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Tory MPP issues statement on 'personal struggle' after assault charges

A member of Ontario's Progressive Conservative government says she has been facing a year of "tremendous personal struggle" and is seeking help to start a "fresh life."

New ID rules break down barriers for voters who are homeless

Those without a permanent address can face a number of obstacles when trying to vote, and Elections Canada is making a concerted effort to smooth out the process.

Wanted: Wild turkey and ruffed grouse hunters for West Nile virus research

A University of Guelph researcher has a call out to wild turkey and ruffed grouse hunters in Ontario and Quebec for a West Nile Virus study. Amanda MacDonald wants to find the number fowl that have been exposed to the West Nile and where they are.

Don't rake your leaves, says the Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada wants people to leave their leaves on their yards. Senior conservation biologist Dan Kraus explained to The Morning Edition with Craig Norris why that's a good idea.

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