Aug 10, 2018 to Oct 9, 2018 2018-08-10 2018-10-09 Health Canada We want your feedback on the development and implementation of the Pause the Clock mechanism for pre-market submissions and applications. A Pause the Clock mechanism would enable us to grant extensions for drug submissions and applications without being penalized for extended review times. It would also enable us to pause the clock when we seek advice from an expert panel/committee as it relates to a drug being reviewed. For medical devices, it would allow us to pause the clock if there are applications that are linked together that have different review times.
Attracting Applicants workshop - Workshop with PSC SMEs Closed Development Oct 9, 2018 to Oct 9, 2018 2018-10-09 2018-10-09 Public Service Commission of Canada Consultation with PSC employees to validate and gather new requirements on attracting applicants that include posting job advertisements, using unsupervised internet tests, and filling out applications as job seekers.
Consultation on Chlorimuron-ethyl and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-14 Closed Environment | Health July 10, 2018 to Oct 8, 2018 2018-07-10 2018-10-08 Health Canada Chlorimuron-ethyl is a registered pesticide used by growers in Eastern Canada to control broadleaf weeds on soybean crops. A full list of products containing chlorimuron-ethyl can be found the Pesticide Label Search or Appendix I of PRVD2018-14. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the current use of chlorimuron-ethyl, with proposed label updates to further protect health and the environment. Proposed updates include the following, with more detail provided in the consultation document itself: Longer required wait times before workers can re-enter certain treated areas Updated buffer zone requirements Addition of advisory statements to labels to reduce risks to bystanders For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Prevention of Harassment and Violence in the Workplace Closed Amendments | Employment | | Human resources | Health | Indigenous People | Labour | Regulations July 24, 2018 to Oct 5, 2018 2018-07-24 2018-10-05 Employment and Social Development Canada The purpose of this survey is to hear from all Canadians about the proposed regulatory framework of Bill C-65, which aims to prevent and respond to all forms of harassment and violence in the workplace and to support those who have experienced it. What We Heard Report available
Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project - Review Panel Invites Public Comments on Sufficiency of Information and Draft Public Hearing Procedures Closed Environment July 6, 2018 to Oct 5, 2018 2018-07-06 2018-10-05 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Review Panel is inviting comments on the responses from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (the Proponent) to the Review Panel's information requests received up to July 6, 2018, including the Project Construction Update (Document 1210). The public, Indigenous groups, government departments and agencies are invited to submit written comments on whether the information provided by the Proponent is sufficient.
Route 389 Improvement Project between Fire Lake and Fermont - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 4, 2018 to Oct 4, 2018 2018-09-04 2018-10-04 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Route 389 Improvement Project between Fire Lake and Fermont, located in Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the Comprehensive Study Report, a document that includes the Agency's analysis and findings on whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects taking into account the implementation of mitigation measures. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the new weather radar at Strathmore, Alberta Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Aug 24, 2018 to Oct 2, 2018 2018-08-24 2018-10-02 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Oversight and Reporting Workshop - Workshop with PSC SMEs Closed Development Oct 2, 2018 to Oct 2, 2018 2018-10-02 2018-10-02 Public Service Commission of Canada Consultation with PSC employees to validate current tasks and gather new requirements on data capture and reporting.
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures Closed Agriculture | Exporting/Importing | Industry | Plants | Public safety | Regulations | Trade July 1, 2018 to Sept 30, 2018 2018-07-01 2018-09-30 Canadian Food Inspection Agency Each year, the International Plant Protection Convention and North American Plant Protection Organization conduct consultations with contracting parties on draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. The CFIA is responsible for submitting comments on behalf of Canadians.
Regulatory Modernization Initiative: Consultation on rail transportation Closed Transportation May 23, 2018 to Sept 30, 2018 2018-05-23 2018-09-30 Canadian Transportation Agency The CTA will engage and obtain key industry stakeholders views on changes to rail regulations. The CTA will invite written submissions and will meet with key industry stakeholders. What We Heard Report available
Consulting Canadians on the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Closed Trade May 19, 2017 to Sept 30, 2018 2017-05-19 2018-09-30 Global Affairs Canada Over the past year, the Government of Canada has been engaged in discussions with Canadian citizens and stakeholder groups across the country about our approach to trade. We recognize that trade policies need to be designed to respond and contribute meaningfully to the Government’s overall economic, social, and environmental policy priorities. This is a key element of the Government’s Progressive Trade Agenda. In this context, and as the Government prepares for discussions with the United States and Mexico on the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), we are seeking views of Canadians on key areas in the Agreement that could be clarified or updated and on any new areas that should form part of a modernized agreement.
Engagement on the Way Forward to End Human Trafficking in Canada Closed Policy | Public safety | Society Sept 1, 2018 to Sept 30, 2018 2018-09-01 2018-09-30 Public Safety Canada To determine priorities, identify key gaps and challenges, interdependencies, and priorities in Canada’s approach to human trafficking as Public Safety leads the development of a new national strategy. What We Heard Report available
Draft tax legislative proposals Closed Taxes July 27, 2018 to Sept 28, 2018 2018-07-27 2018-09-28 Department of Finance Canada The Government published draft legislative proposals relating to sales, excise and income tax measures. Most of these measures were announced in Budget 2018, while the others are technical in nature. In addition, as announced in Budget 2018, the Government initiated consultations on two aspects of the GST/HST holding corporation rules and released a related consultation paper. Canadians were invited to provide comments on these proposals.
National pharmacare: online questionaire Closed Food and drug | Health June 20, 2018 to Sept 28, 2018 2018-06-20 2018-09-28 Health Canada The Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare (the Council) is leading a national consultation on how to implement affordable national pharmacare for Canadians and their families, employers and governments. We invite you to share your thoughts and ideas on what a national drug plan could look like. There are a number of ways to participate. You can read the Discussion Paper(External link) which outlines some of the key issues and provide a written submission via email(External link) or mail. We also encourage you to participate in the online discussion forum below. As well, you can also complete the online questionnaire(External link). What We Heard Report available
Consultation on trifloxystrobin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-23 Closed Environment | Health July 17, 2018 to Sept 28, 2018 2018-07-17 2018-09-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for trifloxystrobin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for trifloxystrobin.
Consultation on Quinclorac, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-24 Closed Environment | Health July 17, 2018 to Sept 28, 2018 2018-07-17 2018-09-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for quinclorac up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for quinclorac.
Interactive Dashboards Closed Communication Sept 24, 2018 to Sept 28, 2018 2018-09-24 2018-09-28 Statistics Canada As Canada's national statistical organization, Statistics Canada provides Canadians with high-quality statistics from hundreds of surveys and numerous administrative data sources. In an ongoing effort to make this data more accessible, interactive dashboards are being created to help users obtain data in an easy, attractive and modern manner. To achieve this goal, the dashboards are intended to enrich user experience by allowing the user to obtain data in an efficient manner. To test these new dashboards, we looked to gain insights on the intuitiveness and usefulness of these new products. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Strychnine and Its Associated End-use Products (Ground Squirrel Use), Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2018-13 Closed Environment | Health June 29, 2018 to Sept 27, 2018 2018-06-29 2018-09-27 Health Canada Strychnine is a registered pesticide used by growers to control ground squirrels. Products containing strychnine for ground squirrel control include Maxim 2% Liquid Strychnine Concentrate and S.A.R.M Gopher Poison R.T.U. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to cancel the use of strychnine for ground squirrel control due to effects on non-target animals. This review identified environmental concerns in the potential poisoning of non-target animals, including species at risk such as the swift fox and burrowing owl. There is concern mitigation measures would not be practical. As such, Health Canada is proposing to cancel the registration of Maxim 2% Liquid Strychnine Concentrate, and to require removal of ground squirrel use from the label of S.A.R.M Gopher Poison R.T.U. Find the full list of pesticides containing Strychnine in the Label Search Database. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on Sethoxydim, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-20 Closed Environment | Health July 12, 2018 to Sept 25, 2018 2018-07-12 2018-09-25 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for sethoxydim up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for sethoxydim.
Consultation on Mandipropamid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-21 Closed Environment | Health July 12, 2018 to Sept 25, 2018 2018-07-12 2018-09-25 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for mandipropamid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for mandipropamid.
Consultation on Flubendiamide, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-22 Closed Environment | Health July 12, 2018 to Sept 25, 2018 2018-07-12 2018-09-25 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flubendiamide up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flubendiamide.
Consultation: Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH M9 Guidance: Biopharmaceutics Classification System-based Biowavers Closed Health June 26, 2018 to Sept 24, 2018 2018-06-26 2018-09-24 Health Canada The above referenced draft guidance was released by the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Steering Assembly for consultation and is being posted on the ICH website for information and comment in accordance with Step 2 of the ICH process.
Notice: Consultation: Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: Q3D: Guideline for Elemental Impurities (Cadmium Inhalation PDE revision) Closed Health June 26, 2018 to Sept 24, 2018 2018-06-26 2018-09-24 Health Canada Comments provided to Health Canada should be submitted by September 24, 2018 in order to allow sufficient time for their assessment and subsequent transmission to the ICH.
Consultation on Methomyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-19 Closed Health | Policy July 11, 2018 to Sept 24, 2018 2018-07-11 2018-09-24 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for methomyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for methomyl.
Consultation on the List of Atypical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for Veterinary Use Closed Food and drug | Health July 25, 2018 to Sept 24, 2018 2018-07-25 2018-09-24 Health Canada Health Canada invites you to provide comments on the list of Atypical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) for veterinary use. Health Canada considers certain APIs that are of lower risk and widely used outside of the pharmaceutical industry as atypical APIs.
Consultation on Fomesafen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-17 Closed Health | Policy July 11, 2018 to Sept 23, 2018 2018-07-11 2018-09-23 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fomesafen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fomesafen.
Consultation on Novaluron, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-18 Closed Health | Policy July 11, 2018 to Sept 22, 2018 2018-07-11 2018-09-22 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for novaluron up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for novaluron.
Approach to a key regulation under the proposed fish and fish habitat provisions of the Fisheries Act Closed Fisheries | Industry | Indigenous People | Regulations July 25, 2018 to Sept 21, 2018 2018-07-25 2018-09-21 Fisheries and Oceans Canada The purpose of this consultation is to begin to engage with provinces, territories, Indigenous peoples, partners, stakeholders and other Canadians on a proposal to amend the existing Applications for Authorization under Paragraph 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act Regulations.
Name of the new Champlain Bridge - Listening to Canadians Closed Heritage | Transportation Sept 7, 2018 to Sept 21, 2018 2018-09-07 2018-09-21 Infrastructure Canada A online consultation on an initiative to name the new Champlain Bridge in Montreal, Quebec the Samuel De Champlain Bridge. Respondents were invited to submit comments by email or mail. Infrastructure Canada will compile and publish the results.
System Support - Workshop with PSC SMEs Closed Development Sept 18, 2018 to Sept 18, 2018 2018-09-18 2018-09-18 Public Service Commission of Canada Consultation with PSC employees to validate and to elicit new requirements related to system support functions such as system maintenance, login and other areas of user support.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources Aug 18, 2018 to Sept 17, 2018 2018-08-18 2018-09-17 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Consultation on the Agri-Food and Aquaculture Sector Regulatory Review Closed Agriculture | Fisheries | Regulations July 12, 2018 to Sept 15, 2018 2018-07-12 2018-09-15 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada along with the Treasury Board Secretariat, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada held a webinar with agri-food and aquaculture industry to launch consultations on the sectoral regulatory review. Consultations will include a Canada Gazette Notice by the Treasury Board Secretariat What We Heard Report available
Regulatory Modernization consultation Closed Agriculture | Economy | Exporting/Importing | Industry | Private sector | Regulations | Trade July 28, 2018 to Sept 15, 2018 2018-07-28 2018-09-15 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consulting with stakeholders internally (i.e. Government of Canada) and externally (industry, regulatory bodies, businesses) on areas for further regulatory reform. Consultation notice through Canada Gazette (July 28) . Sector will be accepting submissions via email and mail. Consultation will be complemented by what we heard report, summarizing findings. Feedback will be used to advise Minister of Finance prior to Budget 2019. What We Heard Report available
Proposed changes to beer compositional standards Closed Amendments | Food and drug | Industry | Policy | Regulations June 16, 2018 to Sept 14, 2018 2018-06-16 2018-09-14 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Government of Canada is proposing to amend compositional beer standards to allow for innovation within the beer category while still preserving product integrity and to better reflect the tastes and needs of consumers. Proposed changes would remove duplication of the standard for ale, stout, porter and malt liquor, allow brewers to use a wider range of ingredients and use clearer statements and measurable criteria while maintaining the integrity of beer. The proposed changes also include labelling changes that would require brewers to identify food allergens, gluten sources and added sulphites.
Consultation on proposed amendments aimed at preserving the independence of commercial inshore licence holders in Atlantic Canada and Quebec Closed Economic development | Fisheries | Indigenous People July 26, 2018 to Sept 14, 2018 2018-07-26 2018-09-14 Fisheries and Oceans Canada The proposed new regulatory provisions will aim to ensure that licence holders who are granted the privilege of harvesting fishery resources under an inshore licence personally: carry out the activities permitted under the licence; retain decision-making related to their licensed fishing activities; and, receive the benefits from their privileged access to the resource.
Consultation on Pepino mosaic virus, strain CH2, isolate 1906 and PMV-01, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-12 Closed Health | Policy July 31, 2018 to Sept 14, 2018 2018-07-31 2018-09-14 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Pepino mosaic virus, strain CH2, isolate 1906 and PMV-01. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-12 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Pepino mosaic virus, strain CH2, isolate 1906 and PMV-01 and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Pepino mosaic virus, strain CH2, isolate 1906 and PMV-01.
New Data Tables Closed Communication Sept 10, 2018 to Sept 14, 2018 2018-09-10 2018-09-14 Statistics Canada Statistics Canada has identified the need for a more simplified, coherent and user-friendly website and changed the way it disseminates information to Canadians. Statistics Canada launched its New Dissemination Model in spring 2018. As part of this launch, CANSIM tables have been replaced by data tables with the same or similar content and a consistent presentation. The new tables will be dynamically updated as new results are released. Other changes include the following: •simpler titles, to provide greater clarity about the primary focus and components of the table •drop-down filters when each table is initially presented, to allow users to quickly navigate to the data points of interest •an "Add/Remove data" button, to allow for further customization •a "Customize Layout" button, to provide the option to pivot table rows and columns. Following such a large transformation, it is important to ensure that a positive user experience is still provided and that users are able to obtain the desired data in an effective and efficient manner. What We Heard Report available
2-Propanone reaction to products with diphenylamine: Pollution Prevention Notice consultation. Closed Environment | Industry July 14, 2018 to Sept 12, 2018 2018-07-14 2018-09-12 Environment and Climate Change Canada Stakeholders are invited to provide written comments on the proposed Pollution Prevention Notice for 2-Propanone reaction to products with diphenylamine, by mail or email, by September 12 2018. After receiving and considering comments on this proposed Notice, the final Notice will be published in Canada Gazette, Part I.
Indigenous Languages Legislation Closed Indigenous People Oct 1, 2017 to Sept 12, 2018 2017-10-01 2018-09-12 Canadian Heritage In June 2017, Canadian Heritage and three National Indigenous Organizations (Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Métis National Council) launched the co-development of the national First Nations, Inuit and Métis languages legislation and agreed on a collaborative engagement process. Since the announcement, engagement sessions with Indigenous language experts, practitioners and knowledge keepers have been undertaken by each of the National Indigenous Organizations as well as Canadian Heritage. Canadian Heritage conducted 20 early engagement sessions with a variety of First Nation, Inuit and Métis language practitioners and experts in Canada. Canadian Heritage and the three National Indigenous Organizations developped common and distinction-based legislative elements that formed the basis of Canadian Heritage’s intensive community-based engagement that took place from June to early September 2018, across Canada. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the Governor in Council's request for a report on large canadian telecommunication companies' misleading or aggressive sales practices Closed Communication July 16, 2018 to Sept 9, 2018 2018-07-16 2018-09-09 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consulting Canadians as part of the analysis on the retail sales practices of Canada’s large telecommunications carriers What We Heard Report available
Bay du Nord Development Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Aug 9, 2018 to Sept 9, 2018 2018-08-09 2018-09-09 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Bay du Nord Development Project, located east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
CFIA launched a 45-day public consultation on the changes to certain parts of the CFIA Fees Notice to implement the licensing regime and align the Notice with the language and authorities in the Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations. Closed Agriculture | Animals | Economy | Exporting/Importing | Food and drug | Fisheries | Plants | Regulations July 25, 2018 to Sept 7, 2018 2018-07-25 2018-09-07 Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA is seeking feedback on proposed changes to certain parts of the CFIA Fees Notice to implement the licensing regime and align the Notice with the language and authorities in the Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Tributyl Tetradecyl Phosphonium Chloride and Bellacide 350, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-11 Closed Environment | Health July 24, 2018 to Sept 7, 2018 2018-07-24 2018-09-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for tributyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride and Bellacide 350. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-11 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for tributyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride and Bellacide 350 and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on tributyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride and Bellacide 350.
Regulations Amending the Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations (Licences and Permits) Closed Health June 23, 2018 to Sept 6, 2018 2018-06-23 2018-09-06 Health Canada Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to the Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Controlled Substances Directorate, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Department of Health, Address Locator 0302A, 150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9 (email:
Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 152, Number 25: Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Parts G and J — Licences and Permits) Closed Food and drug | Health June 23, 2018 to Sept 6, 2018 2018-06-23 2018-09-06 Health Canada Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to the Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Controlled Substances Directorate, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Department of Health, Address Locator 0302A, 150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9 (email:
Canada Gazette Part 1 - Tobacco Products Regulations (Plain and Standardized Appearance) Closed Health June 23, 2018 to Sept 6, 2018 2018-06-23 2018-09-06 Health Canada The purpose of this consultation is to solicit views on the proposed measures to standardize the appearance of tobacco packages and certain tobacco products. What We Heard Report available
Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2018-274 Closed Communication Aug 3, 2018 to Sept 4, 2018 2018-08-03 2018-09-04 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consultation among Canadians regarding the ownership change of Canal Évasion and Zeste Diffusion
Consultation on the new weather radar at Landrienne, Quebec Closed Environment | Public safety | Service July 18, 2018 to Sept 4, 2018 2018-07-18 2018-09-04 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on Iprodione, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-14 Closed Environment | Health June 21, 2018 to Sept 4, 2018 2018-06-21 2018-09-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for iprodione up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for iprodione.
Century Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Aug 13, 2018 to Sept 4, 2018 2018-08-13 2018-09-04 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Century Gold Project, located in Timmins, Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 152, Number 25: Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (Colouring Agents) Closed Health June 19, 2018 to Sept 2, 2018 2018-06-19 2018-09-02 Health Canada Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Order within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to the Plain and Standardized Packaging Division, Tobacco Products Regulatory Office, Tobacco Control Directorate, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada, 150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9 (email:
Consultation on Canadian Guidelines for the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Closed Health July 27, 2018 to Sept 1, 2018 2018-07-27 2018-09-01 Health Canada This consultation will be open between July 27, 2018 and October 1, 2018. Health Canada, on behalf of the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee, is revising the Canadian Guidelines for the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM). We are seeking feedback on the current guidelines before we begin this process.
Economic Strategy Table Closed Economic development | Employment | Environment | Exporting/Importing | Finance | Government procurement | Industry | Indigenous People | Labour | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Regulations | Science and technology | Trade Sept 1, 2017 to Sept 1, 2018 2017-09-01 2018-09-01 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Economic Strategy Tables are a new model for industry-government collaboration, focused on turned Canadian economic strengths into global advantages. The Tables support innovation in advanced manufacturing, agri-food, clean technology, digital industries, health/bio sciences and resources of the future. Chaired by industry leaders, the Tables will set ambitus growth targets, identify sector-specific challenges and bottlenecks, and lay out an actionable roadmap to achieve their objectives. What We Heard Report available
Indigenous Strategy Closed Indigenous People | Taxes Apr 1, 2018 to Aug 31, 2018 2018-04-01 2018-08-31 Canada Revenue Agency Discussion with National Indigenous organizations to obtain views on proposed CRA indigenous Strategy.
Public consultation: Allocation and administration of tariff rate quotas under the CPTPP Closed Economic development | Exporting/Importing | Foreign affairs | Industry | International | Private sector | Trade July 9, 2018 to Aug 31, 2018 2018-07-09 2018-08-31 Global Affairs Canada Public engagement is central to the Review and the review process is designed to be transparent, relevant, inclusive, accountable and flexible. You can submit written comments and liaise with the Review team to discuss issues of interest.
Sault St. Marie Canal National Historic Site Management Plan Closed Development | Heritage | Indigenous People | Recreation | Transportation Apr 1, 2018 to Aug 31, 2018 2018-04-01 2018-08-31 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to invite partners, community stakeholders, residents and Canadians to help shape the development of the management plan which is the official document that will guide management of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal for the next 10 years. It provides direction for protecting cultural and natural resources, as well as improving visitor experiences, outreach and education, and promotional opportunities. What We Heard Report available
Website for the 2019 Census Test Closed Communication Aug 27, 2018 to Aug 31, 2018 2018-08-27 2018-08-31 Statistics Canada In preparation for the next Census, Statistics Canada is redesigning and testing a new version of the census website to promote job opportunities. The key focus of this website is to provide information about census jobs, the hiring process and feature links to an Online Recruitment Application, which allows Canadians to apply. The website will also include a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, general information about the Census, and details for contacting the census recruitment team. In line with the Agency’s modernization agenda, this new, simplified website will incorporate elements to augment user engagement, such as carousels and social media widgets, while maintaining a user-friendly, centralized point of access for census-related information. In August 2018, Statistics Canada will conduct usability testing on this version of the census website in order to obtain feedback from users. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the Revised Inspection Strategy for Licensed Blood Establishments Closed Health July 27, 2018 to Aug 30, 2018 2018-07-27 2018-08-30 Health Canada Between July 31, 2018 and August 30, 2018, Health Canada is seeking comments on the proposed revisions of the inspection strategy.
Hammond Reef Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 30, 2018 to Aug 30, 2018 2018-07-30 2018-08-30 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Hammond Reef Gold Project, located in northwestern Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the Comprehensive Study Report, a document that includes the Agency's analysis and findings on whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects taking into account the implementation of mitigation measures. What We Heard Report available
Invitation to submit views on possible safeguard action related to imports of certain steel products Closed Exporting/Importing | Trade Aug 14, 2018 to Aug 29, 2018 2018-08-14 2018-08-29 Department of Finance Canada The intent of these consultations is to better inform the Government as to whether safeguard action, including the imposition of provisional safeguards, may be warranted in respect of the steel products outlined in the Annex of this notice. Interested parties are also invited to submit views concerning the appropriate remedy, should provisional safeguards be warranted.
