In an era of mass murder, Warner Bros.' Joker will probably be too much for many

Toronto was the first proving ground for Joker, a study of a man coming unhinged, carrying out random acts of fatal violence and igniting a populist revolution

An image of Arthur Fleck forcing a smile in a trailer for the film, JokerWarner Bros. - supplied

This year’s Toronto International Film Festival has explored many fraught issues, from immigration to criminal justice to Nazis doing slapstick. But it has also surfaced perhaps its most charged topic yet: What propels someone to pick up a gun and begin killing complete strangers?

The film is Joker, and while it comes in the form of a comic-book movie, it is the opposite of light.

“Set aside that it’s the DC (Comics) universe,” Cameron Bailey, artistic director of the festival, said in an interview. “Just think of it as a great character study that goes really dark.”

Toronto was the first proving ground for Joker, which Warner Bros. brought to the festival hoping to launch an award-winning run for a film that has become one of Hollywood’s most closely watched and potentially explosive movies in years — a study of a man coming unhinged, carrying out random acts of deadly violence and igniting a populist revolution.

Arthur Fleck spurs a social revolution. Warner Bros. - supplied

Joker, which will be released in theatres Oct. 4, has proved to be divisive, not just because of the traditional range of aesthetic opinions but because of what the movie represents and the speculation about which political group will commandeer it — the Hollywood release as political weapon.

The movie focuses on the pre-Joker Arthur Fleck, circa early 1980s Gotham — a sad-sack clown slowly unraveling under his troubles and finding solace in a gun and mask — and becoming a folk hero in the process. It stars Joaquin Phoenix and is improbably directed by Todd Phillips, the filmmaker behind the Hangover comedies.

The stakes are high for Warner Bros., whose DC Extended Universe has struggled to land phenomena at anywhere near the consistency of Disney’s rival Marvel Cinematic Universe (with only one release, Aquaman, of more than $1 billion in global box office to Marvel’s nine).

That Joker won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival just last week — Warner Bros. is the first major Hollywood studio in the modern era to win the prize — ups the ante. The victory leapfrogs it ahead of Disney, which earlier this year became the first studio to notch a best picture Oscar nomination for a comic-book movie (Black Panther). With a relatively modest $55 million budget and a large marketing campaign planned, Joker is an attempt to notch one for the AT&T subsidiary as it seeks to compete with the market leader.

But the talk at this festival, which more than any other gathering sets the tone for Hollywood’s all-important Oscar season to follow, shows that the stakes are a lot higher than even the battle for corporate bragging rights.

Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck in Joker. Niko Tavernise / Warner Bros.

Some commentators have vigorously decried Joker’s message. Time’s Stephanie Zacharek wrote that Phoenix’s character “could easily be adopted as the patron saint of incels,” she wrote, referring to the “involuntary celibates” group of frustrated males whose beliefs have come up in several mass killings.

“In America, there’s a mass shooting or attempted act of violence by a guy like Arthur practically every other week. And yet we’re supposed to feel some sympathy for Arthur.” The film “lionizes and glamorizes” the character, she wrote. She concluded that “there’s a sick joke in there somewhere. Unfortunately, it’s on us.”

Zacharek and those who disagree with her view have been confronting the essential questions surrounding the movie: by peering so closely at a killer, is Phillips trying to understand his mind or glorify his thinking? Indict the mental-health system that failed him or cheer that he broke free from conventionality?

Arthur Fleck cries on a bus in the film Joker. Niko Tavernise / Warner Bros.

At the post-screening party this week, a debate broke out among journalists and industry executives over whether the movie could become part of the texts cited by potential future mass shooters, and what that would mean. Even if the causation between media violence and the real-world shootings is statistically unproven, a few asked, couldn’t the movie still become part of the problematic context for them?

Warner Bros is understandably eager to play down any such talk. That’s in part because the current climate has led rivals to cancel movies — Universal Pictures, most recently, scrapped The Hunt after last month’s shootings in Ohio and Texas. Any future tragedies could lead to similar pressure on Warner.

But it’s also because the studio is no stranger to the debate about the relationship between superhero-villain violence and the real-world kind. The company was behind the release of The Dark Knight Rises — the movie that was playing at an Aurora, Colorado, theatre when a gunman opened fire in July 2012, killing 12 people. The shooter cited the movie as an intentional choice.

The Joker puts on makeup. Niko Tavernise / Warner Bros.

Warner may have little ability to quell the speculation, though. At the Venice premiere, a moviegoer approached Phillips and said he thought Paris would burn as a result of the movie. Phillips maintains that the goal is not to make Fleck a hero as his actions become more violent. As the director has said, he has simply chosen to make a grittier movie about a villain than has been made before.

“How do you make a movie with white face and green hair and run it through as realistic (a) lens as possible?” Phillips said after the screening. “Because we don’t believe you fall into a vat of acid and are turned that way,” he said, referring to what the comic books say about how the Joker character was created.

Those with a long memory have also been recalling the moment 30 years ago when two reviewers warned that Spike Lee’s conclusion of Do The Right Thing, in which a black character tossed a garbage can through the window of a white-owned pizzeria, sparking a violent confrontation with police, was “dynamite under every seat,” as Newsweek’s Jack Kroll said at the time. David Denby of New York magazine even wrote that Lee would be partly responsible “if some audiences go wild.”

That moment has since become an example of cringeworthy mischaracterization of and overreaction to social violence on screen. Warner executives are eager to make the comparison.

In case none of this seems timely or charged enough, the film has the chance to plunge itself into the 2020 presidential election.

A scene from the final trailer for Joker. Warner Bros. - supplied

One theory, already advanced by liberals, is that the Joker shares commonalities with President Donald Trump, fuelled as he is by a brittle ego and love of performing and crowds (a subplot involves Fleck appearing on a popular late-night show). Phillips and co-writer Scott Silver wrote the movie in 2017, shortly after Trump took office, so the camp could make a case for the timing.

Meanwhile, the revolution Fleck’s actions unintentionally set off — an eat-the-rich mob unleashes to overthrow the banking system — is fraught with unclear political symbolism. The mob could be either Republican Trump voters or Occupy Wall Street progressives. And that will probably weaponize the movie politically — both the right and the left can use it to demonstrate bad acting by the other side.

“There is something for bad people to admire here, but there is also a lot of things people can use to say what’s bad about the other side,” said one industry member, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid the appearance of weighing in on the film.

From the moment the screening ended, the debate was on over whether Phillips had made a brilliantly inscrutable work or a movie as elastic as the protagonist’s face. People could agree on only one thing: Joker is coming, as unavoidable as a clown mask.

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