
Snacks & Treats

How to Turn Your Chickpea Water Into a Delicious Whipped Cream

Aug 14, 2019

You know how when you open a can of chickpeas, it smells like farts?

Well, that fart water is called aquafaba, and it can be used to make delicious, fart fragrance-free whipped "cream."

If you’re off dairy, it’s a great substitute for when you want to top a cake, a parfait or just eat whipped "cream" out of a bowl.

Alexis Hillyard from Stump Kitchen is joined by Coda in this episode (above) to make this dairy-free whip! This recipe is so easy, kids can — and should — be on hand to help!

What You'll Need

  • 3/4 cup aquafaba (chickpea water) from a can of chickpeas
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 
  • 2/3 cup icing sugar
  • 1 teaspoon canola oil 

How It's Made

  1. Using an electric mixer, beat 3/4 cup aquafaba (chickpea water) in a cold bowl on high for five minutes (until stiff peaks are formed)
  2. Add 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar while beating with electric mixer 
  3. Next, add 2/3 cup icing sugar while mixing 
  4. Finally, for a bit of glossy sheen, add 1 teaspoon canola oil while mixing 

Check out more episodes of Stump Kitchen: Cooking with Kids!

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