2012-13 Departmental Performance Report

Sub-Program 2.1.3 – Major Cases and Special Investigations


The Major Cases and Special Investigations Program focuses attention on solving high-risk complex compliance issues that pose significant threat to the sustainability of Canada's aquatic resources and that cannot be addressed through education or regular monitoring, control, and surveillance activities. Special investigative techniques, including covert operations, technical surveillance, use of search warrants, and Information Technology forensics, are applied to address the unique difficulties encountered in addressing illegal fishing and other activities. Formal intelligence gathering and analysis, inter-agency cooperation and networking, and alignment and integration of data systems with visual analytics tools permit more accurate identification of enforcement targets and enable the building of major case files for successful prosecutions. This program meets domestic and international commitments to address illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, and to protect habitat and species at risk, contributing to sustainable aquatic ecosystems, supporting legitimate economic activities, and protecting consumers from illegally-harvested fisheries products.

Financial Resources ($ millions)

Planned Spending
Actual Spending
15.6 11.8 -3.8

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

79 76 -3

Performance Results, Analysis, and Lessons Learned

Target Actual Result
Those that do not comply with legislation, regulations, and other managing frameworks that govern Canadian waterways, fisheries, oceans, and habitat are held accountable for their actions Percentage of major cases successfully prosecuted with fines commensurate with severity of offences 100%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 100%
Successfully prosecuted all major cases concluded in 2012-13 with significant fines and/or penalties.
Intelligence Percentage of resources devoted to gathering and analyzing intelligence and conducting major investigations 15%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 20.2%
Improved compared to 2011-12 result of 6%. Increases expected as strategic focus has shifted to intelligence and major case activities.
Audits Percentage of European Union and illegal, unreported, and unregulated catch certificate audits completed 3%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 0.5%
Expect to reach the European Union target of 1% to 3% once the Catch Certificate Audit Office is fully staffed and able to complete the illegal, unreported, and unregulated catch certificate audits.

The Major Cases and Special Investigations Sub-Program is part of the Compliance and Enforcement Program.