Unreservedwith Rosanna Deerchild


Subverting true crime: Connie Walker on the ethics of storytelling

Connie Walker is an award-winning Cree journalist, and the host of CBC's true crime podcast, Missing and Murdered. She's thought a lot about not sacrificing ethics for storytelling.

How the 'salaciousness' of true crime TV inspired Thomas King's latest mystery novel

In author Thomas King's latest book in the DreadfulWater mystery series, a true crime reality show comes to Chinook to investigate a death that’s been ruled accidental.

Beyond true crime: Striking a balance between ethics and entertainment

The true crime genre is booming. After all, who doesn't love a good whodunit? Today, we're moving beyond the mystery and talking about how true crime can be used to tell bigger stories, asking what ethics are at play, and discovering what happens when trauma becomes entertainment.

From Geronimo to Avatar: Wes Studi's path to historic Oscar

From the Vietnam War to the American Indian Movement to the bright lights of Hollywood, veteran Cherokee actor Wes Studi has had a colourful life. And on Oct. 27, he'll become the first Indigenous actor to receive an Oscar for his work.

Unreserved's fall book pick list

Having an explosion of books by Indigenous authors is a good problem to have — but with so many books to cover, we couldn’t possibly get to them all. So we asked a few of our favourite authors to recommend books to add to your reading list.

'A beautiful avenue for me to get my own grief written down': Karen McBride on writing 'Crow Winter'

Crow Winter tells the story of Hazel Ellis, reconciling her grief after the death of her father. She returns home to Spirit Bear Point First Nation, and starts to have visions of an old crow, who says he's there to save her. 

'Indigenous spin' on iconic Hardy Boys series inspired The Mighty Muskrats

It’s been called an "Indigenous spin" on the classic Hardy Boys series — and though he’s only released the first novel, Michael Hutchinson is hopeful it can live up to the comparison.

How Jesse Thistle's deeply personal memoir 'happened by accident'

Jesse Thistle had no intention of sharing his deeply personal story of homelessness, addiction and recovery in a book. But what started as a few personal details sprinkled into his doctoral work on Indigenous homelessness spun into something much larger - a bestseller.

Fall reading list: Unreserved has book picks to keep you cozy

After a big snowstorm in Manitoba took out power lines and felled trees, our intrepid host slipped and sprained her ankle. So it seems like the perfect time for Rosanna to put her feet up, relax, and read a pile of books by Indigenous authors.

'We seem to have completely fallen off the radar': An Indigenous take on the 2019 election

With election day fast approaching, First Nations, Métis and Inuit are not only deciding who to vote for, but whether to vote at all. 

Unreserved heads to the polls

The federal election is around the corner. This week on Unreserved, we're rolling up our sleeves and getting political. What's at stake for Indigenous issues when voters head to the polls? And why do some Indigenous people choose not to vote?

Why are some Indigenous people reluctant to vote in federal elections?

Many Indigenous people view themselves as members of sovereign nations alongside Canada — so some people, Kakinoosit said, might feel uncomfortable participating in a country’s electoral system of which they aren’t a part.

An Indigenous guide to the 2019 federal election

With the 2019 federal election approaching on Oct. 21, here's a look at the parties' Indigenous candidates and platforms.

Beyond Orange Shirt Day: Documenting the lasting impact of Indian Residential Schools

This past week, Canada marked Orange Shirt Day, a day designed to educate people about residential schools and the impact they had on Indigenous communities. This is a part of Canada's history that touches almost every Indigenous family in this country.

Bearing witness: Artist turns gathered objects into monument to residential school survivors

Carey Newman and his team visited about 80 communities and spoke with more than 10,000 people, to collect stories and items for "The Witness Blanket".

Road trip with my kokum: A family history of residential school and resilience

When CBC Halifax journalist Kaitlyn Swan asked her grandmother, a residential school survivor, to share her story, she wasn't sure what to expect. But Lorna Standingready agreed, and they headed off on a road trip to retrace the map of her life.

Vandalized teepee leads to open invite from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

In August, the teepee that sits outside the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation in Winnipeg was vandalized, parts of the teepee were slashed, and a few poles were taken down. In response to the incident, the Centre invited people to visit the collection, and the scars left on the teepee. 

Emerging Indigenous Doc Maker Program

A new program that aims to develop Canada's next generation of Indigenous audio producers.

Crime, history, science and adventure: Tuning in to Indigenous podcasts

More and more Indigenous people are turning to podcasts as another way to record their stories, reclaim their histories and educate others on things often left out of history books. Today, we're sampling Indigenous podcasts from around the world.

This Land podcast: A murder, a Supreme Court decision, and half the land in Oklahoma

A murder that took place on the side of a road nearly two decades ago lies at the centre of a Supreme Court case that will determine whether nearly half the land in Oklahoma belongs to Indigenous tribes. The case is also the centre of a podcast called This Land, hosted by Cherokee journalist Rebecca Nagle.

'Keep the Native kids woke': podcast Coffee & Quaq explores contemporary Indigenous Alaskan issues

Coffee & Quaq is a new podcast out of Anchorage, Alaska that looks at contemporary issues impacting Indigenous people living in the state. Host and producer Alice Glenn says the name of the podcast is a nod to both contemporary and traditional aspects of her Inupiaq culture.

'A mountain of power': The impact of Cindy Blackstock

Cindy Blackstock has been described as "Canada's 'relentless moral voice' for First Nations equality." She has worked for decades as a tireless champion for the rights of Indigenous children and their families.

Ottawa ordered to compensate First Nations children impacted by on-reserve child welfare system

Ottawa must pay potentially billions of dollars in compensation to First Nations children harmed by the on-reserve child welfare system, following a Friday ruling by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that also called for payments to some of their parents and grandparents. 

FIRST WORDS: Why Amazing Race Canada winners want you to learn Indigenous languages

Anthony Johnson and James Makokis won the seventh season of Amazing Race Canada, and chose Team Ahkameyimok as their name during the competition. In this podcast exclusive, they explain the important role their languages play on and off reality TV.

Taika Waititi on why 'normal' Indigenous representation in film matters

Coming off his most recent successes with Thor: Ragnarok and Hunt for the Wilderpeople, the Māori filmmaker from New Zealand was premiering his latest film, Jojo Rabbit, at TIFF.