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Plane carrying 167 passengers and 9 crew crashed just minutes after takeoff in Tehran, killing all onboard


Iran's supreme leader says missile strike a 'slap on the face' for U.S.

Iranian forces fired missiles at military bases housing U.S. troops in Iraq on Wednesday in retaliation for the U.S. killing of an Iranian general, raising the stakes in its conflict with Washington amid concern of a wider war in the Middle East.

How the U.S. got to the brink of war with Iran

U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal sparked a sort of tit-for-tat over about 18 months, culminating in the killing of Qassem Soleimani.

Northern Iraq airbase targeted by Iran has been key in Canadian fight against ISIS

There was a time when the sounds of war were a daily occurrence at the sprawling airbase in Erbil, in northern Iraq. That was in the fall of 2014, when Canadian special forces troops arrived to help Kurdish fighters to repulse what seemed, at the time, to be the unstoppable onslaught of Islamic State extremists. The sounds of battle returned in the early hours Wednesday with an Iranian ballistic missile attack — one of two in Iraq.

#MeToo 'is bigger than one man': How the Harvey Weinstein trial impacts the movement

The trial of Harvey Weinstein is seen as a significant milestone since the #MeToo movement was launched two years ago. Whether he's ultimately found guilty or acquitted, many activists say the movement is much bigger than this one particular case.

Hidden shoes, unlikely friendships and 'stressed out' customers: Inside the zany final days at Zellers

Customers are waiting in line for hours, striking up unlikely friendships and developing some creative shopping strategies as Canada's two remaining Zellers stores enter their final weeks.

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