Canada Gazette Part 1 - : Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Serious Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting - Hospitals) and the Medical Devices Regulations (Medical Device Incident Reporting - Hospitals) Closed Food and drug | Health June 16, 2018 to Aug 29, 2018 2018-06-16 2018-08-29 Health Canada The central objective of the proposed regulations is to improve the quality and increase the quantity of Serious Adverse Drug Reaction and Medical Device Incident reports, and to expand on the real world evidence used by Health Canada to monitor the safety and effectiveness of therapeutic product, as part of a life-cycle approach to the regulation of such products. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Imidacloprid and its Associated End-use Products: Pollinator Re-evaluation, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-12 Closed Health | Policy May 31, 2018 to Aug 29, 2018 2018-05-31 2018-08-29 Health Canada Health Canada is consulting Canadians on its proposed re-evaluation decision of the neonicotinoid pesticide imidacloprid following an updated pollinator risk assessment. Imidacloprid is used by agricultural workers and licensed applicators to protect crops from insects. It can be applied to the ground, to leaves (foliar), to seeds, and as a tree injection. A list of imidacloprid products can be found in the Pesticide Label Search database. This pollinator assessment (PRVD2018-12, Imidacloprid and its Associated End-use Products: Pollinator Re-evaluation) is the last piece of the re-evaluation of imidacloprid. In November 2016, Health Canada published a Proposed Re-evaluation Decision for Imidacloprid (PRVD 2016-20) that assessed health and environmental risks but did not include an assessment of impacts on pollinators. In that document, Health Canada proposed phasing out all agricultural uses and many other outdoor uses of imidacloprid over three to five years for the protection of the environment. What We Heard Report available
Have your say: Air passenger protection Closed Transportation May 26, 2018 to Aug 28, 2018 2018-05-26 2018-08-28 Canadian Transportation Agency The CTA will host an online questionnaire, invite written submissions, conduct targeted surveys in airports across Canada and will meet with key industry and consumer stakeholders as well as the general public. What We Heard Report available
Informing a strategy to engage men & boys as partners in advancing gender equality Closed Society July 9, 2018 to Aug 28, 2018 2018-07-09 2018-08-28 Department for Women and Gender Equality Over the course of 2-months, SWC held 1 expert, 6 regional and 5 thematic roundtables across Canada with key stakeholders. With the Parliamentary Secretary and officials in attendance, two facilitators led participants in a discussion about the strategy, the framework, what works well, identified gaps and where the government should focus its resources on engaging men and boys. A `what we heard report` is being drafted.
Let's talk lasers Closed Transportation June 28, 2018 to Aug 27, 2018 2018-06-28 2018-08-27 Transport Canada Transport Canada put in place an Interim Order to enhance aviation and public safety by restricting where people can have battery-powered hand-held lasers over 1 milliwatt (mW). Authorities can immediately issue a monetary fine to persons that contrevene the Interim Order. While the department is exploring more permanent solutions to ban the possession of hand-held lasers, Transport Canada is seeking comments for the general public, including businesses, retailers, consumers and air travellers about the best way to protect the public from unsafe use of lasers.
Radiopharmaceuticals, Kits, and Generators - Submission Information for Schedule C Drugs: Draft Guidance Document for Consultation Closed Food and drug | Health June 26, 2018 to Aug 26, 2018 2018-06-26 2018-08-26 Health Canada Health Canada announces the release of the draft Guidance document Radiopharmaceuticals, Kits, and Generators - Submission Information for Schedule C Drugs for a 60-day consultation period from June 26 to August 26, 2018 inclusive. Health Canada invites all interested stakeholders to submit their feedback during this comment period.
Notice: Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: Q12: Technical and Regulatory Considerations for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle Management Closed Health Mar 2, 2018 to Aug 26, 2018 2018-03-02 2018-08-26 Health Canada As appropriate, your organization may alternatively wish to provide comments to your affiliate association in the United States, Europe or Japan for their input directly to ICH. Comments provided to Health Canada should be submitted by August 26, 2018 in order to allow sufficient time for their assessment and subsequent transmission to the ICH.
Modernization of the Unclaimed Balances Regime and Proposals for an Unclaimed Pension Balances Framework Closed Amendments June 22, 2018 to Aug 21, 2018 2018-06-22 2018-08-21 Department of Finance Canada The proposals outlined in the consultation paper released for comment stem from stakeholder feedback provided during the Department of Finance Canada's second consultation on the review of the federal financial sector framework in 2017, which solicited input on whether to modernize the administration of unclaimed balances. The objective of this paper is to seek views on the proposals for unclaimed bank balances and an unclaimed pension balances framework.
Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 17, 2018 to Aug 20, 2018 2018-07-17 2018-08-20 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project, located northeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Public Consultation on Ski Area Site Guidelines for Development and Use At Sunshine Village Ski Area Closed Development | Environment June 20, 2018 to Aug 19, 2018 2018-06-20 2018-08-19 Parks Canada We want to hear from you and all Canadians during the public review of Parks Canada's draft Site Guidelines for the Sunshine Village Ski Area in Banff National Park. Whether you regularly play in the mountains, or simply have an interest in the management of Canada's national parks, learn more about Parks Canada's draft Site Guidelines for the Sunshine Village Ski Area. Designed to protect ecological integrity, and to provide a range of inspiring options for visitors and long term business certainty for the operators, these guidelines will provide direction for Long-Range plans and shape decisions about all future initiatives and activities that you and other Canadians could experience. What We Heard Report available
Creating Canada's 4th Plan on Open Government 2018-20: Shaping Closed Communication | Policy Oct 25, 2017 to Aug 18, 2018 2017-10-25 2018-08-18 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat From October 2017 to April 2018 we connected with Canadians online and across the country. Our goal was to hear what Canadians wanted to see in the plan. With over 5,000 comments and with the help of civil society and Government of Canada departments, we developed a set of possible commitments.
Maximum nutrient values for sheep and goat feeds Closed Agriculture | Amendments | Animals | Industry | Regulations July 10, 2018 to Aug 17, 2018 2018-07-10 2018-08-17 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) launched a 30-day public consultation to seek comments on the proposed maximum nutrient values for small ruminant sheep and goat feeds. The input gathered through this process will be used by the CFIA to prepare a comprehensive regulatory proposal for publication in the Canada Gazette Part I. This consultation is one of several priorities identified to modernize the Feeds Regulations.
Maximum nutrient values for rabbit feeds Closed Agriculture | Amendments | Animals | Industry | Regulations July 10, 2018 to Aug 17, 2018 2018-07-10 2018-08-17 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) launched a 30-day public consultation to seek comments on the proposed maximum nutrient values for rabbit feeds. The input gathered through this process will be used by the CFIA to prepare a comprehensive regulatory proposal for publication in the Canada Gazette Part I. This consultation is one of several priorities identified to modernize the Feeds Regulations.
Maximum nutrient values for horse feeds Closed Agriculture | Amendments | Animals | Industry | Regulations July 10, 2018 to Aug 17, 2018 2018-07-10 2018-08-17 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) launched a 30-day public consultation to seek comments on the proposed maximum nutrient values for horse feeds. The input gathered through this process will be used by the CFIA to prepare a comprehensive regulatory proposal for publication in the Canada Gazette Part I. This consultation is one of several priorities identified to modernize the Feeds Regulations.
Generation Energy Closed Natural Resources Apr 20, 2017 to Aug 16, 2018 2017-04-20 2018-08-16 Natural Resources Canada Multi-track engagement including expert advisory group, academic collaboration, public online engagement, and targeted outreach. Goals: engage in an evidence-based dialogue with stakeholders, experts and thought leaders on Canada’s energy future; understand what exactly a low-carbon energy future looks like while ensuring a competitive and resilient energy sector; generate advice and recommendations that could inform mid-mandate policy priorities and beyond; and signal the government’s intent to develop a federal energy vision, targets and action plan that complement the Canadian Energy Strategy and pan-Canadian Framework on clean growth and climate change. POR tracking on energy issues as part of NRCan corporate survey What We Heard Report available
Notice - Proposal to schedule tramadol under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Narcotic Control Regulations Closed Health June 16, 2018 to Aug 14, 2018 2018-06-16 2018-08-14 Health Canada This notice provides interested stakeholders with the opportunity to provide comments on Health Canada's intent to amend Schedule I to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Schedule to the Narcotic Control Regulations to include tramadol, its salts, isomers and derivatives and the salts and isomers of its derivatives.
Proposed Approach to Cost Recovery for the Regulation of Cannabis Closed Health July 12, 2018 to Aug 13, 2018 2018-07-12 2018-08-13 Health Canada We are seeking feedback on the Proposed approach to cost recovery for the regulation of cannabis . Cost recovery is based on the principle that the general public should not bear the cost of government activities where private parties gain the main social or economic benefit. The fees outlined in this proposed approach build on the Cannabis Regulations. The proposed fees would apply to: cultivators processors nurseries sellers of cannabis for medical and non-medical purposes What We Heard Report available
Creating Canada’s 4th Plan on Open Government 2018-20 Closed Communication | Policy July 23, 2018 to Aug 13, 2018 2018-07-23 2018-08-13 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat From July 23 to August 13, 2018 we asked if you thought we got it right and gathered your thoughts on how we could strengthen the plan. Take a look at the links below to see the comments we received.
Creating Canada’s 4th Plan on Open Government 2018-20: Reviewing Closed Communication | Policy July 23, 2018 to Aug 13, 2018 2018-07-23 2018-08-13 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat From July 23 to August 13, 2018 we asked if you thought we got it right and gathered your thoughts on how we could strengthen the plan. Take a look at the links below to see the comments we received. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Cyantraniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-12 Closed Health | Policy May 29, 2018 to Aug 12, 2018 2018-05-29 2018-08-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyantraniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyantraniliprole.
Consultation on Fenpicoxamid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-13 Closed Health | Policy May 29, 2018 to Aug 12, 2018 2018-05-29 2018-08-12 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fenpicoxamid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fenpicoxamid.
Consultation on Fludioxonil, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-16 Closed Health | Policy May 28, 2018 to Aug 11, 2018 2018-05-28 2018-08-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for fludioxonil up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for fludioxonil.
Consultation for Mandatory Requirements of using Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) Format when Submitting Master Files (MFs) Closed Food and drug | Health May 7, 2018 to Aug 10, 2018 2018-05-07 2018-08-10 Health Canada Health Canada is considering January 1st, 2019 as the date for mandatory filing of all New Master Files in eCTD format. Feedback for this proposal is being solicited.
Marine Terminal Project on the North Shore of the Saguenay — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment July 11, 2018 to Aug 10, 2018 2018-07-11 2018-08-10 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Marine Terminal Project on the North Shore of the Saguenay, located in Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, a document that includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Revisions to the 3500 MHz Band to Accommodate Flexible Use and Preliminary Consultation on Changes to the 3800 MHz Band Closed Communication | Industry | Policy June 6, 2018 to Aug 10, 2018 2018-06-06 2018-08-10 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), on behalf of the Minister, is initiating a consultation on revisions to the 3450–3650 MHz band (referred to as the 3500 MHz band) to accommodate flexible use for fixed and mobile services. The consultation also seeks preliminary comments on the potential changes to the 3400–3450 MHz band and the 3650–4200 MHz band (referred to as the 3800 MHz band). What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Pydiflumetofen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-15 Closed Health | Policy May 24, 2018 to Aug 7, 2018 2018-05-24 2018-08-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for pydiflumetofen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for pydiflumetofen.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier national historic site - 2018 public consultation Closed Culture | Heritage July 5, 2018 to Aug 5, 2018 2018-07-05 2018-08-05 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to give the partners, community stakeholders and general public an opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process related to managing this national historic site. The management statement is the official document that will guide management of the historic site for the next ten years (2018-2028). It provides orientation for protecting cultural and natural resources, visitor experiences and public education. What We Heard Report available
Enhancing Openness and Transparency at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Closed Policy June 20, 2018 to Aug 2, 2018 2018-06-20 2018-08-02 Canadian Food Inspection Agency Government of Canada departments and agencies are working to maximize release of government data and information to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits. In support of this initiative and as part of maintaining trust in Canada's regulatory system for food, plants and animals, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) intends to refresh its approach to openness and transparency. This means it will proactively release more information about its regulatory and scientific activities, decisions, programs and services in useful, timely, and accessible formats, while appropriately protecting personal and confidential information. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Pyrimethanil, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-10 Closed Health | Policy May 18, 2018 to Aug 1, 2018 2018-05-18 2018-08-01 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for pyrimethanil up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for pyrimethanil.
Consultation on Abamectin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-11 Closed Health | Policy May 18, 2018 to Aug 1, 2018 2018-05-18 2018-08-01 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for abamectin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for abamectin.
Temporary Foreign Workers: Primary Agricultural Review Closed Economic development | Employment | Immigration Oct 27, 2017 to July 31, 2018 2017-10-27 2018-07-31 Employment and Social Development Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, is undertaking a review of the Primary Agriculture Stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program. To support this review, ESDC is conducting a national call-out to gather existing research on primary agriculture. What We Heard Report available
Addendum to the Consultation on Releasing Millimetre Wave Spectrum to Support 5G Closed Communication | Industry | Policy June 6, 2018 to July 31, 2018 2018-06-06 2018-07-31 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada This document is an addendum to SLPB-001-17, Consultation on Releasing Millimetre Wave Spectrum to Support 5G (mmWave Consultation), published in June 2017. Through the release of this document, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is initiating a consultation on releasing millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum in the 26.5–27.5 GHz band (26 GHz band) in addition to the bands identified in the initial mmWave Consultation. This additional 1 GHz of spectrum in the 26 GHz band could result in a total of 11.85 GHz of mmWave spectrum being released to support the deployment of advanced communication systems, such as 5th generation (5G) wireless networks and systems. Comments are being sought on all aspects related to the release of this additional spectrum. After this addendum consultation is completed and decisions are made, ISED will consult further on a technical, policy and licensing framework for the 26 GHz band. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Draft Screening Assessment and Risk Management Scope for Dinoseb Closed Environment June 2, 2018 to July 30, 2018 2018-06-02 2018-07-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada Meeting with Aamjiwnaang First Nation to discuss the draft screening assessment and the proposed risk management scope document for dinoseb, an industrial chemical, that was published on June 2, 2018. Public consultations are a requirement following the publication of a draft screening assessment and risk management scope for a substance under the Canadian Environmental Protection act (CEPA 1999).
Milton Logistics Hub Project - Review Panel Invites Comments on Information Request Responses Closed Environment June 15, 2018 to July 30, 2018 2018-06-15 2018-07-30 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Review Panel established for the joint process for the review of the proposed Milton Logistics Hub Project is notifying participants that the comments on the responses prepared by the proponent, the Canadian National Railway Company (CN), to Information Request packages 1 to 5 are due on July 16, 2018. Participants are encouraged to review additional information as it becomes available and provide their comments to the Review Panel as soon as possible. Upon receipt of CN's responses to the second round of information requests, the Review Panel will open a separate public comment period so that participants may comment on those responses. The Review Panel will consider all comments received from participants when deciding whether it has received sufficient information to proceed to the public hearing.
Primary Agriculture Review Closed Agriculture | Employment | Immigration | Labour May 16, 2018 to July 27, 2018 2018-05-16 2018-07-27 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada As part of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program's Primary Agriculture Review, Employment and Social Development Canada in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is undertaking in-person and online consultations with stakeholders to allow their insights, ideas and experiences to be shared. The objective of the Primary Agriculture Review is to work with agriculture and food processing employer representatives and labour and advocacy groups to explore potential options to modernize the Primary Agriculture Stream to meet the changing needs and priorities of the Canadian agricultural sector. What We Heard Report available
Niagara National Historic Sites Draft Management Plan, 2018 Closed Culture | Environment | Heritage | Indigenous People June 21, 2018 to July 27, 2018 2018-06-21 2018-07-27 Parks Canada Developed in collaboration with partners, stakeholders, and Indigenous peoples, the draft management plan sets clear, strategic direction for the management and operation of the Niagara National Historic Sites. This plan replaces the 2007 Management Plan for Fort George NHS, Butler?s Barracks NHS, Fort Mississauga NHS, Navy Island NHS, Queenston Heights NHS (Brock?s Monument), Mississauga Point Lighthouse NHS and Battle of Fort George NHS.  Since the 2007 plan, several improvements have been made to the NNHS, including enhanced integration of the NNHS into local tourism infrastructure, improved relations with Indigenous communities, better connections between community organizations and Parks Canada?s operations, and important progress on conservation work on several sites.  The draft management plan proposes a vision, key strategies and objectives for the next 10 years, and will serve as the focus for ongoing engagement on the management of Niagara National Historic Sites in years to come. Parks Canada will maintain an open dialogue on the implementation of the management plan, report annually on progress toward achieving the plan objectives, and review the plan at least every ten years. What We Heard Report available
OPP - Requirements for Oil Spill Response Organizations Closed Transportation May 28, 2018 to July 27, 2018 2018-05-28 2018-07-27 Transport Canada As part of the Oceans Protection Plan, the Government of Canada is strengthening Canada’s oil spill preparedness and response regime. This includes reviewing the requirements for the response organizations that provide spill response services in Canada. Transport Canada is soliciting ideas on how we can enhance the regulations and standards for response organizations.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Bethune, Saskatchewan Closed Environment | Public safety | Service June 14, 2018 to July 24, 2018 2018-06-14 2018-07-24 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on the Review of the Canadian Payments Act Closed Policy May 25, 2018 to July 24, 2018 2018-05-25 2018-07-24 Department of Finance Canada The Department launched consultations to seek views on whether the 2015 governance changes have been effective in achieving the intended public policy objectives of efficiency, safety and soundness, and user interests. As required under the Act, the launch of this review follows through on a commitment to review the Act three years after the changes were made. Feedback is also sought on how best to adapt Payments Canada's membership structure to ensure access to its systems is open and risk-based, and reflects developments in the payments ecosystem. Feedback will help determine whether further improvements are needed. The Government will table a report in both Houses of Parliament based on feedback from stakeholders on these consultations.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources June 23, 2018 to July 23, 2018 2018-06-23 2018-07-23 Health Canada In accordance with subsection 12(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, affected parties, as defined, may make written representations to the screening officer with respect to the claim for exemption and the safety data sheet (SDS) or label to which it relates. Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
Timiskaming Dam-Bridge of Quebec Replacement Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment June 20, 2018 to July 22, 2018 2018-06-20 2018-07-22 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Timiskaming Dam-Bridge of Quebec Replacement Project, located on the Ottawa River, at the border between the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous Peoples to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Consultation on strontium in drinking water Closed Health | Policy May 18, 2018 to July 20, 2018 2018-05-18 2018-07-20 Health Canada The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW) is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. The CDW has assessed the available information on strontium and intends to update its drinking water guideline. It has requested that this document be made available to the public and open for comments.
Competition Bureau invites feedback on its Immunity and Leniency Programs Closed Industry | Policy | Regulations May 8, 2018 to July 20, 2018 2018-05-08 2018-07-20 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau is inviting comments on a draft of its revised Immunity and Leniency Programs. Interested parties are invited to provide their views on the proposed changes to the Immunity and Leniency Programs by mail or email. Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the restriction of marketing and advertising of opioids Closed Health June 18, 2018 to July 18, 2018 2018-06-18 2018-07-18 Health Canada Health Canada is requesting information and comments on various forms of opioid marketing and advertising as well as the potential benefits, risks and impacts of opioid marketing and advertising and/or its restrictions. What We Heard Report available
30-day public comment period on the Proposed Order to Amend Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (Batch 13/14 Simple for 33 terrestrial species) (ARAD) Closed Amendments | Environment | Regulations June 16, 2018 to July 16, 2018 2018-06-16 2018-07-16 Environment and Climate Change Canada ia publication in Canada Gazette Part 1, Canadians have an opportunity to comment on a proposed order to amend Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act
Consultation on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600 and Serifel, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-10 Closed Health | Policy June 1, 2018 to July 16, 2018 2018-06-01 2018-07-16 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600 and Serifel. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-10 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600 and Serifel and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600 and Serifel.
Bay du Nord Development Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment June 25, 2018 to July 16, 2018 2018-06-25 2018-07-16 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Bay du Nord Development Project, located east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
DRAFT Gwaii Haanas Gina 'Waadluxan KilGuhlGa Land-Sea-People Management Plan 2018 Closed Culture | Development | Fisheries | Heritage | Indigenous People | Natural Resources | Recreation June 18, 2018 to July 15, 2018 2018-06-18 2018-07-15 Parks Canada Land, sea and people are all interconnected in Gwaii Haanas, so it is only natural that these connections guide how decisions are made. With this in mind, the Gwaii Haanas Archipelago Management Board (AMB) is taking a leadership role by creating the first land-sea-people management plan in Canada. This integrated plan, currently in draft form, is based on AMB direction and is informed by Haida Nation and Government of Canada priorities. The Gwaii Haanas Land-Sea-People Management Plan will provide strategic direction on managing the natural and cultural resources of Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site from mountain top to sea floor, for the next ten years. Engaging Haida citizens, the Gwaii Haanas Advisory Committee, and key groups including tour operators, fishermen and environmental organizations has been an important part of our planning process. You are now invited to have your say during the public consultation period, until July 15, 2018. What We Heard Report available
Palliative Care Consultation Closed Health May 7, 2018 to July 13, 2018 2018-05-07 2018-07-13 Health Canada Health Canada has initiated a public consultation to collect input and ideas for the purpose of developing a framework on palliative care. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on user fees and service standards regarding the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the Canada Cooperatives Act Closed Industry May 31, 2018 to July 13, 2018 2018-05-31 2018-07-13 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Objective is to effect a public consultation on the proposed fees and related service standards to be included in the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and the Canada Cooperatives Act. The approach is to publish an explanatory document and a table showing the current fees and service standards as well as those proposed on Corporations Canada's website.
Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Importation of Drugs for an Urgent Public Health Need) Closed Food and drug | Health June 28, 2017 to July 12, 2018 2017-06-28 2018-07-12 Health Canada Regulations Amending the FOOD AND DRUG REGULATIONS (IMPORTATION OF DRUGS FOR AN URGENT PUBLIC HEALTH NEED) in order to enable access to drugs that would help address an urgent public health need (e.g., opioid use disorder) that have been authorized for sale in either the United States of America, the European Union, or Switzerland, but are not yet available in Canada.
