2012-13 Departmental Performance Report

Sub-Program 2.6.1 – Integrated Oceans Planning


Integrated Oceans Planning contributes to Oceans Management through a collaborative, ecosystem-based approach to planning the sustainable use of ocean resources and protecting unique and significant ecosystem components. Integrated Oceans Planning processes provide the governance and advisory structures for knowledge exchange and development of management objectives for ocean planning. Ecosystem-based and risk-based decision support tools are developed to enable regulators to make more informed ocean-use decisions. Integrated Oceans Management Plans identify objectives which incorporate social, economic, and environmental considerations that should be met to achieve sustainable use and conservation of ocean space. Marine conservation measures, such as the designation of Marine Protected Areas or the establishment of guidelines, are informed by Integrated Oceans Management Plans. Integrated Oceans Planning also includes the design of a national network of Marine Protected Areas with participation from other federal and provincial partners, coordinated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Financial Resources ($ millions)

Planned Spending
Actual Spending
10.7 13.6 2.9

Human Resources (full-time equivalents)

86 93 7

Performance Results, Analysis, and Lessons Learned

Target Actual Result
Regulators and ocean users work collaboratively to address existing and emerging issues in Canada's estuaries, coastal, and marine ecosystems Percentage of Large Ocean Management Areas for which there is participation from key stakeholders and regulatory authorities in governance structures and advisory processes 100%
by March 31, 2015
Result: 93%
Key stakeholders participated in 100% of meetings that took place. Shortfall of 7% represents meetings that were planned but could not take place.
Integrated Oceans Management Plans Percentage of Large Ocean Management Area Integrated Oceans Management Plans that have initiated implementation (i.e. step 5 of the 6-step integrated management planning process) 100%
by March 31, 2013
Result: 60%
Integrated Oceans Management Plans developed by three of five areas. Continued consultations on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Pacific North Coast plans.

The Integrated Oceans Planning Sub-Program is part of the Oceans Management Program.