Front Burner


Front Burner

Front Burner is a daily news podcast from CBC News and CBC Podcasts that drops weekday mornings at 6 a.m. ET. Led by host Jayme Poisson, Front Burner is here to bring you a deeper understanding of the big stories shaping Canada, and the world.

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Throne speech signals priorities, problems for minority government

On Thursday, Justin Trudeau kicked off Canada's 43rd parliamentary session with his government's speech from the throne, delivered by Gov. Gen. Julie Payette. Today, on Front Burner, Vassy Kapelos, host of CBC's Power & Politics, joins Jayme Poisson to discuss the speech, how it was received by the other party leaders and how likely the prime minister will be able to fulfil his promises considering his government's minority status.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:36]

What an alleged 'prolific' fraudster reveals about identity theft in Canada

Today on Front Burner, the story of an alleged “professional” identity thief who is facing over 50 fraud-related charges, and accused of stealing the identities of some 20 women by creating forged identification documents and racking up big bills. In this episode, guest host Elamin Abdelmahmoud speaks with CBC senior reporter John Lancaster about how prevalent identity theft is, and how devastating it can be for Canadians.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:23]

What Canadian universities gain, and lose, by accepting Huawei funding

The Chinese tech giant Huawei is in the news again. This week is the one-year anniversary since the company's CFO, Meng Wanzhou, was arrested at a Vancouver airport, which triggered a massive diplomatic crisis between Canada and China. Also this week, Meng Wanzhou's father, the founder and CEO of Huawei, said the company's centre for research and development will be relocated from the United States to Canada. But that move isn't such a surprise. Huawei currently funds $56 million of academic research at Canadian institutions, a fact that worries tech and national security experts. Today on Front Burner, guest host Elamin Abdelmahmoud is joined by Peter Armstrong, CBC's senior business reporter, to talk about the risks and rewards of accepting Huawei's money.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:46]

United premiers could spell trouble for Trudeau

This week, provincial and territorial leaders from across the country gathered in a Toronto suburb to decide on a collective agenda to present to the federal government. On Monday, the premiers came out of the meeting striking a tone of unity, with a list of agreed-upon priorities to assist struggling resource-dependent provinces. Today on Front Burner, CBC's J.P. Tasker reports on what came out of the meeting, why Alberta Premier Jason Kenney won big and what a united group of conservative-leaning premiers might mean for the Liberals' legislative plans.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:56]

Canada’s rules on e-cigarettes based on ‘unproven hypothesis’

There are fewer restrictions on vaping devices in Canada than on tobacco, cannabis or even alcohol. Health Canada made e-cigarettes widely accessible based on an understanding that they could be used as a smoking cessation tool. Now, Canada is investigating almost a dozen possible or confirmed cases of vaping-related lung disease and the U.S. is tallying up thousands of lung injuries and over 40 deaths.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:56]

Understanding TikTok: From viral teen videos to Chinese political censorship

This week, TikTok was in the news for pulling a video critical of China's mass detention of Uighurs. Most of the popular Chinese-owned social media app's users are children and teens who share lip-syncing videos, dance crazes and comedy skits. But in today's episode, Alex Hern, technology editor at the Guardian, explains why — behind the memes and music — there are some real concerns about censorship, privacy and foreign influence.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:58]

Liberals fight payments ordered for First Nations children

This week, the Liberal government was in a federal court, as part of its fight against an order to compensate First Nations children affected by the on-reserve child welfare system. The order is part of a Canada Human Rights Tribunal ruling that took nearly a decade to achieve. The government says the order is an unfair over-reach, and that it plans to deliver payment through a class-action lawsuit instead. Today on Front Burner, CBC Indigenous unit's Jorge Barrera on the long backstory to this week's court hearings, and the discrimination First Nations children face on-reserve.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:56]

Secret documents show scope of China’s mass detention of Uighurs

The systematic detention of a Muslim minority for surveillance, indoctrination and psychological modification is taking place at re-education camps in China, according to leaked official documents revealed this week by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and CBC News . Today on Front Burner, The National’s Adrienne Arsenault delves into China’s crackdown of Uighurs, its aggressive international surveillance of the minority group and how the world is responding to these revelations.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:46]

How ‘alternative’ autism therapies lure in frustrated parents

In 2008, Sandra Hart wanted to get her son Christopher some extra help. He lives with autism and has limited verbal skills, and his mother was frustrated by mainstream medical treatments. Christopher saw a chiropractor for cranial adjustments, and later went for electro-dermal testing. Sandra Hart is not alone: alternative therapies are getting so popular, the Canadian Pediatric Society has created guidelines to help doctors deal with questions from patients. Today on Front Burner, CBC health reporter Vik Adhopia on the boom in “pseudo-scientific” treatments advertised to treat autism.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:36]

Céline Dion’s surprising next chapter

Céline Dion is one of Canada’s most successful recording artists — and according to some, the country's most culturally unappreciated star. But lately, she has found herself in a strange new place: people aren't snickering at her music or even hiding the fact that they like her. In fact, she's become a meme-able national treasure, an even bigger LGBTQ icon and a fashion plate for cutting-edge designers — a veritable "Célinaissance." On Front Burner, guest host Elamin Abdelmahmoud is joined by Carl Wilson, a music critic for Slate and the author of Let’s Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste, to discuss the Canadian icon.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:32]

Jason Kenney’s government to fire man investigating his leadership race

A bill to fire Alberta's election commissioner has passed in a legislature dominated by United Conservative Party MLAs. That's while the commissioner is investigating the UCP leadership race, won by Premier Jason Kenney. The opposition is outraged. Today on Front Burner, we talk to Maclean's Alberta correspondent Jason Markusoff about how Kenney has been using his strong majority, and how the electorate may respond.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:30]

Trudeau’s new cabinet trades sunny ways for damage control

On Wednesday, Justin Trudeau’s new cabinet was sworn in at Rideau Hall. The scene was a lot different from 2015 when Trudeau was coming in with a majority mandate and coming off a campaign based on hope and change. This time around the days of “sunny ways” are gone thanks to some high-profile scandals and deepening regional divides. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s John Paul Tasker analyzes how the government tried to address some of it’s biggest issues through it’s 2019 cabinet appointments.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:58]

Understanding the 'Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself' meme

A conspiracy theory about the death of millionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has been turned into a meme. The phrase "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" is appearing in tweets, TikToks, on live television, even on ugly Christmas sweaters. The New York City Medical Examiner's Office conclusively ruled Epstein's death in jail was a suicide. But that hasn't stopped the conspiracy theory from thriving on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum. Today on Front Burner, Anna Merlan, author of Republic of Lies: American conspiracy theorists and their surprising rise to power, on why she thinks this conspiracy theory has morphed into a widely shared, macabre meme.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:00]

They see no future': Hong Kong pro-democracy leader

Violent confrontations at Hong Kong’s universities are yet another escalation in almost six months of demonstrations. Today on Front Burner, we talk to the former head of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong, Emily Lau, about the longstanding tensions between Hong Kong and China, what’s at stake for the protesters, and whether there’s an appetite for a peaceful solution.

Download They see no future': Hong Kong pro-democracy leader
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:13]

Don Cherry, hockey and Canadian identity

Hockey Night in Canada aired Saturday night without Don Cherry, while his firing stoked a national debate about hockey’s place in this country. Today on Front Burner, we talk to hockey fan Noha Beshir and retired sportswriter David Shoalts, who wrote Hockey Fight in Canada: The Big Media Faceoff Over the NHL.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:58]

From Nixon to Trump: How public opinion shapes impeachment proceedings

This week marks the first time in 20 years that public hearings could result in the removal of a U.S. President from office. In question is a whistleblower’s complaint alleging the U.S. President attempted to pressure the Ukrainian president into investigating his political rival by threatening to withhold military aid. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s Washington correspondent Alex Panetta preps us for day two of the Donald Trump public impeachment inquiry by explaining why these hearings are so important, and what we can learn from past examples like Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

Download From Nixon to Trump: How public opinion shapes impeachment proceedings
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:10]

Is Canadian content a casualty of the 'streaming wars'?

Disney Plus is the latest streaming service on the block, with a library stretching from those classic animated movies from your childhood, to new Marvel blockbusters. It joins Apple TV, Netflix and Amazon Prime. But this ever-growing number of digital companies don't play by the same set of rules as traditional broadcasters. They are largely tax exempt, and they don't have to follow Canadian content regulations. Today on Front Burner, Jayme talks to Tina Hassannia and John Semley, two culture critics who disagree on what streaming services mean for the home-grown screen industry.

Download Is Canadian content a casualty of the 'streaming wars'?
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:01]

Judges toss cases over police credibility concerns

Over the last five years, more than 50 criminal cases have fallen apart after a judge found a police officer gave false or misleading testimony, according to a CBC News investigation. Today on Front Burner, we talk to reporters Chris Glover and Stephen Davis about what they found when digging into judges' rulings in these cases, and what the possible consequences are.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:08]

Don Cherry’s divisive legacy

On Monday, Sportsnet let go of Don Cherry after the hockey broadcaster called immigrants "you people", and claimed they don't wear poppies to honour Canadian veterans. This comes after a career filled with controversy, from anti-Quebecer sentiments to Cherry’s advocacy for fighting in hockey. Today on Front Burner, host Jayme Poisson talks to Postmedia sports columnist Scott Stinson about Cherry’s career, his controversial legacy, and what might happen next for Hockey Night in Canada.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:24]

How an Indigenous man’s murder forced a community to confront racism

Kristian Ayoungman, from Siksika First Nation in Southern Alberta, was shot and killed on a rural highway in March. CBC investigative journalist Connie Walker travelled to meet with the young man’s friends and family, as well as the leaders of the two communities he straddled. As she tells host Jayme Poisson, what she found was unexpected. Connie also reflects on her time at the CBC covering Indigenous communities across the country.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:40]

Introducing Hunting Warhead

A new investigative series from CBC Podcasts and the Norwegian newspaper VG. Hunting Warhead follows an international team of police officers as they attempt to track down the people behind a massive child-abuse site on the dark web. Listen at

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[mp3 file: runs 00:03:56]

Digital stick-ups: The evolution of ransomware

Ransomware attacks are changing. Cyber criminals are learning to target the most vulnerable systems including our municipalities, schools and hospitals. Today on Front Burner, tech journalist and friend of the podcast Matt Braga tells us why just changing passwords isn’t enough to keep critical data and services safe from cyber crime.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:03]

From rallies to re-election: Trump’s path to victory

He’s a president under pressure. He’s facing impeachment, fending off lawsuits, and his approval rating is consistently below 50 per cent. But Donald Trump is also presiding over a strong economy, and a low unemployment rate. Today on Front Burner, CBC Washington Correspondent Paul Hunter on Trump’s next challenge… re-election. One year from voting day -- we look at Trump’s path to victory.

Download From rallies to re-election: Trump’s path to victory
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:04]

Western Alienation, Part Two: Climate collision

Today on Front Burner, the final installment of a two-part series exploring the growing political anger in Alberta and Saskatchewan. This time, Maclean’s Alberta correspondent Jason Markusoff explains how climate change has put Ottawa on a collision course with the West.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:28]

Western Alienation, Part One: Now and Then

Today on Front Burner, the first installment of a two part series exploring the growing political anger in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Part one: deja vu. Jayme Poisson and political science professor Loleen Berdahl guide you through the history of western alienation. They explore how Trudeau senior, set the stage for the deep schisms Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is dealing with today.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:27:57]

Deadspin and the zombification of news

Every member of the popular sports and culture website Deadspin’s editorial staff has resigned, after the firing of the site’s interim editor-in-chief. But tensions have been rising between Deadspin’s journalist and its executives since a private equity firm took over in April. Those executives issued an edict last week to “stick to sports.” Today on Front Burner, Slate’s Ben Mathis-Lilley discusses the mass exodus at Deadspin and what it says about the future of independent digital media.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:25:12]

California’s fiery future

There are multiple wildfires burning in California right now as they did last year, and the year before. Six of the state’s ten most destructive wildfires have taken place in the last two years. And as the state gets hotter, and dryer, the fires are expected to get even more destructive. Today on Front Burner, the west coast bureau chief with the Atlantic’s CityLab, Laura Bliss, on her home state’s increasingly fiery future.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:44]

'Flying coffins': Boeing CEO faces grilling over 737 Max

Two devastating crashes, five months apart, left 346 people dead. Both Ethiopian Flight 302 and Lion Air Flight 610 went down shortly after take off. The victims' families are still looking for answers. Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg testified in front of two committees in Washington this week about the 737 Max. Today on Front Burner, CBC correspondent Susan Ormiston tells us what he said, and how the families responded.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:33]

Doug Ford returns from political exile

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is back in the public eye and is striking a more diplomatic tone in a bid to improve his dismal approval rating. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s Ontario legislature reporter Mike Crawley explains how Ford’s government plans on turning things around and what’s changed.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:18]

Money, misinformation and Facebook’s plans for the future

On Monday, Facebook employees wrote an open letter to the company’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, protesting the decision to let politicians run false claims on the platform. Reporter Adi Robertson on where the company goes from here.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:50]

The rise and fall of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi

On Sunday President Donald Trump announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died during a U.S. raid in Syria. Today on Front Burner, Joby Warrick explains the significance of Baghdadi’s death and what this means for the future of ISIS. Warrick is a national security reporter for the Washington Post and Pulitzer-prize winning author of Black Flags: The Rise Of ISIS.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:46]

2 generations of conservatives on the Conservative Party's future

In the aftermath of the election, two generations of conservative voices on what they think is threatening the Conservative Party, and what needs to happen if they want to win majority governments.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:59]

The view from the conflict zone in Syria

On Wednesday, Donald Trump announced a permanent ceasefire on the Syrian border with Turkey. But can the peace be stable? The CBC’s Margaret Evans on her experience travelling there last week.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:20]

Election fallout: A divided Canada

Monday’s election results reveal stark regional divides in this country, from a Conservative blue Alberta and Saskatchewan to a resurgent Bloc in Quebec. Meanwhile, the Liberals eked out their win in part thanks to support in urban centres. Today on Front Burner, Parliament Hill writer Aaron Wherry on these different regions’ interests, and how can a fragile Liberal government balance these competing, and at times conflicting, interests.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:31]

Liberals win minority government, now what?

"We're left with a more divided country than's going to be a really hard thing for the government to address." On Monday night, Canadians voted in a Liberal minority government led by Justin Trudeau. Today on Front Burner, Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos lays out what the election results mean, and what to expect next.

Download Liberals win minority government, now what?
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:57]

Raptors preview and the NBA's China problem

It may be election day. But it’s also the eve of the Toronto Raptors season opener. So we’re putting Canadian politics aside for one day to talk to sports writer Alex Wong. The last time we spoke to Alex, it was the night of the Raptors NBA Championship victory. Today, he brings us a preview of the Raptors season to come. Plus, he explains the ongoing tensions between the NBA and China.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:13]

What you need to know before election day, Part 2

Today, the Conservative and Green platforms are laid out in the second of our two-part series in preparation for voting day. Power & Politics host Vassy Kapelos joins host Jayme Poisson to bring together what you need to know to cast an informed vote.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:26:17]

What you need to know before election day (Part 1 of 2)

Today, the Liberal and NDP platforms are dissected in the first of our two part series in preparation for voting day. Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos joins host Jayme Poisson to bring together what you need to know to cast an informed vote. Stay tuned for the Conservative/Green edition on Friday.