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act - Filing of claims for exemption Closed Environment | Health | Natural Resources June 9, 2018 to July 9, 2018 2018-06-09 2018-07-09 Health Canada Written representations must cite the appropriate registry number, state the reasons and evidence upon which the representations are based and be delivered within 30 days of the date of the publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, to the screening officer at the following address: Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau, 269 Laurier Avenue West, 8th Floor (4908-B), Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9.
CORSIA Closed Environment | International | Transportation June 8, 2018 to July 8, 2018 2018-06-08 2018-07-08 Transport Canada Implementation of the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). CORSIA is a carbon offsetting scheme that requires airplane operators to acquire emissions units on the open market to contribute to ICAO's goal of carbon neutral growth post 2020. The consultation is to increase awareness of the upcoming requirements. It included a high level online segment.
Consultation notice - Proposed regulatory amendments: Inadmissibility due to sanctions Closed Amendments | Exporting/Importing | Foreign affairs | Immigration | Justice and the Law | Policy | Public safety | Regulations June 7, 2018 to July 7, 2018 2018-06-07 2018-07-07 Canada Border Services Agency The Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) prescribe those inadmissibility grounds for which removal orders are to be issued by the Immigration Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) and those for which removal orders are to be issued by the Minister's Delegate (i.e. a Canada Border Services Agency or Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada official). Amendments are proposed to the IRPR to transfer the authority to issue removal orders from the IRB to the Minister's Delegate for two new sanction-related inadmissibility provisions brought into force by Private Member's Bill S-226, the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law).
Proposed Regulatory Amendments: Inadmissibility due to Sanctions Closed Regulations June 7, 2018 to July 7, 2018 2018-06-07 2018-07-07 Canada Border Services Agency Online consultation with stakeholders ran from June 7, 2018 to July 7, 2018 through the Consulting with Canadians website. Regulations related to sanctions inadmissibility were finalized in June 2018
Consultation on Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2; Trichoderma virens strain G-41; BW240 WP Biological Fungicide; RootShield Plus WP Biological Fungicide; TurfShield Plus WP Biological Fungicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-09 Closed Health | Policy May 22, 2018 to July 6, 2018 2018-05-22 2018-07-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2 and Trichoderma virens strain G-41. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-09 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2 and Trichoderma virens strain G-41 and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2 and Trichoderma virens strain G-41.
Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Lactase from Bacillus subtilis CB108 in Lactose-Reducing Enzyme Preparations and Certain Dairy Foods - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0118 Closed Food and drug | Health June 6, 2018 to July 6, 2018 2018-06-06 2018-07-06 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of lactase from Bacillus subtilis CB108 in the manufacture of lactose-reducing enzyme preparations and certain standardized and unstandardized dairy foods. As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive lactase from B. subtilis CB108 described in the information document below by updating the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective June 6 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Consultation on regulatory classification of products containing viable microbial products intended for livestock species Closed Agriculture | Animals | Industry | Policy | Regulations May 7, 2018 to July 5, 2018 2018-05-07 2018-07-05 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada have launched a 60-day consultation period from May 7 to July 5, 2018, to seek feedback on proposed classification criteria for products containing viable microbial products (VMPs) in livestock species. VMPs are fed to livestock as a source of viable cells whose main purpose in the diet is to have beneficial effects in target livestock species.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Exeter, Ontario Closed Environment | Public safety | Service May 24, 2018 to July 5, 2018 2018-05-24 2018-07-05 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Faro Mine Remediation Project: Phase 2 Closed Animals | Economic development | Employment | Environment | Fisheries | Heritage | Health | Indigenous People | Plants | Public safety | Recreation June 5, 2018 to July 4, 2018 2018-06-05 2018-07-04 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada The Faro Mine Remediation Project is holding community meetings to review how public interests and concerns from the summer 2017 consultations have been addressed. The public will be invited to provide feedback on the proposed mitigations found within the remediation plan that address the project's impact on the economy, people and the environment.
Social Innovation and Social Finance Closed Policy | Private sector | Society Sept 29, 2017 to July 1, 2018 2017-09-29 2018-07-01 Employment and Social Development Canada Between August 2017 and May 2018, the Social Innovation and Social Finance (SI/SF) Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group led a consultation process to explore the potential of using social innovation and social finance tools to address persistent social challenges. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on a proposed Pathogens of Interest List Closed Health Apr 17, 2018 to July 1, 2018 2018-04-17 2018-07-01 Health Canada Antimicrobial resistant (AMR) infections are becoming more frequent and increasingly difficult to treat. As a result, AMR is now recognized as a growing public health threat in Canada and around the world. In order to combat this threat Health Canada proposes to use a Pathogens of Interest List, which would serve two purposes: Inform sponsors of the bacterial pathogens in most urgent need of innovative therapeutic drugs and/or devices in Canada; and Guide the development of new tools and policy approaches by Health Canada. You are invited to review the proposed Pathogens of Interest List and provide written comments.
Food additive Stearic Acid Enabled in Pre-Cooked (Instant) Breakfast Cereals - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0117 Closed Food and drug | Health June 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018 2018-06-01 2018-07-01 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of stearic acid as an antifoaming agent in pre-cooked (instant) breakfast cereals. Stearic acid is already permitted for use in Canada as a release agent in unstandardized confectionery, a plasticizing agent in chewing gum, and a release agent and lubricant in foods sold in tablet form. As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada?s assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive stearic acid described in the information document below by updating the List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses, effective June 1, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Proposed national disease control program for equine infectious anemia Closed Agriculture | Amendments | Animals | Industry | Policy | Regulations Apr 19, 2018 to June 30, 2018 2018-04-19 2018-06-30 Canadian Food Inspection Agency The CFIA has been collaborating with provincial, territorial and equine industry representatives, among others, over the past few years to develop a new approach to address program issues. One of the main issues has been the low volume of owner-requested testing (surveillance) among western Canada equine owners, even though many positive cases of EIA have been identified in that area. As a result, a key recommendation from the EIA working group was for the CFIA to develop a program that includes some mandatory EIA testing requirements for certain movements of horses in western Canada. What We Heard Report available
Biennial Plan 2018-20 (Open Government Action Plan) Closed Communication | Policy Sept 15, 2017 to June 30, 2018 2017-09-15 2018-06-30 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultations to take place over the course of 2017-2018 and will include in-person events, as well as digital consultations (hosted on as well as via social media) and promotion. Initial phase of consultation to focus on the development of "ideas", followed by a narrowing down process to develop specific committments which Canada will address over the two-year period of the Action Plan What We Heard Report available
Biennial Plan 2018-20 (Open Government Action Plan) Closed Communication | Policy Sept 15, 2017 to June 30, 2018 2017-09-15 2018-06-30 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultations to take place over the course of 2017-2018 and will include in-person events, as well as digital consultations (hosted on as well as via social media) and promotion. Initial phase of consultation to focus on the development of "ideas", followed by a narrowing down process to develop specific committments which Canada will address over the two-year period of the Action Plan
Are lower prices, more choices and greater innovation important to you? Help shape the future of our advocacy work Closed Economy | Industry | Policy | Regulations May 1, 2018 to June 29, 2018 2018-05-01 2018-06-29 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau is seeking input on the Bureau’s draft Market Studies Information Bulletin and also seeking to involve Canadians on where to focus its advocacy efforts. Interested parties are encouraged to provide feedbacks through the online form, or by e-mail or regular mail. Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website. What We Heard Report available
DMAF Webinars Closed Environment | Public safety | Society May 24, 2018 to June 28, 2018 2018-05-24 2018-06-28 Infrastructure Canada Provide information about DMAF and details about the Expression of Interest application
Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations Review Closed Regulations | Service Apr 1, 2018 to June 28, 2018 2018-04-01 2018-06-28 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultations are taking place in steps: - Direct engagement of of minority language communities and other key stakeholders across Canada to begin to develop policy options for consideration by ministers; -survey open to all Canadians on the website; What We Heard Report available
West Sulphur Wildfire Risk Reduction Project Closed Natural Resources | Public safety | Regulations May 9, 2018 to June 26, 2018 2018-05-09 2018-06-26 Parks Canada As a key step in the ongoing, collaborative wildfire protection for Banff National Park, Parks Canada is planning a large, multi-year fuel reduction project on the west side of Sulphur Mountain. This will be accomplished by thinning the forest; pruning individual trees to remove lower branches that can act as a ladder for a fire, and removing downed woody debris. Reducing forest fuels will help to lower the intensity and complexity of managing any potential wildfire in the area. From May 9 - June 25, 2018, Parks Canada invites you to review the plan and let us know if there are any impacts we may have missed or not fully considered.
Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger 41SAM2-54 as a Food Enzyme in Various Foods - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0116 Closed Health May 25, 2018 to June 25, 2018 2018-05-25 2018-06-25 Health Canada As no safety concerns were raised through Health Canada's assessment, the Department has enabled the use of the food additive glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger 41SAM2-54 described in the information document below by updating the List of Permitted Food Enzymes, effective May 25, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.
Consultation on Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus isolate BV-0003 and Helicovex, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-08 Closed Environment | Health June 25, 2018 to June 25, 2018 2018-06-25 2018-06-25 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus isolate BV-0003 and Helicovex. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-08 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus isolate BV-0003 and Helicovex and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus isolate BV-0003 and Helicovex.
Increased levels for calcium propionate and potassium sorbate in roti - Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0115 Closed Food and drug | Health May 25, 2018 to June 25, 2018 2018-05-25 2018-06-25 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate received a food additive submission seeking an increase in the maximum level of use of calcium propionate and potassium sorbate, respectively, in roti, a traditional flatbread. Calcium propionate and potassium sorbate have already been permitted as preservatives in roti, an unstandardized food, at maximum levels of 2,000 parts per million (p.p.m.) (calculated as propionic acid) and 1,000 p.p.m (calculated as sorbic acid), respectively. These levels were requested to be increased to the same levels that are permitted in soft flour tortillas, a flatbread similar to roti, to increase the shelf life of roti. Health Canada did not identify any food safety concerns with permitting roti to contain these preservatives at the same levels that are permitted in soft flour tortillas. Therefore, as explained in the information document below, the Department has increased the maximum level use of calcium propionate and potassium sorbate in roti by modifying Part 3 of the List of Permitted Preservatives, effective May 25, 2018. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide contact information for inquiries or for those wishing to submit new scientific information relevant to the safety of these food additives.
City of Winnipeg Insect Control Branch and Heliport Relocation Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment June 15, 2018 to June 25, 2018 2018-06-15 2018-06-25 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed City of Winnipeg Insect Control Branch and Heliport Relocation Project, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Agency invited the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description from April 24, 2018 to May 13, 2018. Following this comment period, the City of Winnipeg (the proponent) informed the Agency that the project site would be moved approximately 680 metres east of the location listed in the project description. The Agency is now seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project's environmental effects at the revised location, as described in the proponent's addendum to the project description.
Public release of clinical information Closed Food and drug | Health Apr 10, 2018 to June 24, 2018 2018-04-10 2018-06-24 Health Canada Clinical information is data about the safety and efficacy of drugs or medical devices used in humans. Companies that make drugs or medical devices send this information to Health Canada to help it review products for sale in Canada. Clinical information is submitted in clinical study reports. These reports include information on the design and results of clinical trials. A submission for a single product can include tens of thousands of pages of clinical information, including individual patient data. Public access to clinical information will allow independent analysis that increases our understanding of the safety and efficacy of health products. This can improve patient care in Canada by: helping patients and healthcare providers make better decisions about using drugs or medical devices reducing research participant exposure to harm during duplicative studies using analysis of existing data to advance new research
Battle of the Châteauguay national historic site - 2018 public consultation Closed Culture | Heritage May 22, 2018 to June 22, 2018 2018-05-22 2018-06-22 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to give the partners, community stakeholders and general public an opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process related to managing this national historic site. The management plan is the official document that will guide management of the historic site for the next ten years (2018-2028). It provides orientation for protecting cultural and natural resources, visitor experiences and public education. What We Heard Report available
Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment June 1, 2018 to June 21, 2018 2018-06-01 2018-06-21 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Fifteen Mile Stream Gold Project, located northeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Survey of Canadians’ Views on Statistics Canada Closed Communication June 1, 2018 to June 21, 2018 2018-06-01 2018-06-21 Statistics Canada Public opinion research was conducted to gather opinions of Canadians regarding four Statistics Canada themes: - General knowledge and perception of Statistics Canada - Access and use of Statistics Canada’s information - Trust in Statistics Canada and the data it produced - Value of official statistics An online survey was used to collect this information from Canadians across the country. The survey was completed through the use of EKOS’ online panel (designed to be statistically representative of the general public) with a sample of 2,050 Canadian adults. The survey was approximately 8 minutes in length and was conducted from June 1 - 21, 2018. What We Heard Report available
Enforcing Removal Orders When a Person is Confirmed to be Outside of Canada Closed Regulations May 19, 2018 to June 19, 2018 2018-05-19 2018-06-19 Canada Border Services Agency Initial public consultations on the proposed regulatory amendments were undertaken in summer 2017 via an online consultation that was posted on the CBSA and Consulting with Canadians website. Proposed regulations were pre-published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on May 19, 2018 for 30 days.
Notice of intent to impose countermeasures action against the United States in response to tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum products Closed Trade May 31, 2018 to June 15, 2018 2018-05-31 2018-06-15 Department of Finance Canada In response to the U.S measures, Canada proposed to impose surtaxes or similar trade-restrictive countermeasures against up to C$16.6 billion in imports of steel, aluminum, and other products from the U.S., representing the value of 2017 Canadian exports affected by the U.S. measures. The products subject to countermeasures were drawn from those listed in Tables 1 and 2 on the Finance website.
Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Apr 30, 2018 to June 15, 2018 2018-04-30 2018-06-15 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project, located 15 kilometres west of Calgary, Alberta. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the summary of the Environmental Impact Statement submitted by the proponent, Alberta Transportation.
Consultation on 2,4-DB and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-08 Closed Health Mar 16, 2018 to June 14, 2018 2018-03-16 2018-06-14 Health Canada 2,4-DB is a registered pesticide used by growers to control weeds in seedling legume and grass forage crops, pastures and cereals underseeded for forage. Direct use on cereals and field corn are no longer supported by the registrant and will be removed from label. Names of products in the Pesticide Label Search containing 2,4-DB include Cobutox, Agro-flex, Caliber and Embutox. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on proposed changes to the way 2,4-DB is used, to further protect health and the environment. Proposed changes include the following, with more details described in the consultation document itself: Additional protection for people handling or applying the pesticide through protective clothing, a closed mixing/loading system and closed cab when handling/applying large amounts, and a required wait time before workers can re-enter treated areas Additional protection of the environment through the addition of hazard statements and spray buffer zones to protect land and water habitats For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Draft binational strategy for mercury risk management public review Closed Environment May 16, 2018 to June 13, 2018 2018-05-16 2018-06-13 Environment and Climate Change Canada The federal government, through Environment and Climate Change Canada, is asking interested agencies, organizations and individuals to provide comments on the draft binational strategy for mercury risk management. The strategy can be found under Annex 3 on The feedback will be used to finalize this strategy as per Annex 3 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-05, Folpet and Its Associated End-use Products Closed Health Mar 14, 2018 to June 12, 2018 2018-03-14 2018-06-12 Health Canada Folpet is a registered pesticide used by agricultural workers to control fungal diseases on crops, and is used in industrial applications to control fungi on vinyl plastics. Folpet is also used to preserve paints and coatings, but these uses are undergoing a separate re-evaluation. Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on proposed changes to the way folpet can be used for crops and plastics due to health and environmental concerns, following a scheduled re-evaluation under the PMRA’s Re-evaluation Program. Folpet product names include Fungitrol and Folpan (find full label names and labels for all registered products in the pesticide label search database.) The proposed changes include: Cancellation of uses on cranberries and cut flowers to protect worker health Longer required wait times before workers can re-enter certain treated areas Additional protective equipment requirements for those handling folpet Cancellation of azalea stem soak use due to a lack of data to properly assess safety Cancellation of use for treating vinyl plastics to protect worker health Updated aquatic buffer zones to protect non-target organisms from spray drift Addition of advisory statements to labels to reduce risks to bystanders and non-target organisms For more information on the proposed changes open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on Flupyradifurone; BCS 2960 Insecticide; Altus Insecticide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-07 Closed Environment | Health Apr 26, 2018 to June 10, 2018 2018-04-26 2018-06-10 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Flupyradifurone, BCS 2960 Insecticide and Altus Insecticide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018‑07 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for flupyradifurone and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on flupyradifurone.
Sir George-Étienne Cartier national historic site - 2018 public consultation Closed Culture | Heritage June 6, 2018 to June 7, 2018 2018-06-06 2018-06-07 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to give the partners, community stakeholders and general public an opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process related to managing this national historic site. The management plan is the official document that will guide management of the historic site for the next ten years (2018-2028). It provides orientation for protecting cultural and natural resources, visitor experiences and public education. What We Heard Report available
A Notice of intent to announce the formal end of acceptance of substance nominations to the Revised In Commerce List was published Closed Health Apr 7, 2018 to June 6, 2018 2018-04-07 2018-06-06 Health Canada The publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette, Part I, initiates a 60-day comment period. Anyone interested in this process or having comments on this notice may contact the Program at the coordinates below.
Consultation Paper on Information Requirements and Time Management Regulations Closed Environment Feb 8, 2018 to June 1, 2018 2018-02-08 2018-06-01 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency sought public comments from February 8 to June 1, 2018 to help inform the approach to developing two regulations to support the government’s proposed new Impact Assessment Act.
Consultation Paper on Approach to revising the Project List Closed Environment Feb 8, 2018 to June 1, 2018 2018-02-08 2018-06-01 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency sought public comments from February 8 to June 1, 2018 to help inform the approach to developing two regulations to support the government’s proposed new Impact Assessment Act.
Revisions to the Classification of Instructional Programs Closed Amendments Mar 23, 2018 to June 1, 2018 2018-03-23 2018-06-01 Statistics Canada Statistics Canada is inviting data producers and data users, representatives of educational institutions or ministries of education, educational experts and user groups to submit proposals for changes to the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2016. Statistics Canada is consulting on the revisions to CIP to ensure that the input of data users and stakeholders is taken into consideration in the revision process, and to continue to meet the needs of CIP users.
National Dementia Strategy Consultations Closed Health Mar 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018 2018-03-01 2018-05-31 Health Canada The National Dementia Conference in May 2018 was a key step in developing the strategy. It brought together close to 200 participants, including people living with dementia and caregivers, to identify challenges, solutions, and opportunities related to dementia. Prior to the conference, 4 roundtables were organized by the Alzheimer Society of Canada and held across the country in March 2018, in Vancouver, Montreal, Saint John, and Fredericton. They brought together nearly 160 participants, including 15 people living with dementia, to discuss what living well with dementia looks like. Two additional roundtables on research and innovation were facilitated by the Weston Brain Institute and the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation. These roundtables brought together researchers, people living with dementia, advocacy groups, health care professionals, and provincial and territorial representatives. They provided feedback on how innovation can best support living well with dementia and possible ways to break through existing barriers, and identified priorities for dementia research and innovation. What We Heard Report available
Regulations amending the Heavy-Duty Vehicle and Engine GHG Emission Regulations Closed Environment | Transportation Mar 4, 2017 to May 30, 2018 2017-03-04 2018-05-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada A Notice of Intent was published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1 on October 4, 2014, initiating a first formal comment period.
Consultation on (Z,Z)-3,13-Octadecadien-1-yl acetate and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2018-07 Closed Health Feb 28, 2018 to May 29, 2018 2018-02-28 2018-05-29 Health Canada (Z,Z)-3,13-octadecadien-1-yl acetate is a naturally occurring pheromone, which disrupts mating in certain species of moths. It is a registered pesticide used by growers and licensed applicators to control moth populations in various trees and bushes. When used according to label directions, the potential risk to human health and the environment is not expected to be of concern. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of products containing (Z,Z)-3,13-octadecadien-1-yl acetate for sale and use in Canada. Brand names include Isomate and Peach Tree Borer Pheromone. Labels for all registered (Z,Z)-3,13-Octadecadien-1-yl acetate products can be found in the pesticide label search database. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on Methyl Anthranilate and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2018-06 Closed Health Feb 27, 2018 to May 28, 2018 2018-02-27 2018-05-28 Health Canada Methyl anthranilate is a pesticide registered for use in Canada by growers and licensed applicators to repel birds from fruit and turf. Names of products containing methyl anthranilate include Avigon and Avian Migrate. Methyl anthranilate is a naturally occurring substance in a variety of plants and fruits. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of products containing methyl anthranilate for sale and use in Canada. When used as a bird repellent according to the proposed label directions, the potential risk to human health and the environment is not expected to be of concern. Updates to label directions are being proposed to meet the current labelling standards. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Springpole Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Apr 27, 2018 to May 28, 2018 2018-04-27 2018-05-28 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Springpole Gold Project, located northeast of Red Lake, Ontario. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Updated policy and directive on access to information Closed Justice and the Law | Policy May 10, 2018 to May 27, 2018 2018-05-10 2018-05-27 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consult with Canadians on changes made in the draft of the revised policy and directive on access to information. Online consultation enabling users to comment on specific proposals or send their own feedback via email.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Chipman, New Brunswick Closed Environment | Public safety | Service May 25, 2018 to May 25, 2018 2018-05-25 2018-05-25 Environment and Climate Change Canada Letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Consultation on copper in drinking water Closed Health Mar 23, 2018 to May 25, 2018 2018-03-23 2018-05-25 Health Canada The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW) has assessed the available information on copper with the intent of updating the current drinking water guideline and guideline technical document on copper in drinking water. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline, on the approach used for its development and on the potential economic costs of implementing it, as well as to determine the availability of additional exposure data.
Meeting with Assembly of First Nations to discuss DMAF Closed Environment | Public safety | Society May 25, 2018 to May 25, 2018 2018-05-25 2018-05-25 Infrastructure Canada Provide information about DMAF
Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-365 Applications for the renewal of services with mandatory distribution on the basic service pursuant to section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act Closed Communication Oct 17, 2017 to May 24, 2018 2017-10-17 2018-05-24 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission To determine whether these broadcasting services should continue to benefit from such distribution, and will consider the renewal of their broadcasting licences
Lake Erie Domestic Action Plan. Achieving Phophorus Reductions in Lake Erie from Canadian Sources Closed Environment | Fisheries | Natural Resources Jan 1, 2018 to May 24, 2018 2018-01-01 2018-05-24 Environment and Climate Change Canada Engagement was delivered in partnership with the Province of Ontario though online and face-to-face mechanisms. There was also ongoing engagement with U.S. national and state governments, which are also woking on similar action domestic plans.
Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site 2018 Public consultation Closed Culture | Heritage Apr 24, 2018 to May 24, 2018 2018-04-24 2018-05-24 Parks Canada The purpose of this consultation is to give the partners, community stakeholders and general public an opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process related to managing this national historic site. The management plan is the official document that will guide management of the historic site for the next ten years (2018-2028). It provides orientation for protecting cultural and natural resources, visitor experiences and public education. What We Heard Report available
Timiskaming Dam-Bridge of Quebec Replacement Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment May 3, 2018 to May 23, 2018 2018-05-03 2018-05-23 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Timiskaming Dam-Bridge of Quebec Replacement Project, located on the Ottawa River, at the border between the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Pydiflumetofen, A19649 Fungicide, A19649TO Fungicide, A20259 Fungicide, A20560 Fungicide, and A21461 Fungicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-06 Closed Environment | Health Apr 6, 2018 to May 21, 2018 2018-04-06 2018-05-21 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Pydiflumetofen, A19649 Fungicide, A19649TO Fungicide, A20259 Fungicide, A20560 Fungicide, and A21461 Fungicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-06 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Pydiflumetofen, A19649 Fungicide, A19649TO Fungicide, A20259 Fungicide, A20560 Fungicide, and A21461 Fungicide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Pydiflumetofen, A19649 Fungicide, A19649TO Fungicide, A20259 Fungicide, A20560 Fungicide, and A21461 Fungicide.
Reviewing Canada's Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Regime Closed Finance Feb 7, 2018 to May 18, 2018 2018-02-07 2018-05-18 Department of Finance Canada This paper is intended to support Parliament’s upcoming study of the PCMLTFA and its consideration of issues relating to money laundering and terrorist financing in Canada. At the same time, the Department of Finance is seeking input from stakeholders in response to this paper to support the development of forward policy and technical measures that could lead to legislative changes or inform the Department’s longer-term approaches to anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing. The Department of Finance is undertaking this work in concert with the federal government departments and agencies that are part of Canada’s AML/ATF Regime.1 Along with ideas developed internally, the Department sought input on areas for improvement with departments and agencies and members of the Advisory Committee on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. 2 These suggestions were then distilled into the contents of this paper. As part of this process, we will take your views and share them with the appropriate department or agency.
Federal Strategy on Innovation and Inclusive Growth for the Quebec Regions Closed Economic development May 15, 2018 to May 17, 2018 2018-05-15 2018-05-17 Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions The purpose of this consultation is to validate with target audiences the themes and possible solutions in the Federal Strategy for Innovation and Inclusive Growth in the regions of Quebec. The consultation consisted of three round tables (May 15, 16 and 17, 2018) in various Quebec regions. Our goal was to have some 40 stakeholders, including business, non-profit organizations and members of the academic community from all the regions, take part in the consultation. The discussions focused on the following themes: innovation and clean technologies, business growth and exports, entrepreneurial talent and inclusive growth in all Quebec regions. The comments and suggestions made during the round tables will be used to guide Government of Canada actions to foster innovation and inclusive growth.
Competition Bureau invites feedback on its draft Annual Plan, which outlines the Bureau’s strategy to advance competition in the marketplace Closed Economy | Industry | Policy | Regulations May 3, 2018 to May 17, 2018 2018-05-03 2018-05-17 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau is inviting comments on a draft of its 2018-19 Annual Plan. Interested parties are invited to submit comments on the draft Plan through the online form, or by e-mail or regular mail. Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website.
Launch of the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) Closed Environment | Public safety | Society May 17, 2018 to May 17, 2018 2018-05-17 2018-05-17 Infrastructure Canada Launch of the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF)
Consultation on Oxathiapiprolin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-05 Closed Health Mar 2, 2018 to May 16, 2018 2018-03-02 2018-05-16 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for oxathiapiprolin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for oxathiapiprolin.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Marion Bridge, Nova Scotia Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Apr 7, 2018 to May 15, 2018 2018-04-07 2018-05-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03); and letters sent out to inform nearby local indigenous groups.
Invitation to submit views on proposed amendments to the NAFTA and non-NAFTA Country of Origin Marking Regime Closed Amendments | Policy Apr 28, 2018 to May 14, 2018 2018-04-28 2018-05-14 Department of Finance Canada Canada proposed to amendments to the Country of Origin Marking Regime to align its regime with that of the US. The consultations sought the views of interested parties to ensure that the proposed modifications met the needs of stakeholders.
Competition Bureau invites feedback on revised abuse of dominance guidelines Closed Industry | Policy | Regulations Mar 14, 2018 to May 14, 2018 2018-03-14 2018-05-14 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau has published a draft version of its revised Enforcement Guidelines on the Abuse of Dominance Provisions for public comment. Interested parties are invited to provide their views on the revised guidelines through the online form, or by e-mail or regular mail. Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website. What We Heard Report available
City of Winnipeg Insect Control Branch and Heliport Relocation Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Apr 24, 2018 to May 13, 2018 2018-04-24 2018-05-13 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed City of Winnipeg Insect Control Branch and Heliport Relocation Project, located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on guidance on the use of quantitative microbial risk assessment in drinking water Closed Health Mar 9, 2018 to May 11, 2018 2018-03-09 2018-05-11 Health Canada The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW) has developed this document with the intent to provide regulatory authorities and decision-makers with information on the Health Canada quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model; to describe the principles, equations, and literature values used in supporting the development of drinking water guideline values for enteric viruses and protozoa; and to provide information on the assumptions and limitations of conducting site-specific risk assessments at drinking water treatment facilities. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on this guidance document. What We Heard Report available
Client Perspective Research 2018 Closed Advertising/Marketing | Communication | Education Apr 24, 2018 to May 9, 2018 2018-04-24 2018-05-09 Canada School of Public Service The public opinion research was carried out in three phases, from March to June 2018, and sampled 4,632 federal public servants randomly selected, as well as 348 School employees and members of its internal audiences (Points of Contacts, Required Training Coordinators and Learning Coordinators), and conducted 20 focus groups in a number of cities across Canada. The findings will help shape an effective marketing of its learning opportunities, and, moreover, opportunities responsive to the needs of public servants. The objective of this research was to learn more about public servants awareness of the School and learning solutions
Notice of intent to amend the Food and Drug Regulations to restrict the amount of alcohol in single-serve highly sweetened alcoholic beverages Closed Food and drug | Health Mar 19, 2018 to May 8, 2018 2018-03-19 2018-05-08 Health Canada Notice to amend the Food and Drug Regulations (the Regulations) to restrict the amount of alcohol contained in highly sweetened alcoholic beverages sold in a single-serve (i.e., non-resealable) container. This notice is meant to seek input on this proposal.
Consultation on Oil of Geranium, Camphor Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lemon Oil, and Pine Needle Oil and Their Associated End-use products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2018-03 Closed Health Feb 6, 2018 to May 7, 2018 2018-02-06 2018-05-07 Health Canada Oil of geranium, camphor oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon oil, and pine needle oil are essential oils included in registered pesticides available to the general public in Canada. The pesticides are used as insect repellents on human skin or animal fur. Camphor and eucalyptus oils are also used in animal repellent for rats and racoons. These essential oils come from naturally occurring plants and have a long history of use in natural health and consumer products without side effects when users follow directions on the label. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on a proposal to continue the registration of these essential oils. Labels for products that include these essential oils, including Citrobug and Mint-X can be found in the pesticide label search database. For more information on the proposed decision open the "Proposed Re-evaluation Decision".
Consultation on Mefenpyr-Diethyl, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-02 Closed Health Feb 21, 2018 to May 7, 2018 2018-02-21 2018-05-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for mefenpyr-diethyl up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for mefenpyr-diethyl.
Consultation on Prothioconazole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-03 Closed Health Feb 21, 2018 to May 7, 2018 2018-02-21 2018-05-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for prothioconazole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for prothioconazole.
Consultation on Tebuconazole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-04 Closed Health Feb 21, 2018 to May 7, 2018 2018-02-21 2018-05-07 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for tebuconazole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for tebuconazole.
Statistics Canada Client Survey Closed Communication Apr 8, 2018 to May 5, 2018 2018-04-08 2018-05-05 Statistics Canada In spring 2019, Statistics Canada will conduct an evaluation of its products and services by asking its clients about: satisfaction with the delivery of the product or service; and satisfaction with the quality of the product or service. Feedback will be used to help Statistics Canada further improve its products and services offerings.
Nexen Energy ULC Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Apr 4, 2018 to May 4, 2018 2018-04-04 2018-05-04 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Nexen Energy ULC Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project, located east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Competition Bureau invites feedback on the draft of a practical guide regarding efficiencies in merger reviews Closed Industry | Policy | Regulations Mar 20, 2018 to May 3, 2018 2018-03-20 2018-05-03 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Competition Bureau has published a draft of a new guide to its assessment of efficiencies in merger reviews. Interested parties are invited to provide their views on the guide through the online form, or by e-mail or regular mail. Unless specifically requested that they be kept confidential, responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Countering Radicalization to Violence (2018) Closed Public safety Apr 5, 2018 to May 3, 2018 2018-04-05 2018-05-03 Public Safety Canada Hear from partners, stakeholders, and the public to help inform priorities for a national strategy on CRV and to determine how best to solicit ideas/mechanisms about how to work together. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Soybean Oil and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2018-02 Closed Health Jan 31, 2018 to May 1, 2018 2018-01-31 2018-05-01 Health Canada Soybean oil is a registered pesticide used by the general public to kill household pests (for example ants, cockroaches, and spiders). It is also registered as a personal insect repellent for mosquitoes and black flies. Soybean oil is made from a naturally occurring plant, has a long history of use as a food, and is found in various cosmetics and natural health products. End-use soybean oil product listed in the Pesticide Label Search Database include Woodstream’s Blocker Insect Repellent series and Scotts Ecosense Indoor Insect Killer series. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of soybean oil, with updated label statements to reflect current health and environmental standards. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on Ethyl Alcohol and Its Associated End-use, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2018-04 Closed Health Jan 31, 2018 to May 1, 2018 2018-01-31 2018-05-01 Health Canada Ethyl alcohol is registered in Canada as a sanitizer for use by the general public. It is also registered for commercial use as a disinfectant of maple sap tapping equipment. Beside the pesticide uses, ethyl alcohol is widely used in consumer and pharmaceutical products such as food additives and cosmetics. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on a proposal to continue the registration of ethyl alcohol with minor label amendments regarding disposal. Labels for ethyl alcohol products registered as pesticides - including DA-2J and Lysol Disinfectant Spray - can be found in the pesticide label search database. For more information on the proposed decision open the "Proposed Re-evaluation Decision".
Future Fighter Regional Forums Closed Economic development | Government procurement | Industry | National Defence Apr 23, 2018 to May 1, 2018 2018-04-23 2018-05-01 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada, in partnership with the Department of National Defence, and Public Services and Procurement Canada, as well as Canada’s Regional Development Agencies, will be holding Regional Forums (April 23, 2018 to May 1, 2018) across the country to provide information on the Future Fighter Capability Project to Canadian industry and other stakeholders. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the ITB Policy including the Value Proposition, provide feedback on the economic benefits approach, and to engage with potential prime contractors.
IRCC Caregiver Pilot Programs consultations. Closed Immigration Jan 1, 2018 to Apr 30, 2018 2018-01-01 2018-04-30 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada The Government of Canada has committed to having an improved pathway to permanent residence for caregivers in place before the current pilots expire. Consultations held to feed into the review of caregiver immigration and in developing options for future pathways to permanent residence for caregivers. Approach included in-person and teleconference meetings and a call for written submissions. What We Heard Report available
Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-05, 2,6-Diisopropylnaphthalene Aceto Amplify II Closed Health Mar 16, 2018 to Apr 30, 2018 2018-03-16 2018-04-30 Health Canada Before making a final registration decision on 2,6-DIPN, the PMRA will consider any comments received from the public in response to PRD2018-05. The PMRA will accept written comments on PRD2018-05 up to 45 days from the date of publication. Please forward all comments to Publications. The PMRA will then publish a Registration Decision, which will include its decision, the reasons for it, a summary of comments received on the proposed final decision and the Agency's response to these comments.
Countering Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Sharing Knowledge and Enhancing Safety Closed Children | Policy | Public safety | Youth Mar 27, 2018 to Apr 30, 2018 2018-03-27 2018-04-30 Public Safety Canada Engage those involved in combatting online child sexual exploitation and in providing services to the victims and survivors of this crime in order to better position Canada to keep pace with this evolving threat.
Car Seats on Planes Closed Transportation Mar 2, 2018 to Apr 30, 2018 2018-03-02 2018-04-30 Transport Canada Transport Canada is conducting a review to consider the risks and benefits of making child restraint systems (car seats) mandatory on board commercial flights for children under two years. Seats and lap belts on board today’s commercial aircraft are not well suited to safely restrain infants or children under a certain weight and/or height. Children under two years may be held in an adult’s arms during a flight; however, parents and caregivers may choose to restrain them in a car seat or other child restraint systems designed for use on board an aircraft. Although not mandatory, the use of car seats on aircraft has been permitted in Canada since 1990.
Consultation on Autographa californica Nucleopolyhedrovirus FV11 and Loopex FC, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-04 Closed Health Mar 13, 2018 to Apr 27, 2018 2018-03-13 2018-04-27 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Autographa californica Nucleopolyhedrovirus FV11 and Loopex FC. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-04 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Autographa californica Nucleopolyhedrovirus FV11 and Loopex FC and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Autographa californica Nucleopolyhedrovirus FV11 and Loopex FC.
Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Methane and Certain Volatile Organic Compounds (Upstream Oil and Gas Sector) Closed Environment | Health | Industry | Regulations May 27, 2017 to Apr 26, 2018 2017-05-27 2018-04-26 Environment and Climate Change Canada The proposed regulations were published in Canada Gazette, Part I for a 60 day comment period on May 27, 2017. The final regulations were published on April 26, 2018 in the Canada Gazette, Part II.
Consultation on proposed front-of-package labelling Closed Health Feb 10, 2018 to Apr 26, 2018 2018-02-10 2018-04-26 Health Canada The consultations will be available online between February 10, 2018 and April 26, 2018. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Ethephon and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2018-01 Closed Health Jan 26, 2018 to Apr 26, 2018 2018-01-26 2018-04-26 Health Canada Ethephon is a registered pesticide used only by agricultural workers. Ethephon releases ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone, to promote additional branching and flowering on greenhouse ornamentals. Ethephon is also applied as a broadcast foliar spray with ground, aerial, or backpack sprayer equipment and is used in a variety of crops including cereals, apples, sweet and sour cherries, blueberries, field tomatoes and tobacco. Ethephon product names include Base250, Ethrel, Cerone, Florel and Proxy (find full label names and labels for all registered products in the pesticide label search database.) Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on proposed changes to the way ethephon can be used, to further protect health and the environment. Due to health concerns, proposed changes include the following, with more described in the consultation document itself: Cancellation of uses on apple trees when fruit are present Additional required protective clothing and equipment during application Longer required wait times before workers can re-enter certain treated areas For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Review of the Customs Broker Licensing Regime Closed Exporting/Importing | Trade Mar 12, 2018 to Apr 20, 2018 2018-03-12 2018-04-20 Canada Border Services Agency The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is seeking input from Canadian broker and importer communities, as well as interested parties and individuals, in response to a recommendation made by the Auditor General of Canada to review the Canadian broker licensing regime
Review of the St. Lawrence Seaway Closed Transportation Sept 5, 2017 to Apr 20, 2018 2017-09-05 2018-04-20 Transport Canada Transport Canada is leading a comprehensive review of the St. Lawrence Seaway that is examining further opportunities for increased economic and commercial development, the waterway’s competitiveness and sustainability, and the Seaway’s governance structure. Transport Canada will continue to engage external stakeholders (including provincial and municipal governments, Indigenous communities, key U.S. stakeholders, the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation, the private sector including marine transportation stakeholders, and the general public) to seek their views on the review's main themes.
Development of the TDG Client Identification Database Closed Transportation Feb 19, 2018 to Apr 16, 2018 2018-02-19 2018-04-16 Transport Canada Web-based and in-person consultations with stakeholders known to handle, offer for transport, transport and/or import dangerous goods.
Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Mar 14, 2018 to Apr 15, 2018 2018-03-14 2018-04-15 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project, located in the Interlake region of Manitoba. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Proposed Amendments to the Special Import Measures Regulations and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Regulations Closed Exporting/Importing | Trade Mar 31, 2018 to Apr 14, 2018 2018-03-31 2018-04-14 Department of Finance Canada Legislative amendments were made to the Special Import Measures Act in BIA 2017, No. 1, to provide Canadian producers with a more rigorous response to unfair trade, improve the transparency of the trade remedy system and to better align Canada's trade remedy system with those of the coutnry's major trading partners. Regulatory amendments are required to support these measures. These measures include the creation of new anti-circumvention investigations scope proceedings, to better address price distortions and to provide unions with the explicit right to participate in trade remedy cases.
Consultation on the Special Review of Fluopicolide and Its Associated End-use Products: Proposed Special Review Decision, Re-evaluation Note REV2018-03 Closed Health Feb 27, 2018 to Apr 13, 2018 2018-02-27 2018-04-13 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the Re-evaluation Note for Proposed Special Review Decision for Fluopicolide and Its Associated End-use Products. Re-evaluation Note REV2018-03 is a consultation document. The PMRA will consider all the comments received before making a final special review decision on fluopicolide.
Comment period on the draft SEA report for the Strategic Environmental Assessment of world heritage values of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site Closed Environment | Indigenous People | Natural Resources Mar 28, 2018 to Apr 13, 2018 2018-03-28 2018-04-13 Parks Canada In 1983, Wood Buffalo National Park was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for the scale of its unique landscapes and ecosystems, including the Peace-Athabasca Delta. In response to a request from the World Heritage Committee, Parks Canada hired an independent contractor to prepare a Strategic Environmental Assessment of cumulative effects that may be impacting the world heritage values of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site. The assessment is due April 30th, 2018 and will inform a larger Action Plan for protection of the park's world heritage values. The goal of the assessment is to identify the values, threats and indicators that will help decision makers understand and consider the park's world heritage values. At this time Parks Canada is inviting feedback on the contractor's draft version of the final report for the Strategic Environmental Assessment. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Sulfoxaflor, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2018-01 Closed Health Jan 24, 2018 to Apr 9, 2018 2018-01-24 2018-04-09 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for sulfoxaflor up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for sulfoxaflor.
Consultation on Flazasulfuron and Flazasulfuron 25WG Herbicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-03 Closed Health Feb 23, 2018 to Apr 9, 2018 2018-02-23 2018-04-09 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for flazasulfuron and Flazasulfuron 25WG Herbicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-03 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for flazasulfuron and Flazasulfuron 25WG Herbicide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on flazasulfuron and Flazasulfuron 25WG Herbicide.
Consultation on Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid and OxiDate 2.0, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-02 Closed Health Feb 20, 2018 to Apr 6, 2018 2018-02-20 2018-04-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-02, Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid and OxiDate 2.0. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-02 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-02, Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid and OxiDate 2.0 and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-02, Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid and OxiDate 2.0.
Notice: Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: E9(R1): Addendum: Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials Closed Health Oct 17, 2017 to Apr 3, 2018 2017-10-17 2018-04-03 Health Canada The above referenced draft guidance was released by the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Steering Committee for consultation and is being posted on the ICH website for information and comment in accordance with Step 2 of the ICH process.
Vulnerable Road Users Around Heavy Vehicles Closed Transportation Mar 2, 2018 to Apr 2, 2018 2018-03-02 2018-04-02 Transport Canada Web-based consultations with the general public. The consultations are to validate identified countermeasures and collect additional information to inform the final report.
Consultation on VICH Guideline 57 Closed Health Feb 1, 2018 to Apr 1, 2018 2018-02-01 2018-04-01 Health Canada We are seeking feedback on the draft VICH (International Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Products) Guideline 57: “Studies to evaluate the Metabolism and Residue Kinetics of veterinary drugs in food-producing species: Marker Residue Depletion studies to establish product withdrawal periods in aquatic species.” The purpose of this guideline is to give recommendations on: How to design a study to determine the concentration of a veterinary drug that remains in the tissues (drug residue) of aquatic species after administration of the drug
The Government of Canada's Two-Staged Approach in response to the Descheneaux decision — Stage II: A Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nation Citizenship (2017-2019) Closed Indigenous People Oct 31, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 2017-10-31 2018-03-31 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Descheneaux Response - Stage II: In keeping with the government’s commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples through a renewed nation-to-nation relationship, a collaborative process on Indian registration, band membership and First Nation citizenship was launched October 31, 2017 with the co-design phase. The co-design phase was completed on March 31, 2018. A Report to Parliament on the Design of a Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nation Citizenship was tabled on May 10, 2018. The consultation process was launched June 12, 2018. What We Heard Report available
Ottawa River Watershed Study Closed Agriculture | Animals | Culture | Economic development | Environment | Fisheries | Heritage | Health | Industry | Natural Resources | Persons with disabilities | Plants | Policy | Private sector | Public safety | Recreation | Society | Science and technology | Transportation | Youth Aug 31, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 2017-08-31 2018-03-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of the study is to examine current knowledge about the Ottawa River watershed, in collaboration with implicated groups, and develop recommendations as to whether and how an Ottawa River Watershed Council should be established. The study will also examine the potential structure and mandate of such a Council. There will be broad engagement of implicated groups both within and around the watershed (e.g., communities downstream); notably, the governments of Ontario and Quebec, Indigenous groups, municipalities, watershed groups, and industry representatives, among others.
Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Results Closed Economy | Environment | Health | Natural Resources | Private sector | Youth Aug 29, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 2017-08-29 2018-03-31 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Results will help define how to measure progress on federal, provincial, and territorial adaptation efforts in building Canada’s resilience to climate change.
Future Skills Closed Economy | Economic development | Employment | Youth June 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 2017-06-01 2018-03-31 Employment and Social Development Canada Working with provinces and territories, the private sector, educational institutions and not-for-profit organizations, Future Skills will bring together expertise from all sectors and leverage experience from partners across the country.
