The National



Greta Thunberg’s climate marches draw protesters from across the generations

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was at the centre of marches around the world today. While focused on youth protesters, among the hundreds of thousands demonstrating were people from many different generations.

Canadian Opera Company altering some of Turandot’s Asian characters

When a beloved opera came to Canada from Europe, the Canadian Opera Company made changes to some Asian characters it believed would modernize the production, but opinions are divided.

Greta Thunberg sees her Asperger's syndrome as a superpower in her climate fight

Climate activist Greta Thunberg says the fact she’s on the autism spectrum helps in her blunt criticism of governments' efforts around the world to slow climate change.
CBC in Tanzania

How the Raptors NBA win is helping to inspire a continent

The goal of Masai Ujiri's Giants of Africa program is not to create a direct pipeline to the NBA, but rather to foster basketball and life skills that can lead to scholarships, education, and maybe a job in sports.

Greta Thunberg addresses hundreds of thousands at Montreal climate march

Hundreds of thousands of people thronged the streets of Montreal on Friday in a climate march that turned the city's downtown into a sea of placard-waving protesters, before environmental activist Greta Thunberg addressed the crowd at the end of the protest.

Schmegelsky, McLeod admitted to B.C. homicides on video before killing themselves

Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod provided no motive for the killings they admitted to in a series of videos recorded days before they killed themselves.

The National for September 27, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

How impeachment hearings are hitting home in a Trump stronghold

The impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill have dominated headlines all week, but how is Trump’s stronghold of Orange County, Calif. taking the news? We asked voters.

Trump impeachment hearings see Pompeo subpoenaed

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was subpoenaed and five State Department officials were called for depositions in ongoing impeachment hearings, as a historic week on Capitol Hill concludes.

Alek Minassian reveals details of Toronto van attack in police video

Hours after his arrest, Alek Minassian told a Toronto police detective he communicated with two mass murderers motivated by incel ideology and said the massacres they carried out inspired him to use a rented van "as a weapon."

Scheer only major party leader absent from climate marches

Green Leader Elizabeth May and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau marched in Montreal’s climate rally, while the NDP’s Jagmeet Singh marched in Vancouver. Andrew Scheer spent the day promising to prioritize infrastructure projects in federal spending.

Montreal's mayor talks 55% emissions reduction promise ahead of climate strikes

After her centre-stage appearance at the UN climate action summit, Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante talks to us about climate leadership ahead of climate strikes in her city expected to draw 300,000 people.

How important is the climate change issue to this election? | At Issue

The four largest parties have focused recently on the climate change issue, so just how big a role is it playing in the election? Our At Issue panel is here to discuss.

What’s most important to Albertans in this election? | The Voter’s Chair (:)

We bring our Voter’s Chair to Alberta to ask everyday people how they hope this election improves their lives.

The National for September 26, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

New allegations surface against Ottawa Coun. Rick Chiarelli

Ottawa Coun.Rick Chiarelli has been asked by several others on city council to resign, after seven women came forward alleging he acted inappropriately in the workplace.

Elizabeth May: Trans Mountain support means no Green backing in minority government

As Green Leader Elizabeth May travels to Montreal to attend a climate protest, she details to us her hardline stance on climate change, and what it would mean for the other parties in the event of a minority government.

Scheer promises SNC-Lavalin probe, Trudeau links Scheer to Ford

Andrew Scheer spent Day 16 of the election campaign promising to probe SNC-Lavalin, and reduce parliamentary red tape. Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau maintained his habit of tying Scheer to Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

Whistleblower complaint alleges Trump abused his office's power

A redacted version of a whistleblower complaint at the centre of the impeachment probe against Donald Trump has been declassified, and alleges he abused his office's power during a phone call with Ukraine's president.

A new “blob” is brewing, and it’s set to seriously impact marine life off B.C.’s coast

A new marine heat wave spreading across a portion of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of British Columbia has so far grown into one of the largest of its kind in the last four decades, officials say, second only to the infamous "blob" that disrupted marine life five years ago.

Liberals, Conservatives announce very different plans for a green future

The leading parties have announced their plans to fight climate change, and each is taking a very different approach.

How many Republicans will back Trump amid impeachment inquiry?

As Trump defends himself amid an impeachment inquiry brought by the Democrats, we look at how many Republicans will stand with him as the process progresses.

Some tea bags may shed billions of microplastics per cup

You may be swallowing billions of tiny plastic particles while sipping a cup of freshly brewed gourmet tea, a new study from McGill University in Montreal suggests.

The National for September 25, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Unnecessary vitamin B12 shots costing Ontario millions, study finds

Almost two-thirds of Ontario seniors who received vitamin B12 shots had no evidence of a deficiency, according to a new study. Its authors calculate the unnecessary shots cost the province's health-care system $45.6 million annually.

Juul suspends all advertising in U.S., but no change in Canada

Juul's CEO has abruptly stepped down, and the company will suspend all broadcast, print and digital product advertising in the United States as a crackdown on the vaping industry it dominates intensifies. But no changes have been announced in Canada.

Canadian fishermen feel effects of climate change as world panel sounds alarm bell

Climate change is already hitting Nova Scotia’s Beaton family hard, as three generations worry what warming waters mean for lobster stocks.

Boris Johnson dares raucous U.K. Parliament to topple him

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson dared his foes to try to topple him at a raucous session of Parliament, a day after Britain's highest court ruled he acted illegally in suspending the body ahead of the Brexit deadline.