
Your horoscope for the week ahead: Love, romance, money and a Full Moon in Gemini

This emotional week calls for positive thoughts and actions.

This emotional week calls for positive thoughts and actions.

The Sun in Sagittarius is lighting up life with bright colours, merriment and snowy wintry weather. The celebratory mood will be further boosted as Mercury leaves intense Scorpio on Monday, December 9, and enters the expansive energy of Sagittarius. Mercury's sojourn in Scorpio lasted nine long weeks due to his retrograde pause in November. His visit in Sagittarius will last about the normal three weeks. 

The enthusiastic Sagittarius shift will come just in time to liven up the Wednesday's Full Moon in Gemini. A square from spiritual Neptune to the Full Moon will bring spiritual insights and unconscious emotional issues that need to come into the light of day. Pay attention to your nighttime dreams. Keep a pad and pencil handy. 

A Venus conjunct Pluto on Friday will draw your attention to money matters and relationship issues. A conjunct is good, so you can expect to get some perspicacious insights. 

There are couple of lovely trines this week too. Trines bring the greatest possible harmony between planetary energies at 120 degrees. A Mars trine Neptune on Friday will enhance love and romance. And then a Jupiter trine Uranus on Sunday will release a feeling of liberation and freedom. Hold on to your dreams. There's a chance here to make great strides toward the fruition of a long-held dream. 

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, December 9, 2019.


You've recently been taken aback by a set of development that you were not prepared for. Dwelling on matters that elicit irritation may be justified but won't do you much good. Instead, direct your thoughts toward a source of inspiration rather than a gloomy indulgence. A situation that's charged with tension will lose its power to harass your wellbeing. The Gemini Full Moon will lead you out of a dark cave and into a sunlit world. You can now recover from the experience and recognize the benefits it has brought. You may even exit the week a little richer than when it began. 


There's a way of diffusing a certain problem. You're understandably inclined to embrace the most dramatic interpretation of this issue, but it would be far better to tone it down and make it ordinary and thus less troublesome. The Gemini Full Moon will help you put everything in the right balance. You'll find yourself getting involved in an interest group or in some creative pursuit. New friends and contacts are lining up to meet you. By joining forces with other like-minded people, you will gain access to whatever goal you have set your heart on. Get ready for a week that is chock full of unexpected, exciting developments. 


A certain corner of your world that has been plagued by problems that will change for the better. Dazzling opportunities are lining up to greet you. You haven't had a lot of time to socialize and make contacts, but as you find yourself getting ahead in your work this week, you'll have more time to get out of your chair and out into the real world. The Full Moon in Gemini will introduce you to new friendships and groups that will feed and inspire your self-confidence. You'll get encouragement this week from people who value and appreciate the special contribution that only you can make. So, hold on to your goals. A long-held dream will soon come true. 


Whatever is wrong now will be put right. This week's circumstances call for tact and sensitivity. Your quest for a recovery from a harsh turn of events will be achieved. We're all vulnerable to emotional ups and downs, but this Gemini Full Moon will get you waking up in the morning feeling wonderful. You've had plenty on your plate lately. It's time now for a break and a breather. Time to remember how life feels when it's good. A great load will soon be lifted from your shoulders and a rare sense of contentment will blossom in your heart. There's no turning back from where you're going. An exciting chapter in your life is being written.


Once the cause of a certain problem has been established, you'll know exactly how to fix it. An enlightening insight will liberate your soul and make you proud of your recalcitrant nature. The Gemini Full Moon will bring a much-needed boost to your confidence. You'll see with great clarity why a certain area of your life has been going wrong and how to fix it. An epiphany will release some deeply buried unconscious negative feelings. This will liberate your soul and fill you with a euphoric feeling. You'll find yourself waking up every morning with a smile on your face. 


Expressing a difference of opinion is easier for some than others. It shouldn't be hard for you, if we take into account your communication skills and your mastery of so many subjects. What holds you back is your reluctance to rock the boat. The Full Moon in Gemini will compel you to speak your mind and say what you really think about a sensitive issue. You really shouldn't question your own judgment or your diplomatic skills. After all, your forte is your gentle and understanding mode of communication. You've worked hard to gain the trust, admiration and respect of so many people. 


The weather is so often the only topic that can be shared with certain people with any depth or relevance. It's been hard of late to focus on what really matters, but that is about to change. You're used to having your own dreams superseded by other people's hopes and dreams. The Gemini Full Moon will help you focus on what really matters to you. It's time to give yourself special treatment. You've been looking inward for quite a while, but the time has come now to express your energy outward into the world. Slowly but steadily, you're making progress in the right direction. What matters most now is that you trust your vision and follow it. 


Sometimes, it's hard to know if a new idea is a stroke of genius or a dumb notion until you put it into action. Just beware that negative thoughts don't insidiously undermine your ability to achieve success. A certain idea has room for improvement but fretting and working yourself into a state over it will only make it worse. The Full Moon in Gemini indicates that you're on the threshold of a great achievement if you keep your thoughts bright and optimistic. Try to worry less and be sure to count your blessings of which there are many. You'll find that the results you seek will seek you out. 


This is one of those rare times when the Universe is more than willing to offer a helping hand. You need to make friends with someone or some people who can open a door for you. It will happen quite naturally with little conscious effort on your part. The cosmos is offering you a chance rid yourself of a daunting obstacle. The Gemini Full Moon is pointing you toward a dazzling opportunity that holds forth much promise. The results could be fantastic and increase your chances of getting to where you've always dreamed of being. Doors will fling open for you.  


To bring about the change you desire, you'll need get some people on board. You may not have the support in place just yet, but you'll get it. It's clear that there's a limit to what you can accomplish single-handedly. There are problems and inconsistencies to be ironed out, but rather than working against you, they'll steer you toward success. The Gemini Full Moon will lift your spirits and put you in a collaborative mood. Keep going after what you want, because this is a very meaningful time in your life. A delicious new world is opening up before you. You'll see everything in a new and enthusiastic light.  


Creative and inquisitive people have to question the rules of life from time to time. Sometimes they make mistakes, but they always know how to fix things and get things back on track. Don't let your composure get ruffled by people who think they know better than you. It's understandable to get annoyed, just don't let it dominate your mood. The Full Moon in Gemini will inform you well and give you the courage to explore different approaches and solutions. You might risk alienating those with a vested interest in maintaining tradition, but you owe to yourself to experiment. You're sure to find possibilities that work. 


Some overdue action needs to be taken. To find what that is, you'll need to get away from the grindstone and look at the world around you for signs of what to do. The Universe is speaking to you all the time with coincidences, synchronicities and symbolic messages. So, much of this enters your psyche at an unconscious level before it bubbles up into your conscious mind. Illuminating insights will slip into your awareness. The Gemini Full Moon will show you how lucky you are. You'll find yourself being less critical of certain people and scenarios. It seems you should stick with what you've got. In the long run, it will do you far more favours.