Download What you need to know before election day (Part 1 of 2)
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:27]

Why the UN is going broke

The United Nations is facing a severe shortage of cash, according to Secretary-General António Guterres. The cash flow problem is so dire that the UN is begging member states to pay their dues and have started austerity measures. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s UN reporter Melissa Kent explains why the UN is going broke and what the United States has to do with it.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:12]

Please Explain: The strategic voting edition

With one week to go before Canadians head to the polls, words like “strategic voting” and “coalition government” are dominating the news. CBC poll analyst Éric Grenier answers listener questions about Canada’s electoral system.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:27:02]

Consent, false accusation fear and #MeToo

Journalist Robyn Doolittle has a new book out called ‘Had it coming.’ It’s been two years since the first stories alleging sexual abuse by Harvey Weinstein were published, sparking an unprecedented conversation about sexual assault. Now, what’s fair in the age of #MeToo? It’s a question Doolittle tackles in the book.’ Today on Front Burner, she talks about the #MeToo movement, what came before it, and why she thinks we need to talk about consent as a moral and ethical issue, not just a legal one.

Download Consent, false accusation fear and #MeToo
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:23]

Inside a Russian 'propaganda tour' of Syria

A Turkish military assault on Kurdish fighters is underway in northeastern Syria. It was made possible by a U.S. decision to withdraw American military personnel in that area. Today on Front Burner, CBC Moscow correspondent Chris Brown discusses how Russia, a country with a large military presence in Syria, looks to fill the gap left by the United States. He talks about his recent trip to Syria, escorted by the Russian military, on what he says was, "effectively, a propaganda tour."

Download Inside a Russian 'propaganda tour' of Syria
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:53]

How Hamilton became a 'cautionary tale' for hate

Hamilton, Ontario, has the most hate crime per capita in the country. Along with that, it has ongoing weekly protests at city hall by members of the yellow vest movement and far-right groups. CBC News reporter Samantha Craggs has been covering this story in Hamilton, as part of an ongoing series called “Exposing Hate”. Today on Front Burner, she explains why Hamilton has become a flashpoint for hate in Canada.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:13]

Salman Rushdie's journey across the U.S.

The last time Salman Rushdie won the Booker Prize, it was 1981. It's been 24 years since his last nomination. After his new book, Quichotte, came out, he was pleasantly surprised to find himself back on the list of nominees. "It's like, finally!" says Rushdie. "They remembered I was around." The new book is a retelling of Don Quixote, with an Indian-American salesman travelling across the United States on a quest. His journey touches on issues like the opioid crisis, our addiction to reality TV, and the end of the world. Rushdie joins Jayme Poisson to give his unique perspective on these hectic times.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:25]

Recapping a crucial federal leaders debate

On Monday night, the six major federal party leaders faced off in an English-language debate for the only time in the 2019 election campaign. And the stage was packed: There were more leaders on stage in Gatineau, Que., than at any other point in Canadian political history. Today on Front Burner, Power & Politics host Vassy Kapelos on the debate's highs, lows and takeaways.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:25:45]

Why ‘Joker’ is a polarizing film

This weekend, a new Joker movie hit theatres, polarizing critics and audiences with a gritty take on the DC super-villain’s origin story. The film also caught the attention of intelligence and law enforcement agencies who fear it could trigger public violence. Today on Front Burner, film critic Tina Hassannia unpacks the iconic character and the different sides of the rhetoric surrounding the movie. Warning: There won’t be major spoilers, but this episode will cover some of the film’s plot.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:26:45]

Face to face with Canada’s party leaders

This week — as part of the CBC series Face to Face — five undecided voters got five minutes each with federal party leaders to ask the questions that matter most to them. The National's Rosemary Barton hosted the events, and followed up with questions for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Today on Front Burner, Barton reflects on what she learned from the exchanges, and what they might tell us about what's at stake with the upcoming federal election.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:45]

The controversial political life of Maxime Bernier

In the sixth and final Canadian leadership profile, Jayme Poisson speaks to the CBC’s Jonathan Montpetit about Maxime Bernier, the controversial head of the People’s Party of Canada.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:28:14]

Law forces NCAA to let some athletes finally get paid

U.S. college sports generated at least $14 billion last year. And while coaches get paid multi-million dollar salaries, players aren't paid at all, beyond the cost of attending the university. Now, a new law in California will allow student athletes to profit from the use of their name, likeness and image — essentially, to get endorsements. The NCAA has said the law will "erase the critical distinction between college and professional athletics." But today on Front Burner, the Toronto Star's Morgan Campbell explains why he thinks these athletes are acting like professionals already, and should be compensated accordingly.

Download Law forces NCAA to let some athletes finally get paid
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:23]

The refugees of Roxham Road, Canada's busiest 'irregular' border crossing

In 2017 an unprecedented number of people were crossing into Canada illegally from the United States at Roxham Road to claim asylum. And in just two years, about 50,000 migrants have entered Canada through this unofficial entry point. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s Susan Ormiston returns to Roxham Road to unpack how it became internationally known as a de facto border crossing for those seeking refugee status in Canada.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:25:13]

One doctor’s fight against the ‘Wellness Industrial Complex’

Wellness is a multi-trillion-dollar industry. Vague assertions about detoxification and restoring balance can be used to sell everything from juice cleanses to coffee enemas. But obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Jen Gunter says a lot of these products are snake oil, and their claims are pseudoscientific. Today, Dr. Gunter on misinformation in the "wellness" industry, how it persists, and why she insists on debunking it wherever she can.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:02]

The underdog: A profile of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh

When Jagmeet Singh became the leader of the NDP in 2017, he was the first person of colour to lead a major Canadian political party. There was a great deal of excitement around Singh, who is known for his ability to communicate genuinely and effectively - as demonstrated last week in the aftermath of Justin Trudeau’s brownface controversy. But the NDP leader has also been criticized for being ill-prepared for the job.Today, as part of our federal election profile series, Front Burner digs into the life and political career of Jagmeet Singh with the CBC’s Hannah Thibedeau.

Download The underdog: A profile of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:47]

Election panel: The promises and limits of ‘affordability’

Affordability policy pledges are front and centre in the Canadian federal election campaign. We’ve seen Conservatives and Liberals promise tax cuts. The Liberals and NDP promise to lower your cellphone bill. There are national pharmacare pledges from the NDP, the Liberals and the Greens. The Greens even propose a guaranteed annual income. And these are just a few of the policies on offer from the major parties. Today on Front Burner, Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos and national business correspondent Peter Armstrong on what these affordability promises accomplish, what they don’t, and the tradeoffs they may require.

Download Election panel: The promises and limits of ‘affordability’
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:39]

Democrats launch Trump impeachment process

On Tuesday, U.S. Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. Today on Front Burner, CBC's senior Washington editor Lyndsay Duncombe explains what happens next and what Joe Biden's son and Ukraine have to do with it.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:27]

Vaping sickness: what we know and what we don't

A young man in London, Ont., was recently put on life-support with a respiratory illness that's been linked to vaping. He was the first with that diagnosis in Canada, after more than 450 Americans fell ill, and eight died, also from vaping-linked respiratory illnesses. How much do we actually know about the health impacts of vaping nicotine or marijuana? Andre Picard is the health reporter for the Globe and Mail. He says the jury is still out. "Smoking is like jumping off the hundredth floor of a building," says Picard. "Vaping is like jumping out, we just don't know which floor yet."

Download Vaping sickness: what we know and what we don't
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:19]

Naomi Klein on climate strikes, Greta and the Green New Deal

Millions of climate strikers all across the world took to the street on Sept 20th. And there’s another strike scheduled on Sept 27th, as well. Today on Front Burner, we talk to Naomi Klein, author of the new book “On Fire: The Burning Case for the Green New Deal” about Greta Thunberg, the Green New Deal, and why she thinks mass mobilization around climate change may be the only thing that can help us avoid global warming’s most devastating effects: “If you don’t believe in social movements, and if they make you kind of queasy and they seem kind of messy, then you should feel really pessimistic, because it’s actually our only hope.”

Download Naomi Klein on climate strikes, Greta and the Green New Deal
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:39]

BONUS: Alleged RCMP spy case rocks intelligence services

Late last week, a director-general with the RCMP was arrested and charged with breaching Canada’s secrets law, for allegedly preparing to share a cache of classified intelligence material with a foreign entity or terrorist organization. Today on Front Burner, we speak with CBC reporter Catherine Tunney on what we know so far about what Ortis is alleged to have done, including his alleged contacts with a shady encryption company based in BC that was used by murderers and drug traffickers, and with former CSIS analyst Stephanie Carvin about what this could mean for national security.

Download BONUS: Alleged RCMP spy case rocks intelligence services
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:01]

Trudeau, blackface and experiencing racism in Canada

Today on Front Burner, we talk to the National Observer’s Fatima Syed, and to doctor Ritika Goel, about Justin Trudeau’s blackface scandal, and why for so many Canadians of colour, it’s a familiar sort of racism.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:11]

Photo shows Liberal leader Justin Trudeau in brownface

A photograph of Justin Trudeau in brownface and wearing a turban at a 2001 “Arabian Nights”-themed costume party was published in TIME Wednesday night. Soon after, Trudeau apologized, saying he now realizes it was “racist.” Today on Front Burner, Vassy Kapelos, host of Power & Politics, joins us talk about the reaction to the news and political fallout for a leader who has positioned himself as a champion of diversity and inclusion.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:10]

Loneliness, suicide, substance abuse: Mental health in Alberta’s oilpatch

Today on Front Burner, an intimate look at mental health struggles amongst workers in Alberta’s oilpatch with the co-producer of a new documentary on the subject, ‘Digging in the Dirt.’

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:43]

Controversial candidates and big campaign promises

Not even one week into the federal election campaign and the major parties are already struggling with controversial candidates. Today on Front Burner, host of Power and Politics Vassy Kapelos and CBC senior reporter Katie Simpson join us to break down how the leaders are reacting and go through the latest platform promises.

Download Controversial candidates and big campaign promises
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:35]

Please Explain: Where the major parties stand on climate change

In Please Explain, voters come on Front Burner to ask their biggest questions about the election. First up: Marieke Walsh from the Globe and Mail explains the party platforms on climate change, and how the carbon tax is doing for Canada.

Download Please Explain: Where the major parties stand on climate change
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:15]

Understanding Vladimir Putin’s grip on power

Today on Front Burner, CBC’s Moscow Correspondent Chris Brown takes us through Vladimir Putin’s decades-long grip on power, and whether or not a popular protest movement and falling approval numbers could signal change for Russia's political future.

Download Understanding Vladimir Putin’s grip on power
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:38]

Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale and its much-hyped sequel

This week, hundreds of fans gathered in London to celebrate the launch of The Testaments, the much-anticipated sequel to Margaret Atwood's best-selling novel, The Handmaid's Tale. Similar events took place around the world, and the novel has already been shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Today on Front Burner, Slate's book critic Laura Miller on the political and cultural relevance of The Handmaid's Tale, and why there's been so much anticipation for its sequel.

Download Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale and its much-hyped sequel
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:41]

The paths to Canadian election victory

The federal election campaign is set to kick off today, and so does our weekly election panel. Today on Front Burner, Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos and CBC’s polling analyst, Éric Grenier.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:41]

‘It's all or nothing for her’: From environmental lawyer to Green Party leader, a profile of Elizabeth May

With the next federal election just around the corner, and environmental issues top of mind for many Canadian voters, the Green Party is riding high on a rise in support. With this momentum comes a lot of pressure on the party’s long-time leader to deliver gains at the polls. Today, as part of our federal election profile series, we’re digging into the life and political legacy of Elizabeth May with Mia Rabson, an energy and environment reporter for The Canadian Press.

Download ‘It's all or nothing for her’: From environmental lawyer to Green Party leader, a profile of Elizabeth May
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:07]

Bianca Andreescu Brings a Tennis Grandslam to Canada

Tennis analyst Caitlin Thompson on how Bianca Andreescu won the U.S. Open this week, becoming the first Canadian to take a singles championship.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:26:45]

Front Burner presents: Party Lines

Jayme introduces Party Lines, a new CBC podcast and a political primer for every kind of concerned citizen. The National’s Rosemary Barton and BuzzFeed News’ Elamin Abdelmahmoud are here to take you beyond the talking points and provide the insights you need to navigate the upcoming federal election. Head to for more.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:25:12]

After the storm: two portraits of hurricane recovery

This week, Hurricane Dorian delivered catastrophic damage to the Bahamas. It was a Category 5 storm when it hit the island nation, with winds of up to 295 km/hr, and Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said it left "generational devastation." Today on Front Burner, in the age of intensifying storms, two very different portraits of hurricane recovery. Janise Elie of the Guardian describes the devastation of the Caribbean Island of Dominica by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Then, Rice University assistant professor Max Besbris talks about how Houston, Texas rebuilt after Hurricane Harvey that same year.

Download After the storm: two portraits of hurricane recovery
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:06]

A conversation with the 'Berlin patient,' the first person cured of HIV

In 2007, a man known as the "Berlin patient" was cured of HIV through a stem cell transplant. It was an incredible accomplishment that researchers all over the world scrutinized for years to come. He was the first and only documented case of a person who has been cured of HIV until March of this year, when a second patient was declared HIV-free from a similar treatment. Today on Front Burner, a conversation with Timothy Ray Brown, the "Berlin patient."

Download A conversation with the 'Berlin patient,' the first person cured of HIV
[mp3 file: runs 00:18:16]

The fight to control the Arctic

Who owns the Arctic? There are several countries who think they have a right to the North Pole or the rich territory around it. Russia has a military presence close by, and recently fired two missiles from the Arctic Ocean as a show of strength. Mike Pompeo, the U.S. secretary of state, has called the Arctic "the forefront of opportunity and abundance" for the United States. And Canada is among the countries that have submitted scientific evidence bolstering a claim of sovereignty over the North Pole. Neil Shea recently travelled to the Arctic for National Geographic, and spent time with a group of Canadian Rangers responsible for bolstering Ottawa's claim. "There's a lot of oil and gas, and on the land, there's a lot of minerals," says Shea, who notes the Arctic land rush has been the result of climate change. "There's trillions of dollars of stuff that hasn't been accessible. But now that everything is melting, you have more opportunity to get at it."

Download The fight to control the Arctic
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:29]

Justin Trudeau’s record vs rhetoric examined by Netflix’s ‘Patriot Act’

Today on Front Burner, with the federal election expected to be called soon, Power & Politics host Vassy Kapelos joins us to talk about Justin Trudeau’s gamble on an interview with a U.S. comedian, Andrew Scheer’s position on gay marriage and abortion, and Maxime Bernier’s tweets about teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg.

