The Great Canadian Baking Show

Does it go with chocolate?

We asked the bakers of Season 3 what flavours they think should be paired with chocolate

We asked the bakers of Season 3 what flavours they think should be paired with chocolate

Chocolate: it goes with everything. Or at least almost everything. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Chocolate. It's a pretty versatile ingredient. You can double down on its sweetness by combining it with caramel, or balance it out with something salty, or just go hog wild and add chili powder. 

We got a list of ingredients, ranging from the every day to the exotic, and asked the bakers of The Great Canadian Baking Show Season 3 "Does this go with chocolate?"

Here's what they had to say:

We asked the bakers of the Great Canadian Baking Show if various ingredients go with chocolate. Here's what they said. 2:11