CBC News politics

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No, the party with the most seats doesn't always govern


This election presented would-be prime ministers with a moral test. They all failed: Robyn Urback


Liberals hold small seat edge over Conservatives as NDP gains

No bail decision yet for alleged RCMP spy


The Pollcast: How the election is shaping up before the final push

Unions top funders of third party election ads, financial records show

In swing riding, ex-Liberal Jane Philpott hopes to defy odds and win as Independent

More donors, smaller donations: How political fundraising has changed in Canada

Fewer than 850 irregular border crossers deported, hundreds more in limbo

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Point of View

'None of them speak my language': Frustration with politicians echoes across Canada: Peter Mansbridge

Fact Check

Is the 2019 election Canada's 'nastiest' ever? Not by a long shot


How the 'Doug Ford strategies' are playing out in the election campaign

'I wish it could actually count': Mock vote primes elementary and high school students for election

Scheer says 'modern convention' means Trudeau must quit if he doesn't win the most seats

Scheer suggests Liberals could decriminalize hard drugs, despite Trudeau's denial

Singh says he would 'encourage' provinces on health-care services

Do celebrity endorsements turn into votes on election day?


Canada needs an infrastructure overhaul. Can any federal party get it done?


Power & Politics Oct. 17: Scheer: 'modern convention' means Trudeau must quit if he doesn't win most seats

Final submissions in bail hearing for alleged RCMP spy will be made Friday

Attawapiskat singer releases protest song with Justin Trudeau in mind


Liberals hold small seat edge over Conservatives as NDP gains


Liberals hold small seat edge over Conservatives as NDP gains