CBC News opinion

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Why international tests don't show the full picture of Manitoba student achievement

OPINION | Kenney can throw a punch but Moody's report shows he can't take one


The House is back, and it's time for members of Parliament to grow up


How vaping is undermining Canada's battle against cigarettes

OPINION | Calgary lags behind on transit-oriented development

OPINION | You people might want to think before you judge Don Cherry

OPINION | Some hard truths (and a dirty little secret) about Canadian energy


A divided Alberta was on display at United Conservative Party's AGM


Bill Peters' departure spells the dawning of a new era in hockey: Hall

OPINION | Jason Kenney's pugilistic approach to governing means finding enemies everywhere


Power play: Hockey players are finally speaking out against the sport's toxic culture


A letter to the West: Let's put aside the climate change thing for a bit and focus on some realities

Opinion | Carbon capture and storage: Hasn't Alberta learned its lesson?


Firing two luckless patsies just makes Scheer look hapless: Neil Macdonald


'Sustainable' is a trendy word in the food industry — but farmers aren't getting enough credit for it

OPINION | It worked for the oilsands: In defence of government picking winners


As a farmer, I think we should stop trying to 'educate' consumers


If hockey is for everyone, those in power need to listen — even if the message is difficult to hear


An Alberta Pension Plan has merit — but not as a source of fresh capital for the energy sector


Selective indignation: Why the Trudeau government needs to reassess its relationships in Latin America

Point of View

There's a wolf in the kitchen: We need to change how Ottawa transfers money