
Editor's Note

Canada Votes 2019: CBC News covers the election like never before

CBC News has launched its 2019 federal election coverage. For the next two months, we aim to bring you election-related journalism on air and online that is as broad and exciting as the country we serve.

Editors in Chief concerned by police raid on ABC

CBC News/Radio Canada Editors in Chief are concerned by police raid on Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Editor's Note

Remembering Joe Schlesinger

Over an illustrious career, Joe Schlesinger played several roles at CBC both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. But perhaps his most remarkable story was his own.
Editor's Note

The good and not-so-good of CBC's Brazil election coverage

It's our job at CBC News to explore this story from all angles. However, like any well laid plan, our coverage is only as good as its execution, and unfortunately we made some mistakes.

Honouring Trina McQueen and Peter Mansbridge

Last week, two of our most respected journalists were recognized for excellence in their craft with lifetime achievement awards.

Our new Journalistic Standards and Practices

Editor in chief Jennifer McGuire explains why the time was right for CBC News to update its Journalistic Standards and Practices — the statement of principles that guides how CBC journalists serve Canadians.

Open courts and good journalism

It is our belief than an open court process is in the public interest, and appropriate in a democracy, so that citizens can assess whether justice has been served. And media coverage is generally the best way to facilitate that.

Protecting confidential sources is critical

Some of Canada's most prominent media executives went to Parliament Hill yesterday, arguing for legislation that would help journalists protect the identity of confidential sources.

The future of CBC, in Policy Options magazine

Like other news organizations, we believe the current crisis of confidence in the media is an opportunity to reinforce that CBC/Radio-Canada is a brand known for its credibility.

A new destination for debate at

Our goal is to give our audience a destination for intelligent, provocative debate and commentary on the issues of the day. To do so, we'll be calling on a diverse range of contributors - most of them freelancers.

CBC Asks

Before that award-winning story appears on your smartphone, radio or TV, CBC journalists have discussed, deliberated and debated the best way to tell our stories to Canadians. In journalism, the answers are rarely clear-cut and it's not an easy process. But it is always a fascinating one, and we want to share it with you. That's the motivation behind the event being held on Friday, Sept. 30: CBC Asks: Getting The Real Story - How do we do it?

A new name reinforces an ongoing mandate

Nearly three years ago, we launched a special section of our website, dedicated to stories and issues about the First Nations, Inuit and Métis people of Canada. Our goal in creating CBC Aboriginal was to better engage and reflect this vibrant community. And 11 million page views later, we feel even more strongly that this has been a necessary addition to our journalism.Today, though - a little tweak.

Some news about our Chief Correspondent Peter Mansbridge

For over three decades Peter Mansbridge has been synonymous with news in Canada. Last night on The National Peter announced that he would be stepping down from the position that made him that. Since being named in 1987 he has been CBC's Chief Correspondent in every sense of these words. He's a reporter first and foremost, dedicated to getting the story and getting it right.

The Next Phase of Commenting at CBC

In March, the CBC announced it would phase out the use of pseudonyms in comments on our various websites across English and French services. There's another important change coming June 13th: we will reset our online communities across, including the CBC News site. Moving forward, all community members will be asked to use real names when commenting on our pages.

Reviewing our commenting policy

CBC has heard from a number of Canadians concerned about our commenting space, the use of pseudonyms, and some audience submissions that violated our guidelines around hate speech, particularly with respect to the francophone community in New Brunswick.

Uncivil dialogue: Commenting and stories about indigenous people

Today we made the difficult decision to temporarily close comments on stories about indigenous people. We hope to reopen them in mid-January after we've had some time to review how these comments are moderated and to provide more detailed guidance to our moderators.I want to explain our rationale for taking this unusual step.

Peter Mansbridge, Hall of Famer

Our Chief Correspondent Peter Mansbridge wasn't on the set as host of The National last night. Instead he was a few blocks away, being inducted into the Canadian News Hall of Fame. At last night's event, he gave a speech showcasing many of the attributes that his colleagues appreciate every day. But the heart of his remarks were about the future of the CBC.

CBC News responds to Facebook hoax

CBC News has recognized the importance of Facebook and other social media platforms and has built the largest social following of any news organization in the country. However, CBC News cannot always control what happens to our journalism when it is shared by a social audience.

Fairness and balance drive election coverage

At CBC News, our approach to election campaigns the past few years has included paying special attention to voter engagement. It's not our job to push Canadians toward one position or another. We want only to inform Canadians so they can draw their own conclusions

Protecting journalistic content

Today, CBC/Radio-Canada asked Facebook and YouTube to take down a political ad that not only uses CBC's news footage but also re-edits it. When a TV clip of an interview of a party leader, shows up in another party's advertising edited in a way that shifts the context of the facts, this may cause viewer confusion and even suspicion about our journalism, and the intentions of journalists. It can damage our credibility, independence and integrity as neutral participants.