Eight OMG Moments from The Nature of Things
From an epic lynx hunt in the Yukon to escaping the Fort McMurray fire: Some of the most amazing moments on The Nature of Things
Dinosaur Cold Case
The accidental discovery in Alberta of one of the best-preserved dinosaurs ever opens a prehistoric cold case to uncover the secrets of its mysterious death.
Friday, January 10 at 9 PM
Sea ice is an endangered ‘species,’ declining rapidly in Canada’s North
Underwater explorer Jill Heinerth witnesses rapid melting due to climate change
Tackling the cold: Secrets from the animal world
Strategies animals use to outlast the deep freeze every winter.

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The Nature of Things: Food for Thought

When it comes to diet, we swallow a lot of advice. Food for Thought sorts through the latest science to create a new recipe for health. Watch Full Episode

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In the Arctic, life thrives on the ice and under it. But for how long? Extreme diver Jill Heinerth investigates Watch Full Episode

Behind the Lens Blog

Eight OMG Moments from The Nature of Things

Eight OMG Moments from The Nature of Things

From an epic lynx hunt in the Yukon to escaping the Fort McMurray fire: Some of the most amazing moments on The Nature of Things

Paleontologist scales the Rocky Mountains to uncover Earth’s very first animals

Paleontologist scales the Rocky Mountains to uncover Earth’s very first animals

These half-billion-year-old marine fossils are the building blocks of animal life

Uncovering Mother Nature’s crazy experimental phase over half a billion years ago

Uncovering Mother Nature’s crazy experimental phase over half a billion years ago

I travelled to the Rockies to help discover the history of animal life

Victoria photographer spends years documenting the life of a lone wolf off Vancouver Island

Victoria photographer spends years documenting the life of a lone wolf off Vancouver Island

“I've just fallen in love with who he is, what his qualities are and how he lives his life out there.”

When to Watch

CBC Television
Fridays 9 p.m.
Saturdays 3 p.m.
Sundays 1 p.m.
CBC News Network
Fridays 10 p.m. ET/PT
Saturdays 7 p.m. ET
Sundays at 4 a.m. ET
Sundays at 6 p.m. ET

The Wild Canadian Year

Wild Canadian Year

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