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  1. A little @rickmercer love RT @jenditchburn @rickmercer: My two cents from the campaign trail #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  2. Because people are asking: 4 identical red shirts and 5 pairs of khakis. 5 more days and then I get to take off my campaign uniform!
  3. Good day. Thoroughly enjoyed it with my volunteers. Low-point: having my United Church faith derided, not once, but twice by #CPC voters.
  4. @dbrum I don't lie. I said something in jest and was attacked. I'm Christian and Liberal. My pastoral record is well-known and respected.
  5. That's a wrap on the second debate in #DVW. Now let's get out and vote on May 2.
  6. The reality is that this Canadian government is no longer a leader on the world stage. We need to regain it. #elxn41
  7. Children should grow up knowing they can be actors, singers, writers and musicians and that requires support from all levels of government
  8. Good environmental policy IS good economic policy. The Harper government fails to see this. #elxn41
  9. There is no city in North America that has a good transit system without federal funding. We have to invest in it! #elxn41
  10. We need a "smart on crime" agenda. 80% of inmates leave jail worse than when they went in. We can do better. #DVW #elxn41
  11. There are people of good will on both sides of the political fence in parliament. I'm a participant, but never a heckler. #DVW #elxn41
  12. It's debate time in #DVW! The campaign team is taking over Twitter while Rob tackles the issues #cdnpoli #elxn41
  13. @dbrum @TOhockeymom I didn't repsond to this earlier but the zinger was when the guy told me "A Christian can't be a Liberal." I'm a pastor.
  14. That's a day: 3 polls (1 good,1 great, 1 brilliant!); chatting up our scrutineers; enjoying volunteers and brief spot on Power and Politics.
  15. That's a day: church in am, 2 polls canvassed in afternoon (16 signs in one poll!) and an evening with friends (mostly) away from politics.
  16. Easter celebration warm and friendly at Northlea United. Nice touch with the helium balloons rising!
  17. Off to church after a wonderful lazy morning. Warm Easter wishes to all family, friends, colleagues and volunteers! Joyeuses Pâques à tous.
  18. Joined with the Church of the Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius (Coptic) for a portion of their Easter Celebration tonight. Gracious welcome.
  19. Was at the Armenian Genocide Memorial with Cdns of Armenian descent, sharing their story. @kenneyjason seems to only notice #CPC politicos.
  20. Sure, it's raining now, but it's going up to 19 and sunny today. Perfect day for canvassing in #DVW