The National



The National

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Stolen fire truck swerves toward pedestrians in Winnipeg

A stolen fire truck in Winnipeg was seen swerving toward pedestrians during a frantic police chase.

Winnipeg’s 1919 General Strike becomes movie musical

Winnipeg’s 1919 General Strike, which saw 30,000 people walk off the job, is being turned into a big-screen movie musical called Stand!

Garry Kasparov on Putin, Trump and political strategy

Garry Kasparov, a former chess grandmaster turned Kremlin critic, sat down with Andrew Chang to talk about the political strategies of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and what democracy looks like right now.

The National for November 29, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

China’s growing influence on film industry

China is exerting its growing power and big audiences to influence the film industry in Hollywood and in Canada.

Vancouver moves toward plastic bag ban

The City of Vancouver has passed legislation that would ban plastic bags and other single-use items by 2021.

Halifax police apologize for decades of racial profiling

The Halifax police chief has apologized for decades of racial profiling in the city in the form of “street checks” after a CBC News investigation found black people were six times more likely to be stopped than white people.

How Black Friday shopping habits are changing

Black Friday is no longer only an American shopping holiday. More Canadians now choose Black Friday over Boxing Day to find deals, while many shoppers are finding sales online and smaller retailers are also trying to cash in.

Taking climate action on Black Friday

People drawing attention to climate change with weekly climate strikes were using Black Friday to draw attention to the impact of consumerism on the environment.

How the NHL lags behind in vetting coaches

The NHL doesn’t have a formal vetting process for coaches and after recent allegations, some say it’s time for that to change.

Bystanders tackle attacker in London Bridge stabbing

A group of bystanders tackled a man who stabbed multiple people on London Bridge, killing two and injuring at least three others. Police are calling the attack an act of terrorism.

Shoreline erosion causes cottages to fall into Lake Erie

Residents along the shores of Lake Erie are trying to prevent more cottages from falling into the water because of shoreline erosion.

Quebec, Manitoba premiers spar over 21 Reasons recruitment campaign

Francois Legault was on the defensive this week after a campaign out of Manitoba to recruit civil servants from Quebec. The 21 Reasons campaign outlines benefits of heading west but it’s being seen as an attack on Quebec’s secularist Bill 21.

Scheer stands firm as calls for resignation grow

Andrew Scheer is standing firm that he’s remaining as Conservative Party leader even as more people within the party are calling for him to resign.

3 children among dead in Ontario plane crash

Seven people, including three children, were killed in a plane crash in Kingston, Ont., on Wednesday.

How long can Andrew Scheer last as Conservative leader? | At Issue

Despite mounting criticism this week, Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer says he will stay on and fight. The At Issue panel looks at how he is handling the pressure, how much support he has and how long he can last as leader.

Talking politics over Thanksgiving amid impeachment

The impeachment hearings are over and U.S. Thanksgiving is underway and many voters are still divided, especially in swing states. Paul Hunter went to Virginia to find out how people are handling political conversations over the holiday.

The National for November 28, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Airbnb sued after shooting at rental property

A Toronto man is suing Airbnb, as well as the property owner and party organizer, for negligence after being shot at a mansion party in the city.

MRIs of dense breasts find more cancer, false positives

A new study found that MRI screening can help detect more cancer in women with dense breast tissue, but can also lead to false positive results.

Former player responds to Flames coach’s apology as Bill Peters' future in question

Former NHL player Akim Aliu says the apology from Flames coach Bill Peters to the Calgary team for “offensive language” was “insincere” as the hockey world waits for details on Peters’ future.

Parts of California sinking because of water use

California’s farm country is sinking because water has been pumped out of the ground for more than a century.

Is hockey having a moment of reckoning?

More former NHL players are coming forward with stories of abuse and racism from coaches. Our panel looks at whether hockey is having a moment of reckoning.

The National for November 27, 2019

Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News

Critical breast cancer medication shortage

A shortage of the breast cancer medication tamoxifen has patients scrambling and experts stressing the need for a solution to drug shortages in Canada.

Godfrey Gao dies during filming in China

Taiwanese-Canadian actor and model Godfrey Gao, 35, has died after collapsing during filming a reality TV show in China.

Storms wreak havoc ahead of American Thanksgiving

Winter storms are bringing strong winds and heavy snowfall across the U.S. as millions prepare to travel for American Thanksgiving this weekend.