Download Justin Trudeau’s record vs rhetoric examined by Netflix’s ‘Patriot Act’
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:43]

Meet Justice Abella, the judge called Canada's Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella was the first Jewish woman to serve on Canada’s Supreme Court, has an internationally-recognized legal legacy, and is the longest-serving judge on the bench. So why don’t more Canadian’s know who she is? Pulitzer prize-winning journalist David Shribman got a rare interview with the judge, as her time on the top bench winds down. Today on Front Burner, David tells us about the judge who’s been called Canada's Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Download Meet Justice Abella, the judge called Canada's Ruth Bader Ginsburg
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:17]

Can the Bloc Québécois return from the brink?

The Bloc Québécois was once a powerful federal political party, forming the official opposition in 1993 and holding around fifty seats in the House in the mid to late 2000's. But the last two elections have nearly wiped the Bloc from existence, and the party has had a revolving door of leaders. This year, Yves-François Blanchet took over the reins. Today on Front Burner, as part of our series on the federal party leaders, we take a look at who Blanchet is and what he stands for with Martin Patriquin, a freelance political journalist based in Montreal.

Download Can the Bloc Québécois return from the brink?
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:38]

What a landmark ruling means for the opioid crisis

This week, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $572 million US to the state of Oklahoma, in a landmark case that saw the court find the company liable for the state's opioid crisis. Johnson & Johnson says it will appeal the ruling. Purdue Pharma is also proposing to settle thousands of cases. These developments are the beginning of a far-reaching legal effort, in both the U.S and Canada, to hold drug makers accountable for the opioid epidemic. Today on Front Burner, we talk to journalist Zachary Siegel about what this ruling might mean for the thousands of cases soon to be before the courts.

Download What a landmark ruling means for the opioid crisis
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:07]

How Andrew Luck's retirement might shape the NFL's future

Over the weekend, star NFL quarterback Andrew Luck retired at the prime age of 29, citing his many injuries as the reason. The past few years have seen revelations about the physical toll NFL players face, including CTE and other potential brain injuries. Today on Front Burner, Globe & Mail sports columnist Cathal Kelly joins us to discuss how this shock retirement might shape pro football, and whether the sport is viable in the future.

Download How Andrew Luck's retirement might shape the NFL's future
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:24]

Why is the Amazon rainforest burning?

On Monday, Canada pledged $15 million to help fight fires in the Amazon rainforest. That's on top of the $26.5 million the G7 pledged at the conclusion of this weekend's gathering in France. But why are so many of these fires ablaze in the first place? Today on Front Burner, we talk to Jake Spring. He's a Reuters correspondent based in Brazil and the host of the Foreign Correspondence podcast who has reported on the fires from up close.

Download Why is the Amazon rainforest burning?
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:43]

Depression in the first person

Anna Mehler Paperny first tried to kill herself when she was 24 years old, just as she was finding success as a journalist. In her new memoir, Hello I Want to Die Please Fix Me: Depression in the First Person, she talks unflinchingly about her experience with depression and tries to better understand the illness.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:21]

What is the militant neo-Nazi group ‘The Base’?

An army reservist from a town near Winnipeg is being investigated by the RCMP and the Canadian Military for suspected ties to a shadowy militant neo-Nazi group called “The Base.” Today, we’ll talk to VICE national security correspondent Ben Makuch and VICE senior reporter Mack Lamoureux about the tactics and inner workings of the group, including its similarities to al-Qaeda. We’ll also touch on the Canadian military’s stance on extremism in their ranks.

Download What is the militant neo-Nazi group ‘The Base’?
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:16]

The 2 sides to Justin Trudeau: A pre-election profile

Elected on a campaign of "sunny ways" and "real change," the expectations were high for Justin Trudeau when he came into power in 2015. But after a series of scandals, the public perception of Canada's prime minister might be shifting ahead of the fall election. Today, we continue our series on the federal party leaders by speaking to CBC News political reporter Aaron Wherry. He has a new book out called Promise and Peril: Justin Trudeau in Power.

Download The 2 sides to Justin Trudeau: A pre-election profile
[mp3 file: runs 00:28:31]

A veteran mob reporter on organized crime in Canada today

Last week, a gunman in a white SUV pulled up to a restaurant on a busy Toronto street in broad daylight and shot the restaurant's owner dead. Police are saying the fatal shooting was targeted. And according to the Toronto Star's crime reporter, the victim may have had links to the mob. Today on Front Burner, Peter Edwards shares his thoughts on the brazen drive-by shooting, the connection to another shocking death from 2012, and the state of organized crime in Canada today.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:48]

Climate change at centre of Elections Canada partisan ad controversy

This week, Elections Canada is at the centre of a firestorm over what it classifies a partisan issue during the federal election campaign period. Today on Front Burner, Elections Canada spokesperson Natasha Gauthier explains why the agency may deem climate change a partisan issue. Katie Gibbs, executive director of the non-partisan, non-profit Evidence for Democracy also shares her perspective on the controversy.

Download Climate change at centre of Elections Canada partisan ad controversy
[mp3 file: runs 00:28:40]

Women's lives upended after cancer diagnosis linked to Biocell breast implants

In Canada and around the world, women who’ve been struck with a rare form of cancer are joining class action lawsuits against the manufacturer of the Biocell textured breast implant. Today, on Front Burner, CBC investigative journalist Valérie Ouellet explains how this particular breast implant flew under the radar for so long.

Download Women's lives upended after cancer diagnosis linked to Biocell breast implants
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:29]

Kenora, ON, closes sole homeless shelter in the midst of a drug crisis

Kenora Ontario, a small city in the province’s northwest, is in the midst of a drug crisis. In an attempt to address the situation, the city has temporarily shut down the only homeless shelter in the area. Some see it as a positive move, others see NIMBYism. Today on Front Burner, TVO reporter Jon Thompson, helps us understand the roots of the city’s drugs crisis and how it’s affecting the local population.

Download Kenora, ON, closes sole homeless shelter in the midst of a drug crisis
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:32]

“Troubling tactics” and the ethics report on Prime Minister Trudeau

A report from the Ethics Commissioner Wednesday said Justin Trudeau and his office used “troubling tactics” in the SNC-Lavalin case. The CBC’s Vassy Kapelos breaks down what it all means, two months before the election.

Download “Troubling tactics” and the ethics report on Prime Minister Trudeau
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:11]

Boris Johnson's U.K. hurtles toward Brexit deadline

As the United Kingdom hurtles towards the October 31 Brexit deadline, newly-appointed Prime Minister Boris Johnson is playing hardball with the European Union, saying the UK is leaving deal or no deal. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s senior correspondent Susan Ormiston pops by to explain what could be next for Brexit.

Download Boris Johnson's U.K. hurtles toward Brexit deadline
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:15]

A former neo-Nazi on El Paso shooting and rise of white supremacy

Joining the neo-Nazi movement was a choice that Christian Piccolini says cost him his livelihood, his wife, and his sense of self. Following the mass shooting in El Paso, he speaks out about his former community, to warn people about the wide reach of white supremacist extremism around the world.

Download A former neo-Nazi on El Paso shooting and rise of white supremacy
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:23]

Jeffrey Epstein’s death: The conspiracies and the fallout

It was already a story mired in controversy, but with the apparent suicide of accused sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, the scandal has only deepened. Today, on Front Burner, we turn to Marc Fisher, senior editor at The Washington Post, to unpack the conspiracy theories that have erupted around Epstein’s death and what the latest developments mean for his victims.

Download Jeffrey Epstein’s death: The conspiracies and the fallout
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:40]

Why the China-U.S. trade war matters

Today on Front Burner, we sit down with the CBC’s Peter Armstrong to talk about the escalating U.S.-China trade war, and how it could affect the global financial market.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:57]

Beyond the dimples: A profile of Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer

He's called, "the smiling Stephen Harper," and he's known for his knack of bringing people together. But beyond his dimples, what do you really know about Andrew Scheer? Today, with the federal election fast approaching, we talk to Maclean's Ottawa bureau chief, John Geddes about the leader of the Conservative Party. We'll get insight into how he became such a unifier (hint: his favourite book is the self-help classic How to Win Friends and Influence People) and how that squares with his more divisive moments, such as his hardline stance on the United Nations migration pact. This is the first in a series of pre-election profiles we'll do about Canada's federal party leaders.

Download Beyond the dimples: A profile of Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer
[mp3 file: runs 00:30:29]

'Pick up the book and read': Canadian poets on the legacy of Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison's literary and academic career was honoured with a Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her writing explored, celebrated, questioned and critiqued the space of black lives in America, up until her death on Monday at the age of 88. Today on Front Burner, we speak with Halifax's former poet laureate El Jones and former poet laureate of Canada George Elliott Clarke about the importance of her work, both as a source of art, and form of activism.

Download 'Pick up the book and read': Canadian poets on the legacy of Toni Morrison
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:24]

‘A sickening déjà vu’: Two US mass shootings in one weekend stuns reporter

This past weekend saw two back-to-back mass shootings in the United States: one in El Paso, Texas, and one in Dayton, Ohio. At least thirty-one people are dead. Dozens more injured. Today on Front Burner, we talk to writer Jennifer Mascia about gun violence and reform in America. She’s a reporter with The Trace, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to covering gun-related news.

Download ‘A sickening déjà vu’: Two US mass shootings in one weekend stuns reporter
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:59]

A Crucifix, A Mystery Illness and a Refugee

In nine months, Front Burner has covered a lot of stories. But we haven’t had time to follow up on all of them. Today, we revisit a handful, including the mystery illness that befell Canadian diplomats in Cuba, the law in Quebec to outlaw religious garb for public servants, and the odyssey of a Syrian refugee who moved to Canada after living in an airport for months. Plus, how a country rap oddity became the biggest song of 2019.

Download A Crucifix, A Mystery Illness and a Refugee
[mp3 file: runs 00:28:38]

Flying cars, an artificial moon and Saudi Arabia's $500 billion vision for the future

Saudi Arabia's "Neom" is a planned futuristic city-state in the desert. The project is said to include flying cars, gene editing, an island of robot dinosaurs, an artificial moon — and the most comprehensive surveillance state on earth. The Wall Street Journal has viewed planning documents that provide unprecedented access into the Gulf nation's plan to turn a formerly barren strip of desert into the most lucrative plot of land on earth. Today we'll talk to the Wall Street Journal's Justin Scheck, who broke the story about the Saudi Crown Prince's vision for the future, and what it tells us about the kingdom's place on the world stage.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:57]

Who is the alleged Capital One hacker?

A massive data breach at Capital One has led to the arrest of a Seattle-based woman who allegedly stole the private information of more than 100 million people, including 6 million Canadians. Today on Front Burner, Greg Otto, Editor-in-Chief of CyberScoop, brings us the story of accused hacker Paige Thompson and explains how the crime was done and why experts say a trail of clues was left for the FBI.

Download Who is the alleged Capital One hacker?
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:01]

Why B.C.’s orcas are at risk, and what’s at stake

There are, at most, only 76 southern resident killer whales left in the world. Right now, there’s growing concern about the fate of J17 - the matriarch of one of the most studied orca families, J pod - as she was recently spotted emaciated. Killers: J pod on the brink is a new CBC podcast that dives deep into what’s putting B.C.'s orca population at risk - from climate change to politics. Today on Front Burner, producer Catherine Rolfsen on why these marine mammals matter.

Download Why B.C.’s orcas are at risk, and what’s at stake
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:40]

How a failed terrorism case derailed one Canadian's life

In 2007, Hassan Diab was an unassuming sociology lecturer at Carleton University, when he was suddenly told French authorities were investigating him for committing a terrorist act in Paris in 1980. Diab has always claimed innocence — but the revelation was just the beginning of an 12-year ordeal, including a lengthy court case, extradition to France and three years spent in prison. An external review was ordered into his case, but Diab and his legal team are less than satisfied with its findings. On Front Burner, CBC senior reporter David Cochrane breaks down one of the most intensely fought extradition cases in Canadian history.

Download How a failed terrorism case derailed one Canadian's life
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:31]

What’s the big deal about Beyond Meat?

Beyond Meat, the popular meat substitute, can be found in at A&W;, Tim Hortons, and most grocery stores these days. The company’s stock is at an all-time high. Today on Front Burner, writer Michael Grunwald analyzes why that is, how it relates to the climate crisis, and how all of this is inspiring pushback from industry and politicians alike.

Download What’s the big deal about Beyond Meat?
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:08]

Fear, isolation and a cross-Canada manhunt

Today on Front Burner, the CBC’s Jason Proctor tells why the ongoing manhunt for two B.C. murder suspects has left many residents of Canada’s north feeling vulnerable and afraid.

Download Fear, isolation and a cross-Canada manhunt
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:27]

The key takeaways of Robert Mueller’s marathon testimony

Today on Front Burner, the CBC’s Paul Hunter on Robert Mueller’s very reluctant testimony on Capitol Hill, and why both sides of the aisle are claiming victory.

Download The key takeaways of Robert Mueller’s marathon testimony
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:59]

Why do illegal weed dispensaries still exist?

It's been nine months since marijuana was legalized in Canada, and illegal dispensaries are not only prevalent across the country — but in many cases, thriving. Today on Front Burner, CBC investigative reporter Zach Dubinsky and Sol Israel from The Leaf News on illegal pot shops that brazenly defy the law and why they exist in the age of legal weed.

Download Why do illegal weed dispensaries still exist?
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:55]

The perpetual Marvel machine

Marvel Studios has announced plans for the latest phase of the Marvel cinematic universe, setting the world of deep superhero fandom abuzz. On Front Burner, we speak to Eli Glasner, CBC's national entertainment reporter and film critic, about what Western cinema gains and loses.

Download The perpetual Marvel machine
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:39]

A portrait of the mysterious Kim Jong-un

“He’s such a puzzle...and we don’t have all the answers.” As the world continues to try and figure out the puzzle that is North Korea, guest host Chris Berube talks to Anna Fifield, the Washington Post reporter who’s put together the most complete portrait leader Kim Jong-un yet. Her new book is “The Great Successor: The Divinely Perfect Destiny of Brilliant Comrade Kim Jong Un”.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:53]

Donald Trump, and the debate over the term “racist”

At a rally on Wednesday night, supporters of Donald Trump broke out in a chorus of "send her back!" chants, targeted toward Ilhan Omar, a Somali-born congresswoman from Minnesota. The chant came just days after the U.S. president took to Twitter, to attack four congresswomen of colour, suggesting they "go back and help fix the broken and crime-infested places from which they came." All of this has set off a debate in the media, on how to cover Trump and racism. On today's Front Burner, we talk to Adam Serwer, staff writer with The Atlantic, about journalistic objectivity, Trump, the media and the term "racist."

Download Donald Trump, and the debate over the term “racist”
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:06]

FaceApp: Fact, fiction and fears

It's the AI-assisted photo editing app that has entertained millions of users around the world. Open FaceApp on your smartphone, upload of a photo of yourself, and you — like Drake, the Jonas Brothers and Steph Curry — can see what you might look like in your golden years. But just like everything we do online, when you take a closer look, it's more complicated than it seems. On Front Burner, we speak to Kaleigh Rogers, CBC's senior reporter covering disinformation online, about the facts and fears about FaceApp.

