The National



The National

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Andrew Scheer on immigration

Genna Evelyn, a 35-year-old mother and immigration lawyer living in Saint-Georges, Que., asks Scheer what a Conservative government would do to help immigrants integrate into Canadian life, and reunite with their families. As an undecided voter, she wants to know whether the next federal government will recognize and tackle the unique immigration issues facing different regions of Canada.

Andrew Scheer on tackling climate change

Markus Harvey is a 50-year-old Maugerville, N.B., resident who has witnessed more and more floods wreaking havoc on his community throughout his lifetime. He asks Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer how he plans to steer Canada’s fight against climate change, and what his party would do to help families feeling the immediate impacts.

Why Andrew Scheer won’t march in a pride parade

Rosemary Barton asks Conservative leader Andrew Scheer about how his views on LGTBQ rights have evolved.

Students call for mental health support after campus suicides

Students at the University of Toronto are calling for more mental health support on campus after several recent suicides occurred on campus.

What it was like talking to Trudeau

The undecided voters who took part in the Face to Face with Justin Trudeau discuss what the experience was like.

The National for September 30, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Fast fashion a downfall for Forever 21

Many millennials are starting to turn away from the fast fashion sold at retailers like Forever 21, which may have been a factor in its demise.

Trump’s inner circle subpoenaed for impeachment inquiry

Members of Donald Trump’s inner circle, including Rudy Giuliani, have been subpoenaed to testify at the House impeachment inquiry.

Quebec should apologize to Indigenous people: Viens report

The Quebec government should apologize to Indigenous people for harm inflicted by provincial laws, policies and practices, a new report says.

Scheer, Trudeau cite Ford, Wynne at Ontario campaign stops

Andrew Scheer and Justin Trudeau each used their rivals' provincial counterpart against the other while on the campaign trail in Ontario on Monday.

Voter asks Trudeau about diversity after his blackface photos

Liberal leader addresses the blackface photos and the “blind spots” he has since admitted to having.

Manitoba dairy farmer asks Trudeau about trade deals

After the new NAFTA open up access for dairy products from the U.S., Alain Philippot asked Trudeau what his government is going to do to ensure stability for his family farm.

Health Canada investigates health product marketed to teens

Health Canada is looking into how a natural health product for teens is being marketed.

The GTA: What it’ll take to win in battleground ridings

There are 30 seats up for grabs in the area surrounding Toronto known as the 905, more than some provinces.

The environment, economy and Bill 21 | The Millennials

Millennials are a major block of voters in the coming election - and their ballots could decide the outcome.

Facing off in debates and with undecided voters | The War Room

There are still a lot of voters out there considering their options.

How an alleged Canadian spy left investigators stunned

Cameron Ortis’s career was all about secrets. Earlier this month he was accused of stealing them.

Clashes in Hong Kong ahead of China's National Day

Protesters and police on Sunday clashed in Hong Kong for a second straight day, sparking fears of more ugly scenes leading up to China's National Day.

Trump demands to meet whistleblower

Intelligence committee chair Adam Schiff said the whistleblower's lawyers are still working out their clearances and how to keep the person's identity secret.

What’s inside Trudeau's ambitious platform

What’s inside Trudeau's ambitious platform Expensive promises seem to be a hallmark of this election campaign.

Democrats have fallen into Trump's impeachment trap, his supporters say

U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters say the impeachment inquiry will galvanize Republican voters ahead of next year's election. In Corona, Calif., Trump supporters say no evidence will convince them of his guilt.

Health Canada investigating ads for natural health product targeting anxious teens

Health Canada is looking into the marketing of Veeva Teen, an herbal supplement claiming to help teens "suffering from anxiety" — counter to the health agency's guidelines.

The National for September 29, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

How Greta Thunberg's autism helps give her a singular focus

Greta Thunberg, 16, has reached millions with her message about the need for urgent action on climate change. She’s also inspired people with her public acknowledgement that she's on the autism spectrum. She calls her autism her “superpower.” She has a clear message: she succeeds not in spite of her disability, but because of it.

How thousands of asylum seekers have turned Roxham Road into a de facto border crossing

The unofficial border crossing at Quebec's Roxham Road is becoming entrenched as a destination for asylum seekers, with a permanent building, RCMP guards and thousands of entries in just two years.

Greta Thunberg’s climate marches draw protesters from across the generations

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was at the centre of marches around the world today. While focused on youth protesters, among the hundreds of thousands demonstrating were people from many different generations.

Canadian Opera Company altering some of Turandot’s Asian characters

When a beloved opera came to Canada from Europe, the Canadian Opera Company made changes to some Asian characters it believed would modernize the production, but opinions are divided.