Deep Trouble


Deep Trouble

The summer of 2017 was disastrous for the North Atlantic right whale. At least 14 of the endangered animals died. Deep Trouble takes an in-depth look at the perilous decline of the whales through interviews with the people trying to save them.

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Episode 1: What is happening to the endangered North Atlantic right whale?

In the summer of 2017, a stunning 15 North Atlantic right whales were found dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence or along the U.S. east coast. It has been called an “unusual mortality event.” That’s accurate, but it doesn’t reflect the urgency of what’s going

Download Episode 1: What is happening to the endangered North Atlantic right whale?
[mp3 file: runs 00:07:12]

Episode 2: Meet the scientists and researchers trying to save the right whales

Moira Brown and Philip Hamilton are two of the many scientists and researchers dedicated to learning more about North Atlantic right whales, documenting their lives and trying to save the species.

Download Episode 2: Meet the scientists and researchers trying to save the right whales
[mp3 file: runs 00:12:02]

Episode 3: ‘It’s cracked my heart open’: The death of whale rescuer Joe Howlett

Fisherman Joe Howlett, the co-founder of the Campobello Whale Rescue team, made it his mission to save entangled whales. In July, he was whisked off to another whale entanglement in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It would turn out to be his last rescue.

Download Episode 3: ‘It’s cracked my heart open’: The death of whale rescuer Joe Howlett
[mp3 file: runs 00:18:10]

Episode 4: The investigators: Searching for answers

Whenever a dead North Atlantic right whale washes ashore, scientists are dispatched to the location to immediately begin necropsies. The giant whales are studied from head to tail, as scientists try to understand how they died.

Download Episode 4: The investigators: Searching for answers
[mp3 file: runs 00:14:46]

Episode 5: Trying to save the North Atlantic right whale

After a deadly summer for the endangered North Atlantic right whale, the federal government has been trying to find ways to keep these gentle giants alive. Some steps were taken, such as ending the snow crab season early. What will happen next?

Download Episode 5: Trying to save the North Atlantic right whale
[mp3 file: runs 00:15:48]

Episode 6: Saving the species from extinction

Researchers say the North American right whale is “teetering on the brink of extinction." So what can be done to prevent another deadly year for the right whales and what is being done to understand the more complex problems threatening its existence?

Download Episode 6: Saving the species from extinction
[mp3 file: runs 00:16:14]