On Wednesday, Aug. 28, the National Energy Board (NEB) became the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). For further information please visit our Implementing the Canadian Energy Regulator Act information page

Damage prevention

NEB Regulations for Pipeline Damage Prevention

Pipelines move energy all over Canada. Most are buried underground so you almost never see them. This means they can be at risk for accidental damage due to digging or construction.

A big part of our work is teaching how to prevent damage in the first place. In fact, we are the federal champion for the Canadian Common Ground Alliance. We get out of the office and share safety information with people that need to hear it most – people that live and work near pipelines.

The companies we oversee must follow strict regulations and safety standards. Companies are also responsible for making sure people know how to work safely near their pipelines. We hold them accountable for how well they do this.

As a property owner, a city employee, or a contractor planning a project, you have a role to play too. You have to call or click before you dig. You will quickly and easily get information on buried pipelines, electrical lines and other hidden infrastructure you should avoid. This will help your project move ahead safety.


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