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U.K. Conservatives poised to win majority government: exit poll

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party will win a decisive majority, giving him the numbers in Parliament he needs to deliver Brexit on Jan. 31, an exit poll indicated on Thursday.

Jody Wilson-Raybould is refusing to move out of her entire ministerial office suite

Jody Wilson-Raybould is refusing to vacate the entire suite of Parliament Hill offices she was assigned as a cabinet minister, despite the fact that she is now an Independent MP and is no longer entitled to such perks.

U.S. House panel nears vote on impeachment articles against Trump

U.S. lawmakers moved closer on Thursday to impeaching Republican President Donald Trump, as members of a House of Representatives committee debated formal charges that are likely to be sent to the full House for a final vote next week.

Bystander who tackled London Bridge attacker says he was 'prepared to die'

One of the bystanders who tackled a knife-wielding attacker on London Bridge in November said he was ''prepared to die'' to stop the man who killed two people and injured several others.

Quebec's top court won't suspend province's religious symbols ban, but judges say rights being violated

Quebec's top court has refused to suspend the province's controversial ban on religious symbols, even while acknowledging it causes "irreparable harm" to those affected.

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