Ho ho ... oh no: Santa snaps reveal the creepy side of Christmas

Getting your picture taken with Santa is a holiday tradition, and it's supposed to be pretty straightforward: tell Old St. Nick what you want for Christmas, say cheese and smile. But judging by these archival photos, it doesn't always work out that way.

Sometimes getting your picture taken with Old St. Nick isn't so jolly

You'll shoot your eye out! This photo was taken at a 1971 Christmas party at Beamish Store's head office in Ottawa. (City of Ottawa Archives)

Getting your picture taken with Santa is a holiday tradition, and it's supposed to be pretty straightforward: tell Old St. Nick what you want for Christmas, say cheese and smile.

But judging by these archival photos, it doesn't always work out that way.

This Santa seems a bit confused.

A befuddled Kris Kringle poses with a couple in 1956. (City of Ottawa Archives)

Elves on break? Send in the clowns!

You're Santa, but who's this clown? (City of Ottawa Archives)
What's worse than one clown at a Christmas party? (City of Ottawa Archives)

This kid is NOT buying it.

You think I was born yesterday? (City of Ottawa Archives)

The mask is ... unsettling.

An Ashbury College Christmas party. Bonus points if you can spot the toy gun in this one. (City of Ottawa Archives)
Masked Santa gets ready to hand out flyers in 1956. (City of Ottawa Archives)

Sometimes beards droop...

That beard's not convincing anyone. (City of Ottawa Archives)

…and sometimes they get candy canes stuck in them.

Mmm, beard hair. Santa sticks with it in 1955. (City of Ottawa Archives)

Serenity now.

Happy scenes from an IBM staff party in December 1954. (City of Ottawa Archives)

The fire department sure loved Santa.

In 1975, Santa wanted Ottawans to have a 'Firesafe Christmas' as well as a holly jolly one. As someone who spends half his time climbing down chimneys, you could say he's got a vested interest. (City of Ottawa Archives)
Reindeer busy with their reindeer games? Ask to borrow a ladder truck from the fire department. That worked for Santa at Lansdowne Park in 1954. (City of Ottawa Archives)
'A man dressed as Santa Claus hanging on a fire pole during a firemen Christmas party in Hull in 1955.' Yup, that sums it up. (City of Ottawa Archives)

He fancied himself quite the ladies' man, too.

'Two unidentified women posing with a man dressed as Santa at the Arnprior Santa Claus Parade' in 1955. (City of Ottawa Archives)
'A man dressed as Santa Claus standing closely to an unknown woman at a shopping centre' in 1955. (City of Ottawa Archives)

He's certainly been around a while. This one's from 1876!

'This image depicts Mr. D. Hill dressed as Santa Claus for a costumed ball hosted by Lord and Lady Dufferin, 23 February 1876.' As governor general, Lord Dufferin added the ballroom and rink to Rideau Hall, along with a toboggan run and curling rink. (William James Topley/Library and Archives Canada)


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