Download FaceApp: Fact, fiction and fears
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:48]

The battle for green voters begins

With three months to go before the federal election, two parties on the left are trying to plant their flag as the party of environmentalists. The NDP recently introduced its "Canadian New Deal" which promises aggressive carbon targets and investments in energy efficiency. Meanwhile, the Green Party is surging in the polls, with its promise to double Canada's emission reduction targets. With the two parties battling for green voters on the left, analysts are beginning to wonder if there's room for both parties to thrive. Althia Raj is the Ottawa bureau chief for the Huffington Post. She's been speaking to voters in British Columbia about which party should get the environmentalist vote this fall.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:06]

Canadian teacher home after ‘nightmare in Indonesia’

Neil Bantleman was teaching at a school in Jakarta, Indonesia when he and seven others were accused of sex crimes against students. He maintained his innocence despite being convicted in an Indonesian court. CBC's The Fifth Estate co-host Mark Kelley travelled to Indonesia to look into the case and found the serious flaws in the investigation and evidence presented against him. Now, Bantleman is back in Canada after being granted clemency. Today on Front Burner, Kelley talks to guest host Michelle Sheppard about what he found in the course of making The Fifth Estate's 2016 documentary Nightmare in Indonesia.

Download Canadian teacher home after ‘nightmare in Indonesia’
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:17]

What did Canadian peacekeepers accomplish in Mali?

“Organized crime, smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking, terrorism - you can sort of name it, and Mali is afflicted by it.” Swept up in part by Islamist extremism, the U.N’s peacekeeping mission in Mali is one of the deadliest in recent history. Canada has been part of this larger effort since last year. As it draws to a close, journalist Richard Poplak talks to guest host Michelle Shephard if it made good on Canada's promise to return to peacekeeping.

Download What did Canadian peacekeepers accomplish in Mali?
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:02]

The World Cup champions tackle equal pay

After their record-setting fourth World Cup win, the U.S. women's soccer team has found themselves at the centre of an ongoing debate about pay equity in sport. The team has been followed by a chorus of "equal pay" from the pitch to their celebration parade in New York City. These calls for equal pay have been heightened by the fact that the team generates more revenue than their male counterparts — selling more jerseys, tickets and signing more sponsorship deals. So how does a pay difference of as much as $730,000 persist? On today's Front Burner, we talk to writer and podcast host Shireen Ahmed for answers.

Download The World Cup champions tackle equal pay
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:53]

‘Conversion therapy’ survivor shares his story

In 2014, Belleville, Ont. native Matt Ashcroft decided to attend a conversion therapy camp in the U.S. He says his father was homphobic and he wanted to mend their relationship. Now he’s a fierce advocate for a nationwide ban on the practice in Canada. Matt Ashcroft speaks to host Jayme Poisson about his experience and why he thinks conversion therapy should be scrapped.

Download ‘Conversion therapy’ survivor shares his story
[mp3 file: runs 00:18:55]

A conversation with Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Democracy versus dictatorship” in Venezuela. Why Canada should not release Meng Wanzhou. These are just some of the topics we cover in a feature interview with Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. She tells us about how she formed her political worldview, and how that worldview shapes Canada’s foreign policy: “Small-l liberalism … does also require that we stand up for the rules-based international order and multilateral institutions because only in a world where those rules exist … can our own liberal Canada thrive.”

Download A conversation with Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs
[mp3 file: runs 00:31:25]

From memes to TV ads, how political third parties get their message out

You may not have heard of political third parties like Engage Canada or Canada Proud, but you’ve likely already encountered their messaging through a traditional television ad, a Facebook meme, or maybe even a person in a banana costume. Today on Front Burner, we talk to iPolitics reporter Marieke Walsh about who’s behind these groups, what kind of influence they may have, and the new rules governing their spending in the leadup to the federal election.

Download From memes to TV ads, how political third parties get their message out
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:48]

A reporter’s long, failed fight to keep his work on ISIS from the RCMP

For the last four years, Vice reporter Ben Makuch has been fighting to keep communications he had with a suspected ISIS fighter from the RCMP. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, and last week, Makuch and Vice lost their final appeal on this case. Ben Makuch talks to host Jayme Poisson about that journey, and what it might mean for press freedom in Canada.

Download A reporter’s long, failed fight to keep his work on ISIS from the RCMP
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:14]

A primer on the Green New Deal in the U.S. and Canada

This week a new government report outlined the most pressing threats facing Canada due to climate change. The report warned of infrastructure failures, flooding and storm surges on the coasts, and melting shorelines and permafrost in the North. Global warming is a massive problem for Canada and the world. But some big solutions are being debated. One idea is the Green New Deal, an ambitious and controversial plan in the U.S. Today on Front Burner, Geoff Dembicki explains the Green New Deal and how the movement is translating here in Canada. He’s a Vancouver-based journalist who writes for The Tyee and Vice, and the author of "Are We Screwed? How a New Generation is Fighting to Survive Climate Change".

Download A primer on the Green New Deal in the U.S. and Canada
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:06]

Dumpster diving, forged signatures, and alleged immigration fraud

CBC News has learned about an alleged massive immigration scheme involving illicit job offers, hundreds of Chinese nationals, and dozens of business people in Saskatchewan. The story follows an investigation by the Canada Border Services Agency and court documents relating to a criminal trial for a married couple from the province. CBC investigative reporter Geoff Leo unravels the story.

Download Dumpster diving, forged signatures, and alleged immigration fraud
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:47]

What the Taylor Swift controversy tells us about who really profits from recording artists' work

This weekend, pop superstar Taylor Swift penned a distraught Tumblr post in which she took the news of a business deal very, very personally. Her former record label, Big Machine, was sold to music mogul Scooter Braun's company for a reported $300 million U.S. The acquisition essentially hands Braun control of Swift's masters from her entire back catalogue. She claims this is her "worst case scenario," as she accuses Scooter Braun of "incessant, manipulative bullying." Today on Front Burner, Emily Yahr, pop culture reporter with the Washington Post, breaks down the origin of this feud, and explains why some of the most successful recording artists in the world are powerless when it comes to owning their own music.

Download What the Taylor Swift controversy tells us about who really profits from recording artists' work
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:51]

What’s the toll of tough U.S. sanctions on Iranians?

On Monday, news broke that Iran violated a key part of the 2015 nuclear agreement. This comes about a year after the U.S. unilaterally pulled out of the deal. Iran says it breached the agreement because Europe hasn’t done enough to counter the heavy U.S. sanctions imposed on the country. Today on Front Burner, The Independent’s Negar Mortazavi explains how the heavy sanctions are affecting regular Iranians and shares her opinion on the strategy of the United States.

Download What’s the toll of tough U.S. sanctions on Iranians?
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:28]

Families grieve, seek justice, after Ethiopian Air plane crash

This March, a Boeing 737 Max 8 plane crashed in Ethiopia, killing all 157 people on board. 18 of them were Canadian, and several more were permanent residents. Now, six families from Canada who lost relatives are suing Boeing for alleged negligence in the Ethiopia Airlines crash. The CBC’s Susan Ormiston spoke to three of them, and brings us their reflections and lingering questions about what happened.

Download Families grieve, seek justice, after Ethiopian Air plane crash
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:52]

“The place is a jail”: How kids are treated at the U.S.-Mexico border

There has been renewed attention on the treatment of migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border over the last two weeks. First, accounts of inadequate food, water and sanitation at U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities where unaccompanied children are held awaiting shelter space sparked outrage. Then, a horrible photograph of the drowned bodies of a father and his young daughter in the Rio Grande river offered a stark reminder of the perils of crossing into the United States. Today on Front Burner, Bob Moore has reported on immigration and the border from El Paso, Texas for more than 30 years. He walks us through what kids go through on their way to the border and how they’re treated once they get into the country: “These are human beings who are paying the price of all this political failure.”

Download “The place is a jail”: How kids are treated at the U.S.-Mexico border
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:47]

The fight to make handguns illegal in Canada

Today on Front Burner, we speak to Toronto Liberal MP Adam Vaughan, who says he disagrees with his party’s stance to rule against a handgun ban. Is the fight to ban handguns in Canada over?

Download The fight to make handguns illegal in Canada
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:23]

After thirty horses die, questions about racing’s future

The death of 30 horses at the famed Santa Anita racetrack in California this season has sparked a public outcry over animal welfare. The facility is owned by The Stronach Group, a wealthy Canadian company. Today on Front Burner, L.A. Times contributor John Cherwa explains what it all means for the future of horse racing, and the Stronach family business.

Download After thirty horses die, questions about racing’s future
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:18]

Sidewalk Labs offers a futuristic vision for Toronto, but at what cost?

After 18 months of consultation, Google sister company Sidewalk Labs has released its master draft proposal to develop a portion of Toronto’s waterfront. The proposal includes everything from an affordable housing plan, to sensored pneumatic garbage shoots, to a data privacy framework in the form of an independent urban data trust. Today on Front Burner, we talk to The Logic’s editor-in-chief David Skok about what’s in the report, and what questions we need to ask ourselves when we consider building smart cities.

Download Sidewalk Labs offers a futuristic vision for Toronto, but at what cost?
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:11]

What issues will shape the 2019 federal election?

With the House of Commons adjourned and the federal election just months away, summertime hours mean Members of Parliament and hopeful candidates will be out campaigning on the BBQ circuit. The writ drop is expected for September and voting day is slated for on or before October 21. So what issues are shaping the election so far? Today on Front Burner, CBC’s Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos joins us to explain.

Download What issues will shape the 2019 federal election?
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:17]

Canadian corporations dodged up to $11-billion in taxes

According to a new report from the Canada Revenue Agency, in just one year - 2014 - Canadian corporations did not pay up to $11-billion in taxes. That amount is part of the “tax gap”. It’s the difference between the taxes Canada knows it's owed and the taxes that are actually collected. Today on Front Burner, Toronto Star investigative reporter Marco Chown Oved explains how corporations get away with this, and why it’s such a persistent issue.

Download Canadian corporations dodged up to $11-billion in taxes
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:34]

Facebook’s plan for a new global currency

This week, Facebook announced it will launch a cryptocurrency in 2020. A new global currency, available to billions of people - is something like that legal? Or a good idea? Jon Porter from The Verge breaks it down.

Download Facebook’s plan for a new global currency
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:54]

Controversial Trans Mountain pipeline approved, but will it get built?

The federal Liberal government has now approved the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline for the second time.This is a key step for the much-delayed pipeline project that’s meant to carry nearly a million barrels of oil from Alberta to B.C each day. But will approval actually mean construction? CBC Vancouver reporter Angela Sterritt and CBC Calgary business reporter Tony Seskus explain.

Download Controversial Trans Mountain pipeline approved, but will it get built?
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:09]

What would it take for Canada to meet its climate targets?

The Canadian government has already admitted that it probably won’t be able to meet its Paris climate targets, the international agreement Canada signed promising to significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. As part of a new CBC News project called In Our Backyard, reporter Connie Walker has been using climate modelling to investigate different policy options to find out what it would actually take for Canada to meet its goals. Today on Front Burner, she shares her findings.

Download What would it take for Canada to meet its climate targets?
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:37]

Your Guide to Canada’s Edible Pot Rules

The Canadian government has introduced rules around the sale of edibles and other weed products, like topicals. Sol Israel from The Leaf News walks us through what these new regulations look like, and why the new rules around edibles may have unexpected consequences.

Download Your Guide to Canada’s Edible Pot Rules
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:07]

BONUS: Hong Kong protests and fears of China’s long reach

Throughout the week hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents took to the streets to protest a proposed extradition bill. Many fear it will be used to target dissidents who speak out against the Chinese state. Protests escalated to violent clashes between police and young demonstrators. Today on Front Burner, Hong Kong Free Press reporter Jennifer Creery on what this means for the region’s fight to resist China’s influence.

Download BONUS: Hong Kong protests and fears of China’s long reach
[mp3 file: runs 00:18:27]

Raptors Win! Raptors Win! Raptors Win!

For the first time in franchise history, the Toronto Raptors won the NBA Championships. They beat the Golden State Warriors Thursday night in game six of the championship, 114-110. It was a remarkably tense game, with sixteen lead changes throughout. Today on Front Burner, CBC reporter Devin Heroux from Oakland, California on what it was like to witness the incredible game, and sports writer Alex Wong on how it feels to finally see the Toronto Raptors become NBA champions.

Download Raptors Win! Raptors Win! Raptors Win!
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:18]

How a far-right hate group operates in rural B.C. and across the country

Far-right group Soldiers of Odin has been developing chapters across Canada and popping up at anti-immigration protests throughout the country. It’s a group that Canadian border security officials have said is not afraid to use violence and Facebook has recently banned in Canada for being engaged in “organized hate” online. Today on Front Burner, CBC’s Raffy Boudjikanian explains what the Soldiers of Odin are, how they are operating in Canada and why communities like Dawson Creek, B.C., are struggling to deal with them.

Download How a far-right hate group operates in rural B.C. and across the country
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:35]

The Uninhabitable Earth: A grim portrait of the future of climate change

Author David Wallace-Wells on his matter-of-fact book, “The Uninhabitable Earth,” and what happens if we don’t slow the pace of climate change.

Download The Uninhabitable Earth: A grim portrait of the future of climate change
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:45]

Is Ontario Premier Doug Ford a problem for the federal Conservatives?

In a rare move, the Ontario legislature will take a break until October 28th, one week after the federal election. So why the extended break? Political watchers say that might have to do with Premier Doug Ford’s dismal poll numbers, and how they might affect federal Conservative leader Andrew Scheer’s chances this coming election. Power & Politics host Vassy Kapelos explains.

Download Is Ontario Premier Doug Ford a problem for the federal Conservatives?
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:10]

Decades of sexual abuse at one Ottawa high school

Over the course of decades, dozens of students were sexually abused by three different teachers at one Ottawa high school. Some students spoke up and told other teachers. But it wasn't until 2016 that any criminal charges were laid. Senior reporter Julie Ireton has been investigating this story of historical sexual abuse for more than a year, for the new CBC podcast, 'The Band Played On.' Today on Front Burner, she describes what happened to these students, how it was allowed to go on for so long, and what can be done to prevent similar kinds of abuse today.

Download Decades of sexual abuse at one Ottawa high school
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:01]

Will Boris Johnson be the next UK Prime Minister?

UK Prime Minister Theresa May resigns as leader of the Conservative Party on June 7th. But she will stay on as a lame duck Prime Minister until her successor is chosen. Today on Front Burner, CBC Europe Correspondent Margaret Evans on who that successor might be, and what they'll have to grapple with as the country faces down Brexit: "It's a huge, huge mess in this country. People are angry, they're scared, they're tired of it."

Download Will Boris Johnson be the next UK Prime Minister?
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:10]

The lessons of the Central Park Five

A Netflix miniseries has rekindled interest in the case of the Central Park Five who became poster children for bias in the justice system and served decades for a crime they did not commit. Filmmaker Sarah Burns on why the case is critically important today.