Homelessness Partnering Strategy Closed | Housing | Indigenous People | Policy | Society June 22, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 2017-06-22 2018-03-31 Employment and Social Development Canada During the National Housing Strategy consultations in 2016, we received feedback on housing and homelessness. So in 2017, we began asking Canadians about how to redesign the Homelessness Partnering Strategy. We wanted to know what parts of the program were working well and what parts could be improved. Through Budget 2017, the Government of Canada announced that it would expand and extend funding for the HPS beyond 2018-2019. What We Heard Report available
Re engagement on Smart Cities Indigenous competition Closed Economic development | Employment | Society Jan 1, 2018 to Mar 31, 2018 2018-01-01 2018-03-31 Infrastructure Canada On the design of the Indigenous competition, Minister Sohi reached out to leadership at Metis National Council, Assembly of First Nations and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. Bilateral discussions with each group took place in November. INFC officials have had a series of working level discussions with NIO partners over the 4thquarter to further engage on plans for the Indigenous-specific competition.
Springpole Gold Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Mar 6, 2018 to Mar 26, 2018 2018-03-06 2018-03-26 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Springpole Gold Project, located northeast of Red Lake, Ontario. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Akasaba West Copper-Gold Mine Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Feb 21, 2018 to Mar 23, 2018 2018-02-21 2018-03-23 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Akasaba West Copper-Gold Mine Project, located in Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, a document that includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project, the proposed mitigation measures, the significance of adverse environmental effects, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-18, Thiamethoxam Closed Health | Policy Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 19, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-19 Health Canada Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam are neonicotinoid pesticides used by agricultural workers and licensed applicators to protect crops, crop seeds and grass from insects. Both can be applied to the ground, to leaves (foliar), and to seeds. In response to concerns about the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on bees and other pollinators, Health Canada is conducting three separate pollinator risk assessments on this class of pesticides, which includes imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin.
Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-17, Clothianidin Closed Health | Policy Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 19, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-19 Health Canada Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam are neonicotinoid pesticides used by agricultural workers and licensed applicators to protect crops, crop seeds and grass from insects. Both can be applied to the ground, to leaves (foliar), and to seeds. In response to concerns about the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on bees and other pollinators, Health Canada is conducting three separate pollinator risk assessments on this class of pesticides, which includes imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin.
E-consultation - Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-24, Thiamethoxam and Its Associated End-use Products: Pollinator Re-evaluation Closed Health Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 19, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-19 Health Canada The public, including the registrants and stakeholders, are encouraged to submit additional information that could be used to refine risk assessments during the 90-day public consultation period upon publication of Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-24, Thiamethoxam and Its Associated End-use Products: Pollinator Re-evaluation. All comments received during the 90-day public consultation period will be considered in the preparation of the re-evaluation decision document, which could result in revised risk mitigation measures. The re-evaluation decision document will include the final re-evaluation decision, the reasons for it and a summary of comments received on the proposed re-evaluation decision with PMRA’s responses. What We Heard Report available
Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-23, Clothianidin and Its Associated End-use Products: Pollinator Re-evaluation Closed Health | Policy Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 19, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-19 Health Canada Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam are neonicotinoid pesticides used by agricultural workers and licensed applicators to protect crops, crop seeds and grass from insects. Both can be applied to the ground, to leaves (foliar), and to seeds. In response to concerns about the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on bees and other pollinators, Health Canada is conducting three separate pollinator risk assessments on this class of pesticides, which includes imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the Use of a Foreign-sourced Reference Product as a Canadian Reference Product Closed Food and drug Dec 18, 2017 to Mar 18, 2018 2017-12-18 2018-03-18 Health Canada Health Canada is seeking stakeholder input on potential changes to the Use of a Foreign-sourced Reference Product as a Canadian Reference Product guidance document.
The Regulatory Enrolment Process (REP) Functional Pilot for eCTD Format - Stage III Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 9, 2017 to Mar 16, 2018 2017-08-09 2018-03-16 Health Canada In order to gain further experience with the regulatory enrolment process (REP) and to provide an opportunity for additional sponsors to begin using REP, Health Canada is announcing Stage III of the REP Functional Pilot for regulatory activities in electronic common technical document (eCTD) format.
Grassy Mountain Coal Project — Public Comments Invited on Draft Joint Review Panel Agreement Closed Environment Feb 14, 2018 to Mar 16, 2018 2018-02-14 2018-03-16 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Joint Review Panel Agreement (draft Agreement) to establish a joint review panel with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) for the environmental assessment of the proposed Grassy Mountain Coal Project, located in southwest Alberta. The Agency has developed a draft Agreement with the AER for the conduct of the joint review. The Agreement, which includes the Terms of Reference, establishes the mandate and authority of the Joint Review Panel, its composition, and sets out the procedures and timelines for the review.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Blainville, Quebec Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Nov 11, 2017 to Mar 15, 2018 2017-11-11 2018-03-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03).
Consultation on the Spectrum Outlook 2018 to 2022 Closed Communication | Industry | Policy Oct 6, 2017 to Mar 15, 2018 2017-10-06 2018-03-15 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through the release of this document, ISED, on behalf of the Minister, is hereby initiating a consultation on the overall approach and planning activities related to the release of spectrum for commercial mobile services, licence-exempt applications, satellite services and wireless backhaul services over the years 2018 to 2022. In an effort to ensure that Canada is well prepared to meet the spectrum needs associated with these uses, comments are being sought on future technology advancements and associated spectrum demand, as well as on the proposed release of specific spectrum bands, and timing thereof, to meet these future needs.
Consultation on Piperine and Oil of Black Pepper and Their Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-25 Closed Health Dec 12, 2017 to Mar 12, 2018 2017-12-12 2018-03-12 Health Canada Piperine and oil of black pepper are registered pesticides derived from black pepper. They are used by the general public indoors and outdoors to repel cats, dogs, groundhogs, raccoons, skunks, and squirrels by causing irritation when animals touch or taste treated items. End-use piperine or oil of black pepper product names include Scent-A-Gone Animal Repellent and Chemfree Critter Ridder. (Find labels for all registered products in the label search database.) Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of piperine and oil of black pepper, with updated label statements about storage and disposal, to reflect current health and environmental standards. For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision.”
Contrecoeur Port Terminal Expansion Project — Public Comments Invited and Information Sessions Closed Environment Jan 18, 2018 to Mar 9, 2018 2018-01-18 2018-03-09 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Contrecoeur Port Terminal Expansion Project, located in Contrecoeur, approximately 40 kilometres north-east of Montreal, Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's summary of the Environmental Impact Statement.
Consultation on Metam Sodium and Metam Potassium and their Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-22 Closed Health Dec 7, 2017 to Mar 7, 2018 2017-12-07 2018-03-07 Health Canada Metam sodium and metam potassium are pesticides used by professional applicators to control various pests in soil, to preserve wood, to control tree roots in sewers, and to control microbes in industrial water. Labels for products containing metam sodium and metam potassium can be found in the pesticide label search database. Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of metam sodium and metam potassium products with implementation of additional risk mitigation measures and updated label statements. These include: Label amendments to meet current labelling standards Additional protection measures for workers Additional environmental label statements For more information on the proposed decision open the "Proposed Re-evaluation Decision".
North American Lithium Spodumene Mine Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Feb 5, 2018 to Mar 7, 2018 2018-02-05 2018-03-07 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed North American Lithium Spodumene Mine Project, located in La Corne, Quebec. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the Comprehensive Study Report, a document that includes the Agency's analysis and findings on whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects taking into account the implementation of mitigation measures. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the recreational scallop fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador Closed Fisheries | Indigenous People | Recreation Feb 6, 2018 to Mar 6, 2018 2018-02-06 2018-03-06 Fisheries and Oceans Canada We'd like your feedback on any aspect of the recreational scallop fishery.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Spirit River, Alberta Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Jan 30, 2018 to Mar 5, 2018 2018-01-30 2018-03-05 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03).
Consultation on the special review of Dichlorvos and its associated end-use products: Proposed decision for Consultation Document, Re-evaluation Note REV2018-01 Closed Health | Policy Jan 19, 2018 to Mar 5, 2018 2018-01-19 2018-03-05 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the Re-evaluation Note for Special Review of Dichlorvos and Its Associated End-use Products: Proposed Decision for Consultation. Re-evaluation Note REV2018-01 is a consultation document. This document outlines the legislative requirements for special reviews as set out in the Pest Control Products Act as well as presents the proposed approach to special reviews. The PMRA will consider all the comments received before making a final decision on the approach to special reviews.
Consultation on Benzovindiflupyr, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-34 Closed Health Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 4, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for benzovindiflupyr up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for benzovindiflupyr.
Consultation on Imidacloprid, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-35 Closed Health | Policy Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 4, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for imidacloprid up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for imidacloprid.
Consultation on Indaziflam, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-33 Closed Health Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 4, 2018 2017-12-19 2018-03-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for Indaziflam up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for Indaziflam.
Toward a new Arctic Policy Framework Closed Policy Nov 15, 2017 to Feb 28, 2018 2017-11-15 2018-02-28 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada The Government of Canada will work collaboratively with territories, provinces and Indigenous groups to identify and build a long-term vision to 2030 for the Canadian and circumpolar Arctic. A whole-of-government approach involving many departments and agencies from across the Government of Canada will contribute to this process. This will involve working within established timelines to undertake joint planning, drafting and analysis in setting priorities and strategies for Canada in the Arctic. The Government of Canada will reach out to national Indigenous organizations and will organize regional roundtables to seek the input of local Indigenous groups. Other opportunities for input will also be provided. Input from all interested parties will also be welcomed. There are several ways to participate: 1. attend a regional roundtable discussion (by invitation only) 2. read the discussion guide and send a letter to the address in Contact us 3. read the discussion guide and send your answer in an email to 4. send a tweet using the hashtag #ArcticTogether What We Heard Report available
NRC workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change Closed Economic development | Employment | Society Feb 27, 2018 to Feb 27, 2018 2018-02-27 2018-02-27 Infrastructure Canada Presentation followed by questions and answers
Consultation on the Proposed Amendments to Schedule 2 of the MMER Associated with the Mont Wright Project Expansion in Quebec Closed Amendments | Environment | Fisheries | Natural Resources | Regulations Jan 22, 2018 to Feb 23, 2018 2018-01-22 2018-02-23 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of these consultation activities is to provide an opportunity to participants to provide comments on the assessment of alternatives for the disposal of mine waste disposal report, the proposed fish habitat compensation plan (FHCP) related to possible amendments to Schedule 2 of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER). The consultation process will include local consultation sessions and one national session to be held in Gatineau, Quebec, with an opportunity for Indigenous groups to provide verbal and written comments during and following these consultation sessions. Another consultation and comment period will be provided after any pre-publication of the proposed amendment to Schedule 2 of the MMER in the Canada Gazette, Part I.
Consultation on Iron (Present as Ferric Phosphate) and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-21 Closed Health Nov 24, 2017 to Feb 22, 2018 2017-11-24 2018-02-22 Health Canada Iron (present as ferric phosphate) is a registered pesticide used by growers, commercial applicators and the public to control snails and slugs on food and ornamental crops, and on turf. End-use products include Sluggo Slug and Snail Bait and Scotts Ecosense Slug-B-Gon Slug & Snail Bait products. (Find labels for all registered products in the label search database). Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of iron and its associated products, with updated label statements to reflect current labelling standards. These include: Environmental hazard label statements for both commercial and domestic products Storage label statements; and Statement to keep out of reach of pets For more information on the proposed decision open the "Proposed Re-evaluation Decision".
Consultation on Quinoxyfen, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-01 Closed Health Jan 5, 2018 to Feb 19, 2018 2018-01-05 2018-02-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for quinoxyfen. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2018-01 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for quinoxyfen and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on quinoxyfen.
Minimum Noise Requirements for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Closed Transportation Jan 4, 2018 to Feb 19, 2018 2018-01-04 2018-02-19 Transport Canada Transport Canada is requesting comments on amending the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations to require HEVs to produce noise when travelling at a slow speed.
Consultation on Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL AG2 and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-20 Closed Health Nov 17, 2017 to Feb 15, 2018 2017-11-17 2018-02-15 Health Canada Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2 is a strain of a naturally occurring fungus that is used by growers, farm workers and commercial applicators to protect plants from disease-causing fungi. (Find labels for Bora, Rootshield and BW240 products in the pesticide label search database). Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue the registration of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2, with updated label statements to reflect current health and environmental standards. The updated label statements include: Requirements for workers’ personal protective equipment when re-entering treated areas within 4 hours of use Precautions to reduce drift and runoff Precautions to protect aquatic areas and drinking water sources For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision”.
Consultation on the Technical, Policy and Licensing Framework for Wireless Microphones Closed Communication | Industry | Policy Nov 15, 2017 to Feb 15, 2018 2017-11-15 2018-02-15 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through this consultation paper, ISED is proposing to update its policy and regulatory framework to continue providing spectrum access for the use of wireless microphones on a secondary basis. While this consultation makes reference to the use of white space devices in the 600 MHz band, considerations relating to white space devices should be addressed in the context of ISED's separate consultation.
30-Day Comment Period on Regulatory Proposal - Designated Company Cost Recovery Closed Environment | Finance | Industry | Natural Resources | Policy | Private sector | Regulations | Taxes Jan 8, 2018 to Feb 14, 2018 2018-01-08 2018-02-14 Canada Energy Regulator The NEB is now soliciting feedback on a Regulatory Proposal for a designated company cost recovery regulation. The purpose of the Regulatory Proposal is to seek feedback on the design of regulations for recovering amounts paid out by the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), when a company has been designated by the Governor in Council (GIC), following an unintended or uncontrolled release. It proposes that costs should be recovered first from the company responsible for the pipeline from which the release occurred (the designated company), and then the companies who operate pipelines that transport the same commodity or a commodity of the same class. Tax-payers should not be responsible for paying the charges back to the CRF in a designated company situation.
Canada Gazette Part 1 - Proposed Amendments to the Patented Medicines Regulations Closed Health Dec 2, 2017 to Feb 14, 2018 2017-12-02 2018-02-14 Health Canada Health Canada and Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) officials will outline: how the proposed amendments were refined following the pre-Consultation period, the estimated benefits and costs of the proposed amendments, the PMPRB’s preliminary interpretation of possible approaches to operationalize the proposed amendments, and where and when to submit your written comments to the consultation.
Foxtrot Rare Earth Element Mine Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 15, 2018 to Feb 14, 2018 2018-01-15 2018-02-14 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Foxtrot Rare Earth Element Mine Project, located in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Monitoring of Medical Assistance in Dying Regulations Closed Health Dec 16, 2017 to Feb 13, 2018 2017-12-16 2018-02-13 Health Canada The proposed regulations outline the reporting requirements (i.e., content and timelines) for those who are authorized to provide medical assistance in dying physicians, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists who dispense medication for assisted dying. The What We Heard Report available
Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 23, 2018 to Feb 12, 2018 2018-01-23 2018-02-12 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project, located in Manitoba. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Flemish Pass and Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Projects — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 5, 2018 to Feb 12, 2018 2018-01-05 2018-02-12 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting federal environmental assessments for the proposed Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and the proposed Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project, located 480 kilometres and 250 kilometres, respectively, east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the summary of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and the summary of the EIS for the Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project. The documents were submitted by the proponents Statoil Canada Ltd. and ExxonMobil Canada Ltd., respectively. Comments submitted will be considered for both projects, as applicable. Table 1.1, located in Chapter 1 of each Environmental Impact Statement, identifies similarities and differences between the two EISs and may assist reviewers. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Flumioxazin, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-32 Closed Policy Nov 28, 2017 to Feb 11, 2018 2017-11-28 2018-02-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for flumioxazin up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for flumioxazin.
Howse Property Iron Mine Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 11, 2018 to Feb 11, 2018 2018-01-11 2018-02-11 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Howse Property Iron Mine Project, located in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, a document that includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project, the proposed mitigation measures, the significance of adverse environmental effects, and the follow-up program. The Agency also invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed. What We Heard Report available
Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2018-127 Closed Communication Jan 8, 2018 to Feb 9, 2018 2018-01-08 2018-02-09 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consultation among Canadians about applications for a national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming
Pelican and Sundog Renewable Generating Station Projects — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 10, 2018 to Feb 9, 2018 2018-01-10 2018-02-09 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) has commenced federal environmental assessments for the proposed Pelican Renewable Generating Station Project and the proposed Sundog Renewable Generating Station Project located approximately 180 kilometres and 130 kilometres, respectively, upstream of Fort McMurray, Alberta. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change, by Ministerial Orders, has designated these projects as requiring environmental assessments under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by these projects and what should be examined during the environmental assessments, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines. Given that the projects are close in location and size, the EIS Guidelines will apply to both projects and the Agency will consider comments for each project separately.
Market Sounding - Climate Lens Closed Environment Jan 25, 2018 to Feb 9, 2018 2018-01-25 2018-02-09 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions and discussion
Online consultation on political party leaders' debates Closed Communication | Policy | Society Jan 11, 2018 to Feb 9, 2018 2018-01-11 2018-02-09 Privy Council Office In person What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the new weather radar at Timmins, Ontario Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Jan 4, 2018 to Feb 8, 2018 2018-01-04 2018-02-08 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03).
Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Jan 19, 2018 to Feb 8, 2018 2018-01-19 2018-02-08 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project, located 350 kilometres east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Atlantic Ocean. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on Beauveria bassiana strain PPRI 5339 and Velifer, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-19 Closed Health Dec 21, 2017 to Feb 4, 2018 2017-12-21 2018-02-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Beauveria bassiana strain PPRI 5339 and Velifer. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-19 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Beauveria bassiana strain PPRI 5339 and Velifer and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Beauveria bassiana strain PPRI 5339 and Velifer.
Proposed Service Fees for Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit and Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp (ARAD) Closed Animals | Environment | Finance | Recreation Jan 2, 2018 to Feb 2, 2018 2018-01-02 2018-02-02 Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada wishes to explore potential service fee increases for both Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permits and the Conservation Stamps affixed to all such permits to improve services and better align with cost of the service.
Statistics Canada's Website Evaluation 2018 Closed Communication Jan 8, 2018 to Feb 2, 2018 2018-01-08 2018-02-02 Statistics Canada In January and February 2018, Statistics Canada conducted its annual website evaluation by collecting feedback from visitors on a number of topics, including: satisfaction and success in task completion. A pop-up intercept was used from January 8 to February 2, 2018, to invite website users to complete a short questionnaire. In total, 10,027 visitors participated in the consultation. What We Heard Report available
Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-359 (survey on the future programming distribution models) Closed Communication Dec 6, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018 2017-12-06 2018-01-31 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission To gain a better understanding of the implications of future programming distribution models for Canadians and the Canadian market What We Heard Report available
Consultation on fish harvester registration (Professionalization) Closed Fisheries | Regulations Nov 21, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018 2017-11-21 2018-01-31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada To obtain feedback from fish harvesters on proposed changes to the requirements for fish harvester registration that would remove the obligation to register with DFO if a fish harvester is certified by a recognized provincial certification board. In provinces where certification boards don't exist, DFO would maintain its current registration process.
Modern Labour Standards Closed Employment | | Indigenous People | Labour Nov 1, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018 2017-11-01 2018-01-31 Employment and Social Development Canada Between May 2017 and March 2018, we consulted with Canadians, unions and labour organizations, employers and employer organizations, academics, other experts and advocacy groups to get their perspectives on what a robust and modern set of federal labour standards should be. We heard one strong message throughout the consultations: The way Canadians work has changed, but federal labour standards have not. In personal stories, Canadians shared their first-hand experience with the changing nature of work and how it affects them in the workplace and in their personal lives. They asked us to protect and support them at work. What We Heard Report available
Notice - Proposals to Amend the Tobacco Reporting Regulations Closed Health Dec 2, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018 2017-12-02 2018-01-31 Health Canada This notice offers interested parties the opportunity to provide comments on proposals to amend the Tobacco Reporting Regulations. These amendments would be made under new regulation-making powers set out in Bill S-5, an Act to amend the Tobacco Act and the Non-smokers' Health Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. What We Heard Report available
On-line and In-person Citizen Engagement in Support of the Criminal Justice System Review Closed Justice and the Law Nov 27, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018 2017-11-27 2018-01-31 Department of Justice Canada The Government has undertaken a broad review of Canada’s Criminal Justice System. The objectives of this engagement are to increase awareness among Canadians of the issues facing the criminal justice system and the individuals who come into contact with it; to inform the public about the criminal justice system and its complexities including the various programs and alternative mechanisms that have shown success; and to obtain the views of Canadians and stakeholders (practitioners, academics, etc) on priorities for this review. Consultation format: The engagement activities are taking the form of on-line and in-person consultations. Launch took place on November 27, 2017. Specific areas of focus for this engagement include restorative justice, problem-solving apporaches to justice, the over-representation of vulnerable and marginalized populations in the criminal justice system (including Indigenous peoples), and major system efficiency and effectiveness issues. Four in-person community roundtables took place in November and December of 2017. The consultation report was published in April 2019. What We Heard Report available
Community Employment Benefits Intiative Closed Policy Oct 1, 2017 to Jan 30, 2018 2017-10-01 2018-01-30 Infrastructure Canada Information Session and Discussion
Consultation on Fosetyl-aluminum and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-19 Closed Policy Oct 31, 2017 to Jan 29, 2018 2017-10-31 2018-01-29 Health Canada Fosetyl-aluminum (fosetyl-Al) is a fungicide that is registered for commercial use only, to control fungal diseases on food and feed crops, ornamentals, and turf. End-use products include Signature XTRA Stressgard and Aliette products (as found in the pesticides label search). Following a scheduled re-evaluation under the Re-evaluation Program, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is consulting Canadians on proposed changes to the way fosetyl-Al can be used, to further protect health and the environment.
Consultation: Regulations Amending the Toys Regulations (Magnetic Toys) Closed Health Nov 17, 2017 to Jan 27, 2018 2017-11-17 2018-01-27 Health Canada Notice is given that the Governor in Council, pursuant to section 37 of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (see footnote d), proposes to make the annexed Regulations Amending the Toys Regulations (Magnetic Toys). Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to Sylvia Weihrer, Project Officer, Risk Management Bureau, Consumer Product Safety Directorate, Department of Health, Address Locator 4908B, 269 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9 (fax: 613-952-2551; email:
Consultation on Dichlorvos and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-16 Closed Health Oct 25, 2017 to Jan 23, 2018 2017-10-25 2018-01-23 Health Canada This consultation is open for comment from 25 October 2017 to 23 January 2018 (90 calendar days). To comment on PRVD2017-16: Step 1 Request the full consultation document to read the Science Evaluation that is the basis of this proposed regulatory decision. Step 2 Submit comments to the PMRA Publications Section. All comments received will be considered. A final re-evaluation decision for dichlorvos will consider additional scientific information provided during the public comment period. Please refer to the document title (for example, PRVD2017-16, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision for Dichlorvos and Its Associated End-use Products) when providing comments.
