About MyCBC

Welcome! You’ve arrived at a new destination at CBC.ca where we’re trying new things. What exactly is this? The short answer is, we don’t yet know what it will evolve to become but we’re hoping we can build it together. Let’s begin with what we’re hoping to achieve. Here are our three goals:

Be as transparent as possible

All websites must record some data on the devices accessing them; this basic exchange of information is how the internet works. Most sites go beyond this simple exchange of data to collect information about their users. We have promised to respect your privacy and to be transparent about what data we collect about you. MyCBC aims to help you see what data we’re collecting and why.

Put you in control

The data being collected and whatever we can learn from it ultimately belongs to you, so we believe it’s only fair that you’re able to control it and ensure that it’s being used to your benefit. We will be giving you the ability to correct assumptions our systems may have gotten wrong, tell us you don’t want to keep seeing certain topics or completely opt out of personalization. If you see the value this creates, we hope that over time, you will trust us with more information about you, so that we can keep improving our recommendations and showing more content you might be interested in.

Serve you better

As Canada’s public broadcaster, we aim to inform, enlighten and entertain as many Canadians as possible. Audience ratings, focus groups and panel research help us understand what (and why) you are watching on TV or listening to on the Radio. On digital, we have an opportunity to learn about your preferences and try to provide you the best content for you, as a unique individual, in every situation.

If you like to be enlightened by listening to cbc.ca/listen on a smartphone during your morning commute, informed by reading cbc.ca news stories on a computer during the day, and entertained by watching a CBC show on your connected TV in the evening, we should recognize and adapt our offer to these needs. If you work a night shift, you should have it your way too.