CBC News opinion

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OPINION | Calgary lags behind on transit-oriented development

OPINION | You people might want to think before you judge Don Cherry

OPINION | Some hard truths (and a dirty little secret) about Canadian energy


A divided Alberta was on display at United Conservative Party's AGM


Bill Peters' departure spells the dawning of a new era in hockey: Hall

OPINION | Jason Kenney's pugilistic approach to governing means finding enemies everywhere


Power play: Hockey players are finally speaking out against the sport's toxic culture


A letter to the West: Let's put aside the climate change thing for a bit and focus on some realities

Opinion | Carbon capture and storage: Hasn't Alberta learned its lesson?


Firing two luckless patsies just makes Scheer look hapless: Neil Macdonald


'Sustainable' is a trendy word in the food industry — but farmers aren't getting enough credit for it

OPINION | It worked for the oilsands: In defence of government picking winners


As a farmer, I think we should stop trying to 'educate' consumers


If hockey is for everyone, those in power need to listen — even if the message is difficult to hear


An Alberta Pension Plan has merit — but not as a source of fresh capital for the energy sector


Selective indignation: Why the Trudeau government needs to reassess its relationships in Latin America

Point of View

There's a wolf in the kitchen: We need to change how Ottawa transfers money


Double standard applied to Andrew Scheer's social conservative views sends wrong message


Indigenous cultural support in Regina Public Schools leaves a lot to be desired

OPINION | Alberta's UCP government is not introducing change, but upheaval


How Alberta's proposed 'fair deal' plan could cut separatism off at the knees