Designated Officers Regulations

Title or working title of the Regulatory Initiative:
Designated Officers Regulations

Enabling Act:
Proposed Canadian Energy Regulator Act

Description of key objective(s):
On February 8 2018, Bill C-69 was tabled in Parliament. If passed, Bill C-69 will, among other things, replace the National Energy Board Act (NEB Act) with the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CER Act).  To ensure the efficient functioning of the CER Act, should it become law, anticipatory regulations are being developed.  In the meantime, the National Energy Board (NEB) continues to implement relevant existing legislation (e.g. the NEB Act), and related regulations remain in force. 

The proposed CER Act would create the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) and a Commission with the powers, duties and functions required for providing regulatory oversight of federally regulated energy infrastructure and transmission.  The CER Act provides for regulations that allow administrative and technical decisions to be made by designated officers. 

The regulations for designated officers would allow officers, designated by the CER’s Chief Executive Officer, to perform certain powers, duties, and functions of the Commission that are technical or administrative in nature and will set out the circumstances and processes for doing so.

Indication of business impacts:
There are no expected business impacts.

Public consultation opportunities:
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the NEB released a Discussion Paper on the regulatory proposal on October 15, 2018, and an opportunity to provide input and comments was provided until November 28, 2018. The comments received are available online.

There will be further opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations. Information on this future consultation opportunity will be appear on NRCan’s Public Consultation Opportunities webpage.

Departmental contact:

Natural Resources Canada
Karen Wiesner, Senior Policy Analyst, National Energy Board Modernization Secretariat, Energy Sector
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4
Telephone: 613-697-0702

National Energy Board
Carly Milne, Regulatory Development Specialist
National Energy Board
Suite 210, 517 Tenth Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8
Telephone: 403-617-1738