Download The lessons of the Central Park Five
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:19]

Why Kawhi Leonard is more than just a stoic NBA superstar

The Toronto Raptors face the Golden State Warriors for game three of the NBA Finals tonight. It's an exciting time for fans of Raptors superstar Kawhi Leonard. Today on Front Burner, freelance sports writer Alex Wong helps us understand the man behind the calm exterior and shares his thoughts on whether Leonard will stay in the North when this historic series ends.

Download Why Kawhi Leonard is more than just a stoic NBA superstar
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:00]

Is Canada ready to combat election meddling online?

Democratic Institutions Minister Karina Gould on Canada's plan to deal with interference and disinformation ahead of the fall election.

Download Is Canada ready to combat election meddling online?
[mp3 file: runs 00:28:19]

Inquiry calls murders and disappearances of Indigenous women 'Canadian genocide'

Today on Front Burner, CBC's Chantelle Bellrichard and Jorge Barrera report on the findings of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and explain why the report says this violence is part of a "Canadian Genocide".

Download Inquiry calls murders and disappearances of Indigenous women 'Canadian genocide'
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:56]

Will Canada's new air travel protections actually help?

This summer, Canada's new air passenger protection regulations will begin to come into effect. The regulations apply to all flights to, from and within Canada, and include specific financial entitlements for things like delayed flights and damaged luggage. Today on Front Burner, CBC National Business Correspondent Peter Armstrong explains Canada's new air passenger protections, which some critics say don't go far enough.

Download Will Canada's new air travel protections actually help?
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:55]

Robert Mueller breaks his silence

After two years of silence, Robert Mueller delivered his first public statement since being appointed as Special Counsel. He announced his resignation from the United States Department of Justice and reiterated the central findings of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, saying "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so." Today on Front Burner, Mueller biographer Garrett Graff on the man at the helm of the Trump-Russia investigation.

Download Robert Mueller breaks his silence
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:36]

'I don't know if I can do this again,' says Everest climber as death toll hits 11

Elia Saikaly has climbed Mount Everest eight times. He's reached the top three times. But after his most recent climb, Saikaly is wondering if he can ever go back again. He was one of many climbers caught in the 'traffic jam' at more than 8000 meters elevation - and the deaths he saw along the way made him ask himself if the suffering is worth it. Today on Front Burner, Ottawa-based filmmaker Elia Saikaly on his latest Everest climb and what he thinks can be done to prevent more deaths.

Download 'I don't know if I can do this again,' says Everest climber as death toll hits 11
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:42]

Why Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott are running for re-election as Independent MPs

Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott are advocating for a less partisan political system and will run as independent candidates in the next election. Co-host of CBC's The National, Rosemary Barton, explains why they're doing it and what challenges might be ahead for them.

Download Why Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott are running for re-election as Independent MPs
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:06]

What the Cindy Gladue case exposes about the justice system

The Supreme Court of Canada has ordered a new trial for a man accused of killing Cindy Gladue. CBC's Kathleen Harris explains why the first trial raised so many questions about how Indigenous women are treated by the Canadian justice system.

Download What the Cindy Gladue case exposes about the justice system
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:02]

Where do abortion rights in Canada stand today?

With the United States in a renewed fight over abortion rights, it's led many to ask: where exactly do we stand in Canada? Today on Front Burner, we speak to reproductive health historian and pro-choice advocate, Shannon Stettner, about Canada's history with legal abortion, and whether reproductive rights are as protected as many think.

Download Where do abortion rights in Canada stand today?
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:58]

Environmental rollbacks and Jason Kenney's 'summer of repeal'

A new legislative session just started in Alberta, under the leadership of Premier Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party. They're looking to introduce about a dozen bills, most of which will serve to dismantle climate initiatives implemented by the previous NDP government. Premier Kenney has even named this time ahead as the 'summer of repeal'. CBC Calgary's Allison Dempster explains what's at stake for Albertans, and how this might set up a much greater confrontation between the province and the federal government.

Download Environmental rollbacks and Jason Kenney's 'summer of repeal'
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:03]

Could Iran and the U.S. be headed for armed conflict?

On Tuesday Iran's foreign minister accused the U.S. of playing a "very dangerous" game. He was referring to America's decision to move warships and bombers to the Persian Gulf and, more broadly, to the serious escalation of tensions between the two countries. Could the U.S. and Iran be headed for war? Today on Front Burner, Nader Hashemi, the director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Denver, shares his thoughts on how relations took such a serious turn

Download Could Iran and the U.S. be headed for armed conflict?
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:20]

$2-billion and counting. How the federal Phoenix pay system failed

The IBM-built Phoenix pay software was supposed to save millions of dollars a year by simplifying payroll for federal workers. Instead, it wreaked havoc on workers' T4s and pay stubs -- while the costs for taxpayers ballooned. Parliamentary reporter Hannah Thibedeau explains how we ended up here.

Download $2-billion and counting. How the federal Phoenix pay system failed
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:01]

Modi, Hindu nationalism, and what's at stake with India's election

The election in India, the world's largest in history, has just wrapped up after a month of voting. Many see it as a referendum on sitting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's last five years in power. New Delhi journalist Murali Krishnan explains who Modi is, and why his brand of populism raises the stakes of this election.

Download Modi, Hindu nationalism, and what's at stake with India's election
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:00]

Beef, bucks and beauty on YouTube

An online feud between two "beauty influencers," James Charles and Tati Westbrook, has racked up tens of millions of views on YouTube this week. Maybe you've never heard of them, but plenty of people have, and, according to Washington Post internet-culture reporter Abby Ohlheiser, this world is more influential than you might think: "Whether you like it or not, the future of entertainment and the future of industries touched by robust online communities ? are being shaped and changed by what's happening right now on these platforms."

Download Beef, bucks and beauty on YouTube
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:16]

Abortion rights under attack in the U.S.

On Tuesday, Alabama's state legislature voted for a measure that would outlaw almost all access to abortion. Political watchers say this is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that legalized abortion in the U.S. Legislation to restrict abortion in the U.S. has been on the rise since President Donald Trump appointed two conservative-leaning Supreme Court judges. CBC's Lyndsay Duncombe has been covering this story from St. Louis, Missouri, and today on Front Burner she explains why pro-choice advocates worry that a woman's right to choose in America is at risk of being overturned.

Download Abortion rights under attack in the U.S.
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:12]

What ISIS can teach us about fighting far-right violence online

Today on Front Burner, professor Taylor Owen helps us understand the changing nature of online extremism and what we learned from dealing with ISIS.

Download What ISIS can teach us about fighting far-right violence online
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:52]

Two Newfoundlanders on the province's confounding election

With an election this week, two Newfoundlanders, CBC reporter David Cochrane and radio host Tom Power dig into the many issues facing the province, and how voter apathy has spread during the campaign.

Download Two Newfoundlanders on the province's confounding election
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:13]

'Racist' letters on Senator's website trigger suspension

Last week Senator Lynn Beyak was suspended by her colleagues without pay for the remainder of this parliamentary session. Her punishment came after posting letters on her official Senate webpage that many, including the Senate's ethics watchdog, deem racist towards Indigenous people. Beyak says she's being punished for exercising freedom of speech. CBC's JP Tasker has been following this story from the very start and today on Front Burner he gets us up to speed.

Download 'Racist' letters on Senator's website trigger suspension
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:12]

Quebec's secularism bill praised and denounced as hearings begin

This week, hearings were held on Quebec's secularism bill - which aims to ban public workers in positions of authority from wearing religious symbols. There were fiery exchanges: some say the bill institutionalizes discrimination, while others think secularism is crucial to keeping Quebec's distinct identity. Today on Front Burner, the CBC's Jonathan Montpetit brings us highlights from the debate - and we hear from a young Muslim woman who worries her livelihood will be affected by the bill.

Download Quebec's secularism bill praised and denounced as hearings begin
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:06]

How humanity put one million species at risk of extinction

Canadian co-author of the new UN report on extinction, Kai Chan, on how the loss of one species can ripple out to affect an entire ecosystem in ways that we often "don't know until it's too late"

Download How humanity put one million species at risk of extinction
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:10]

Taking stock of Doug Ford's spending cuts

Today on Front Burner, CBC Queen's Park reporter Mike Crawley on the cascade of cuts in Doug Ford's Ontario and how they might be felt in the province.

Download Taking stock of Doug Ford's spending cuts
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:13]

How the Mark Norman trial could be "a huge political circus"

CBC defence reporter Murray Brewster on the upcoming trial of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, and why it might turn into a political circus, right before the next federal election.

Download How the Mark Norman trial could be "a huge political circus"
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:17]

Huawei exec back in court as China dispute escalates

As Huawei's Meng Whanzou returns to court, CBC Vancouver's Jason Proctor on the repercussions from her arrest in December.

Download Huawei exec back in court as China dispute escalates
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:21]

Who gets to compete as a woman in sports?

Olympic gold medallist Caster Semenya, from South Africa, has lost her appeal against proposed rules from track's governing body that require some female runners to lower their naturally high testosterone levels. It's a ruling that's expected to have huge implications on the future of women's sports. Today on Front Burner, Katrina Karkazis helps us understand why. She's a bioethicist who's been studying the regulation of hormone levels in women's elite sports for years.

Download Who gets to compete as a woman in sports?
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:58]

The push for regime change in Venezuela

Today on Front Burner - we speak to the CBC's Evan Dyer about an attempt to oust Nicolas Maduro as well as Columbia University Professor, Jeffrey Sachs, who says the United States, and others, need to stay out of this conflict.

Download The push for regime change in Venezuela
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:43]

Liberals under fire for accepting Illegal SNC Lavalin donations

Journalist Harvey Cashore on the revelation of SNC Lavalin employees who made illegal campaign donations worth more than $100,000 to the Liberal Party of Canada.

Download Liberals under fire for accepting Illegal SNC Lavalin donations
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:43]

Severe flooding afflicts Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, again

"We can't go through this again." Thousands of people across Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick are dealing with serious floods this week. And not for the first time. Today on Front Burner, we hear from one Quebec mother on her family's difficult decision to leave their flood-ravaged home for good -- and a disaster prevention expert who thinks governments should buy homeowners out of their flood-prone houses.

Download Severe flooding afflicts Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, again
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:56]

Inside Canada's alt-right forums

Reporter Shannon Carranco got access to over 150,000 chat logs from a Canadian alt-right forum. What she found is frightening.

Download Inside Canada's alt-right forums
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:44]

The unlikely rise of the Toronto Raptors

Twenty four years ago the Toronto Raptors were named the newest team in basketball - and the first franchise outside of the United States. In the years that followed, the team would go from widespread public indifference, to one of the most successful teams in the NBA. The Raptors are in the middle of their most successful period as a franchise; with six straight playoff berths under their belt, and a prospective finals push on the horizon. Today on Front Burner, we sit down with longtime voice of the Toronto Raptors, Jack Armstrong, to track the teams unlikely rise. For more about Armstrong visit

Download The unlikely rise of the Toronto Raptors
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:01]

One year after the van attack "incels" are unrepentant

One year after the deadly van attack in Toronto, the misogynistic online community that inspired the attack remains unchanged, says reporter Zack Beauchamp who spent a year investigating incels.

Download One year after the van attack "incels" are unrepentant
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:08]

Understanding the Sri Lankan attacks

Ever since Sri Lanka was hit by eight coordinated bomb blasts, there have been questions about who could be behind an act of terrorism that targeted churches and hotels and left more than 320 people dead. And while a local group was initially blamed, ISIS is now claiming responsibility. Sri Lanka's Prime Minister says there is some evidence linking the attacks to ISIS. Today on Front Burner, Amar Amarasingam, senior research fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, breaks down what led up to this attack and explains why he fears that local divisions have been exploited by forces outside Sri Lanka's borders.

Download Understanding the Sri Lankan attacks
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:56]

How mistrust and fear make fighting Ebola more difficult

An Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed more than 800 people, and infected hundreds more. The crisis has worsened due to a local mistrust of the government and aid workers. Ebola treatment centres have been burned to the ground and many people are reluctant to see a doctor. Canadian doctor Vinh-Kim Nguyen tells us what he saw on a recent mission to the DRC for Doctors Without Borders.

Download How mistrust and fear make fighting Ebola more difficult
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:51]

Will P.E.I. be the first province to go Green?

Across Canada, there's never been a Green Party government federally or provincially. But on Tuesday, that could all change when people on Prince Edward Island cast their ballots. If the polls are right, the P.E.I. Green Party is out in front, beating out the ruling Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives. Kerry Campbell is CBC's P.E.I. provincial affairs reporter. Today on Front Burner, he joins guest host J.P. Tasker to walk us through how a Scottish-Canadian dentist leading a party that's never won before? could end up the next Premier of P.E.I.

Download Will P.E.I. be the first province to go Green?
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:29]

Why the Mueller report doesn't exonerate Trump for obstruction

The Mueller Report identified a series of episodes involving Trump that the special counsel considered potential obstructions of justice. But Robert Mueller chose to not charge Trump with a crime. CBC's Washington correspondent Keith Boag walks us through the long-anticipated report.

Download Why the Mueller report doesn't exonerate Trump for obstruction
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:32]

How Notre-Dame Cathedral survived centuries of war and change

On Monday, as Parisians and tourists watched in horror, a fire ravaged Notre-Dame Cathedral, destroying much of the historic church and its famous spire. Despite worries that the church will never be the same, about a billion dollars has been raised to pay for extensive renovations of the landmark. Today on Front Burner, as France mourns, French historian Paul Cohen explains how Notre-Dame Cathedral survived centuries of change in its over 850 years of history.

Download How Notre-Dame Cathedral survived centuries of war and change
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:38]

Who is Jason Kenney, Alberta's next premier?

Jason Kenney will be Alberta's next premier after leading the United Conservative Party to a majority government in the province.Today on Front Burner, CBC Calgary's Allison Dempster breaks down last night's election results, and Maclean's Paul Wells shares a deep look at Jason Kenney's career so far, and how he came to be a driving force behind conservative political ideas in this country.

Download Who is Jason Kenney, Alberta's next premier?
[mp3 file: runs 00:32:54]

Sex assault reforms held up by senate "old boys," says former Tory leader

Today on Front Burner, former Conservative leader Rona Ambrose on why she thinks her bill on judges sexual assault training must pass, and soon.

Download Sex assault reforms held up by senate "old boys," says former Tory leader
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:30]

Winter is ending: Game of Thrones' impact on pop culture

HBO's Game of Thrones has just launched its eighth and final season. Since 2011, it has shaped everything from the way that television is broadcast to conversations about gender, politics, and power. Today on Front Burner, we break down the cultural significance of the show with Vox critic-at-large Todd VanDerWerff.

Download Winter is ending: Game of Thrones' impact on pop culture
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:20]

Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney on the Julian Assange arrest

On Thursday, Julian Assange was arrested and taken out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Oscar winner Alex Gibney made a film about Assange in 2013, and talks to us about the Wikileaks founder's last few years.

Download Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney on the Julian Assange arrest
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:35]

The long fight over a "secular" Quebec

Yet another Quebec government is proposing a bill designed to affirm the province's religious neutrality. The Coalition Avenir Quebec's Bill 21 seeks to ban public workers in positions of authority from wearing religious symbols. Thousands of people have turned out in protest -- but the idea is popular amongst the province's francophone majority. CBC Montreal's Jonathan Montpetit explains the long fraught history of legislating secularism and reasonable accommodation in Quebec.

