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Elizabeth May to release today how much the Green Party's ideas would cost Canadians

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May will reveal later this morning in Halifax how much the party's ideas will cost Canadians, in her latest election campaign stop. CBC will carry her address live starting at 9 a.m. ET (10 a.m. AT).

Canadians will soon have even more options in streaming — but can they afford them all?

Canadian viewers will have more choices than ever this winter, as a growing list of companies launch streaming services here. Disney, Apple, WarnerMedia and others will be offering entertainment using the subscription model that Netflix pioneered.

Iran's president to address UN as Persian Gulf tensions mount

With tensions high in the Persian Gulf, all eyes will be on Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday as he speaks on the second day of the UN General Assembly's annual gathering of world leaders in New York.

Cut emissions to avert catastrophic sea-level rise, UN climate report warns

Scientists behind a landmark study of the links between oceans, glaciers, ice caps and the climate delivered a stark warning to the world on Wednesday: slash emissions or watch cities vanish under rising seas, rivers run dry and marine life collapse

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