The Honourable Claire L'Heureux-Dubé

Madam Justice L'Heureux-Dubé, B.A., LL.L. Born in Quebec City in 1927. Educated at Monastère des Ursulines, Rimouski, Collège Notre-Dame de Bellevue, Québec, University Laval Law Faculty, LL.L. (cum laude), 1951. Called to the Quebec Bar, 1952. Hon. LL.D., Dalhousie University, 1981; University of Montréal, 1983; Laval University, 1984; University of Ottawa, 1988; Université du Québec à Rimouski, 1989; University of Toronto, 1994; Queen's University, 1995; Gonzaga University, 1996; Windsor University, 2000; York University, 2001; Concordia University, 2001; Law Society of Upper Canada, 2002. Married to Dr. Arthur Dubé, D. Sc. (deceased 1978). Two children: Louise, lawyer, and Pierre, deceased. Law practice Bard, L'Heureux & Philippon in 1969, L'Heureux, Philippon, Garneau, Tourigny, St-Arnaud & Associates, 1952-1973. Q.C., Sept. 1969. Lecturer in Family Law, Cours de formation professionnelle du Barreau du Québec, 1970-1973. Royal Commission of Inquiries into certain matters relating to the Department of Manpower and Immigration, 1973-1976. Counsellor of the Quebec Bar, 1968-1970. Delegate at the General Council of the Quebec Bar, 1968-1970. Member of the Conseil consultatif de l'administration de la justice de la Province de Québec, 1967-1973. Vice-president of the Canadian Consumers Council, 1970-1973. President of Family Law Committee and Family Court Committee of the Quebec Civil Code Revision Office, 1972-1976. Vice-president of The Vanier Institute of the Family, 1972-1973. Member of the Canadian Bar Association. Member of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice. President of the International Commission of Jurists (Canadian Section), 1981-1983; Vice-President (Innatl. Bd I.C.J.), 1992-1998. Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society on Family Law, 1977, and Vice-president, 1982-1988. Member of the National Council of the Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1980-1984. Member of Quebec Association of comparative law (President 1984-90). Chairman Editorial Board, The Canadian Bar Review, 1985. Associate member of International Academia of comparative law, 1992. Medal of the Alumni, University Laval, 1986. Medals from Quebec Bar, 1987, Montreal Bar, 1994, Bar of Quebec, 1995. Medal International Year of the Family (Quebec), 1994. Member of several associations and author of numerous articles. Appointed to the Superior Court of Quebec, February 1973, Quebec Court of Appeal, October 1979 and Supreme Court of Canada, April 15, 1987. Honorary Lt. Colonel Helicopter Squadron 430, 1994 (retired: 1996). Honorary Member of the American College of Trial Lawyers, 1995. Member of the American Law Institute, 1995. Recipient of "The Canadian Award" from Canadian Hadassah-WIZO, 1996. Recipient of "Prix de la Justice 1997" from the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice. Recipient of Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Award from the American Bar Association Commission on Women in the Profession, 1998-2002. Recipient of "The Yves Pélicier Award" presented by the International Academy of Law and Mental Health, 2002. Appointed Companion of the Order of Canada on May 8, 2003. President, International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, 1998. Justice L'Heureux-Dubé retired on July 1, 2002.