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4DX theatre comes to Calgary

This "Lime Juicer" says he's already made $2,400 in a matter of weeks.
One man says he wakes up every day before the crack of dawn to work as one of Calgary's 'Lime Juicers'— gathering electric scooters, charging them and dropping them off across the city.

The Calgary MP died from cancer earlier this month.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer and former prime minister Stephen Harper are to make tributes at the service, along with former cabinet ministers John Baird and Peter MacKay.
Recommended by 102 people
Well informed and very prompt to get the news out there!! Thank you CBC Calgary
poor journalism and very bias when writing. article'sare often incorrect on facts and poorly written.... in some cares articles are either pointless or months after the incident has actually happened. See More
CBC, your journalist Drew Anderson's coverage of the Phil Heerema/Young Canadians sexual assault is despicable. Where do you get off? Every other news outlet is addressing the seriousness of this story with the sensitivity that the victims deserve. Which one of you degenerates reviewed and thought it was ok to publish: “When the Young Canadians were planning a trip to Disneyland, Heerema texted that student to say once they got there, they could have a masturbation contest to see who could ejaculate first, according to the statement“? Shame on you! You are talking about CHILDREN. Is this really critical to the story? As the sibling of a former Young Canadian, I genuinely hope that your chief editor takes a serious look at the kind of insensitive, reprehensible garbage that the journalist of this story felt was so compelling that it was a necessary contribution to this article. See More