Here's what you need to know about Trudeau, Scheer, Singh, May, Bernier and Blanchet

Scheer has been Conservative since high school; Singh may just be hipper than Trudeau; Bernier was in Harper's cabinet; and May wasn't born in Canada

Watch the videos or read the transcripts to find out what you need to know about all of the federal party leaders ahead of the Oct. 21 vote. You can also find out what the parties are promising Canadians here.

Andrew Scheer

Andrew Scheer has been a Conservative since high school. He was born in Ottawa in 1979 and studied history and political science at the University of Ottawa. Out of all the leaders vying to be prime minister, Scheer has been in Parliament the longest. He was first elected in 2004 at age 25. Before that, he worked for about six months in an insurance office. He also worked for Preston Manning and Stockwell Day. In 2011, he was elected Speaker of the House and, at 32, was the youngest-ever politician to hold that role. After Stephen Harper stepped down in 2015, Andrew Scheer narrowly defeated Maxime Bernier to become the new Tory leader. In Scheer’s early days as a politician, he was vocally opposed to same-sex marriage, but he has vowed not to re-open social issues as prime minister. He’s planning an inquiry into the SNC-Lavalin affair, and is positioning himself as the anti-Trudeau, opposing the carbon tax and promising to ease the mortgage stress test.

Justin Trudeau

After four years as prime minister, Justin Trudeau is probably one of the best-known Canadian politicians, ever. He was born on Christmas Day in 1971 and his father is former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Justin Trudeau earned an education degree from the University of British Columbia and an English degree from McGill. Before he entered politics, he worked as a teacher. At his father’s funeral in 2000, a 28-year-old Trudeau delivered the eulogy, which was a memorable moment for many Canadians. But Trudeau waited until 2008 to enter politics. In 2013, he won the Liberal leadership. In 2015, he became prime minister after 10 years of Conservative rule and he received fawning international attention. Since then, some of the glow has come off. There was the bizarre India trip, featuring dress-up and dancing; the SNC-Lavalin affair, and, most recently, the blackface scandal. Trudeau has made climate activism a key component of his political persona, bringing in a carbon tax and vowing to hit net-zero emissions by 2050. He’s also proposing a national pharmacare plan.

Jagmeet Singh

Jagmeet Singh is the only leader who could be called hipper than Justin Trudeau. The well-dressed, bicycling leader of the New Democrats is also the first person of colour — and first Sikh — to lead a major federal Canadian party. He was born in Scarborough, Ont., in 1979. His parents were immigrants from India, and the family also lived in Newfoundland and Labrador. After receiving a law degree from Osgoode, Singh started to practice as a criminal defence attorney in 2006. In 2011, he won a seat for the Ontario NDP Party. In 2013, he was denied a visa to India in the wake of comments he made about Sikh separatism. In 2017, he ran to be leader of the NDP after Tom Mulcair retired. He ran the party from outside parliament until he won a 2019 byelection. Singh opposes the Trans Mountain Pipeline. He also wants a national pharmacare plan and free dental for households making under $70,000.

Maxime Bernier

Before taking the helm of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier came very close, in 2017, to taking over as the leader of the Conservative Party, but he was defeated by Andrew Scheer. The next year, he jumped ship to form the fringe right-wing PPC. He was born in 1963 in Saint-Georges, Que. His dad was a politician and radio host. He has a law degree from the University of Ottawa and has been a member of the Quebec bar since 1990. He entered politics in the 2006 election and won his riding by a landslide. He held cabinet positions under Harper before he was forced to resign after he left a confidential NATO briefing book at his then-girlfriend’s house in 2008. Bernier says the PPC would cut immigration rates by almost half, to about 150,000 people a year He would also end corporate welfare and cut taxes. He’s a longstanding opponent of supply management.

Elizabeth May

Here’s a fun fact: Elizabeth May is the only federal leader who wasn’t born in Canada. She was born in 1954 in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1978, she became a Canadian citizen after her family moved to Cape Breton. May has a law degree from Dalhousie, and worked in various political capacities in the 1980s, including on the Montreal Protocol, an agreement to protect the ozone layer. She also studied theology at the University of Ottawa and is a practicing Anglican. In 2006 she sought the leadership of the Green Party. While she participated in the leader’s debate in 2008, she didn’t get elected until 2011. May has released a sweeping Climate Action Plan and intends to cancel the Trans Mountain Pipeline, while shoehorning former oil and gas workers into undefined green industries. Her plan would be financed by a six per cent increase in the corporate tax rate and a tax on Netflix.

Yves-François Blanchet

Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet was born in 1965 in Drummondville, Que. The son of a Bell technician and nurse, he studied history and anthropology at Université de Montreal and worked for the Parti Québécois, the provincial sovereigntist party and a whole variety of other jobs through the 1990s and 2000s. It was in 2008 when he was first elected to the national assembly as a PQ MNA. He had a variety of roles before being defeated in the 2014 election. For a few years he worked as a TV presenter and pundit before returning to
politics in November 2018. He ran for Bloc leader and in January 2019 he took the helm. The Bloc Quebecois has had a rough go of it recently. But Blanchet is confident he can up their influence. And he’s got a shot. His argument: Quebec’s votes for the NDP in 2011 and the Liberals in 2015vhave done them no good. They ought to vote for the nationalist party, which is promising to create Quebec sports teams, protect supply management and keep pipelines away from the province.

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