The National



Margaret Atwood on The Testaments, politics and turning 80

Author Margaret Atwood talks to Adrienne Arsenault about the catalysts for The Testaments, the loss of her husband, a top-secret project and turning 80.

Indigenous Peoples’ building a stepping stone to reconciliation

100 Wellington St. will serve as the first dedicated space for Indigenous Peoples within the Parliament Hill district. It’s part of reconciliation efforts and has been met with support from some Indigenous leaders. But for the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation, whose traditional land the building sits on, it remains a contentious subject.

How hate speech is being fought online

The quest to root out hate speech online has led tech companies to develop formulas to locate it and stop it from spreading. CBC's Thomas Daigle looks at how the technology works and the challenges companies face.

The National for November 18, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Are streaming services really saving people money?

With the launch of new streaming services, the cost of being subscribed to them all rivalling the cost of top-tier cable packages. Cutting the cord was supposed to save consumers money — so is it?

Prince Andrew’s PR blunder grows as backlash intensifies

Newspapers in the U.K. and across the world — today blasted Prince Andrew for what many view as a disastrous interview with the BBC, in which he spoke about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and denied any wrongdoing.

U.S. President Donald Trump considers testifying at impeachment hearings

U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted today that he is considering testifying at his impeachment hearings. But he made a similar statement during the Mueller investigation, and that testimony never happened.

Veteran’s family dismayed by delay of inquiry into his suicide and family’s deaths

Lionel Desmond’s family was disappointed today when the inquiry into his suicide was delayed — on the day it was supposed to begin. Desmond was a veteran who killed his family and himself in rural Nova Scotia in 2017.

Cancer rates among young Canadians on the rise

Cancer rates among young Canadians are rising according to a new study, with one possible explanation being an uptick in people who carry excess weight. Physicians are trying to understand how to catch these cases early.

Hong Kong students injured, barricaded in university as violence escalates

Students at a Hong Kong university have barricaded themselves on campus as violence with government forces grows. Some protesters are surrendering, others are escaping. It’s believed more than 100 people were injured over the last day.

How this SickKids fundraiser is pushing boundaries

A fundraising partnership between SickKids Hospital and Airbnb allowed people to book a stay in a realistic recreation of the SickKids Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

Maestro Fresh Wes on making history with Canadian hip hop

Maestro Fresh Wes made Canadian rap history in 1989 with Let Your Backbone Slide, which will be the first rap song inducted into the Canadian Songwriters’ Hall of Fame. He spoke to Andrew Chang about that song’s legacy and how far Canadian hip hop has come.

TikTok trouble: Why the app is causing concerns

The makers of the TikTok app have faced criticism from U.S. lawmakers over allegations of censorship and improper data-sharing.

Why new research says stent procedures could be unnecessary

Decades of medical wisdom are being called into question after a new study suggests some people with heart disease might be undergoing surgery they don't need.

Trump impeachment hearings: What to expect in Week 2

Prepare for a suspenseful moment on Wednesday. That's the day U.S. President Donald Trump's envoy to the European Union testifies — and everyone will be watching to see whether he confirms what top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine William Taylor said about his call with Trump.

Why Prince Andrew’s damage control attempt backfired

Prince Andrew woke up to a storm of criticism Sunday after he gave a television interview that no one thought he should. 

Hong Kong police storm university, threaten lethal force

Hong Kong police stormed Hong Kong's Polytechnic University on Monday. Police threatened to respond with live bullets if "rioters" use lethal weapons and commit other acts of violence.

The National for November 17, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News
CBC In Michigan

'A microcosm of the country': How impeachment hearings are playing out in parts of swing-state Michigan

In the swing state of Michigan, which helped Obama and Trump win their elections, here's how the fallout from the presidential impeachment hearings is affecting voters.

Trump impeachment inquiry: Witness describes intimidation

Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, told Congress that President Donald Trump ran a smear campaign against her and made her feel threatened. The Canadian-born former ambassador said corrupt foreign powers were manipulating the American government as she spoke on Day 2 of the impeachment hearings.

Roger Stone found guilty of lying to Congress over Russia investigation

Roger Stone, a longtime friend of U.S. President Donald Trump, has been found guilty of lying to Congress and obstructing the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

Why doctors are advising against Benadryl

Allergists are saying that Benadryl, a first-generation antihistamine, isn’t always the safest or most effective treatment for allergies. Our Second Look panel discusses why that’s the case and what the alternatives are.

The National for November 15, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Swing state buzzing about impeachment hearings

As U.S. President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing went public, Ioanna Roumeliotis went to the swing state of Michigan to hear from residents. We also talk to the mayor of a bellwether district that has predicted seven presidents who regrets voting for Trump.

Should Don Cherry be replaced?

Saturday will be the first Hockey Night in Canada since Don Cherry was ousted. Love him or loathe him? We talk to hockey fans about what should happen to Coach’s Corner without the coach.

Hong Kong protests move onto university campuses

Protesters in Hong Kong used Molotov cocktails, bows and arrows, and barricades to shut down university campuses as they continued to rally for democratic reforms.

U.K. candidates receive special training amid campaign threats

Candidates in the U.K. election are being given safety guidelines from police after receiving threats. Candidates have been advised not to campaign after dark, and security has been increased.

How scammers use real phone numbers to mislead Canadians

Through a process known as spoofing, scammers are hijacking phone numbers used by government agencies, including the CRA. Our Thomas Daigle shows how easily it can be done and what telecoms are trying to do about it.