2012-13 Departmental Performance Report

Program 1.7 – Biotechnology and Genomics


Both knowledge and its application through innovative new technology are vital for fostering advances in sustainable development of aquatic resources. The Department is responsible for developing the knowledge necessary to inform the federal government's responsibility for regulation and the assessment of risk associated with fish products derived from biotechnology. Through the adoption of leading-edge genomics research and biotechnology tools and techniques the Department also improves Fisheries and Oceans Canada's ability to protect endangered species, manage opening and closing of fisheries, avoid over exploitation of resources, prosecute poachers, improve aquaculture practices, control disease outbreaks, and remediate contaminated sites.

Financial Resources ($ millions)

Total Budgetary Expenditures
(Main Estimates)
Planned Spending
Total Authorities
(available for use)
Actual Spending
(authorities used)
3.7 3.7 3.4 3.3 -0.4

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

22 22 0

Performance Results

Target Actual Result
Policy and decision-makers have the knowledge and advice they need to make informed decisions on fish products derived from biotechnology Percentage of risk assessments completed 100%
by March 31, 2013
Result: No notifications received, therefore no risk assessments were required.
Percentage of Fisheries and Oceans Canada publications compared to Canadian totals in the fields of aquatic biotechnology and genomics Maintain or improve five-year average
by March 31, 2013
Result: 11.2%
Improved compared to five-year average of 10.6% (2006-11). Remained slightly below 14 year average of 11.6% (1998-11).
Science information and advice on the regulation of fish products derived from biotechnology Percentage of regulatory products and processes completed for which science information and advice is provided (e.g., regulations, risk assessments, guidelines, compliance promotion materials, public consultations) 100%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 100%
Included science information and advice in all 11 regulatory products completed. Continued providing timely and comprehensive science advice to Environment Canada and other clients.
Scientific knowledge and advice Number of aquatic biotechnology and genomics research projects undertaken Maintain five-year average (2006-11)
by March 31, 2013
Result: 21
Included 11 Genomics Research and Development Initiative projects and 10 Centre for Aquatic Biotechnology Regulatory Research projects. Improved compared to five-year average of 20.2 (2006-11) and maintained 2011-12 result of 21.

Performance Analysis and Lessons Learned

Improving Fisheries Management Priority

  • Sustainable Harvesting Practices — Continued multi-year research projects on the genetics and population structure of redfish, Atlantic salmon, and Atlantic cod. This research is conducted under Phase V of the Genomics Research and Development Initiative.

Other Program Initiatives