Consultation on Proposed Approach to the Regulation of Cannabis Closed Agriculture | Development | Economy | Economic development | Employment | Environment | Exporting/Importing | Food and drug | Housing | Health | Industry | Justice and the Law | Labour | Plants | Policy | Private sector | Public safety | Regulations | Society | Transportation | Youth Nov 21, 2017 to Jan 20, 2018 2017-11-21 2018-01-20 Health Canada The Government of Canada has committed to legalizing, strictly regulating, and restricting access to cannabis. In April 2017, the government introduced Bill C-45, the proposed Cannabis Act. Subject to the approval of Parliament, the Government of Canada intends to bring the proposed Cannabis Act into force no later than July 2018. We are now seeking feedback on Health Canada's proposed approach to the regulation of cannabis. What We Heard Report available
Pre-Budget Consultations Closed Economic development Nov 9, 2017 to Jan 19, 2018 2017-11-09 2018-01-19 Department of Finance Canada Canadians had a variety of ways to submit their ideas to the Government as part of the pre-budget consultations. This included in-person and digital events with the Minister and Parliamentary Secretary Joël Lightbound, events with other Parliamentarians, and online through
Consultation on Permethrin and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-18 Closed Health Oct 19, 2017 to Jan 17, 2018 2017-10-19 2018-01-17 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for permethrin and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-18 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for permethrin and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on permethrin and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Spirotetramat, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-31 Closed Health Nov 2, 2017 to Jan 16, 2018 2017-11-02 2018-01-16 Health Canada The PMRA invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed MRLs for spirotetramat up to 75 days from the date of publication of this document. Please forward your comments to Publications. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRLs. Comments received will be addressed in a separate document linked to this PMRL. The established MRLs will be legally in effect as of the date that they are entered into the Maximum Residue Limit Database.
Consultation on Bicyclopyrone, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-30 Closed Policy Nov 2, 2017 to Jan 16, 2018 2017-11-02 2018-01-16 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for bicyclopyrone up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for bicyclopyrone.
Consultation on Clethodim, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-29 Closed Health Nov 2, 2017 to Jan 16, 2018 2017-11-02 2018-01-16 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for clethodim up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for clethodim.
30-day public comment period on the Proposed Order to Amend Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (for 13 terrestrial species) (ARAD) Closed Amendments | Environment | Regulations Dec 16, 2017 to Jan 15, 2018 2017-12-16 2018-01-15 Environment and Climate Change Canada ia publication in Canada Gazette Part 1, Canadians have an opportunity to comment on a proposed order to amend Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act
Consultation: Removing undue barriers to diacetylmorphine (heroin)-assisted treatment Closed Health Nov 11, 2017 to Jan 9, 2018 2017-11-11 2018-01-09 Health Canada The consultation will be open for 60 days, between November 11, 2017 and January 9, 2018. Send us your comments within the time given, by: email mail
Consultation on Eucalyptus Oil, Pine Needle Oil, Oil of Geranium, Lemon Oil and Camphor Oil, and Citrobug Insect Repellent for Dogs and Horses, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-16 Closed Health Nov 22, 2017 to Jan 6, 2018 2017-11-22 2018-01-06 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for eucalyptus oil, pine needle oil, oil of geranium, lemon oil and camphor oil, and Citrobug Insect Repellent for Dogs and Horses. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-16 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for eucalyptus oil, pine needle oil, oil of geranium, lemon oil and camphor oil, and Citrobug Insect Repellent for Dogs and Horses and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on eucalyptus oil, pine needle oil, oil of geranium, lemon oil and camphor oil, and Citrobug Insect Repellent for Dogs and Horses.
Consultation on fee proposal for drugs and medical devices Closed Food and drug | Health Oct 11, 2017 to Jan 4, 2018 2017-10-11 2018-01-04 Health Canada The purpose of the amendments is for Health Canada to modernise its fees and continue to deliver regulatory activities. Health Canada's Fee Proposal for Drugs and Medical Devices is the consultation document that stakeholders and the public are invited to review, including revised fee amounts and performance standards. What We Heard Report available
Notice: Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance: S5(R3): Revision of S5 Guideline on Detection of Toxicity to Reproduction for Human Pharmaceuticals Closed Health Oct 5, 2017 to Jan 3, 2018 2017-10-05 2018-01-03 Health Canada The above referenced draft guidance was released by the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Steering Committee for consultation and is being posted on the ICH website for information and comment in accordance with Step 2 of the ICH process.
Ottawa River Watershed Study Closed Agriculture | Animals | Culture | Economic development | Environment | Fisheries | Heritage | Health | Industry | Indigenous People | Natural Resources | Persons with disabilities | Plants | Policy | Private sector | Public safety | Recreation | Society | Science and technology | Transportation | Youth Aug 1, 2017 to Jan 1, 2018 2017-08-01 2018-01-01 Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of the study is to examine current knowledge about the Ottawa River watershed, in collaboration with implicated groups, and develop recommendations as to whether and how an Ottawa River Watershed Council should be established. The study will also examine the potential structure and mandate of such a Council. There will be broad engagement of implicated groups both within and around the watershed (e.g., communities downstream); notably, the governments of Ontario and Quebec, Indigenous groups, municipalities, watershed groups, and industry representatives, among others.
Regulatory Cooperation Council 17-18 Work Plan Consultation Closed Agriculture | Animals | Health | Plants June 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017 2017-06-01 2017-12-31 Canadian Food Inspection Agency E-consultation to solicit feedback from stakeholders on new work plan opportunities for the 17-18 RCC work plans aimed at enhancing regulatory alignment and cooperation between Canada and the United States. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on proposed national ticketing for fisheries violations Closed Fisheries | Justice and the Law | Regulations Sept 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017 2017-09-01 2017-12-31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is currently developing an Updated Ticketing Regime to expand the use of tickets for minor fishing violations. DFO plans to expand the use of ticketing under the Contraventions Act for various minor regulations offences that fall under the Fisheries Act. This will provide an alternative enforcement approach for minor fisheries offences by way of a ticket, rather than a more costly court appearance.
Consultation on Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products (Swimming Pool and Spa Uses), Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-17 Closed Policy Oct 2, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017 2017-10-02 2017-12-31 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-17 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products.
Consultation on Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products (Swimming Pool and Spa Uses), Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-17 Closed Health Oct 2, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017 2017-10-02 2017-12-31 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-17 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on Zinc Oxide and Its Associated End-use Products.
Consultation on uranium in drinking water Closed Health Oct 27, 2017 to Dec 29, 2017 2017-10-27 2017-12-29 Health Canada The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW) has assessed the available information on uranium with the intent of updating the current drinking water guideline and guideline technical document on uranium in drinking water. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline, on the approach used for its development and on the potential economic costs of implementing it, as well as to determine the availability of additional exposure data.
Consultation on enteric viruses in drinking water Closed Health Oct 27, 2017 to Dec 29, 2017 2017-10-27 2017-12-29 Health Canada The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW) has assessed the available information on enteric viruses with the intent of updating the current drinking water guideline and guideline technical document on enteric viruses in drinking water. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline, on the approach used for its development and on the potential economic costs of implementing it, as well as to determine the availability of additional exposure data.
Consultation on Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-15 Closed Policy Nov 14, 2017 to Dec 29, 2017 2017-11-14 2017-12-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-15 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment.
Technical Consultation - Enteric viruses in drinking water - document for public consultation Closed Health Oct 27, 2017 to Dec 29, 2017 2017-10-27 2017-12-29 Health Canada The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW) has assessed the available information on enteric viruses with the intent of updating the current drinking water guideline and guideline technical document on enteric viruses in drinking water. The purpose of this consultation is to solicit comments on the proposed guideline, on the approach used for its development and on the potential economic costs of implementing it, as well as to determine the availability of additional exposure data.
Consultation on uranium in drinking water Closed Health Oct 27, 2017 to Dec 29, 2017 2017-10-27 2017-12-29 Health Canada Read the consultation document and submit your comments to the CDW Secretariat. Include the title of the consultation document on which you’re commenting. Comments can be sent by: email mail All comments must be received by December 29, 2017. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-15 Closed Health Nov 14, 2017 to Dec 29, 2017 2017-11-14 2017-12-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-15 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Oxathiapiprolin, DuPont Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment and Plenaris 200FS Seed Treatment.
Consultation on N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK 264) and its associated end-use products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-15 Closed Policy Sept 29, 2017 to Dec 28, 2017 2017-09-29 2017-12-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK-264) and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-15 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK-264) and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK-264) and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Aminoethoxyvinylglycine Hydrochloride and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-14 Closed Policy Sept 29, 2017 to Dec 28, 2017 2017-09-29 2017-12-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-14 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK 264) and its associated end-use products, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-15 Closed Health Sept 29, 2017 to Dec 28, 2017 2017-09-29 2017-12-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK-264) and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-15 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK-264) and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (MGK-264) and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Aminoethoxyvinylglycine Hydrochloride and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-14 Closed Health Sept 29, 2017 to Dec 28, 2017 2017-09-29 2017-12-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-14 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride and its associated end-use products.
DIS 17-01, Framework for Recovery in the Event of a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Closed Public safety Sept 25, 2017 to Dec 27, 2017 2017-09-25 2017-12-27 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission DIS-17-01 describes the measures that decision makers may need to consider prior to or following the response to an emergency, in order to protect the public from potential health effects of long-term exposure to radiation, while taking into account any economic, political, environmental, cultural, ethical, psychological, and social factors.
Consultation: Destruction of controlled substances and travel with controlled substances for medical use Closed Health Oct 28, 2017 to Dec 26, 2017 2017-10-28 2017-12-26 Health Canada The consultation will be open for 60 days, between October 28, 2017 and December 26, 2017. We encourage you to read the Notice to Interested Parties. Send us your comments within the time given, by: email mail (at the address below)
Consultation on Fluroxypyr (present as ester) and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-11 Closed Health Aug 28, 2017 to Dec 26, 2017 2017-08-28 2017-12-26 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for fluroxypyr (present as ester) and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-11 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for fluroxypyr (present as ester) and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on fluroxypyr (present as ester) and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Fluroxypyr (present as ester) and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-11 Closed Health | Policy Aug 28, 2017 to Dec 26, 2017 2017-08-28 2017-12-26 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for fluroxypyr (present as ester) and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-11 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for fluroxypyr (present as ester) and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on fluroxypyr (present as ester) and its associated end-use products.
Notice to interested parties - Proposed regulations amending regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act with respect to the destruction of controlled substances and international travel with controlled substances prescribed for personal medical use Closed Health Oct 28, 2017 to Dec 26, 2017 2017-10-28 2017-12-26 Health Canada A Notice to Interested Parties was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on October 28, 2017. You are invited to comment on our proposal to provide clear and consistent requirements for the destruction of controlled substances by pharmacists, practitioners and persons in charge of hospitals, and for international travel with prescribed controlled substances. Currently, there are gaps and differences between the regulations that are being dealt with through temporary measures. The proposal is to create, update and harmonize regulatory requirements under the regulations of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) to provide a long-term solution.
Consultation on Fluazinam and Secure Fungicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-14 Closed Health Nov 8, 2017 to Dec 23, 2017 2017-11-08 2017-12-23 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Fluazinam and Secure Fungicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-14 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Fluazinam and Secure Fungicide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Fluazinam and Secure Fungicide.
Scotian Basin Exploration Drilling Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Communication Nov 22, 2017 to Dec 22, 2017 2017-11-22 2017-12-22 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Scotian Basin Exploration Drilling Project, located off the southeast coast of Nova Scotia. The Agency invites the public to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, a document that includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project, the proposed mitigation measures, the significance of adverse environmental effects, and the follow-up program.
Consultation notice: Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Add the Cannabis Act and Certain Cannabis Offences to the Regulations that Govern Transborder Criminal Inadmissibility and Immigration Detention Factors Closed Food and drug | Health | Immigration | Justice and the Law | Policy | Public safety | Regulations Nov 21, 2017 to Dec 21, 2017 2017-11-21 2017-12-21 Canada Border Services Agency In preparation for the coming into force of the Cannabis Act, the Canada Border Services Agency is developing amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations to: Ensure that the existing transborder inadmissibility framework associated with immigration enforcement as it relates to cannabis-related offences is maintained; Ensure that CBSA retains its ability to assess the current detention factors related to foreign nationals or permanent residents who are linked to certain cannabis-related offences. These amendments will provide continuity with the current scheme regarding immigration inadmissibility associated with committing a criminal offence upon entering Canada as well as factors for detaining permanent residents and foreign nationals linked to certain cannabis-related offences.
Consultation Report: Restricting Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages to Children in Canada Closed Health Dec 8, 2017 to Dec 21, 2017 2017-12-08 2017-12-21 Health Canada Consultation Report: Restricting Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages to Children in Canada
Arlington Asbestos Waste Disposal Facility Expansion Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Communication Dec 1, 2017 to Dec 21, 2017 2017-12-01 2017-12-21 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Arlington Asbestos Waste Disposal Facility Expansion Project, located in Arlington West, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Foxtrot Rare Earth Element Mine Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Communication Dec 1, 2017 to Dec 21, 2017 2017-12-01 2017-12-21 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Foxtrot Rare Earth Element Mine Project located in Newfoundland and Labrador. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Consultation on potential Implementation Models for a Public Safety Broadband Network in Canada - 2017 Closed Communication | Public safety | Science and technology Apr 24, 2017 to Dec 20, 2017 2017-04-24 2017-12-20 Public Safety Canada Consult on potential implementation models for a Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN) with the aim of improving communications interoperability and emergency responses. (In partnership with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.)
Targeted Stakeholder Engagement on potential implemenation models for a Public Safety Broadband network in Canada Closed Communication | Development | Public safety | Service | Science and technology Apr 24, 2017 to Dec 20, 2017 2017-04-24 2017-12-20 Public Safety Canada The Government of Canada is engaging diverse stakeholders and producing evidence-based analysis on implementation models for a potential Public Safety Broadband Network
Consulting Federally Regulated Employers on proposed Amendments to the Employment Equity Regulations Closed Employment | Indigenous People | Labour | Persons with disabilities | Regulations Nov 10, 2017 to Dec 15, 2017 2017-11-10 2017-12-15 Employment and Social Development Canada The Government of Canada is currently undertaking consultations on regulatory amendments that would update and streamline the Employment Equity Regulations (EE Regulations).
Red Mountain Underground Gold Project - Public Comment Period &Open House Closed Environment Nov 14, 2017 to Dec 14, 2017 2017-11-14 2017-12-14 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) invite the public to comment on the potential environmental, heritage, health, social, and economic effects of the Red Mountain Underground Gold Project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement / Application (EIS / Application).
Expanding Canada's toolkit to address corporate wrongdoing: What we heard Closed Government procurement Sept 25, 2017 to Dec 8, 2017 2017-09-25 2017-12-08 Public Services and Procurement Canada Between September 25 and December 8, 2017, the Government of Canada conducted a public consultation to seek input on potential enhancements to the Integrity Regime and on a possible Canadian deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) regime. The views of interested parties were collected in a number of ways, including through a dedicated website for Canadians to submit feedback, as well as through face-to-face meetings and teleconferences.
2021 Census of Population Content Consultation Closed Society Sept 11, 2017 to Dec 8, 2017 2017-09-11 2017-12-08 Statistics Canada In ensuring that the census remains responsive to the most pressing and emerging data needs of the country, Statistics Canada will be conducting public consultations from September to December 2017. Listening to Canadians is an important step in the determination and finalization of content for the 2021 Census, and we encourage ‎you to consult the 2021 Census of Population Content Consultation webpage for more information on the process and how to participate. Statistics Canada consults with a broad range of stakeholders, conducts rigorous testing, considers the suitability of alternate or existing data sources, as well as maintaining continuity and comparability of data over time and across Canada, as part of the process to develop content options and recommendations.
Government of Canada Announces Consultation on Proposed Excise Duty Framework for Cannabis Products Closed Finance | Policy Nov 10, 2017 to Dec 7, 2017 2017-11-10 2017-12-07 Department of Finance Canada In support of these goals and the broader legalization efforts, the Department of Finance Canada today published for consultation a proposed excise duty framework for cannabis products. The proposed level of taxation is intended to keep prices low to eliminate the black market, as discussed at the Finance Ministers Meeting last June. The proposed duty would apply to all cannabis products available for legal sale, including fresh and dried cannabis, cannabis oils, and seeds and seedlings for home cultivation.
Consultation on Chlorantraniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-27 Closed Health Sept 21, 2017 to Dec 4, 2017 2017-09-21 2017-12-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for chlorantraniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for chlorantraniliprole.
Consultation on Thiabendazole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-28 Closed Health Sept 21, 2017 to Dec 4, 2017 2017-09-21 2017-12-04 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for thiabendazole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for thiabendazole.
Notice of Health Canada’s Proposal to Enable the Use of Tamarind Gum as an Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing and Thickening Agent in Unstandardized Foods and Certain Standardized Foods – Reference Number: NOP/ADP-0026 Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 15, 2017 to Dec 3, 2017 2017-08-15 2017-12-03 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate is committed to reviewing any new scientific information on the safety in use of any food additive, including tamarind gum. Anyone wishing to submit new scientific information on the use of this food additive or to submit any inquiries may do so in writing, by regular mail or electronically. If you wish to contact the Food Directorate electronically, please use the words “Tamarind gum” in the subject line of your e-mail. Health Canada is able to consider information received by December 3, 2017, 75 days from the date of this posting.
Notice of Health Canada’s Proposal to Enable the Use of Tara Gum as an Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing and Thickening Agent in Unstandardized Foods and Certain Standardized Foods – Reference Number : NOP/ADP-0027 Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 23, 2017 to Dec 3, 2017 2017-08-23 2017-12-03 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate is committed to reviewing any new scientific information on the safety in use of any food additive, including tara gum. Anyone wishing to submit new scientific information on the use of this food additive or to submit any inquiries may do so in writing, by regular mail or electronically. If you wish to contact the Food Directorate electronically, please use the words “Tara gum” in the subject line of your e-mail. Health Canada is able to consider information received by December 3, 2017, 75 days from the date of this posting. What We Heard Report available
Notice of Health Canada’s Proposal to Enable the Use of a New Food Additive, Nisin, as an Antimicrobial Preservative in or on Various Foods – Reference Number : NOP/ADP-0028 Closed Food and drug | Health Sept 20, 2017 to Dec 3, 2017 2017-09-20 2017-12-03 Health Canada Health Canada's Food Directorate is committed to reviewing any new scientific information on the safety in use of any food additive, including nisin. Anyone wishing to submit new scientific information on the use of this food additive or to submit any inquiries may do so in writing, by regular mail or electronically. If you wish to contact the Food Directorate electronically, please use the words "nisin" in the subject line of your e-mail. Health Canada is able to consider information received by December 3, 2017, 75 days from the date of this posting.
Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-359 (Call for comments on the Governor in Council's request for a report on future programming distribution models) Closed Communication Oct 12, 2017 to Dec 1, 2017 2017-10-12 2017-12-01 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Consultation among Canadians during the elaboration of a report on future programming distribution models What We Heard Report available
Temporary Foreign Worker Program Primary Agriculture Review: National call-out for research Closed Agriculture | Employment | Immigration | Policy | Regulations Oct 27, 2017 to Dec 1, 2017 2017-10-27 2017-12-01 Employment and Social Development Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, is undertaking a review of the Primary Agriculture Stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program. To support this review, ESDC is conducting a national call-out to gather existing research on primary agriculture.
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Dec 1, 2017 to Dec 1, 2017 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Dec 1, 2017 to Dec 1, 2017 2017-12-01 2017-12-01 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Finding solutions: Reserve Lands and Environment Management Program Engagement 2017 Closed Indigenous People May 1, 2017 to Nov 30, 2017 2017-05-01 2017-11-30 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada As part of its commitment to support First Nations governance and socio-economic development, INAC is seeking input on how the Reserve Lands and Environment Management Program (RLEMP) can better meet the needs of First Nations wanting to manage their own lands. Continuous program improvement is important to ensure that First Nation communities have the supports they need to manage their reserve lands.
Participate in the update of the National Occupational Classification! Closed Policy | Training and careers May 17, 2017 to Nov 30, 2017 2017-05-17 2017-11-30 Employment and Social Development Canada Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Statistics Canada invite users of the National Occupational Classification (NOC), such as industry representatives and experts in the field of employment research, to submit proposals for changes to the NOC. All proposals received will be shared between ESDC and Statistics Canada, which will be working jointly on the update of the NOC.
Consultation on Hydrogen Peroxide and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-12 Closed Health Aug 31, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-08-31 2017-11-29 Health Canada Consultation on Hydrogen Peroxide and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-12
Consultation on Peroxyacetic acid and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-13 Closed Health Aug 31, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-08-31 2017-11-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for peroxyacetic acid and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-13 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for peroxyacetic acid and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on peroxyacetic acid and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Tolpyralate, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-26 Closed Health Sept 15, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-09-15 2017-11-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for tolpyralate up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for tolpyralate.
Consultation on Peroxyacetic acid and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-13 Closed Health | Policy Aug 31, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-08-31 2017-11-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for peroxyacetic acid and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-13 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for peroxyacetic acid and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on peroxyacetic acid and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Hydrogen Peroxide and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-12 Closed Health | Policy Aug 31, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-08-31 2017-11-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for hydrogen peroxide and its associated end-use products. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-12 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for hydrogen peroxide and its associated end-use products and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on hydrogen peroxide and its associated end-use products.
Consultation on Tolpyralate, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-26 Closed Health | Policy Sept 15, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-09-15 2017-11-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for tolpyralate up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for tolpyralate.
Stakeholder Engagement on the Climate Lens - Engineering Industry Stakeholders Closed Environment Nov 29, 2017 to Nov 29, 2017 2017-11-29 2017-11-29 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions and discussion
Part II of draft REGDOC-2.13.2, Import and Export, version 2 Closed Economy | Exporting/Importing Sept 29, 2017 to Nov 28, 2017 2017-09-29 2017-11-28 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Part II of draft REGDOC-2.13.2 sets out the CNSC's guidance for current and prospective licensees who intend to import or export risk-significant radioactive sources (Category 1 and Category 2 radioactive sources), as set out in the International Atomic Energy Agency's RS G-1.9, Categorization of Radioactive Sources.
Consultation for Proposed Long-term Import Restriction for Bsal (ARAD) Closed Animals | Environment | Exporting/Importing | Health Oct 28, 2017 to Nov 28, 2017 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 Environment and Climate Change Canada Correspondence and teleconferences to seek input into the next proposed government actions to prevent Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) from entering into Canada.
