2012-13 Departmental Performance Report

Sub-Program 2.1.4 – Compliance and Enforcement Program Capacity


Program capacity involves development and support of a skilled, equipped, well-informed, safe, and effective workforce. The foundation for this Compliance and Enforcement Program is the recruitment of Fishery Officers through the Fishery Officer Career Progression Program. Ongoing training including very specialized enforcement and intelligence training is another key element that requires regular investment. A strong legal and policy framework as well as systems for information collection and analysis are also important components of the support structure. Standards, audits, and codes of conduct ensure that enforcement of acts and regulations is carried out in a fair, predictable, impartial, and consistent manner and in keeping with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Acquisition and management of equipment, vehicles, and vessels is necessary to ensure a well-equipped and effective workforce. Finally, strategic planning and integrated risk assessments are carried out to identify operational priorities and to ensure the right balance of tools and approaches are used to achieve the program objectives.

Financial Resources ($ millions)

Planned Spending
Actual Spending
33.4 35.4 2.0

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

199 239 40

Note: Actual human resources are significantly above the planned value due to a strategic shift to focus on program capacity, such as training, as well as intelligence and major case activities. Future planned human resources will be adjusted accordingly.

Performance Results, Analysis, and Lessons Learned

Target Actual Result
Canada has the capacity to effectively administer and enforce the legislation, regulations, and other managing frameworks that govern Canadian waterways, fisheries, oceans, and habitat in a fair, predictable, and consistent manner Percentage of Fishery Officer Cadets successfully graduating from the Fishery Officer Career Progression Program and being deployed relative to planned 100%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 95%
Of the 20 recruits that began the training, 19 graduated. One recruit pursued another position within the Department. Improved compared to 2011-12 result of 93%.
Lesson Learned: Difficulty of training program and limited enrollment are expected to result in the occasional student who does not meet all requirements.
Trained personnel Percentage of total time Fishery Officers spent on training 5%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 9.2%
Improved compared to 2011-12 result of 4.8% and 2009-10 result of 5.2%.
Percentage of resources devoted to internal capacity building 35%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 31%
Result may have been affected by changes in recording and reporting capacity building.
Percentage of Fishery Officers successfully completing annual requalification on force continuum relative to planned 100%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 100%
Completed all planned annual Fishery Officers requalifications successfully.

The Compliance and Enforcement Program Capacity Sub-Program is part of the Compliance and Enforcement Program.