CBC News canada

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Western separation in Saskatchewan Allan Kerpan's 'last political fight'

Feelings of western alienation has resulted in many in Saskatchewan and Alberta calling for Western Canada to leave the rest of the country.

CUPE members in care homes, facilities across Sask. vote to strike

The Union's president say staff have started to raise concerns about fatigue, health problems and mood issues due to the fact they don't have enough time to rest away from work.

Everyone's responsibility: Don't let emotion influence how health information is acted upon in the digital age

"I know I should be grateful to be alive at a time when we have easy access to so much valuable information," writes Delaney Seiferling. "Instead, I feel overwhelmed, especially as a pregnant woman and a new mom."

We all have a part to play in repairing our politically fractured nation: Sask. farmer

As a frustrated grain farmer in Saskatchewan, I applaud Moe's letter to Trudeau. But here's the thing: I am more than just a frustrated grain farmer.

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