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WADA at 20: As anti-doping agency weighs new sanctions against Russia, scandal still looms large

As the World Anti-Doping Agency marked its 20th anniversary last week, there were warnings that the coming days will be critical to the future of the international body meant to safeguard clean sport for the world's athletes.

White House budget official tells impeachment probe about holdup of Ukraine military aid

A White House budget official testified Saturday in a closed-door session of the Donald Trump impeachment inquiry in Washington, D.C., about the holdup of military aid to Ukraine. The public portion of the probe continues next week.

Why you shouldn't salt a leech that's sucking your blood

Salting a leech that’s sucking your blood could make it vomit into the wound. Biologists behind a new Royal Ontario Museum exhibit on bloodsucking animals suggest better ways to remove leeches and share information about other bloodsuckers, including fish that swim up people’s genitals.

The Queen has ditched buying fur — here's what northern trappers think

In Canada’s North, trapping still provides a livelihood for Indigenous communities. But with the country’s head of state turning her back on the trade, some say it’s a chance to return to traditional ways.

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