CBC News politics

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Why Andrew Scheer's campaign platform sounds so ... familiar

Munk Debates cancels foreign-policy event because Trudeau won't attend


Conservatives move ahead in polls, close gap on Liberals in seats

Ontario premiers past and present become political targets in federal campaign

B.C. wins injunction blocking Alberta's turn-off-the-taps legislation over oil

Syria's pro-Assad representative in Montreal says he will serve everyone, regardless of political views


Ontario ombudsman says government watchdogs need more independence in wake of Walbourne departure

Freeland to look into approval of Syria's Assad-friendly honorary consul

Andrew Scheer slams 'terrible' Liberal approach to safe injection sites

More politics News

An old photo of Stephen Harper in Indigenous garb is being misrepresented online

Andrew Scheer promises to review mortgage 'stress test,' allow for longer mortgages

Liberals promise improved access to family doctors, mental health care and prescription drugs


Power & Politics Sept. 23: NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh | Power Lunch: Leaders Edition

Power & Politics

Any province could veto a major pipeline under an NDP government, says Singh

Power & Politics

Jagmeet Singh hopes to change Quebecers' views on religious symbols

Maxime Bernier says addressing Indigenous water issues a 'first priority' if elected

Federal food safety agency suspends licence, launches investigation into meat packing company

NDP leader lands in New Brunswick, says he's sorry for not visiting sooner

Lawn sign threatening Liberals with violence reported to police

Follow the leaders: Singh holds town hall event in Halifax


Impact of blackface scandal unclear now, may not be revealed until ballots are cast


Conservatives move ahead in polls, close gap on Liberals in seats