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From oat field to coffee shop: The latest non-dairy star is grown in Canada

The latest star among non-dairy milk products comes from one of Canada’s most underrated crops: oats.

There may be a message behind the new Chinese ambassador's clothing choices

Cong Peiwu wore a black Mao suit to present his letters at Rideau Hall - unlike his predecessor, who wore a business suit. The black Mao suit is enjoying a comeback in China, led by President Xi Jinping. It carries a lot of symbolic meaning and its reappearance says something about where China is going.

Workplace mental health programs deliver healthier bottom lines

A new analysis from Deloitte Insights has quantified the return on investment for workplace mental health programs. The median yearly return on investment was $1.62, rising to $2.18 for programs that have been in place for three years.

Ottawa and the West — it's déjà vu all over again

Western alienation is not a new thing; anyone who's paid attention to federal politics over the past two decades knows that. What few may remember, however, is how closely the political climate after the 2000 election mirrored what we see today.

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