Consultation on the new weather radar at Foxwarren, Manitoba Closed Environment | Public safety | Service Oct 24, 2017 to Nov 28, 2017 2017-10-24 2017-11-28 Environment and Climate Change Canada Newspaper notice published in accordance with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems process (CPC-2-0-03).
Proposed changes to Directive No. 1R3, Counselling in Insolvency Matters Closed Industry Oct 16, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017 2017-10-16 2017-11-24 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The OSB is inviting comments from Licensed Insolvency Trustees (LITs), the public, and any interested parties on proposed changes to Directive No. 1R3, Counselling in Insolvency Matters. Directives are issued by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy under the authority of paragraphs 5(4)(b) and (c) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). Directives apply to LITs and prescribe their obligations and responsibilities with regard to their administration of bankruptcies and proposals under the BIA.
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Nov 24, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017 2017-11-24 2017-11-24 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Nov 24, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017 2017-11-24 2017-11-24 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Nov 24, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017 2017-11-24 2017-11-24 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Nov 24, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017 2017-11-24 2017-11-24 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Smart Cities Challenge Closed Economic development Nov 24, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017 2017-11-24 2017-11-24 Infrastructure Canada Information Sessions for Proponents
Notice of intent with respect to amendments to regulations for managing movements of live fish Closed Amendments | Environment | Fisheries | Policy | Regulations Aug 16, 2017 to Nov 23, 2017 2017-08-16 2017-11-23 Fisheries and Oceans Canada The purpose of this notice is to outline Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) intentions to amend section 56 of the Fishery (General) Regulations in order to clarify the scope of aquatic animal diseases regulated by DFO and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and reflect implementation of the National Aquatic Animal Health Program and amendments to regulations under the Health of Animals Act.
Stakeholder Engagement on the Climate Lens - Environmental Stakeholders Closed Environment Nov 23, 2017 to Nov 23, 2017 2017-11-23 2017-11-23 Infrastructure Canada Information Session and Discussion
James Bay Lithium Mine Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Nov 2, 2017 to Nov 22, 2017 2017-11-02 2017-11-22 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed James Bay Lithium Mine Project, located in Quebec. To help inform this decision, the Agency is seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on the project and its potential effects on the environment, as described in the summary of the project description.
Call for Information on Sodium Reduction Initiatives in the Canadian Foodservices Sector Closed Food and drug | Health Sept 20, 2017 to Nov 20, 2017 2017-09-20 2017-11-20 Health Canada Health Canada is seeking information from the foodservices sector (for example restaurants, caterers, institutions, suppliers, distributors and retailers selling home meal replacements) to better understand current factors influencing sodium levels in food served in foodservice outlets. Health Canada will be using this information to develop a sodium reduction strategy specific to this sector in the near future. This call for information is a great opportunity for stakeholders to provide input to help inform these new initiatives as they move forward.
Healthy Eating Strategy – Sodium Consultation with Stakeholders Closed Advertising/Marketing | Food and drug | Regulations Sept 20, 2017 to Nov 20, 2017 2017-09-20 2017-11-20 Health Canada To share information on the Healthy Eating Strategy
Competition Bureau's proposal to increase the filing fee for merger reviews Closed Industry | Regulations Oct 20, 2017 to Nov 20, 2017 2017-10-20 2017-11-20 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada This document provides an overview of key factors relating to the fee proposal. It presents the legislative and policy framework under which the Bureau reviews mergers and imposes a fee for merger filings, the rationale for the fee increase, and a costing and impact analysis of the proposed fee.
Technology-led innovation and emerging services in the Canadian financial services sector Closed Financial assistance and entitlements | Industry | Service | Science and technology Nov 6, 2017 to Nov 20, 2017 2017-11-06 2017-11-20 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada To ensure relevance for Canadians, this study focuses on innovations that affect the way Canadian consumers and SMEs commonly encounter financial products and services, with focus on three broad service categories: (1) Payments and payment systems: This includes retail payment products and services (e.g. mobile wallets), as well as the infrastructure that supports these products and services (e.g. the clearing and settlement system). (2) Lending: This includes consumer and SME lending (e.g. peer‑to‑peer or marketplace lending) and equity crowdfunding. (3) Investment dealing and advice: This includes do‑it‑yourself investing and portfolio management through online platforms (e.g. "robo‑advisors").
Consultation on Sulfentrazone Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-25 Closed Health Sept 6, 2017 to Nov 19, 2017 2017-09-06 2017-11-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for sulfentrazone up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for sulfentrazone.
Consultation on Sulfentrazone Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-25 Closed Health | Policy Sept 6, 2017 to Nov 19, 2017 2017-09-06 2017-11-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for sulfentrazone up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for sulfentrazone.
Big data and Innovation: Implications for competition policy in Canada Closed Communication | Industry | Policy Sept 18, 2017 to Nov 17, 2017 2017-09-18 2017-11-17 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada One goal of this discussion paper is to prompt discussion on how the Competition Bureau (Bureau) should strike a balance in enforcing the Competition Act (Act) in cases involving big data. To facilitate this discussion, the Bureau is soliciting public comments on its website. The Bureau plans to release a concise summary of important insights informed by these public comments in the near future.
Stakeholder Engagement on the Climate Lens - FCM Closed Environment Nov 17, 2017 to Nov 17, 2017 2017-11-17 2017-11-17 Infrastructure Canada Information Session and Discussion
Expanding Canada's Toolkit to address corporate wrongdoing Closed Government procurement | Justice and the Law | Policy | Regulations Sept 25, 2017 to Nov 17, 2017 2017-09-25 2017-11-17 Public Services and Procurement Canada The Government is launching a public consultation to seek input on potential enhancements to the Integrity Regime and on whether deferred prosecution agreements should be used in Canada. The Integrity Regime helps ensure that the Government conducts business with ethical suppliers. It also creates an incentive for suppliers to maintain strong ethical standards and effective compliance frameworks. The input provided by Canadians, the private sector and other stakeholders will help make the regime more effective and ensure that it is achieving its objectives. This consultation is also an opportunity to consider the possibility of introducing Canadian deferred prosecution agreements which would be negotiated between an accused and the prosecutor, as an additional tool for prosecutors to use to hold offenders to account and deter corporate wrongdoing. They could increase detection of wrongdoing through self-reporting, and help improve corporate culture and compliance. Input from the consultation will help ensure the Government has effective mechanisms in place to continue addressing corporate wrongdoing in an evolving marketplace.
Developing A Food Policy for Canada Closed Agriculture | Economy | Economic development | Environment | Food and drug | Foreign affairs | Fisheries | Health | Industry | Policy | Regulations | Rural and remote services | Society | Science and technology | Transportation May 29, 2017 to Nov 15, 2017 2017-05-29 2017-11-15 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada AAFC  undertook and  completed a thorough consultation approach, with a view to obtaining input for and creating a sense of shared ownership in the development and implementation of A Food Policy for Canada. The consultations focussed on the scope of the policy, including its vision, objectives, guiding principles, and key priority actions. Engagement included an on-line survey, a food policy summit,  six regional sessions, local consultation events led by Members of Parliament, community events held by civil society organizations (organized by Food Secure Canada with support from the Government), written submissions and self-led engagement by National Indigenous Organizations, supported by the Government. What We Heard Report available
Consultation: regulations for reference standards under the CDSA Closed Health Sept 16, 2017 to Nov 14, 2017 2017-09-16 2017-11-14 Health Canada You are invited to comment on a proposal to develop a regulatory framework to streamline the authorization of legitimate activities with controlled substances in the form of reference standards.
Consulting Canadians on proposed addition of Japan and Mexico to the Automatic firearms Country Control List (AFCCL) Closed Exporting/Importing | Regulations | Trade Oct 12, 2017 to Nov 13, 2017 2017-10-12 2017-11-13 Global Affairs Canada The Government of Canada invites industry stakeholders and the general public to provide their views regarding a possible regulatory amendment that could result in the addition of Japan and Mexico to the AFCCL. The proposed regulation, if ultimately approved by the Governor in Council, would allow exporters of certain prohibited firearms, prohibited weapons and prohibited devices to submit permit applications for the export of these items to Japan and Mexico.
Consultation on the Special Review of Diphenylamine: Proposed Decision for Consultation, Re-evaluation Note REV2017-25 Closed Health Sept 29, 2017 to Nov 13, 2017 2017-09-29 2017-11-13 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the Re-evaluation Note for Special Review of Diphenylamine and Its Associated End-use Products: Proposed Decision for Consultation. Re-evaluation Note REV2017-25 is a consultation document. This document outlines the legislative requirements for special reviews as set out in the Pest Control Products Act as well as presents the proposed approach to special reviews.
Consultation: Non-prescription availability of low-dose codeine products Closed Health Sept 9, 2017 to Nov 8, 2017 2017-09-09 2017-11-08 Health Canada The consultation will be open for 60 days, between September 9 and November 8, 2017. Send us your comments within the time given, by: email mail (at the address below)
Oceans Protection Plan Closed Transportation Sept 7, 2017 to Nov 6, 2017 2017-09-07 2017-11-06 Transport Canada The Oceans Protection Plan is the Government of Canada's largest investment ever made to protect Canada's coasts and waterways while growing our economy. As part of the Oceans Protection Plan, the Government of Canada will deliver more than 50 initiatives to protect our coasts. These initiatives are organized under the following topics: Marine Pollution Prevention and Response, Protecting the Marine Environment, Managing Local Waterways, Partnering with Indigenous Groups and Coastal Communities, Updating Marine Safety Rules and Regulations. We want to hear from you!
Prosperity and Growth Strategy for Northern Ontario Closed Economic development June 1, 2017 to Nov 1, 2017 2017-06-01 2017-11-01 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The strategy will identify ways for these sectors to seize new opportunities in emerging industries, such as clean technology, and develop new businesses that will create the well-paying jobs of today and tomorrow for Northern Ontarians. This regional strategy for Northern Ontario is part of the Government of Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan, an ambitious effort to make Canada a world-leading centre for innovation, create more well-paying jobs and grow the middle class. A goal of this plan is to encourage innovation and attract global investment in every region of the country. Another goal is to provide Canadians—wherever they live and work—with the support they need to continuously learn and enhance their skill set, equipping them for the jobs of the future. The Prosperity and Growth Strategy for Northern Ontario will serve as an innovation and skills plan for this region. Every region of the country will eventually have its own version of this strategy to reflect the unique strengths and opportunities of that region. The strategy will identify ways for these sectors to seize new opportunities in emerging industries, such as clean technology, and develop new businesses that will create the well-paying jobs of today and tomorrow for Northern Ontarians. This regional strategy for Northern Ontario is part of the Government of Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan, an ambitious effort to make Canada a world-leading centre for innovation, create more well-paying jobs and grow the middle class. A goal of this plan is to encourage innovation and attract global investment in every region of the country. Another goal is to provide Canadians—wherever they live and work—with the support they need to continuously learn and enhance their skill set, equipping them for the jobs of the future. The Prosperity and Growth Strategy for Northern Ontario will serve as an innovation and skills plan for this region. Every region of the country will eventually have its own version of this strategy to reflect the unique strengths and opportunities of that region. The strategy will identify ways for these sectors to seize new opportunities in emerging industries, such as clean technology, and develop new businesses that will create the well-paying jobs of today and tomorrow for Northern Ontarians. This regional strategy for Northern Ontario is part of the Government of Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan, an ambitious effort to make Canada a world-leading centre for innovation, create more well-paying jobs and grow the middle class. A goal of this plan is to encourage innovation and attract global investment in every region of the country. Another goal is to provide Canadians—wherever they live and work—with the support they need to continuously learn and enhance their skill set, equipping them for the jobs of the future. The Prosperity and Growth Strategy for Northern Ontario will serve as an innovation and skills plan for this region. Every region of the country will eventually have its own version of this strategy to reflect the unique strengths and opportunities of that region. What We Heard Report available
Mid-Term Self-Assessment Report (SAR) on the Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership Closed Communication | Policy Oct 1, 2017 to Nov 1, 2017 2017-10-01 2017-11-01 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultation to take place entirely on digital platforms. A series of web pages to be created on which will provide status of all commitments and open commenting for feedback, including an email option for non-public comments. Promotion to primarily occur via digital media, including tweets via the Open Government and TBS accounts, as well as direct mail. What We Heard Report available
Community Employment Benefits Intiative Closed Policy Oct 1, 2017 to Oct 31, 2017 2017-10-01 2017-10-31 Infrastructure Canada Information Session and Discussion
Generation Energy Closed Natural Resources Apr 21, 2017 to Oct 31, 2017 2017-04-21 2017-10-31 Natural Resources Canada The Minister of Natural Resources has launched an ongoing and open dialogue with Canadians to discuss and define Canada's path to an affordable low-carbon energy future.
Mid-Term Self-Assessment Report (SAR) on the Third Biennial Plan to the Open Government Partnership Closed Communication | Policy Oct 1, 2017 to Oct 31, 2017 2017-10-01 2017-10-31 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultation to take place entirely on digital platforms. A series of web pages to be created on which will provide status of all commitments and open commenting for feedback, including an email option for non-public comments. Promotion to primarily occur via digital media, including tweets via the Open Government and TBS accounts, as well as direct mail. What We Heard Report available
Cabinet Directive on Regulation Closed Economy | Economic development | Indigenous People | Regulations | Trade Oct 1, 2017 to Oct 31, 2017 2017-10-01 2017-10-31 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Consultation to seek feedback on the new federal regulatory policy entitled the Cabinet Directive on Regulation (CDR). Feedback will be used to develop policies, guidelines, tools and templates that will guide regulatory departments and agencies. What We Heard Report available
Consulting Canadians on trade with Asia-Pacific nations Closed Trade Sept 30, 2017 to Oct 30, 2017 2017-09-30 2017-10-30 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, along with Global Affairs Canada, and other relevant government departments and agencies, launched consultations with Canadians on September 30 to October 30, 2017 regarding strengthening Canada's economic relationship with Asia-Pacific nations, including with the remaining members of what was the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Australia, Brunei, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. Consultations included a Canada Gazette notice.
Consulting Canadians on trade with Asia-Pacific nations Closed Trade Sept 30, 2017 to Oct 30, 2017 2017-09-30 2017-10-30 Global Affairs Canada The Government of Canada’s approach is one that puts the interests of middle-class Canadians and opportunities for women, youth and Indigenous people front and cen­tre. This is an occasion to re-evaluate what new opportunities may exist for Canadians, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, going forward, and for Canada to set the terms of trade in the region.
Consultation on Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-13 Closed Health Sept 15, 2017 to Oct 30, 2017 2017-09-15 2017-10-30 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-13 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide.
Consultation on Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-13 Closed Health | Policy Sept 15, 2017 to Oct 30, 2017 2017-09-15 2017-10-30 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-13 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide.
Consultation on New Requirements for Wireless Device Testing Laboratories Closed Communication | Industry Aug 31, 2017 to Oct 30, 2017 2017-08-31 2017-10-30 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The purpose of this consultation is to seek comments on proposed changes to the conformity assessment process related to wireless equipment subject to certification (Category I equipment). In this document, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED or the Department) is seeking comments related to conformity assessment on proposed: changes to allow accreditation bodies to be recognized by ISED and perform accreditation to testing laboratories located in non-MRA countries; changes to ISO/IEC 17025 scope of accreditation for testing laboratories; and transition period and renewal period for the accreditation of testing laboratories.
Consultation on Sodium Bromide, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-10 Closed Health July 31, 2017 to Oct 29, 2017 2017-07-31 2017-10-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for sodium bromide. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-10 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for sodium bromide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on sodium bromide.
Consultation on Sodium Bromide, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-10 Closed Health | Policy July 31, 2017 to Oct 29, 2017 2017-07-31 2017-10-29 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for sodium bromide. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-10 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for sodium bromide and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on sodium bromide.
Consultation on the draft Cabinet Directive on Regulation Closed Policy Sept 30, 2017 to Oct 29, 2017 2017-09-30 2017-10-29 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat The Regulatory Affairs Sector of the Treasury Board Secretariat is conducting an on-line consultation on to seek feedback on the draft Cabinet Directive on Regulation (CDR). The consultation will be open for thirty days from September 30 to October 29, 2017 and a notice to interested parties will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1.
Consultation: proposals for prescription drug transparency Closed Health Aug 28, 2017 to Oct 28, 2017 2017-08-28 2017-10-28 Health Canada Please read the consultation document and submit feedback only through the consultation document directly. Do not submit comments by email. All comments received by October 28, 2017 will be considered in our decision-making about the design and implementation of transparency measures.
Consultation: proposals for prescription drug transparency Closed Food and drug | Health Sept 28, 2017 to Oct 28, 2017 2017-09-28 2017-10-28 Health Canada We are seeking your input on 5 proposals for pre-market transparency initiatives for human prescription drugs. These are: publishing a summary explaining our decision on certain prescription generic drug submissions, publishing a list of prescription generic drug submissions sent to Health Canada for review, expanding the scope of the current Regulatory Decision Summary initiative to include more drug submissions, adding company (sponsor) names to entries on the Submissions Under Review (SUR) List, adding the submission 'class' to entries on the SUR List
Vaping labelling and reporting regulations Closed Health | Regulations Aug 25, 2017 to Oct 27, 2017 2017-08-25 2017-10-27 Health Canada In August 2017, Health Canada published a consultation paper on potential regulatory measures that were under consideration for vaping products. footnote 14 Ten potential measures for the regulation of vaping products were set out, four of which relate to What We Heard Report available
Consultation on proposals for the regulation of vaping products Closed Health | Regulations Aug 25, 2017 to Oct 27, 2017 2017-08-25 2017-10-27 Health Canada This consultation document contains 10 proposed measures for vaping product regulations under the proposed Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA). These proposed measures range from specifying which information is to be displayed on labels and which information is to be reported to the department, to imposing further restrictions on permitted advertising and to authorizing statements on relative health risks. All interested organizations and individuals are invited to review the measures being considered, and to provide their feedback by October 27, 2017.
Consultation on proposals for the regulation of vaping products Closed Health Aug 25, 2017 to Oct 27, 2017 2017-08-25 2017-10-27 Health Canada This consultation is seeking comments on potential measures to regulate vaping products. What We Heard Report available
Consultations linked to Boreal Caribou - other high profile engagement (SPD) Closed Animals | Environment Oct 20, 2017 to Oct 20, 2017 2017-10-20 2017-10-20 Environment and Climate Change Canada In person meeting. The Communitiy asked to be consulted face to face on the federal Action Plan on Boreal Caribou and concerns of the Chiefs related to potential socio-economic impacts, coordination with the province of Ontario, etc.
Consultation on Isopropyl alcohol, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-09 Closed Health July 21, 2017 to Oct 19, 2017 2017-07-21 2017-10-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for isopropyl alcohol. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-09 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for isopropyl alcohol and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on isopropyl alcohol.
Consultation on Isopropyl alcohol, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-09 Closed Health | Policy July 21, 2017 to Oct 19, 2017 2017-07-21 2017-10-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for isopropyl alcohol. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-09 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for isopropyl alcohol and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on isopropyl alcohol.
Consultation on Tioxazafen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-23 Closed Health | Policy July 6, 2017 to Oct 19, 2017 2017-07-06 2017-10-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for tioxazafen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for tioxazafen.
Proposal to transfer Health Canada's maximum level for patulin in apple juice and unfermented apple cider to the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 4, 2017 to Oct 17, 2017 2017-08-04 2017-10-17 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing to transfer the existing maximum level (ML) for patulin in apple juice, including the apple juice portion of any juice blends or drinks, and unfermented apple cider from the List of Maximum Levels for Various Chemical Contaminants in Foods to the regulatory List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods, thereby removing this ML from the first list.
Consultation on Acetic Acid, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-08 Closed Health July 20, 2017 to Oct 17, 2017 2017-07-20 2017-10-17 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for acetic acid. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-08 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for acetic acid and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on acetic acid.
Consultation on Acetic Acid, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-08 Closed Health | Policy July 20, 2017 to Oct 17, 2017 2017-07-20 2017-10-17 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for acetic acid. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-08 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for acetic acid and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on acetic acid.
Health Canada's Proposal to Transfer the Maximum Level for total glycoalkaloids (TGA) in potato tubers (fresh weight) to the regulatory List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 4, 2017 to Oct 17, 2017 2017-08-04 2017-10-17 Health Canada Health Canada's Proposal to Transfer the Maximum Level for total glycoalkaloids (TGA) in potato tubers (fresh weight) to the regulatory List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods Health Canada is proposing to transfer the existing maximum level (ML) for total glycoalkaloids (TGA) in potato tubers to the regulatory List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods. Anyone wishing to submit new scientific information on the assessment or to submit any inquiries may do so in writing, by regular mail or electronically.
Proposal to transfer Health Canada's maximum level for patulin in apple juice and unfermented apple cider to the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods Closed Food and drug | Policy Aug 4, 2017 to Oct 17, 2017 2017-08-04 2017-10-17 Health Canada Proposal to transfer Health Canada's maximum level for patulin in apple juice and unfermented apple cider to the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods The objective of this consultation is to transfer the existing ML for patulin in apple juice, including the apple juice portion of any juice blends or drinks, and unfermented apple cider from the List of Maximum Levels for Various Chemical Contaminants in Foods to the regulatory list. Anyone wishing to submit new scientific information on the assessment or to submit any inquiries may do so in writing, by regular mail or electronically.
Health Canada’s Proposal to Transfer the Maximum Level for total glycoalkaloids (TGA) in potato tubers (fresh weight) to the regulatory List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 4, 2017 to Oct 17, 2017 2017-08-04 2017-10-17 Health Canada Health Canada is proposing to transfer the existing maximum level (ML) for total glycoalkaloids (TGA) in potato tubers from the List of Maximum Levels for Various Chemical Contaminants in Foods to the regulatory List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods, thereby removing this ML from the first list.
Proposed Revisions to the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (2017 edition) Closed Communication | Industry Aug 17, 2017 to Oct 16, 2017 2017-08-17 2017-10-16 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Through this consultation paper, announced in Canada Gazette notice SMSE-005-17, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) reviews the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (the Canadian Table) and makes proposals for its revision, taking into account the results of the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC‑15) and domestic requirements. The Canadian Table was modified in 2014, to incorporate the results of WRC‑12 and to reflect changes to domestic spectrum policies. Subsequent changes have also been made since then to incorporate more recent spectrum policy decisions. In the accompanying Canada Gazette notice, ISED (referred to hereinafter as the Department) invites public comments on these proposals, as well as any input to ensure the completeness of the Canadian Table.