Download The long fight over a "secular" Quebec
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:15]

NXIVM's Allison Mack pleads guilty to role in alleged sex cult

On Monday, NXIVM member and former Smallville actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty in a New York court to racketeering charges for her role in a cult-like group called NXIVM. Mack is one of several high-ranking NXIVM members who have been charged with manipulating women into becoming sex slaves for Keith Raniere, the group's leader, among other charges. Today on Front Burner, Josh Bloch, host of CBC podcast Uncover: Escaping NXIVM, reports on what we've now learned about the secretive organization.

Download NXIVM's Allison Mack pleads guilty to role in alleged sex cult
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:56]

Former Facebook insider's wake-up call to the "catastrophe" of big tech

The Canadian government is considering regulating social media giants like Facebook. This comes after the release of a report by Canadians electronic spy agency, showing how Canadians are vulnerable to foreign interference in this upcoming election. Today on Front Burner, Roger McNamee, the author of "Zucked: Waking up to the Facebook Catastrophe" explains how the business model of big tech is inseparable from its most negative effects.

Download Former Facebook insider's wake-up call to the "catastrophe" of big tech
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:02]

The political longevity of Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is put to the test

Benjamin Netanyahu has been the Prime Minister of Israel for ten years. If he is re-elected and stays on in the job through the summer, he'll be longest serving Prime Minister in the country's history. But he faces a tough opponent in former military general Benny Gantz. Today on Front Burner, CBC's Derek Stoffel on Benjamin Netanyahu's political staying power.

Download The political longevity of Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is put to the test
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:51]

A controversy over race, rap and country music

For weeks, the song "Old Town Road" by rapper Lil Nas X had been climbing the country music charts. After Billboard disqualified the hit saying it wasn't "country" enough, there's been a big conversation about genre, authorship and race. Brittany Spanos from Rolling Stone breaks it down.

Download A controversy over race, rap and country music
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:22]

Frustration, hypocrisy and the SNC scandal

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was protested by dozens of young women with political aspirations who were visiting the House of Commons. This came just hours after expelling Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from caucus. It's just one example of the kind of frustration that's surrounded the SNC-Lavalin controversy. CBC opinion columnist Robyn Urback and freelance journalist Jen Gerson share their thoughts on that, and what it means for Canadians' expectations of government.

Download Frustration, hypocrisy and the SNC scandal
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:30]

How do anti-carbon tax provinces plan to fight climate change?

This week a new federal carbon tax on fossil fuels came into effect in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick. These are all provinces that took a hard pass at creating their own version of a carbon pricing plan that would meet the Liberal government's standards. They're being called "The Holdouts". Today on Front Burner, CBC's J.P. Tasker walks us through how each province proposes to fight climate change without a carbon tax.

Download How do anti-carbon tax provinces plan to fight climate change?
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:56]

The story behind unsolved murders in Toronto's gay village

In this season of Uncover: The Village, reporter Justin Ling reveals the history of unsolved murder and missing persons cases in Toronto's gay village.

Download The story behind unsolved murders in Toronto's gay village
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:42]

A secretly-recorded phone call, and the growing SNC-Lavalin scandal

CBC Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos breaks down the secretly-recorded phone call between former Attorney-General Jody Wilson-Raybould and former Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick - as the SNC-Lavalin controversy grows.

Download A secretly-recorded phone call, and the growing SNC-Lavalin scandal
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:32]

White supremacist and homophobic posts force UCP candidates out

Since the writ dropped in Alberta, two candidates have resigned from the United Conservative Party over Islamaphobic, white supremacist, homophobic and transphobic messages on social media. This is only the latest controversy for the party. The Jason Kenney campaign has been accused of supporting a 'kamikaze candidate' to help him win the leadership race in 2017, and the RCMP is looking into allegations of voter fraud. Maclean's Alberta correspondent Jason Markusoff says the scandals may not prevent Jason Kenney from winning the premiership. "This is an economically anxious province," says Markusoff. "Albertans are frustrated and anxious, they're looking for some change to make to liberate themselves from the status quo."

Download White supremacist and homophobic posts force UCP candidates out
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:28]

The woman who hid Edward Snowden

When Edward Snowden showed up at her door, Vanessa Rodel had no idea who he was. Then she saw his face of the front page of the newspaper. Rodel and her daughter have just arrived in Canada as privately sponsored refugees. Vanessa tells the story of how she hid Snowden, who at the time was the subject of an international manhunt for leaking top secret information that exposed a global US spy program. She also talks about the price she paid to help him.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:06]

Why Disney Absorbed Fox, Apple Wants to Make TV

After the merger of Disney and Fox, one movie studio controls almost 40% of the box office. The merger puts Disney in a position to compete with big tech companies like Netflix and Apple in the streaming game. But is it good for moviegoers and TV watchers? Film critic David Sims says 'bigness' can lead to bad outcomes for less profitable content like local news and art movies, but will increase our diet of superhero blockbusters. "It seems that these companies that have always existed in the movie business are looking at this industry and saying, we can only make a few kinds of movies anymore that can make money," says Sims.

Download Why Disney Absorbed Fox, Apple Wants to Make TV
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:24]

He survived a massacre and became living evidence

In 1982 a brutal massacre in a small farming community during the Guatemalan civil war left over 160 men, women and children dead. Over thirty years later, one of the men responsible for the horrific murders has been sentenced to more than 5000 years in prison by a Guatemalan Court. His name is Santos López Alonzo. Today on Front Burner, CBC's Nahlah Ayed explains how a little boy that Santos López kidnapped from the village after the massacre? would one day grow up and help put him behind bars.

Download He survived a massacre and became living evidence
[mp3 file: runs 00:28:48]

Mueller: no collusion, no obstruction, no exoneration

A summary of Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 election is out. CBC Washington correspondent Keith Boag breaks down what we know so far, and the implications for the Trump administration.

Download Mueller: no collusion, no obstruction, no exoneration
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:12]

How far right influencers thrive on YouTube

The Christchurch mosque shooter formed his radical views online. Today, an examination of how far right communities spread their toxic messages on the Internet and how they use YouTube to do it.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:28:11]

Could pharmacare in Canada be a reality?

This week's federal budget laid some initial groundwork for the possibility of a national pharmacare plan in Canada. But with a contentious election year ahead, there are still plenty of questions around how a strategy could be implemented. Today on Front Burner, Globe and Mail health reporter Kelly Grant explains how the pharmacare debate is unfolding and what we can expect from the Liberals in the coming year.

Download Could pharmacare in Canada be a reality?
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:12]

Who will take on Trump in 2020?

CBC Washington reporter Lyndsay Duncombe guides us through the growing list of Democratic presidential candidates vying to run in 2020.

Download Who will take on Trump in 2020?
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:31]

Inside Alberta's 'House of Cards' scandal

Rachel Notley is expected to declare the date of the provincial election any day now. And within a matter of weeks, voters will cast their ballots to pick the next provincial government of Alberta. At the same time, one of the key parties in this race, the United Conservative Party, is at the center of a mounting political scandal. There are allegations that during the party's leadership race, Jason Kenney's campaign engaged in illegal practices. Over the weekend, Charles Rusnell and Jennie Russell, investigative journalists at CBC Edmonton, reported on a cache of documents that show collaboration between Jason Kenney's campaign team and the campaign team for another candidate, Jeff Callaway. Today on Front Burner, Charles Rusnell breaks it down.

Download Inside Alberta's 'House of Cards' scandal
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:23]

The aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings and the rise of far-right extremism

Mass shootings at two mosques on Friday evening in Christchurch, New Zealand, were felt around the globe. We hear from Adrienne Arsenault, who is in Christchurch. And from Stephanie Carvin, a former analyst for CSIS, on the steady rise of far-right extremism in Canada.

Download The aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings and the rise of far-right extremism
[mp3 file: runs 00:29:48]

Brexit is still a mess

A few months ago we did an episode on Brexit. We talked about how the whole Brexit process has been a mess. Well, it's still a mess. This week there were three votes in the UK parliament. First, MPs voted down Prime Minister Theresa May's new Brexit deal with the EU. Then they said no to leaving the European Union without a deal in place. Then they voted to delay making a decision. Today on Front Burner, CBC's London reporter Thomas Daigle breaks down what is going on and what is at stake for the United Kingdom.

Download Brexit is still a mess
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:30]

Why your cell phone bill is so high and what can be done about it

Canada has some of the most expensive cell phone plans in the developed world. It has to do, in part, with access to the country's wireless spectrum. As another round of wireless spectrum gets auctioned by the Canadian government, CBC National Business Correspondent Peter Armstrong helps us understand why cell phone plans are so expensive, and what can be done about it.

Download Why your cell phone bill is so high and what can be done about it
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:26]

Is the Boeing 737 Max 8 safe?

A growing list of countries have grounded the Boeing 737 Max 8 following a crash that killed 157 people, including 18 Canadians. Not even six months ago the same type of airplane plunged into the Java sea near Indonesia. Today on Front Burner, an aviation expert explains the mounting concerns over this Boeing model and CBC's Susan Ormiston reports from the Ethiopian crash site.

Download Is the Boeing 737 Max 8 safe?
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:04]

Inside Canada's Crypto Mystery

Reporter Alex Posadzki on how the death of a Canadian cryptocurrency entrepreneur has caused the disappearance of about $180-million in digital currency.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:51]

Five lingering questions about the SNC-Lavalin scandal

We've heard from the key players in the SNC-Lavalin scandal. There's former Attorney-General Jody Wilson-Raybould, who said she was subjected to inappropriate pressure by the Prime Minister's office to intervene with the corruption case against engineering giant SNC-Lavalin. On the other side, Prime Minister Trudeau, his former principal secretary Gerry Butts and the Clerk of the Privy Council, all of whom say nothing outside the normal functioning of government happened. Today, we take a step back and navigate five lingering questions about the SNC-Lavalin scandal with CBC senior reporter David Cochrane.

Download Five lingering questions about the SNC-Lavalin scandal
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:53]

Despite reported 'cure', the fight against HIV continues

This week, a major milestone in HIV/AIDS research made headlines worldwide. A man known as the "London Patient" has seemingly been "cured" after receiving a bone marrow transplant from a donor with an HIV-resistant genetic mutation. It's only the second time in history a procedure like this has been executed successfully. But while some doctors are inspired by this week's breakthrough, others are more cautious in their optimism. Today on Front Burner, we track the historical battle against the virus and what it means for future progress with help from Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control, Eric Arts.

Download Despite reported 'cure', the fight against HIV continues
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:37]

'Nothing happened here beyond the normal operations of government.'

In his much anticipated testimony Gerald Butts, the Prime Minister's former principal secretary, laid out a counter-narrative to the allegations of political interference in the SNC-Lavalin case.

Download 'Nothing happened here beyond the normal operations of government.'
[mp3 file: runs 00:27:27]

Accused of espionage, how a Canadian couple survived Chinese detention

On Monday, Chinese authorities accused two Canadians who have been detained since December of being spies. This news comes as Canada proceeds with a U.S. extradition request for Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou. But this isn't the first time Canadians have been caught in the middle of an escalating diplomatic dispute with China. Kevin and Julia Garratt know what it's like to live in Chinese custody under suspicion of espionage. Today on Front Burner, they describe what happened to them and share what they learned about China's judicial system during their two-year ordeal.

Download Accused of espionage, how a Canadian couple survived Chinese detention
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:13]

What 'Leaving Neverland' means for Michael Jackson's legacy

"It's something we'll have to grapple with in an ongoing way," says Slate music critic Carl Wilson about the challenge of coming to terms with the sexual abuse allegations against Michael Jackson in the HBO documentary "Leaving Neverland". He, along with Exclaim! magazine contributor A. Harmony, talk to host Jayme Poisson about what that might mean for Jackson's legacy as a pop music icon.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:18]

The secret network that helped Rahaf Mohammed escape

Reporter Nahlah Ayed discovered a private group chat where women are helping each other flee repressive regimes

Download The secret network that helped Rahaf Mohammed escape
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:04]

How tensions grew between India and Pakistan

The relationship between India and Pakistan has historically been troubled, but this week, tensions escalated with both countries launching airstrikes against one another. "There's of course the larger significance of these two countries being nuclear states," says UBC professor M.V. Ramana, an expert on nuclear energy in India. He traces the historical conflict between India and Pakistan, and sets up what's at stake globally.

Download How tensions grew between India and Pakistan
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:37]

'They did not stop.' Jody Wilson-Raybould details alleged political pressure

On Wednesday, Jody Wilson-Raybould told the Justice Committee she had been pressured by the PMO to get a deferred prosecution agreement for SNC Lavalin. "I experienced a consistent and sustained effort by many people within the government to seek to politically interfere in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion," said Wilson-Raybould in her testimony. Power & Politics host Vassy Kapelos explains how Wilson-Raybould says it all culminated in her removal from the office of attorney general.

Download 'They did not stop.' Jody Wilson-Raybould details alleged political pressure
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:21]

Why R. Kelly's Charges Were a Long Time Coming

After years of allegations, singer R. Kelly faces ten charges of aggravated sexual assault. Music critic Lindsay Zoladz talks about the case, and why #metoo moved more slowly in the music industry.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:52]

Jagmeet Singh wins divisive race in B.C.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has won a seat in the riding of Burnaby-South. It's just one of three byelections that took place across the country. The CBC's Briar Stewart and Hannah Thibedeau break down the political stakes of the Burnaby-South byelection, and what it might tell us about the upcoming federal election.

Download Jagmeet Singh wins divisive race in B.C.
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:09]

Should Tech Companies Pay Us For Our Data?

Our behaviour online creates a lot of data that's useful for tech companies - what we buy, what videos we watch on YouTube, what movies we see on Netflix. Author Glen Weyl says if tech companies make money off this information, we should get paid for it.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:33]

Why residential school survivors want an apology from the Pope

An unprecedented summit on the sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church is taking place at the Vatican. For many victims, it's a chance to seek justice. That includes Evelyn Korkmaz, a residential school survivor calling on the Pope to apologize for the Church's involvement in residential schools. She tells host Jayme Poisson why and CBC reporter Jorge Barrera helps us understand the historical relationship between the Catholic Church and Canada's residential schools.

Download Why residential school survivors want an apology from the Pope
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:04]

Explaining the Vancouver Measles Outbreak

With eight confirmed cases, Vancouver is facing Canada's worst measles outbreak in years. Dr. Natasha Crowcroft on why the infectious disease is having a worldwide comeback.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:52]

What does United We Roll stand for?

On Tuesday a convoy of trucks arrived in Ottawa. The rolling protest is driven by Canadians who want pipelines, hate carbon taxes and are calling for more help for the Alberta economy. But there is another element: some in the group have also been protesting immigration and using hateful, racist, language. Today on Front Burner, CBC's David Common and Rosemary Barton explain the complicated politics around this protest.

