Sparkwith Nora Young


People rely on devices to store information, but that's not a bad thing, researchers say

With smartphones and automated technologies taking care of our information for us, the means to store information outside of our brains is endless. But does this “information offloading” have an impact on the brain’s memory function?

How smart home tech could perpetuate discrimination and racial profiling

Amazon and Google have made a hard push into the home security market, but civilian surveillance could have real impacts on privacy and racial profiling.

From lab-grown meat to molecular coffee: How tech is disrupting the food industry

With plant-based burgers, bean-free coffee and the proliferation of insect farms, experts say alternative foods are on the verge of upending the traditional agriculture and livestock industries.

Fake news isn't new: Modern disinformation uses centuries-old techniques, author says

Author Heidi Tworek says we can learn from media manipulation's long history to understand how disinformation functions now.

Could your tweets come back to haunt you?

Journalist Eve Peyser took a hard look at her Twitter history. It was painful.

How urban design can help people with dementia navigate neighbourhoods and public spaces

As waitlists for care facilities grow longer and more people with dementia are choosing to live within their own communities, urban planning and design will play an increasingly important role in helping them live safe, comfortable and independent lives.

Rethinking "craft" in the age of digital reproduction

There are few darkrooms, and drawing by hand is increasingly rare. So do we still practice "craft" in this digital era?

Inside the machine: Hidden technologies from sea to sky

From weather forecasting to sending email, there is an astonishing amount of hidden technology involved - we take a peek inside the machinery.

Revealing your emoticon side: how digital technology has changed the way we talk to each other

Communication has changed thanks to our use of digital and mobile tools. From emojis and abbreviations to how we talk to our virtual assistants, how do we talk to each other today?

The Spark Guide To Life, Episode Ten: AI and Us

How we interact with virtual assistants, the rise of digisexuality, and Booker-Prize-winning author Ian McEwan on his new book, Machines Like Me.

We trust our virtual assistants more than we should

AIs like Siri and Alexa aren't as smart as they seem.

'Digisexuality' emerges as a new sexual identity

Immersive new tech allows for intense sexual and emotional experiences.

Machine consciousness is 'hugely problematic,' says Ian McEwan

Can we own a consciousness? Can we buy and operate someone else's subjective experience? These themes of Ian McEwan's novel, Machines Like Me, force us to confront our relationship with technology and examine whether our human morality extends to AI beings.

The Spark Guide To Life, Episode Nine: New Perspectives

Google Street View birding, embroidered computers, STEM and the Girl Guides, and using FortNite to teach about climate change

Computer made of cloth challenges our concept of technology

Embroidered electronic tapestry beautifully illustrates the workings of computers

Is that a pixel or a Pileated Woodpecker? Birders flock to Google Street View

Search for elusive species from your desk.

Girl Scouts introduce 'cybersecurity' badge

Girl Guides and Scouts increase focus on STEM

Scientists play Fortnite to teach us about climate change

Oceanographer streams video games on Twitch.

The Spark Guide To Life, Episode Eight: Smart Cities

A special on Smart Cities. It's a big buzzword these days, especially as cities are bigger and denser than ever before. But there are competing visions for what it should be, who should run it, and how to protect your privacy.

Confused by 'smart city' hype? This expert explains what it is and why we should care

As cities around the world begin integrating technology more deeply into urban infrastructure, it's still not clear what people mean when they talk about "smart cities." Urban sustainability professor Andrew Karvonen talks about how to define smart cities, as well as some concerns critics have about the so-called cities of the future.

Most Canadians skeptical about smart cities when it comes to their privacy

Earlier this year, a survey found that 88 per cent of Canadians are concerned on some level about their privacy when it comes to smart cities. Researcher Sara Bannerman says that governments need to step up when it comes to protecting people's data.

No single company should have a monopoly on building smart cities, tech entrepreneur says

If a smart city's infrastructure is built by a single corporation, it may end up being like like a technological walled garden, which could harm collaboration and innovation, says Kurtis McBride.

To protect privacy, there need to be limits on smart cities' surveillance

A panel at a security and privacy conference in Victoria, B.C., earlier this year, discusses how a smart city can be efficient, safe and open. Speakers include former Ontario Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian, David Izzard, the Architecture & Cyber Security Manager for the City of Surrey, BC, and Andrew Clement, a member of the Waterfront Toronto Digital Strategy Advisory Board.

What living in a hyper-connected city means for human beings

Canada Research Chair in the Internet of Things and OCAD University professor Alexis Morris says people need to be at the centre of smart cities with contextually aware public spaces.

The Spark Guide To Life, Episode Seven: Mixed Emotions

How examining opposing views may entrench your own, IBM's AI debater, showing emotion on IG, and the importance of reclaiming boredom.

Machine consciousness is 'hugely problematic,' says Ian McEwan

Can we own a consciousness? Can we buy and operate someone else's subjective experience? These themes of Ian McEwan's novel, Machines Like Me, force us to confront our relationship with technology and examine whether our human morality extends to AI beings.

Confused by 'smart city' hype? This expert explains what it is and why we should care

As cities around the world begin integrating technology more deeply into urban infrastructure, it's still not clear what people mean when they talk about "smart cities." Urban sustainability professor Andrew Karvonen talks about how to define smart cities, as well as some concerns critics have about the so-called cities of the future.

The Spark Guide To Life, Episode Eight: Smart Cities

A special on Smart Cities. It's a big buzzword these days, especially as cities are bigger and denser than ever before. But there are competing visions for what it should be, who should run it, and how to protect your privacy.