
Liberals and NDP still looking for Sask. candidates in southeast despite looming election

As the deadline for candidate confirmation looms, some parties are still struggling to fill seats.

As the election looms, some Saskatchewan ridings are still looking to confirm candidates

Deadline for parties to have candidates confirmed is September 30th, 2019 (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

The search and vetting is at a fever pitch as the countdown is on to get names on the ballot for the 43rd general election.

According to the individual party websites, not all the ridings in Saskatchewan have a full slate of candidates yet even with the Oct. 21 election date.

One of the ridings struggling to find candidates is in the southeast corner of the province, Souris–Moose Mountain.

Currently, the parties confirmed in that riding are the Conservative Party of Canada, Green Party of Canada, People's Party of Canada and The Canadian Nationalist Party.

The New Democratic Party and Liberal Party of Canada have yet to confirm candidates in the district.

The riding extends from the Weyburn-area down into the corner of the province near the Manitoba and U.S. borders.

As of September 24th, 2019 the Liberal Party and Green Party are they only parties still looking to fill seats anywhere in the province. 

CBC has spoken with each of the parties and they all say they plan on have a full slate of candidates in all 14 Saskatchewan ridings. 

In 2015, the Liberal Party did have representation in all 14 ridings as did the NDP, Conservatives and the Green Party.

The People's Party of Canada (PPC), started by former Conservative MP Maxime Bernier, was not formed until September 14th, 2018. The PPC already have a full slate of candidates in place for this election. 

Currently there are several fringe parties running through out the province including the Rhinoceros Party, Libertarian Party and the National Citizens Alliance. 

The deadline to have federal party candidates is Monday, September 30, 2019.

For a full list of candidates log onto the Elections Canada website. 


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