The National


CBC In Michigan

'A microcosm of the country': How impeachment hearings are playing out in parts of swing-state Michigan

In the swing state of Michigan, which helped Obama and Trump win their elections, here's how the fallout from the presidential impeachment hearings is affecting voters.

Trump impeachment inquiry: Witness describes intimidation

Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, told Congress that President Donald Trump ran a smear campaign against her and made her feel threatened. The Canadian-born former ambassador said corrupt foreign powers were manipulating the American government as she spoke on Day 2 of the impeachment hearings.

Roger Stone found guilty of lying to Congress over Russia investigation

Roger Stone, a longtime friend of U.S. President Donald Trump, has been found guilty of lying to Congress and obstructing the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

Why doctors are advising against Benadryl

Allergists are saying that Benadryl, a first-generation antihistamine, isn’t always the safest or most effective treatment for allergies. Our Second Look panel discusses why that’s the case and what the alternatives are.

The National for November 15, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Swing state buzzing about impeachment hearings

As U.S. President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing went public, Ioanna Roumeliotis went to the swing state of Michigan to hear from residents. We also talk to the mayor of a bellwether district that has predicted seven presidents who regrets voting for Trump.

Should Don Cherry be replaced?

Saturday will be the first Hockey Night in Canada since Don Cherry was ousted. Love him or loathe him? We talk to hockey fans about what should happen to Coach’s Corner without the coach.

Hong Kong protests move onto university campuses

Protesters in Hong Kong used Molotov cocktails, bows and arrows, and barricades to shut down university campuses as they continued to rally for democratic reforms.

U.K. candidates receive special training amid campaign threats

Candidates in the U.K. election are being given safety guidelines from police after receiving threats. Candidates have been advised not to campaign after dark, and security has been increased.

How scammers use real phone numbers to mislead Canadians

Through a process known as spoofing, scammers are hijacking phone numbers used by government agencies, including the CRA. Our Thomas Daigle shows how easily it can be done and what telecoms are trying to do about it.

Trudeau meets with opposition leaders | At Issue

Andrew Scheer, Jagmeet Singh and Yves-François Blanchet were all on Parliament Hill this week to sit down with the prime minister. At Issue looks at the messaging and the strategies ahead of next month's throne speech.

Family sponsors Syrian refugee in son’s memory

A Syrian family has been reunited after a Regina family, whose son died overseas last year, raised money to sponsor refugees in his memory. The refugee’s family had already settled in Saskatchewan.

Pelosi says Trump committed ‘bribery’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said today that U.S. President Donald Trump committed bribery — and has openly admitted to it. Pelosi argued granting or withholding military assistance in return for a favour amounts to bribery. It’s bolder language than we have previously heard from the Democratic leader.

The National for November 14, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Families should talk about organ donation to avoid confusion

Families should discuss their wishes about organ donation to avoid confusion, but Transplant Quebec also says a proposed system of presumed consent would prevent confusion and increase organ donations in the province.

Allergists concerned about Benadryl’s safety

The popular antihistamine Benadryl is not as safe as people think and the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology says the drug should be put behind the counter at pharmacies because of its side-effects.

B.C. announces regulations to curb youth vaping

With vaping popularity sky-rocketing, B.C. introduces regulations to curb youth use. The goal is to make vaping unattractive to young people. But kids say these measures probably won’t work.

Montreal driver protects pedestrians with SUV

Witnesses and police are calling a Montreal man a hero after he used his vehicle to shield a crowd of pedestrians from a speeding vehicle.

Trump impeachment inquiry: The strategy, stakes and next steps

After the first day of public testimony at U.S. President Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry, our political panel talks to Adrienne Arsenault about the stakes, the political strategy and what will happen next.

Trump impeachment hearings go public: The testimony and spectacle

On the first day of U.S. President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing The National looks at the testimony and the spectacle on Capitol Hill and the case for impeachment.

The National for November 13, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

New guidelines aim to warn parents about unproven autism treatments

The Canadian Pediatric Society has created new guidelines to advise doctors on how to work with parents seeking alternative, sometimes unproven, treatment for children with autism.

Tow truck procession honours recently killed driver

A procession of tow trucks paid tribute to a fellow driver struck dead on the job.

Venice floodwaters rise to near-record levels

The floodwaters in Venice have reached their second highest level in history, at almost two metres.

Don Cherry’s supporters firmly in coach’s corner

Days after Don Cherry was ousted from Coach’s Corner, his supporters gathered to protest the decision outside Sportsnet while his former co-host, Ron Maclean, said he needs “time to think” about what happened.

University student handcuffed after seeking mental health help

A student at the University of Toronto says she was handcuffed by campus police after seeking mental health support, only days after another student died by suicide on campus.

Quebec politician defends wardrobe choices after complaints

Catherine Dorion, a member of Quebec’s legislature, says she should be judged on her work and not her wardrobe after colleagues complained that she dressed too casually.

Show jumper fails doping test, Olympic bid at risk

Canadian show jumper, Nicole Walker, failed a doping test at the Pan Am Games after testing positive for a banned substance, a cocaine metabolite. The failed test puts the whole team’s Olympic bid at risk.