Ukkusiksalik National Park Draft Management Plan Closed Culture | Environment | Fisheries | Heritage | Indigenous People | Regulations Sept 15, 2017 to Oct 14, 2017 2017-09-15 2017-10-14 Parks Canada Information is available in Inuktitut by clicking on the link above. Ukkusiksalik National Park is cooperatively managed with Inuit in accordance with the Nunavut Agreement and the Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement (IIBA) for Ukkusiksalik National Park of Canada. Parks Canada and the Park Management Committee have developed the first management plan for Ukkusiksalik National Park. This plan sets out how we will work together to take care of Ukkusiksalik as a living landscape with outstanding natural and cultural values and where stories of generations of Inuit continue to be shared. The consultation process for Ukkusiksalik management plan is underway. Several representatives from Inuit communities and organizations as well as key stakeholder groups have provided input into the draft management plan. Issues and opportunities were identified and the draft plan was developed with the intent to gather more input from Canadians. Parks Canada is inviting feedback on the draft management plan for Ukkusiksalik National Park.
Consultation on Possible Changes to the Food and Drug Regulations: Generic Drug Equivalence and Related Terminology Closed Food and drug | Health June 30, 2017 to Oct 13, 2017 2017-06-30 2017-10-13 Health Canada This Notice of Intent serves to solicit comments on possible changes to the Food and Drug Regulations around establishing pharmaceutical equivalence between a proposed generic drug product and the Canadian Reference Product (CRP). Health Canada also proposes to define the meaning of "medicinal ingredient" and other key terms (e.g., therapeutic moiety and drug product). In doing so, Health Canada aims to create greater alignment and convergence with the practices of other major regulatory jurisdictions and to standardize their use with those applied internationally.
2021 Census of Agriculture Content Consultation Closed Agriculture Sept 1, 2017 to Oct 13, 2017 2017-09-01 2017-10-13 Statistics Canada Before each census, Statistics Canada initiates an extensive consultation program that allows data users and interested parties across Canada to share their views on how they use census data and the type of information they believe should be available from the census. Statistics Canada ensures that Census of Agriculture information remains relevant for the agriculture sector and organizations that use it. Therefore, Statistics Canada is seeking ideas for new or modified Census of Agriculture content, as well as data sources that could be used to supplement or replace current content and reduce respondent burden.
Proposed rules for drones in Canada Closed Transportation Aug 31, 2017 to Oct 13, 2017 2017-08-31 2017-10-13 Transport Canada Transport Canada is creating a safe environment where unmanned aircraft systems, more commonly known as drones, can continue to be flown, enjoyed and contribute to innovation while ensuring the success of this industry in Canada. This includes proposing new regulations for drones. Before these new regulations take flight and become law, we encourage Canadians to provide their feedback on Transport Canada's approach to drones.
Let's talk drones Closed Transportation July 15, 2017 to Oct 13, 2017 2017-07-15 2017-10-13 Transport Canada Transport Canada is seeking comments from the general public and drone industry stakeholders on proposed new rules and the following topics: •Supporting safe drone operations •Tools fostering ongoing dialogue with the drone industry and stakeholders •Promoting Canadian drone innovation
Consultation on Amending the List of Species under the Species at Risk Act: Terrestrial Species - January 2017 (ARAD) Closed Animals | Development | Economic development | Environment | Natural Resources | Plants | Regulations Jan 11, 2017 to Oct 11, 2017 2017-01-11 2017-10-11 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Government of Canada is committed to preventing the disappearance of wildlife species at risk from our lands. As part of its strategy for realizing that commitment, on June 5, 2003, the Government of Canada proclaimed the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The best way to secure the survival of species at risk and their habitats is through the active participation of all those concerned. SARA recognizes this, and that all Indigenous peoples and Canadians have a role to play in preventing the disappearance of wildlife species from our lands. The Government of Canada invites and encourages Canadians to become involved. Comments are considered in relation to the potential consequences of whether or not a species is included on the Species at Risk List, and they are then used to inform the drafting of the Minister’s proposed listing recommendations for each of these species.
Consultation on Amending the List of Species under the Species at Risk Act: Terrestrial Species - January 2017 (ARAD) Closed Animals | Development | Economic development | Environment | Natural Resources | Plants | Regulations Jan 11, 2017 to Oct 11, 2017 2017-01-11 2017-10-11 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Government of Canada is committed to preventing the disappearance of wildlife species at risk from our lands. As part of its strategy for realizing that commitment, on June 5, 2003, the Government of Canada proclaimed the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The best way to secure the survival of species at risk and their habitats is through the active participation of all those concerned. SARA recognizes this, and that all Indigenous peoples and Canadians have a role to play in preventing the disappearance of wildlife species from our lands. The Government of Canada invites and encourages Canadians to become involved. Comments are considered in relation to the potential consequences of whether or not a species is included on the Species at Risk List, and they are then used to inform the drafting of the Minister’s proposed listing recommendations for each of these species.
Consultation on Cyclaniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-24 Closed Health | Policy July 28, 2017 to Oct 11, 2017 2017-07-28 2017-10-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyclaniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyclaniliprole.
Consultation on Cyclaniliprole, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-24 Closed Health July 28, 2017 to Oct 11, 2017 2017-07-28 2017-10-11 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for cyclaniliprole up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for cyclaniliprole.
Ajax Mine Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Aug 8, 2017 to Oct 10, 2017 2017-08-08 2017-10-10 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) invite the public to comment on the joint Federal Comprehensive Study / Provincial Assessment Report for the proposed Ajax Mine Project. The joint Report includes the Agency's and the EAO's conclusions and recommendations regarding the implementation of mitigation measures and whether the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.
Let's talk whales Closed Environment | Fisheries Aug 8, 2017 to Oct 6, 2017 2017-08-08 2017-10-06 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Whales are a key part of the marine food web. The health of their populations is an indicator of the health of our oceans and the other marine life that lives in them. We want to hear from you on how we can work together for healthier oceans.
Department of Finance Consults on a New Oversight Framework for Retail Payments Closed Economy | Economic development | Finance | Service | Science and technology July 7, 2017 to Oct 6, 2017 2017-07-07 2017-10-06 Department of Finance Canada Given the rapid pace of innovation in retail payment services, a new oversight framework is needed to ensure that payment services remain reliable and safe, and to help support the payment ecosystem to continue to develop faster, cheaper and more convenient methods of payment.
Notice: Prescription Drug List (PDL): Multiple additions Closed Food and drug | Health Aug 4, 2017 to Oct 6, 2017 2017-08-04 2017-10-06 Health Canada The purpose of this Notice of Amendment is to notify the additions of Cysteamine (Mercaptamine) and Nusinersen to the Human and Veterinary Prescription Drug Lists (PDL). These additions are effective at the time of posting.
Hardrock Gold Mine Project - Public Comments Invited &Information Sessions Closed Environment Aug 21, 2017 to Oct 6, 2017 2017-08-21 2017-10-06 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental effects of the project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in a summary of the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Tax Planning Using Private Corporations Closed Private sector | Taxes July 18, 2017 to Oct 2, 2017 2017-07-18 2017-10-02 Department of Finance Canada As committed in Budget 2017, this paper provides details about tax planning strategies involving the use of private corporations and sets out proposed policy responses to close loopholes and bring greater fairness to the tax system.
Lynn Lake Gold Project - Public Comments Invited Closed Environment Sept 1, 2017 to Oct 2, 2017 2017-09-01 2017-10-02 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on which aspects of the environment may be affected by this project and what should be examined during the environmental assessment, as detailed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines.
Consultation on a Technical, Policy and Licensing Framework for Spectrum in the 600 MHz Band Closed Communication | Industry Aug 4, 2017 to Oct 2, 2017 2017-08-04 2017-10-02 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Subsequent to the initial consultation entitled SLPB-005-14, Consultation on Repurposing the 600 MHz Band, released in December 2014, and the resulting policy decisions announced in the document SLPB-004-15, Decision on Repurposing the 600 MHz Band, ISED is now seeking comments on the technical, policy and licensing considerations including auction format, rules and processes, as well as on conditions of licence for spectrum in the 600 MHz band.
Regulations Amending the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations Closed Amendments | Environment | Fisheries | Industry | Natural Resources | Regulations May 13, 2017 to Sept 30, 2017 2017-05-13 2017-09-30 Environment and Climate Change Canada The Regulations Amending the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, for a 60-day consultation period on May 13, 2017. Further directed consultation with Indigenous Peoples, industry, and other stakeholders will take place in September.
Consultation: Guidelines on the reporting of grants and contributions awards Closed Policy Aug 17, 2017 to Sept 30, 2017 2017-08-17 2017-09-30 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat This consultation seeks feedback on key deliverables that once achieved, will increase the transparency of government funding provided through Grants and Contributions, to worthwhile projects. Potential changes include decreasing the dollar amount for the reporting of Grants and Contributions awards, (currently for over $25,000), increasing and standardizing the information available, and centralizing information on the portal.
Review and updating of the Air Transportation Regulations Closed Regulations | Transportation June 29, 2010 to Sept 29, 2017 2010-06-29 2017-09-29 Canadian Transportation Agency The CTA will engage and obtain stakeholders views on changes to the Air Transportation regulations. The CTA will invite written submissions and will meet with key industry stakeholders. What We Heard Report available
Engagement on Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation Closed Economic development | Fisheries | Natural Resources July 20, 2017 to Sept 29, 2017 2017-07-20 2017-09-29 Fisheries and Oceans Canada The stakeholder engagement was launched July 20, 2017 and continued until September 29, 2017. The goal of the engagement was to reinforce the role of the federal government and to gather input through online and face-to-face channels, focused on understanding underlying priorities linked to the freshwater fishery and the impacts on northern and rural communities. What We Heard Report available
Engagement on the future of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation Closed Advertising/Marketing | Economic development | Exporting/Importing | Fisheries | Indigenous People July 31, 2017 to Sept 29, 2017 2017-07-31 2017-09-29 Fisheries and Oceans Canada In August 2016, the province of Manitoba announced their withdrawal from the Freshwater Fish Marketing Act. Their withdrawal will likely take place in late 2017. In preparation for this, we would like to hear from affected stakeholders.
Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Guidance for Manufacturers of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for use at the Point of Care or for Self-Testing Closed Health July 27, 2017 to Sept 29, 2017 2017-07-27 2017-09-29 Health Canada Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Guidance for Manufacturers of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for use at the Point of Care or for Self-Testing This guidance document provides manufacturers of Class IV HIV rapid diagnostic tests intended to be used at the point of care and/or for self-testing (home use) with specific recommendations on: (1) the analytical and clinical data, and (2) device labelling, required to support a medical device licence application. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Guidance for Manufacturers of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for use at the Point of Care or for Self-Testing Closed Health July 27, 2017 to Sept 29, 2017 2017-07-27 2017-09-29 Health Canada Consultation on the Draft Guidance Document: Guidance for Manufacturers of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for use at the Point of Care or for Self-Testing This guidance document provides manufacturers of Class IV HIV rapid diagnostic tests intended to be used at the point of care and/or for self-testing (home use) with specific recommendations on: (1) the analytical and clinical data, and (2) device labelling, required to support a medical device licence application.
A Consultation on Options for Reform to the Copyright Board of Canada Closed Copyright/Trademarks/Patents Aug 9, 2017 to Sept 29, 2017 2017-08-09 2017-09-29 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Several consultations and recent research have identified the need for timely decisions on the use of copyrighted content, particularly in light of the rapid technological advances. A government discussion paper presents 13 possible options for legislative and regulatory reforms.
Public Comments invited- Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Site Draft Management Statement Closed Culture | Indigenous People Aug 15, 2017 to Sept 29, 2017 2017-08-15 2017-09-29 Parks Canada Parks Canada has prepared a draft management statement for Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Sites (NHS) and is inviting the public to share their views and opinions on the draft. The new management statement will guide Parks Canada's decisions and actions in protecting, presenting and operating Gitwangak Battle Hill NHS over a ten year period.
Consultation on Phosmet, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-07 Closed Health | Policy June 30, 2017 to Sept 28, 2017 2017-06-30 2017-09-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for phosmet. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-07 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for phosmet and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on phosmet.
Consultation on Amitraz, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-06 Closed Health | Policy June 30, 2017 to Sept 28, 2017 2017-06-30 2017-09-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for amitraz in pet collars. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-06 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for amitraz in pet collars and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any the comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on amitraz in pet collars.
Consultation on Amitraz, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-06 Closed Health June 30, 2017 to Sept 28, 2017 2017-06-30 2017-09-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for amitraz in pet collars. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-06 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for amitraz in pet collars and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any the comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on amitraz in pet collars.
Consultation on Phosmet, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-07 Closed Health June 30, 2017 to Sept 28, 2017 2017-06-30 2017-09-28 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for phosmet. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-07 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for phosmet and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on phosmet.
Possible Changes to the Food and Drug Regulations: Generic Drug Equivalence and Related Terminology Closed Food and drug | Health June 30, 2017 to Sept 27, 2017 2017-06-30 2017-09-27 Health Canada This Notice of Intent serves to solicit comments on possible changes to the Food and Drug Regulations around establishing pharmaceutical equivalence between a proposed generic drug product and the Canadian Reference Product (CRP). Health Canada also proposes to define the meaning of “medicinal ingredient” and other key terms (e.g., therapeutic moiety and drug product). In doing so, Health Canada aims to create greater alignment and convergence with the practices of other major regulatory jurisdictions and to standardize their use with those applied internationally.
Consultation linked to Boreal Caribou - other high profile engagement (ROD) Closed Animals | Environment July 27, 2017 to Sept 25, 2017 2017-07-27 2017-09-25 Environment and Climate Change Canada All interested FN in Quebec were contacted via Emails and First Nation of Atikamek asked for a face-to-face and funding regarding the Federal action plan for boreal caribou. A meeting took place with that FN. The Hunting, fishing trapping coordinating committee was consulted as well What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Proposed Modification to Bioequivalence Standards for Multiphasic Modified-Release Drug Products Closed Food and drug | Health July 27, 2017 to Sept 25, 2017 2017-07-27 2017-09-25 Health Canada This Notice serves to inform sponsors of drug submissions pursuant to Division C.08 of the Food and Drug Regulations (i.e., new drug and abbreviated new drug submissions), of proposed modifications to Health Canada's comparative bioavailability requirements when multiphasic plasma concentration profiles have been demonstrated to be integral to the product's therapeutic effect.
Notice - Access to Substances Temporarily Controlled under the CDSA Closed Health | Regulations Aug 26, 2017 to Sept 25, 2017 2017-08-26 2017-09-25 Health Canada You are invited to comment on our proposal to allow access for research to substances that are temporarily controlled under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). The Minister of Health can place controls on a substance for up to two years if there are reasons to believe it: presents a significant risk to public health or public safety, might present a risk to public health or public safety and is being imported or distributed in Canada for no legitimate purpose. When a substance is under temporary control, it may not be: sold, sent, provided, imported, exported, delivered, produced, packaged or transported. At this time the regulations do not allow access for research purposes to substances under temporary control. We are proposing to make changes to Part J of the Food and Drug Regulations to allow for such access. The purpose of this consultation is to ask for comments on our intention to change Part J of the Food and Drug Regulations. These changes would allow access for research to substances that are under temporary control.
Consultation on Proposed Modification to Bioequivalence Standards for Multiphasic Modified-Release Drug Products Closed Health July 27, 2017 to Sept 25, 2017 2017-07-27 2017-09-25 Health Canada This Notice serves to inform sponsors of drug submissions pursuant to Division C.08 of the Food and Drug Regulations (i.e., new drug and abbreviated new drug submissions), of proposed modifications to Health Canada’s comparative bioavailability requirements when multiphasic plasma concentration profiles have been demonstrated to be integral to the product’s therapeutic effect.
Consultation: Access to substances temporarily controlled under the CDSA Closed Health Aug 26, 2017 to Sept 25, 2017 2017-08-26 2017-09-25 Health Canada The purpose of this consultation is to ask for comments on our intention to change Part J of the Food and Drug Regulations. These changes would allow access for research to substances that are under temporary control.
Scoping the Strategic Environmental Assessment of world heritage values of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site Closed Environment | Fisheries | Indigenous People | Plants | Rural and remote services | Society Sept 1, 2017 to Sept 22, 2017 2017-09-01 2017-09-22 Parks Canada As a place that protects unique landscapes, such as the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Wood Buffalo National Park is designated as a World Heritage Site. In response to concerns raised by a local First Nation, the World Heritage Committee requested that Parks Canada undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment of cumulative effects that may be impacting the international heritage values of Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site. Parks Canada has hired an independent contractor to carry out that assessment, in consultation with affected Indigenous groups and stakeholders. The assessment is due in March, 2018 and will inform a larger Action Plan for the protection of the park's world heritage values. The goal of the assessment is to identify the values, threats and indicators that will help land users and decision makers understand and consider the park's world heritage values. At this time Parks Canada is inviting feedback on the contractor's draft scoping report for the Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Consultation on E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z-8-dodecenol and Z-8-dodecenyl acetate, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-05 Closed Health | Policy June 23, 2017 to Sept 21, 2017 2017-06-23 2017-09-21 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z-8-dodecenol and Z-8-dodecenyl acetate. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-05 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z-8-dodecenol and Z-8-dodecenyl acetate and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z-8-dodecenol and Z-8-dodecenyl acetate.
Consultation on Lambda-cyhalothrin, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-03 Closed Health | Policy June 23, 2017 to Sept 21, 2017 2017-06-23 2017-09-21 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for lambda-cyhalothrin. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-03 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for lambda-cyhalothrin and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any the comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on lambda-cyhalothrin.
Consultation on E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z–8-dodecenol and Z–8–dodecenyl acetate, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-05 Closed Health June 23, 2017 to Sept 21, 2017 2017-06-23 2017-09-21 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z–8-dodecenol and Z–8–dodecenyl acetate. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-05 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z–8-dodecenol and Z–8–dodecenyl acetate and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on E-8-dodecenyl acetate, Z–8-dodecenol and Z–8–dodecenyl acetate. What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Lambda-cyhalothrin, Proposed Re evaluation Decision PRVD2017-03 Closed Health June 23, 2017 to Sept 21, 2017 2017-06-23 2017-09-21 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for lambda-cyhalothrin. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-03 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for lambda-cyhalothrin and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any the comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on lambda-cyhalothrin.
Federal Provincial Territorial Ministers' Meeting Closed Economic development Sept 20, 2017 to Sept 20, 2017 2017-09-20 2017-09-20 Infrastructure Canada Multilateral FPT meeting
Consultation on Tioxazafen, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2017-23 Closed Health July 6, 2017 to Sept 19, 2017 2017-07-06 2017-09-19 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed maximum residue limit (MRL) for tioxazafen up to 75 days from the date of publication of this consultation document. The PMRA will consider all comments received before making a final decision on the proposed MRL for tioxazafen. What We Heard Report available
Notice of Consultation - Prescription Drug List (PDL): Veterinary and Human Antimicrobials Closed Food and drug | Health July 5, 2017 to Sept 18, 2017 2017-07-05 2017-09-18 Health Canada This Notice of Consultation provides an opportunity to comment on the proposal to: i) amend the "Products for Human Use" part of the Prescription Drug List (PDL) in relation to Erythromycin and Lincomycin; and ii) add and amend 14 antimicrobial active ingredients or their salts or derivatives to the "Products for Veterinary Use" part of the PDL, including the removal of Tilmicosin's and Tylosin's qualifier.
Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-04, Diflufenzopyr-sodium Closed Health | Policy June 20, 2017 to Sept 18, 2017 2017-06-20 2017-09-18 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for diflufenzopyr-sodium. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-04 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for diflufenzopyr-sodium and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on diflufenzopyr-sodium.
Notice of Consultation - Prescription Drug List (PDL): Veterinary and Human Antimicrobials Closed Health July 5, 2017 to Sept 18, 2017 2017-07-05 2017-09-18 Health Canada This Notice of Consultation provides an opportunity to comment on the proposal to: i) amend the “Products for Human Use” part of the Prescription Drug List (PDL) in relation to Erythromycin and Lincomycin (see Table 1a and 1b); and ii) add and amend 14 antimicrobial active ingredients or their salts or derivatives to the “Products for Veterinary Use” part of the PDL, including the removal of Tilmicosin’s and Tylosin’s qualifier (see Table 2a – 2d). What We Heard Report available
Consultation on Diflufenzopyr-sodium, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2017-04 Closed Health June 20, 2017 to Sept 18, 2017 2017-06-20 2017-09-18 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed re-evaluation decision for diflufenzopyr-sodium. Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-04 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for diflufenzopyr-sodium and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received. A science-based approach will be applied in making a final decision on diflufenzopyr-sodium. What We Heard Report available
Accessible transportation consultation Closed Persons with disabilities | Transportation June 1, 2016 to Sept 15, 2017 2016-06-01 2017-09-15 Canadian Transportation Agency The CTA will engage and obtain key stakeholders views on changes to regulations pertaining to accessible transportation. The CTA will invite written submissions and will meet with key industry stakeholders. What We Heard Report available
Homelessness Partnering Strategy Closed Children | Development | Economy | Economic development | Employment | Financial assistance and entitlements | Housing | Health | Indigenous People | Persons with disabilities | Rural and remote services | Seniors | Service | Society | Training and careers | Youth July 17, 2017 to Sept 15, 2017 2017-07-17 2017-09-15 Employment and Social Development Canada Homelessness is a reality for too many Canadians and a challenge for every community. That is why the Advisory Committee on Homelessness is seeking views from Canadians on how to better prevent and reduce homelessness through an online engagement process. All Canadians are invited to share their views and ideas through the online survey and by sharing their stories. The Advisory Committee on Homelessness will consider the feedback and ideas from the engagement process in providing the Government with options for the redesign of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS). Through the HPS, the Government of Canada provides support and funding to communities to develop local solutions to homelessness. Through Budget 2017, the Government of Canada announced that it would expand and extend funding for the HPS beyond 2018-2019.
Consultation on Bifenthrin and Capture 240 EC, Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-11 Closed Health July 31, 2017 to Sept 14, 2017 2017-07-31 2017-09-14 Health Canada The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) invites the public to submit written comments on the proposed registration decision for bifenthrin. Proposed Registration Decision PRD2017-11 is a consultation document that summarizes the science evaluation for bifenthrin and presents the reasons for the proposed decision. The PMRA will consider any comments received before making a final decision on bifenthrin. What We Heard Report available
Suicide Prevention Closed Health June 1, 2016 to Jan 1, 2222 2016-06-01 2222-01-01 Veterans Affairs Canada In-person meeting of the Mental Health Advisory Group on March 22, 2017 What We Heard Report available
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