Current Conditions

Tue Oct 01, 19 at 10:00 PM CST

3°C 37°F


Visibility: 24.1 Km
Sunrise: 6:58 AM
Sunset: 6:38 PM

Wind: WSW 8 km/h
Humidity: 90%
Pressure: 102.7 kPa

Weather information provided by Environment Canada


Mainly cloudy
Low: -2°
Low: 28°


Mainly cloudy
High: 4°
High: 39°


(Celsius) Tue Oct 01, 19 at 4:00 PM CST Tue Oct 01, 19 at 4:00 PM CST


Mainly cloudy. Fog patches developing overnight. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 2. Wind chill near minus 6.


Mainly cloudy. Fog patches dissipating in the morning. High plus 4. UV index 3 or moderate.

Wednesday night

Cloudy. Low minus 1.


Extended Forecast

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

October 2

October 3

October 4

October 5

October 6

October 7

Mainly cloudy Sunny Cloudy Sunny Sunny Sunny

High 4°

High 39°

High 10°

High 50°

High 10°

High 50°

High 13°

High 55°

High 13°

High 55°

High 19°

High 66°


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