Download What does United We Roll stand for?
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:37]

Trudeau's right-hand man resigns amid SNC-Lavalin scandal

On Monday afternoon one of the most powerful men in Ottawa resigned. Following allegations of political interference in a court case involving engineering giant SNC-Lavalin, Gerald Butts stepped aside as the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister. Today on Front Burner, CBC Parliamentary reporter John Paul Tasker explains why Justin Trudeau's most senior adviser-and longtime friend- would resign while denying any wrongdoing.

Download Trudeau's right-hand man resigns amid SNC-Lavalin scandal
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:13]

Should Canadian ISIS fighters be allowed to return home?

Two Canadian women have surrendered to US-backed forces after spending years in ISIS-controlled territory. Journalist Michelle Shephard made a documentary about a similar case last year. She says repatriation is a thorny subject for the Canadian government. "It really feels like the Canadian policy has been not to have a policy," says Shephard.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:31]

Twitter trolls target Canadian pipeline, immigration debates

CBC/Radio-Canada journalists crunch the data on more than 9-million troll tweets and reveal foreign campaigns to influence Canadians' opinions. Retweets focused on issues like pipelines and immigration. Jeff Yates joins us to explain what he learned. Elizabeth Dubois from the University of Ottawa paints the wider picture of how troll activity is changing.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:02]

An essential timeline of the Mueller investigation

The talk around Washington these days, is that the Mueller investigation is winding down. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's inquiry into whether there was collusion between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election has dominated the headlines since 2017. Nobody knows for sure when it will wrap. But we do know that this story has taken a long and winding road. Today on Front Burner, CBC Washington correspondent Keith Boag breaks down the most essential elements of the saga.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:25:05]

A widening scandal and SNC-Lavalin's history of alleged corruption

With Jody Wilson-Raybould's resignation from the Liberal cabinet, the scandal involving SNC-Lavalin and the Liberal government continues to grow. CBC investigative reporter Dave Seglins guides us through the troubled history of the engineering company that's at the heart of the political firestorm.

Download A widening scandal and SNC-Lavalin's history of alleged corruption
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:24]

Who is Venezuela's rival president?

Juan Guaidó is touring Venezuela this week, meeting with journalists and citizens. But while Canada acknowledges Guaidó as the official president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro says the job is still rightfully his. The CBC's Adrienne Arsenault and Evan Dyer on the latest from Caracas.

Download Who is Venezuela's rival president?
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:17]

Catching up on the SNC-Lavalin Liberal scandal

Ottawa is reeling after a story broke late last week alleging that the Prime Minister's Office pressured former Attorney General and Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to intervene in the prosecution of Quebec-based engineering company SNC-Lavalin. Today on Front Burner, CBC's David Cochrane breaks down the scandal and explains why this could be very problematic for Justin Trudeau and his closest allies.

Download Catching up on the SNC-Lavalin Liberal scandal
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:04]

The aftermath of the Quebec mosque shooting

"I can't even venture to guess how long it'll take for people to feel safe again." CBC reporter Catou MacKinnon covered the shooting at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City on January 29, 2017. Alexandre Bissonnette pleaded guilty to six counts of first degree murder and six counts of attempted murder. Ahead of his sentencing, Catou tells host Jayme Poisson about the lasting impact the incident has had on the Muslim community in Quebec City's Sainte-Foy neighbourhood.

Download The aftermath of the Quebec mosque shooting
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:07]

Russia, America and a new nuclear arms race

Nuclear weapons expert and Obama adviser Jon Wolfsthal on how the treaties that once prevented a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia, could be unravelling today.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:24:20]

Cuts and leaks in Doug Ford's Ontario

It's only Wednesday, but Ontario premier Doug Ford has already had a jam-packed week. On Monday, an unnamed civil servant was fired and the police were notified in relation to a leak from inside the ruling Progressive Conservative government. That leak put controversial healthcare policy proposals into the hands of the opposition party. Today on Front Burner, Toronto Star Queen's Park bureau chief Robert Benzie breaks down what Doug Ford has been up to as premier of Ontario and explains why the politician has captured the attention of Conservatives across the country.

Download Cuts and leaks in Doug Ford's Ontario
[mp3 file: runs 00:19:11]

How a Canadian watchdog turned the tables on an undercover operative

In December a digital privacy watchdog began receiving mysterious emails from businessmen who didn't seem to exist. John Scott-Railton from the Citizen Lab joins us to try and understand why his group was targeted by what they believe to be undercover operatives.

Download How a Canadian watchdog turned the tables on an undercover operative
[mp3 file: runs 00:31:05]

Is more oil on rails safe for Canada?

Oil is being put on trains and moved across Canada in increasing numbers. Today on Front Burner, Winnipeg Free Press reporter Dylan Robertson explains why a lot of people are attributing this to a lack of pipeline capacity and breaks down what he's learned about how safe it is to transport oil by rail.

Download Is more oil on rails safe for Canada?
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:10]

What an Omar Khadr Google search warns us about misinformation online

This week, a Google search result listing Omar Khadr as a Canadian soldier gained a lot of traction online, inciting anger from many people, including Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer. CBC technology reporter Matt Braga tracks how the former Guantanamo Bay detainee showed up in the search in the first place and how easily misinformation can become politicized.

Download What an Omar Khadr Google search warns us about misinformation online
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:30]

Inside the Humboldt Broncos crash sentencing hearing

This week, the truck driver who caused the Humboldt Broncos bus crash is facing his sentencing hearing. CBC reporter Susan Ormiston joins us from Melfort, Saskatchewan to talk about how the victims' families are feeling about the possibility of some closure and to explain how complicated it could be for the judge to decide Jaskirat Singh Sidhu's punishment.

Download Inside the Humboldt Broncos crash sentencing hearing
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:22]

Serial killer Bruce McArthur pleads guilty

On Tuesday, Bruce McArthur pleaded guilty to eight counts of first-degree murder and we heard never-before-released details about the evidence in the case. But as we hear from freelance reporter Justin Ling, there are still lots of unanswered questions about how McArthur committed his crimes and what comes next.

Download Serial killer Bruce McArthur pleads guilty
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:00]

How Canadian reporter Daniel Dale fact-checks Trump

Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale tries to fact check everything U.S President Donald Trump says. It keeps him working at all hours and his reporting has drawn attention all over the world. Dale talks about how he builds his database of false claims, which is up to 4,210 as of today, and why he believes pointing out Trump's dishonesty is crucial journalism.

Download How Canadian reporter Daniel Dale fact-checks Trump
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:49]

Canada fires off-message ambassador to China

Canada's ambassador to China, John McCallum, was forced to resign after making multiple comments that were out of step with the federal government's stance on the Canadian arrest of Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. Today on Front Burner, CBC's Katie Simpson breaks down what happened and why it is such a big deal.

Download Canada fires off-message ambassador to China
[mp3 file: runs 00:24:12]

El Chapo's Canadian connections

One of the world's most notorious drug lords, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, is on trial in New York and a star witness just revealed a lot about Chapo's Canadian operation. The National Post's Brian Fitzpatrick explains what court documents have shown.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:16]

B.C.'s serious money laundering problem

The toll of British Columbia's money laundering problem is climbing, with recent reports suggesting that about a billion dollars a year have been laundered through the province's casinos.This week, the federal government promised it will do more to help B.C. finally clamp down. Today on Front Burner, CBC Investigative journalist Eric Rankin explains the long-term problem and breaks down how the money is tangled up in organized crime, illegal drugs, and even real estate.

Download B.C.'s serious money laundering problem
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:54]

Deciem and the death of Brandon Truaxe

Brandon Truaxe, the founder of Canadian skincare company Deciem, has died after a year-long public unravelling. He built 'The Abnormal Beauty Company' into a worldwide brand through a combination of radical pricing and social media marketing. But his increasingly erratic behaviour, documented on his company's Instagram account, ultimately cost him his position as CEO. Senior business reporter Aaron Saltzman takes us inside Truaxe's story.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:28:54]

Women accuse former RCMP doctor of sexual assault

Canada's national police force is once again at the centre of disturbing allegations. Multiple women have come forward accusing a former RCMP doctor of sexually assaulting and harassing them decades ago when they were new recruits. CBC investigative reporter Dave Seglins explains what happened and why the RCMP is being accused of covering up sexual assaults from the '80s and '90s.

Download Women accuse former RCMP doctor of sexual assault
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:05]

Karen Wang, race and Canadian politics

"If you just say 'vote for me because I'm Chinese-Canadian', it didn't work. It hasn't worked, and it won't work." Former NDP MP Olivia Chow is a seasoned politician who has strong connections to the Chinese-Canadian community. She reflects on ex-Liberal candidate Karen Wang's race-based comments against NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, and the role of race in Canadian politics.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:18]

How Yemen's cyberwar could shape future conflicts

Yemen's brutal civil war has produced the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet, with thousands dead and millions facing starvation. But there's another dimension to the conflict - the battle over who controls the country's internet. CBC technology reporter Matthew Braga explains how that conflict could influence future wars.

Download How Yemen's cyberwar could shape future conflicts
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:15]

Wet'suwet'en protests highlight Indigenous pipeline divide

The debate over a natural gas pipeline in Wet'suwet'en territory continues this week following protests over the arrest of 14 people at a blockade in the remote B.C. community. CBC reporter Chantelle Bellrichard recounts the moment the RCMP broke the barricade and explains why a pipeline project is dividing a number of B.C. Indigenous groups.

Download Wet'suwet'en protests highlight Indigenous pipeline divide
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:58]

The inside story of Rahaf Mohammed's escape from Saudi Arabia

Canada has granted asylum to Rahaf Mohammed, a Saudi teenager who fled to Thailand to escape alleged abuse from her family. CBC's senior correspondent Susan Ormiston shares the inside story of Mohammed's plight and her plans for the future.

Download The inside story of Rahaf Mohammed's escape from Saudi Arabia
[mp3 file: runs 00:26:03]

Was a Canadian's death sentence in China an act of diplomatic retribution?

A Chinese court has sentenced Canadian Robert Schellenberg to death for drug smuggling. His retrial was announced a few weeks ago, amid growing tensions between Canada and China. The CBC's Asia correspondent Sasa Petricic explains how this death sentence is being seen as retribution for the arrest of Huawei's Meng Wanzhou.

Download Was a Canadian's death sentence in China an act of diplomatic retribution?
[mp3 file: runs 00:20:51]

Three views on Maxime Bernier

Maxime Bernier says the People's Party of Canada will be on the ballot across the country in the upcoming federal election. But for a lot of people, the new fiscally-conservative libertarian party is still a big mystery. To find out more, we went to one of his political rallies and spoke to three Canadians who showed up to hear the former cabinet minister speak.

Download Three views on Maxime Bernier
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:08]

Amid desperation, Canada targets Venezuelan 'dictatorship'

As Venezuela struggles with food shortages and hyperinflation, journalists Adrienne Arsenault and Evan Dyer describe the conditions on the ground and how Canada is responding. Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland has condemned the country's government, saying it is "fully entrenched as a dictatorship."

Download Amid desperation, Canada targets Venezuelan 'dictatorship'
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:47]

Europe's lessons for Trump's border wall

As the debate rages in the U.S. over funding for Donald Trump's proposed wall on the country's southern border, we ask CBC correspondent Nahlah Ayed just how effective Europe's barriers have been in stopping the flow of migrants. Ayed has travelled across Europe to investigate the recent proliferation of border walls as part of her reporting on the migration crisis.

Download Europe's lessons for Trump's border wall
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:01]

How benzos and Xanax culture propel the opioid crisis

Why have benzodiazepines like Valium and Xanax been involved in a large number of Canadian opioid overdose deaths? Zachary Siegel, a journalist and fellow at Northeastern University, breaks down benzos, why they're having a moment in the rap world and what role the drug plays in the overall overdose crisis.

Download How benzos and Xanax culture propel the opioid crisis
[mp3 file: runs 00:23:35]

China's plans to dominate space

"By 2045, China wants to become the strongest space power and space technology-based power in the world," says Namrata Goswami, an expert on China's space program. One step towards that goal is the launch of a research mission to the far side of the moon, where right now a Chinese rover is at work exploring. It was a complicated technological feat, and Goswami says it's just the beginning of the country's plans.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:15]

Uber and the perils of the gig economy

"The fact that these three judges really got this power imbalance between workers and this huge behemoth multi-national corporation...was just really breath-taking." Labour law professor and gig economy expert Veena Dubal talks about the significance of the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision to let a proposed class action lawsuit against Uber proceed, and how it fits into a larger picture of gig economy workers around the world trying to get recognized as employees.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:26]

Jagmeet Singh is fighting for his political life

"This is his biggest political test to date. It will decide the fate of Jagmeet Singh." With a federal election looming, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is under intense pressure to win a seat in the House of Commons in the upcoming Burnaby South byelection. Today on Front Burner, CBC National News reporter Hannah Thibedeau breaks down how things are looking for Singh and explains what's at stake for the future of the entire New Democratic Party.

Download Jagmeet Singh is fighting for his political life
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:00]

Why the US Government is Still Shut Down

The United States government is entering the thirteenth day of a government shutdown that some predict will last for weeks. So how does this end? CBC correspondent Paul Hunter warns we are in uncharted territory. "There's no path out, and that's the problem right now."

Download Why the US Government is Still Shut Down
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:15]

Can you trust your home smart speaker?

"I have a love-hate relationship with it." CBC senior technology reporter, Matthew Braga, explains how smart speakers work, why companies like Google and Amazon want you to have one in your home, and what privacy issues you should consider before setting up a Google Home or an Amazon Echo on your kitchen counter.

Download Can you trust your home smart speaker?
[mp3 file: runs 00:22:10]

What's Canada's place in a chaotic world?

"The power that we have comes from influence, it comes from trying to convince countries to do things," says co-host of The National, Rosemary Barton. She joins Jayme to reexamine a series of events that challenged Canada's position in 2018 - from the chaos of the Trump presidency, to the diplomatic rift with China caused by Canada's arrest of Huawei's chief operating officer.

Download What's Canada's place in a chaotic world?
[mp3 file: runs 00:25:21]

The year in opinion

"We must engage with people who don't agree with us," says Simi Sara host of The Simi Sara Show. She joins Buzzfeed's Elamin Abdelmahmoud and The Globe's Adrian Lee for a chat about the stories that generated the most discussion and opinion in 2018.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:23:12]

How Fortnite blew up in 2018

"What Fortnite has done is break all the rules around what makes a successful video game," says Tom Power, host of CBC Radio's q. Fortnite has over 200 million registered users, and is reported to have brought in two billion dollars in profits for Epic Games this year. Since its launch in 2017, it's also become a pop culture phenomenon. So how did a free-to-play game become such a cultural and economic powerhouse? Tom Power helps us understand the game, and even teaches host Jayme Poisson how to play.

Download How Fortnite blew up in 2018
[mp3 file: runs 00:18:19]

The terrible, no good year for Quebec sovereignty

"For 40 years, sovereignty has been in elections by default because either the party in power or the party in opposition was a sovereigntist party ? that is no longer the case," says long-time Quebec journalist Martin Patriquin. While the question of sovereignty remains front of mind for many Quebecers, this year it wasn't an issue in a Quebec election for the first time in decades. Today on Front Burner, Patriquin sheds light on why the province's separatist movement is struggling, but why it will endure.

