The Best of the Disruptors


The Best of the Disruptors

The Disruptors is the best of The Current's stories about people, ideas and events that are upsetting the orthodoxy for better or worse ... changing how we live, our sense of ourselves, and society.

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Episode 10: What the Renaissance can teach us about our disruptive age

From breakneck advances in technology to staggering wealth inequality ... we live in a disruptive age. But maybe that's a good thing. According to author Chris Kutarna, this is a new Renaissance and times of great change come with great progress.

Download Episode 10: What the Renaissance can teach us about our disruptive age
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]

Episode 9: 'Innocent people are still being killed': Last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor fights for peace

The last-surviving Nuremberg prosecutor and an Alabama lawyer who battles for the lives of death row prisoners explain why they fight for peace and justice against enormous odds.

Download Episode 9: 'Innocent people are still being killed': Last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor fights for peace
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:30]

Episode 8: 'We could create a second you': Digital afterlife disrupts ideas about the mind

Imagine having the contents of your brain uploaded and preserved on a computer. Michael Graziano calls it a digital afterlife. We explore the mysteries of the mind and examine how ten inkblots changed the course of psychiatry.

Download Episode 8: 'We could create a second you': Digital afterlife disrupts ideas about the mind
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]

Episode 7: 'I was operating from the heart': Disrupting racism through forgiveness and comedy

We examine how Canadians are disrupting racism. YouTube star Jasmeet Singh explains how comedy helps him call out racist behaviour. And an Ottawa police sergeant makes amends for racist comments by admitting his prejudice and seeking forgiveness.

Download Episode 7: 'I was operating from the heart': Disrupting racism through forgiveness and comedy
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:30]

Episode 6: Is feminism today a growing movement, or just 'empty' rhetoric?

How powerful is mainstream feminism today? We hear from writers Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Jessa Crispin, who stake out duelling positions on contemporary feminism with new manifestos.

Download Episode 6: Is feminism today a growing movement, or just 'empty' rhetoric?
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:30]

Episode 5: Research suggests our relationship to technology reveals a real addiction

Technology has us hooked. According to research our insatiable appetite to feel connected to our devices reveal patterns of a real addiction. But even as teens are glued to their screens obsessively, there are benefits to consider too.

Download Episode 5: Research suggests our relationship to technology reveals a real addiction
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]

Episode 4: Celebrating chefs Julia Child and Jeremiah Tower as gastronomic disruptors

The food world would not be where it is today without the legendary Julia Child and her passion for bringing French cuisine to Americans. But it was also Jeremiah Tower credited by chefs worldwide for transforming American food into a culinary art.

Download Episode 4: Celebrating chefs Julia Child and Jeremiah Tower as gastronomic disruptors
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]

Episode 3: 'Football saved my life': How sport can change lives

Canadian civil servant Bob Munro had a life-changing idea — create a soccer program run by youth in the slums of Nairobi. And it's changed thousands of lives. For Nolan Bellerose, it was the love of football that led him to a brighter future.

Download Episode 3: 'Football saved my life': How sport can change lives
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]

Episode 2: 'Capitalism on steroids': How startups disrupt a city's identity

From the birthplace of startups, we explore how entrepreneurship has disrupted San Francisco's celebrated diversity. Plus three Canadian startup founders explore the success of disruptive innovation in our own backyard and how to continue moving forward.

Download Episode 2: 'Capitalism on steroids': How startups disrupt a city's identity
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]

Episode 1: 'I always wanted a sister': Disrupting the family construct

The family dynamic has morphed into new ways of being - whether it be through the advancement of reproduction technology, a sperm donor online registry uniting half-siblings, or the power of connecting to biological roots to gain a deeper self-identity.

Download Episode 1: 'I always wanted a sister': Disrupting the family construct
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:29]