Download The terrible, no good year for Quebec sovereignty
[mp3 file: runs 00:15:17]

Asylum in Canada explained

"Canada doesn't have a refugee crisis. Canada has a crisis of will in terms of what we want to do," says refugee and immigration lawyer Zool Suleman about the influx of people crossing the American border to seek asylum in Canada. The country's budget watchdog has now confirmed the federal cost of asylum seekers making irregular crossings and warned of a growing refugee claimant case backlog. But what does that really mean? Today on Front Burner, we shed light on a confusing system and an issue that's often clouded by rhetoric.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:00]

B.C. alleged terrorism case called a 'travesty of justice'

"From the justice system's point of view, you also have these bigger questions about how to conduct terrorism investigations, and investigations into these elaborate societal issues where we have fears about the crimes that people might commit." Today on Front Burner, senior reporter for CBC Vancouver, Jason Proctor, explains why a B.C. couple accused of planning a bomb plot had their convictions stayed due to entrapment and abuse of process by the RCMP.

Download B.C. alleged terrorism case called a 'travesty of justice'
[mp3 file: runs 00:21:11]

How and why the "yellow vest" protests spread

Economist correspondent Sophie Pedder says the 'yellow vest' protests in Canadian cities are different in some ways from the movement that inspired them in Paris.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:10]

What does $1.6B in federal cash mean for the oil and gas sector?

"People are frustrated and they're upset and frankly, they're scared," says CBC business correspondent Peter Armstrong about workers in the oil and gas industry following months of record-low oil prices. On Tuesday the Canadian government announced a $1.6 billion support package for the struggling energy sector. Today on Front Burner, Armstrong explains what's at stake for Canada's oil patch and breaks down how far the funds will really go.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:03]

Who decides if you're dead?

"In the vast majority of circumstances, families and care providers in the intensive care unit are on the same page," says Dr. Brian Goldman on Taquisha McKitty's case. The 27-year old woman has been declared brain dead by five doctors, but is breathing with the assistance of a ventilator at the request of her family. Their fight to keep her alive is now before the Ontario Court of Appeal. Dr. Goldman, emergency physician and host of CBC Radio's White Coat Black Art, explains how the case sheds light on the complications of defining death.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:00]

Will Doug Ford's friend become Ontario's top cop?

CBC Queen's Park reporter Mike Crawley says there's been pushback against the recent appointment of Ron Taverner, a friend of Ontario premier Doug Ford, to take over the provincial police force. Many worry Taverner's appointment could hurt the OPP's independence from political influence.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:36]

How Thunder Bay police fail Indigenous people

"When the agency that's supposed to protect you is also an agency that you fear, there is really little place for you to find shelter," says Jorge Barrera, a reporter with CBC's Indigenous Unit, in relation to a disturbing new report about the Thunder Bay Police Service. Ontario's police watchdog Gerry McNeilly says "systemic racism" exists at an institutional level inside the police force. And the consequences of this racism are so severe that he's recommending nine cases involving the deaths of Indigenous people be re-opened and re-investigated. Today on Front Burner, we look at how Thunder Bay Police failed Indigenous people.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:26:34]

Will controversial "Border Security" show get a government reboot?

CBC reporter Catharine Tunney says the reality TV show starring Canada's Border Services Agency was controversial. The show included footage of drug busts and interviews at ports of entry. It was not renewed after three seasons, but could come back. Correction: No additional lights were used during airport scenes of Border Security and the program aired for three seasons, not four and the name of the program in the introduction was corrected. This episode has been changed to reflect that.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:17:47]

How the Huawei arrest is playing out in China

"The tone here is that this is an an innocent woman. So why would you treat her like a criminal? And the idea is, if you have handcuffed someone you have presumed their guilt," says Nathan VanderKlippe, the Globe and Mail's Asia correspondent. Tensions between Canada and China are high after the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou and the subsequent detention of former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig. Today on Front Burner, Nathan explains China's side of the diplomatic dispute and breaks down how this story is playing out in Beijing.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:39]

Race, policing and a 'disturbing' pattern

"If a few white people were being killed at the rate that we are being killed...we wouldn't be having this conversation today," says Desmond Cole, in response to an Ontario Human Rights commission report on policing and race in Toronto. The report's findings include that a black person in Toronto is nearly 20 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by police. Cole is a writer and activist who focuses on race and policing.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:17]

Taking the pulse of weed legalization

"This really is the beginning of a cultural shift," says Solomon Israel, cannabis reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press. Nearly two months into cannabis legalization he breaks down the complaints - from low quality to short supplies - and the positives - including the benefits that legal weed provides for medical research.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:52]

Spying, industrial espionage and the arrest of Huawei's CFO

"It's incredibly hard to overstate the significance of this arrest." CBC's economics reporter Peter Armstrong breaks down why Canada's arrest of Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou for extradition to the U.S. is such a big deal.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:43]

Was banning 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' the right call?

"In the context of this song it seems weird to not engage a little bit with the words and the lyrics," says writer Stacy Lee Kong after broadcasters, including the CBC, pull the song 'Baby It's Cold Outside'. The song is being criticized for what some believe to be problematic lyrics, in the wake of the #MeToo movement. But is taking the holiday tune off the radio the right call? Alan Cross, a longtime music journalist also joins the discussion.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:03]

Stopping the flow of Chinese fentanyl into Canada

"If we were doing something killing thousands of Chinese, we would hear from them loud and clear," says former Canadian ambassador to China, David Mulroney. He argues that Canada needs to pressure China to do more to stop the flow of fentanyl, and questions why PM Justin Trudeau didn't apply more diplomatic pressure at the G20 this week.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:11]

The political cost of carbon taxes

As COP24 tries to set rules for how the world deals with environmental issues, we look at why the Canadian government has chosen carbon pricing as a key tool in addressing climate change. CBC reporter Nahlah Ayed gives us an overview of what's happening at COP24, and energy economist and Simon Fraser University professor Mark Jaccard explains why carbon pricing is a costly political move.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:17]

After millions in gambling debts, questions remain for MP

On Nov. 22, Raj Grewal said he would resign from his seat as the Liberal MP for Brampton East for 'personal and medical reasons'. Since then, new information has come to light...including a gambling problem, and a RCMP investigation into Grewal's finances. On Friday, Raj Grewal posted a video that addressed many of these allegations, and how he may not be resigning after all. Toronto Star parliamentary reporter Alex Ballingall explains what we actually know about the case.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:40]

Should we break up Facebook?

This week, lawmakers all over the world sat down to grill Facebook about privacy and fake news. Canada's reps were especially harsh on the tech giant and one MP posed a tough question: Is Facebook just way too big? Breaking up a major American company isn't common. But in the past - banks, telecom companies, and even an oil giant were broken up by the U.S. government. Could that happen with tech giants today? Tim Wu, professor at Columbia Law School and author of The Curse of Bigness, breaks it down.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:47]

After seven months trapped inside an airport, a refugee calls Canada home

Hassan Al Kontar is now safe in Canada. But for seven long months, the Syrian refugee was stuck inside the transit area of Kuala Lumpur Airport, terrified of being deported back to Syria. Today, Hassan shares how he survived being stranded, the psychological toll of two months in detention in Malaysia, and how a group of Canadians changed this life by raising money to bring him to Whistler, B.C., as a privately-sponsored refugee.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:04]

Is Canada ready for Russian election meddling?

There's a lot of evidence to suggest that social media accounts tied to the Kremlin tried to meddle in the 2016 US presidential election, the Brexit vote, the last French election, and several elections across Europe. Turns out, they've been active in Canada too. Journalist Justin Ling tells us how Russian accounts have tried to spread misinformation and propaganda here, and how the Canadian government is responding, with the election one year away.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:10]

GM Oshawa closure casts new light on bailout

On Monday, General Motors announced it is pulling out of Oshawa, Ontario, where it employs more than 2,500 people. This comes years after a major Canadian bailout pulled GM back from the brink. The National's Jonathon Gatehouse breaks down corporate bailouts the Canadian auto sector has received and explains how that fits into Canada's broader relationship with buoying big business.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:31]

What will it take to build Trans Mountain? What will it take to stop it?

Reconsideration hearings for the proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline continue this week in B.C. This is the same pipeline that the federal government bought for $4.5-billion, only to have a Federal Court of Appeal delay construction because the review didn't consider oil tanker traffic, or consult enough with Indigenous groups. UBC professor Kathryn Harrison lays out what it might take to get the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion through, and what it could take to stop it.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:46]

Will Canada act after Jamal Khashoggi's murder?

As the political fallout of journalist Jamal Khashoggi's brutal murder becomes clearer, we look into Canada's response to Saudi Arabia with help from Canadian Press reporter Andy Blatchford.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:12:16]

Explaining Drake and Pusha T's beef

On Tuesday, rapper Pusha T had a concert in Toronto interrupted by a brawl in the audience. Fans threw beer at him and tried to jump on stage. And now, a man is in life-threatening condition after being stabbed. Pusha T and Canadian rapper Drake have been in a public feud since last spring, and Pusha has accused Drake of paying members of the rowdy audience. Author and Drake biographer Dalton Higgins on how this beef developed.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:28]

Why Did Canadian Diplomats Get 'Phantom Concussions' in Cuba?

Nausea, debilitating headaches, loss of balance. Those are just a few of the symptoms that a group of Canadian and American diplomats became ill with last year in Cuba, even though none of them were physically hurt. Now, Canadian diplomats afflicted by the "Havana Syndrome" are calling on the federal government to get to the bottom of the mystery. Globe and Mail columnist Doug Saunders explains.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:59]

Viola Desmond's unfinished work

The $10 Canadian bill honouring civil rights pioneer Viola Desmond goes into circulation this week. The bill is being celebrated by many across the country. But for some, including El Jones, this is also an opportunity to reflect on the racism that remains today in Viola Desmond's home province of Nova Scotia. El Jones is an advocate for black communities in Nova Scotia, and Halifax's former poet-laureate.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:15:58]

McGill 'hazing' survivor reflects on St. Michael's sexual assault allegations

Police are investigating alleged assaults and sexual assaults at St. Michael's College School, including one reportedly involving members of the football team holding down another student and sexually assaulting him with a broom handle. D'Arcy McKeown was the victim of a similar 'hazing' incident at McGill University. He speaks out about his experience.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:21:12]

Brexit is a mess

Theresa May's Brexit plan is one step closer to reality. But members of the British Prime Minister's party are resigning and she could be removed from power. CBC London correspondent Nahlah Ayed explains how we got here and what it means for the future of the United Kingdom and the EU.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:15:12]

Inside the hunt for alleged Mexican drug lord El Chapo

U.S. prosecutors say Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán is a brutal cartel kingpin that ran the largest drug trafficking organization in the world. As his criminal trial begins in Brooklyn, former DEA agent Andrew Hogan explains how El Chapo managed to evade the law for so many years.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:19]

Will the NHL concussion settlement change anything?

In 2013 a group of hockey players launched a lawsuit against the NHL alleging that the league failed to protect players from head injuries or warn them of the risk of playing. A tentative settlement between the NHL and more than 300 players has now been reached. Will this make players safer? And will it help the future of the league? TSN senior correspondent Rick Westhead explains.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:17:09]

Stan Lee's legacy is as complicated as the Marvel Universe

The day after Stan Lee's death, we look at the comic book legend's impact on popular culture. And New York Magazine and Vulture staff writer Abraham Riesman explains why Stan Lee's legacy is just a complicated as the superhero stories he helped create.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:45]

Google, Alphabet and the fight over a controversial 'smart city' in Toronto

CBC technology reporter Matthew Braga explains Sidewalk Toronto's plan to create a futuristic neighbourhood on waterfront property in downtown Toronto and breaks down why some say the high-tech smart city is the solution to our urban woes... while others are concerned about the intentions of the Google-affiliated company.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:25:13]

Bridging the climate change divide

British author and carbon pricing expert, George Marshall, explains the psychology of climate change communication and describes the work he's done in Canada on this front - to bridge the political divides.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:15:02]

MP Tony Clement's sexting and extortion scandal

Longtime MP Tony Clement has resigned as justice critic for the official opposition and is leaving the Conservative caucus after admitting that sharing sexually explicit images and video led to an extortion attempt. Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos delves into how a seasoned politician known for being an early social media adopter ended up at the centre of a sexting scandal.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:13:47]

The U.S. midterm election explained

CBC Washington correspondent Keith Boag walks us through the United States midterm election results and what they mean.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:22:43]

'We were unwanted cargo' How Canada turned away refugees during the Holocaust

Eva Wiener describes her voyage across the Atlantic and how she feels about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's upcoming apology for Canada having turned her ship back. Also, CBC Ottawa Senior Reporter Catherine Cullen describes the politics of the apology.

Download 'We were unwanted cargo' How Canada turned away refugees during the Holocaust
[mp3 file: runs 00:17:10]

Vancouver's complicated relationship with Chinese money

Bloomberg's Vancouver bureau chief Natalie Obiko Pearson helps us navigate the city's complicated relationship with Chinese money. That relationship has ties to the city's housing affordability crisis. Tackling affordability is job number one for Kennedy Stewart, who begins his work as Vancouver's mayor today.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:16:53]

Travelling with the migrant caravan

A caravan of about 4,000 migrants is heading north through Mexico. Their journey has become heavily politicized. CBC's senior correspondent Susan Ormiston describes what she's seen during her travels with the migrants.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:18:41]

Who, in the world, wants to host the Winter Olympics?

Calgary city council nearly killed a bid to host the 2026 Winter Olympics. If a city wide vote cancels the bid, just two possible locations remain, Italy and Sweden. Those campaigns face opposition as well. Toronto Star sports columnist Bruce Arthur explains why.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:15:56]

How a B.C. man's healing journey ended in two murders

Sebastian Woodroffe's life unraveled after multiple trips to Peru to take the drug ayahuasca. What prompted his killing, and that of a Peruvian shaman? Mark Kelley from CBC's The Fifth Estate went to Peru to investigate.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:19:23]

'Alt-right' social network Gab's connection to an anti-Semitic massacre

Just minutes before one of the deadliest attacks on Jews in America's history, the alleged shooter posted a message to Gab, a social media network known for attracting white nationalists and the alt-right. So, what is Gab, and where does it fit in the big picture of online hate? Slate's tech reporter April Glaser explains.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:16:24]

How Canada helped save the White Helmets

After a harrowing escape, more than a hundred Syrian war zone first responders and their families are being resettled in Canada, as refugees. Hear the CBC's Murray Brewster describe their journey and why they could still be in danger.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:20:01]

PREVIEW: Carbon tax or shell game?

How exactly does Canada's new carbon tax work? CBC Parliamentary reporter J.P. Tasker breaks it down.

Download PREVIEW: Carbon tax or shell game?
[mp3 file: runs 00:15:39]


Coming October 29, Front Burner is a daily news podcast from CBC that explores the big stories of the day with curiosity and an open mind. Hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Jayme Poisson who takes you deep into the narratives shaping Canada and the world.

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[mp3 file: runs 00:01:11]